Let's go guys, answer some more questions for you, so I bought my Live po4 batteries, they arrived, I don't have an individual charger to charge 3.60 Up to 3.65 V per cell until the current drops to zero and I want to put my Live po4 battery pack to work, what should I do? To do this, I want to use a switching power supply, then at the bank voltage, if it's a 4S 12 V bank, I want to put a 12 V supply, if it's an 8S 24 V pack, I want to put a 24 V supply to charge this cell . I need to do it If I can't charge it individually, let's clarify here everything you need to do all the precautions and how it should be done, let's go for this specific case. The ideal would be for you to have a small power supply, like we already taught, a switched power supply connected to a controller like this one here, this little Control here that we connect to the source takes the 24 v output from the source and it goes up to 60, connects it to that controller Zinho adjusts it to the voltage of 3.65 and sets it to charge each cell individually and the maximum current that This controller sends 12 aamps to the battery so the source has to be more than 12. Generally I recommend a source of at least 20 Amps to connect to that controller. It controls the voltage 3.65 and controls the current up to 12 Amps. It could be more but It's its limit and when it's zero, the battery is ready, it goes to another one, you did this with everything, you did the top balance on top and then you were going to assemble your batteries with the best performance, but you don't have this controller here, you're receiving there good batteries like these from KB this one just arrived today I just tore it up here I'm going to open it with you I had two KB 88 arrived another two KB 88 closed this 88 Amp pack which is 4S will give 4S 95 Amp which it is 88 Amp but delivers between 94 and 95 as we have already tested here on the channel and I will use this bms here Smart from 100 to 4S 100 Smart programmable smart I will put together this pack here then let's say I don't have this controller So what does what I just explained do, but I want to use a switching power supply to charge my pack, what do I need to do first, we will define some parameters here, the cells, the PC, how many amps will be 12.8 V nominal for this 88 cell arrives at about 95 A , so 95 Amp, the nominal capacity of this bank of Life po4 cells here, let me even take these out of the box here, take out this pile of boxes, see how Kingbo orders Kingbo, this seller who sends our cells individually, we buy the combo four eight cells and she sends each box individually, each one with its tracking code. I was not taxed on any 88 Amp cell out of the 24, now almost 26 cells that I bought, the majority were 105. There were only four of these 88s, none of them were taxed, including the ones that arrived on this date, October 6th, they arrived today and they were not taxed and they send the weight individually, it is compact here and how do they send it, they send it more or less with 5 Amp current in here charged with 95 it comes more or less with CCO if you put it on the charger it will top up another 90 and this way they send it with 5 Amp we already have a standard if I buy four cells from King it comes all four more or less with 5 Amps of charge 3.2 V for 5 amps to be able to transport it safely without charge So, if something were to happen, a little pack like this, I already mentioned the cell that they send individually, which goes through the system until October 15th. of the Lottery you buy may or may not be taxed, the majority of mine are not taxed if they are taxed, the average that is coming out at R$0 per cell is the average that is COB and after the 15th you already know it will be its value which is more or less R 350 R 360 plus 92% it will almost double it will reach there it is more than 700 this cell so take advantage before the 15th but come on, put together this pack what am I going to do let's say you bought all four from Kimbo instead of 5 Amp each one you will assemble your bms Smart will assemble it as we taught on the channel there is a complete little video assembled your bms you will get your little switched power supply of How Many Volts What is the current this one 4S 12.8 V you will get a source like this of maximum 30 to 12 V 30 Amp and adjust it so that voltage you will multiply the 3.6 V voltage by 4 you can put 3.65 then some Sources do not reach a very high voltage so if you can adjust it to 14.4 V it stays at 3.6 V per cell You will still be able to charge practically 100% your pack you will adjust it to 14.4 v 12 V 30 Amp source and after connected to the bms assembled everything correctly as we taught you will do the charging through the bms of your bank l po4 the ideal charge for a cell is average 33 35% of its capacity, the manufacturer recommends a maximum of 50%, if in a 95 cell or so, 46 47 aamps of maximum recharge current does not mean that you have to use the maximum, the ideal would be around 33% more or less 30 and a few amps because it is a gentle recharge which guarantees that your cell will work more smoothly the discharge at 1 C can use a total current of 88 to 95 a and the charge, ideally it would be Smooth, do not use the medium C but the 33 A then use a source that is more or less 33% of the capacity of Your bank if it is 100 to 33 A if it is 90 something 30 a did this you are carrying it safely Your Live po4 bank is Yes I don't have Abms Smart I I can put them in series and put the source there at the 14.4 power can the batteries be your money it's yours if you don't have love your money