Poisons, Potentialized - Table Technician #3

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poisons have always felt a little lackluster to me in D&D each one of them has an Associated type and once the activation condition is met the victim needs to make a save or suffer the effects of the poison and then the train ins they're a bit too simple to be any real fun granted most of the poisons of other side effects that keep them fresh but it still doesn't really feel like enough to keep me coming back and I know a lot of people share that sentiment welcome back to table technician you all in this episode I'm gonna go over a couple new mechanics that will hopefully liven up poisons for all of you first up I like the concept of poisons that take effect in multiple stages should the victim fail to save maybe nothing apparent happens at first but an hour later they begin to notice strange bumps or colorations on their body three hours after that the poison begins to take effect for realsies tacking on the poison of condition finally two hours later they begin to suffer the additional effects the poison had an example poison I put together is creeping harvest and jested through the mouth the poison force is a DC 16 con save or it takes hold in the first hour the victim begets to itch feverishly all over in the second hour they take one day a poison damage on the top of each hour repeating the save each time if not dealt with by the fourth hour their speed is slowed to half as the lethargy takes over as well as a constant sweat a little haphazardly constructed but hopefully enough to get the point across though it may seem a bit strange to create delayed Boyson such as this the uses begin to reveal themselves so it's a bit de creativity or maybe the delay is an intentional maybe it's a byproduct of poor potion earing checks this ties in with the next mechanic suggestion new crafting crafting poisons and D&D as it stands right now simply consists of spending some time and a check to produce the desired poison or harvest the proper ingredient it's alright but very obviously is meant for diems to toy around with to make interesting so I'm gonna save you all some head scratching and present a new crafting system here's a flowchart for crafting poisons as you can see the first step is securing a base most of the time this can be purified water but other potions may call for a base of monster saliva or ground fairy bones the base dictates its delivery method but could also dictate its detectability the second step is securing its poisoning agent this ingredient determines the safety C of the poison higher quality rarer ingredient equals a higher DC a more common agent equals a lower DC of course the DC also may change the overall brewing check but that's up to the DM some agents maybe monster ingredients but others could simply be plants such as flowers or creeping vines up to you the third step is securing the bolstering agent this ingredient produces the secondary effect of the poisons such as blindness lesson 2 regenerative abilities weaker magic abilities or vulnerability to certain damage sources personally I like the idea that a check needs to be made to see just what type of effect takes place thanks to the ingredient for example say a novice poison maker uses troll shingle as their bolstering agent shrill shingle is a poisonous flower that grows in the colder regions of the continent it's suppose that effect makes the creature that consumes it vulnerable to fire damage but that's only its mid-range effect as you can see from this table it has three possible effects depending on the check made in relation to it this check can be the check to harvest it mix it in or just the overall crafting check again up to you it's low range effect granted from a check of tin or lower is to make the victim vulnerable to fire damage for one round no more no less its mid-range effect is as stated from a check of 11 to 19 the poison makes the victim vulnerable to fire damage for 1 to 4 minutes or until they're cured it's high range effect granted from a 20 or higher makes the victims vulnerable for up to 2 to 6 minutes it also deals an immediate to d8 fire damage at the time of contact mixing it all together can be done in multiple ways but my two go twos would be as follows you can have a player make a check for each ingredient scaling the potions power and even its market value depending on the checks conversely you could have the player make a blanket check applying the same roll to all ingredient tables where it may apply all up to you next consider how certain ingredients behave with one another something I think we all enjoy from games is when two items combine and create a hitherto unknown effect if you ever create a list of new ingredients or moline over pre-existing ones think about different effects some could have when put together maybe two ingredients bolster each other to create a potion stronger than previously intended maybe if the poisons damage is enough to kill the target the corpse magically freezes over dealing cold damage to anyone around if the players don't make the research rules or don't ask at all bestowing these wildcard effects can be a fun way to put a spin an exciting twist on the brewing experience in the end it's all up to you all of this is that's the whole point of this series you can either take it as it is or play around with the ideas in these videos until you think they're perfect that being said I hope you this video and found some of the material inspirational at the very least now I know a lot of people's gripes are less with the mechanics of poisons and more with the underwhelming effects which is why I'm going to put together a list of new ingredients to go along with the new crafting mechanic it'll be up for patrons first but will go public a week after you can be notified of it going public by following my Twitter link and description I'd like to thank my patrons for their pledge and for voting to make this video happen if everything goes smoothly next table technicians should be about combat and how to add new levels to it outside of just hitting each other with sticks I'll see you all next time bye [Music]
Channel: Kanekuo
Views: 96,565
Rating: 4.9888954 out of 5
Keywords: dnd, 5e, 5th edition, guide, poisons, homebrew, furry, dungeons and dragons, tabletop games, pen and paper
Id: IGhrgW1WCLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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