Pocket toolkit - Who needs a Leatherman? #knipex #edc #victorinox

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fed up with the Leatherman hype or can't carry one because of the looking blades well look no further as I explore some of the Alternatives hopefully you've seen my video on the Leatherman rebar so this is it it has some good tools some compromise tools and some poor tools but um still a great multi-tool why am I looking to replace it well the main problem of the Locking blades is got at least these two knife blades one plane one serrated it's also got a looking saw as well and locking blades are not everyday carry in the UK so this is fine for in my car or in my work bag or in my toolbox at home but I can't take it out with me so I'm looking for something to replace it now this is not easy because of all of these tools because it's got a knife it's got pliers and Cutters it's got a saw it's got a good Phillips it's got a can opener it's got a couple of flat heads it's got an all and it's got a file this is going to be quite quite difficult to replace the other thing that's a real problem is not just all of the tools but also the compact nature of this so putting it all away it takes a while because of so many tools putting it all away it folds down into a really compact unit and put in the case it's really small it fits well in the pocket or it goes on your belt the weight is only 219 grams with the case so it's going to be really difficult to come anywhere near replacing this with the tools with the weight with the size so I know I'm not going to do all of that what I can maybe do is to think about some of the tools that are missing so it doesn't have a pry bar not a decent one it doesn't have tweezers uh it doesn't have a flashlight and the tool that I'm most Miss if I was just to carry this or the scissors so let's see what we can do what options there are to replace this you may have seen my other video where I was reviewing the Milwaukee and I put together this rebar replacement kit and again this this is quite good it's very capable it's got quite a few tools it hasn't got the saw but the big problem is this the Fastback has a looking blade so it's not legal everyday carry in the UK so I'm gonna have to take this off the table completely some of the other elements though I think these could do quite well you might have seen the other kit that I reviewed previously and that I took this from so this is the topic ratchet light so I reviewed this recently it's designed as a bike toolkit but it's got a lot more than that particularly this really light ratchet so this ratchet comes in um at less than 50 grams with the extender so that's something I can consider in the kit so these are some of the elements I think I would definitely want the kineep X pliers because in fact they're I think they're better than the Leatherman pliers I I don't cut a lot of wire but sometimes it's useful to use these also these are pretty good they can replace tweezers so we may not need to have that other things to consider um I've also got the Victorinox L shape driver um this was a little bit more expensive I'll put the price up here it didn't come with a full range of bits but I already have that from another set and in fact elsewhere I've bought other bits here's a set of Draper bits that I bought so I bought these so as I lose the bits which I quite often do I can just switch in they're maybe not the best quality but they're not bad and they're a good starting point I think these were somewhere in the region of about seven seven pounds seven dollars that that sort of price so we've got some options there for Kit also if we're considering screwdrivers um really cheap is this Stanley four in one so it's got two flat heads and two Phillips screwdrivers so there could be a place for that in the kit it's a little bit bulky but it's really light so when we're trying to match out the weight that could be something that we consider other things that I'd like to consider as well when we're looking at knives um because we really need the saw now I only have two knives with a saw this is the Victorinox Walker now unfortunately this has been discontinued but it does have a great tool set with a blade the saw and the combined tool as well as having tweezers so that's one option The Walker I'm a bit loath to recommend that though because it's not something that you can replicate unless you've got that already alternatively there's the Huntsman now this is thicker so the big benefit of the Walker is it's a two layer knife whereas the Huntsman is a full three layer but the big benefit of the Huntsman let me find it is it it has scissors as well as the saw Plus a small blade and the larger blade so if I can just get that out there we go so you actually get a great set of tools here plus two Flathead screwdrivers and the tweezers as well so the Huntsman um would be great the only problem is the weight so this comes in at 96 grams whereas The Walker is only 44 grams so to get a saw I'd be tempted by this alternatively you could look at one of the other knives um the Victorinox knife that comes with a saw I'll put a list of them up separately now if a saw isn't important for you then I'd recommend the Pioneer x a locks this has some great features my two favorites on here are the scissors which strangely open from the other side so really good pair of scissors and an amazing all in fact I was using this in the Garden today so it's really good it's on the end so it makes it really easy to use the other benefit for this is that the knife is a beefed up version so it's it's thicker I've used it a lot it's a little bit scratched up but it's really easy to keep super sharp so the Pioneer x a locks but again the issue with this is that it's coming in pretty heavy I'll I'll weigh it later and I'll put the weight up here foreign have I missed anything well maybe we could put a torch in if needed torch or flashlight so here we have the Olight i3t EOS we can maybe consider that I've just remembered I've forgotten my everyday carry so a couple of things that I can assume that I've got already so maybe I can leave the scissors out because I always carry the midnight manager with me it's always in my pocket now fifth pocket if I've got jeans or normal front right pocket if not this has an amazing set of tools for the size it's got the small Phillips the cap lifter the wire Bender a wickedly sharp knife on the other side it's got the small flat head with the nail file and cracking little pair of scissors small but really good you have the benefit as well of an emergency pen I don't use it so much and then of course the flashlight which again is more of an emergency one it doesn't stay on so you've got