Podman vs. Docker [RHEL 8 / OCP 4 Key Features]

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hi this is a video to introduce podman primarily and talk a little bit about its complementary open source project builder so as you may be aware cryo effectively replaces docker's runtime engine in openshift4 but since we still have to actually be able to build containers using build a plus podman can give us containers without any type of a heavyweight docker demon being involved anymore so build his role is to let us basically have a kubernetes cluster without a docker demon either for runtime or builds and podman gives us all of the same docker commands that uh we're used to running without having to depend on its demon uh running you know anywhere on a laptop or in the kubernetes cluster itself for instance if we have to troubleshoot things like that uh how effective is podman at replacing docker well the maintainers uh recommend that you do an alias of the docker command to actually just point at podman and so we'll be taking a look here uh in just a live demo very simple example here just to work with podman in the first place in this video on a local system and then in a future video we'll actually be looking at what that uh does for us in an open shift context so for this video though um the installation of podman is relatively straightforward if you're on a roll based system or mac os something like that just use your favorite package manager and off you go here we'll actually start we'll take the maintainer's recommendation in this video and we'll actually do the alias of docker and potman we actually don't run um docker on the system at all we are simply running podman and so from here we're going to take a super primitive git repo and we're going to clone to that we're actually going to give it a more specific name than the one that we're starting with and we'll cd into that directory now and so our we're running our first quote unquote docker command which is actually a podman command behind it right so which docker it shows us once again that it's an alias for us and now we're running the docker build command that you're probably very familiar with i'll actually take just a quick look at the docker file itself just to show you uh what that looks like about as basic as it gets for something like node and so once again we'll actually run the uh sorry i didn't actually run the command so it didn't didn't give it to me because it's part of my history so we'll go ahead and start this uh docker build and we'll pause the video now and we'll come back when it's finished and we'll actually step through the steps and we're back so we've gone ahead and built uh this image and so we can see that it looks like everything worked out okay there as far as especially the npm install which is what uh took most of the time for us in this example and so now we can actually run uh docker images once again all these commands basically should work for us and from here we'll go ahead and launch this system next and we're actually creating uh just a variable here so that we can keep accessing the system pretty generically we're trying to be as generic as possible we'll include the basic code that we run in some of the video details to follow in a blog post but basically from here we're actually doing another uh docker command this time to run the the system and actually build a container from that image so that worked pretty fast and so from here we should also be able to look at the docker logs and see a console message that's been produced by the the node.js code actually to tell us where we could find that system so in this case it's a once again very basic um and so now we'll go ahead and enter this container from just a bash perspective and we can just see the files that are on the file system just to give ourselves a little bit of a sanity check on that and then from here what we can do is actually also take a look at the container that's running itself so that's nice and then uh since we are as we've talked about in the past you know trust but verify business we'll go ahead and curl that system on the port that this was set up on again the port was set up here and we do see that it's sending us the index.html page for this example so that uh basically wraps up video one and we'll be uh talking through some more specifics about podman itself and about more of an open shift type example in a couple of upcoming videos so hope to see you there
Channel: Level Up Technology
Views: 794
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Id: TMZzbt7SV3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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