who's the problem Yeah but what can happen V Not before saying if it can charge without the bms let's say oh no I didn't buy the bms which was expensive I bought an active Balan to be able to use it in my system what will happen with this balancer the ideal is for it to work in parallel with the bms thus complementing the equalization of each cell doesn't work just because I'm going to tell you now you set it up here in series you put your balancer active the most it will do is try to equalize the voltage in the cell but see 5 Amp per cell here these ones have 5 Amp when I put them here I'm going to play 30, no cell is the same as another, one will always try to charge first than the other and in this case here it will always be trying to transfer from the cell that has the highest voltage to the cell that has the lowest voltage, the only way it can reach and what usually happens is that without the bms to protect it by cutting off the current when something goes wrong it can be and will usually happen some cells during charging with high current with 33 Amp some will reach 3.65 or 3.66 or 3.67 first than the others so when it do this when you subject a Life po4 cell to a voltage greater than 3.65 you are taking away the health of your battery you are reducing its lifespan it cannot withstand voltage greater than 3.65 V you will subject it there was nothing there was nothing in your eye here you can see it, but internally it has started a chemical process that will take away a good part of the life of your battery, so the active balancer will try to correct this difference in voltage, but it is not instantaneous, it will take a while when this cell becomes for a long time with the voltage higher than the others it will cause internal damage to it, whereas with the bms it is different to the bms Smart, the current will enter through one of the terminals, generally there is the op minus it enters through the P minus it will enter through one of the terminals As I said, generally here, generally not the input one is op minus ob minus here goes to the battery op minus goes to the charge controller which in this case here goes to the negative of the source and it will monitor this charge when a cell reaches 3.66 the abms oops gave a little cut here in its voltage, it now goes into protection. Let this cell have a voltage higher than 3.65, it always stays here working to protect and if necessary, it cuts the cell's current, it doesn't leave it until it stabilizes. This is the role of the bms is protection, in addition to equalization, it protects so that this voltage does not reach more than 3.65 V in any cell, while the balancer does not, it will work to send the current, but if it reaches it, it will try to equalize it over time. Will he be able to take this pension that is bigger and move on to another one but he won't protect him, sometimes he can spend an hour with the greater tension damaging it internally, he will work to reduce it, but he won't cut it, he won't interrupt It didn't work for you, cut it resolved, understood, so don't even start Your bank just using The active balancer has to be used in parallel with the BMS and neither do the first assembly there nor the last without anything because with the active balancer it will work to correct the voltage over time, enter the cell, imagine 100, you put them in series, did you? here the source at the bank voltage put it to charge without bms without active balancer which will make one of the cell will have higher voltage And then before using your Blue Gold your warlife po4 which is the gold of the off Grid I haven't even started doing it yet the videos here of various experiences on the system but it's incredible the offgrid is another level it's another level with this type of battery that's why it's so desired that's why it's the dream of everything it's incredible and we can't let up Of these, you've already bought them, which is the most expensive, they're expensive, you bought it, wait, buy your BMS Zinha Smart Mount calmly. Then charge it with the protected source Zinha finished here, and when it's finished charging, the BMS will inform the app that it's 100% charged, your stool is ok. It's ready for use and then you didn't damage the bank. Well, I'm always helping you, so I leave all the Kingo links in the video description as always and the council wants to invest in yours in your battery bank. Don't wait after the 15th . wait, after the shipment as it will be prohibited to buy, if I need two cells to replace in my system and I don't have them here I will buy with a fee or not more expensive I won't buy but I wouldn't stop investing now 350 in each cell and then invest 700 in each one as you want and it will be from the 15th of October I will invest Now I will leave the bms link What is the best tcil you already know I have it from there I have High bms I have aotec the best JK then the aotec And then comes another one, I'll make a specific video But it's a good bms, you can use it, it's at a good price, including at kingbo, also the sources, I'll leave the link there for you of the switched sources with a good current, quality source, the controllers too of individual loading and the tips you already have here in this class in others on the Assembly channel of this bench and these tips were in doubt, ask little by little I will respond as much as possible Soon I will bring you lots of experiences lots of new things here the bench is messy because we're working to set up a simple and 100% safe cheap intelligent automation for you and there's a lot of new stuff here, great show thanks guys