to hold it it's really useful if you just need to put a light on something just for a few seconds so I'm always going to have this in my pocket I can pretty much guarantee that I I can't see this coming out of my everyday carry anytime soon so let's put that up there and then the last thing is a quick look at my key ring let me just cover up my um my house key so on here I have a pry bar uh the Gerber shard and this has a pry bar two flat heads and a 2d Philips I've got the Olight I3 EOS which is a great one to have on your um on your key ring and so I'm going to include that as well because that may tick off a couple of the items that I had on my list it's a lot to choose from so I think first of all the I'm gonna have to take the case off for the ratchet rocket it's just it's just a little bit too big really so if I want to fit everything into a small case and I'm thinking about this um spectacles case because it zips up that's one option and we'll come back to that right at the end I do have another option which I've recently bought and that's the nipx tool pouch this is the smallest one but you can fit a few things in it's got two compartments in the middle it's also got a couple of elasticated cuffs for some round items that can fit in as well so when we've chosen our tools let's see if we can fit it into here and actually you know it is bigger than the Leatherman case but it will fit on the belt and it will probably fit in a pocket as long as we don't put too much in it so let's see where we get to with that time to start removing a few things okay I'm going to take the i3t EOS torch out of the way for now because I have the one on my kiwi it might come back depending on what pouch we go with I'm gonna have to take out the ratchet case so I'm going to keep the actual ratchet in here and I think I'll keep the extender for now um and I'll leave the tweezers for now unless we replace them so that's going out I'm gonna have to take the Draper bit kit out that's way too heavy to have in a kit but it's there to have at home I think given the shape of this and the fact I've got other bits that cover everything on here um I don't think I'm going to include that in this mini toolkit then we need to look at knives and as much as I like the Walker um I feel bad recommending it I might keep it for now because it's so light but it's it's probably that or the Huntsman if I want the saw um I'm going to take the Pioneer X ailocks Out um partly because of the weight and partly because it doesn't have a saw so we're starting to thin down this is in my normal carry so we're looking at options here and um I really like this Victorinox kit I saw it in a video from Ben valax it's really good that it's flat there are spaces to fill up some more um some more Bits And as it is at the moment it weighs in at 95 grams so that that's not too bad the cliffx Pliers are great so they're only six grams so if I had those two together sorry they're only 61 grams so if I have those two together that's a 156 grams I'll put the ounces up on the screen that's quite a good combination if you put that with one of these knives um if it's with this one so that's 96 grams so that's uh 252 grams that's not too far off actually that's not too far off the 219 grounds and it gives me quite a compact setup so that would easily and I mean easily fit in this case I think let me just try to organize that I think with a little squash that's zippable so that could be what I go with alternatively The Walker means that there's no there's no squash and the Walker being a full 52 grams lighter we're coming in at pretty much close to the leather one and not too bad in size actually when you compare these together it this doesn't go on your belt alternatively let's look at another case so here's the nippex case let's see how they fit so I can put the I can put the Victor the Victorinox system at the back the nippex goes in and I think there's going to be room for the Walker as well actually that is a pretty good kit not too bad in size it hasn't got everything but it's got some of the key components it hasn't got the scissors but remember I've got this in my pocket if I really wanted to I could fit that in as well you know there's enough room for that but normally that's in my fifth pocket I've got tweezers so I don't need these I can take those out um yeah that's pretty good I like that as an alternative if I take the Victorinox set out if I really want to ratchet I can use this bit set I've got the ratchet and the extender in fact I I like that more as much as I like the Victorian arcs here I get a ratchet and the big benefit of this ratchet is I can either put a bit in this end and just use it as a straight screwdriver I can put the Extender on here if I want to get more torque let's just get that out so putting that in here I get a really good Torx screwdriver there as well depending on what bit I've got um or I can put the bit in here and I can use it as a ratchet as well so I think that works really really well and it doesn't take up much space uh I'm just going to weigh it next here's a Moment of Truth I'll just switch my scales on uh these are my wife's kitchen scales that I've sort of borrowed for this I'm sure she won't mind here's the leather one I'm putting that on so that comes in at 7.8 ounces or in grams 220 grams I think I said 219 earlier so 220 grams my nippex kit just a reminder of what's in it so we have the nipex pliers we've got the Walker the toe Peak ratchet an extender and a bit set that's coming in at 256. that's not bad at all actually if I wanted to swap the Walker out for the Huntsman so I'd get a bigger saw and scissors and it all fits that comes in at 308 grams or 10.9 ounces so a fair bit heavier still fits okay I think I prefer the Walker for now I'll put in some other options for some of the other Victorinox Knives with a saw I think there's at least one other two layer option um because unfortunately the walk has been discontinued so I think that's pretty good there is something else we can do with this nippex case as well one of the benefits is that it has these two elasticated loops so we can fit in a torch and even a pen so I've added in the Olight i3t EOS which is a really good torch so if I need a light that stays on because unfortunately the one in my midnight manager doesn't I've included the zebra expands it's not the lightest of small pens you could maybe swap that out for a mini Sharpie now all together that's 11.5 ounces or foreign grams so a lot more than the Leatherman rebar but there's a lot more there and I think all in all this would be a great complete mini kit so I hope you found this video interesting so one option for a UK legal replacement for the Leatherman rebar now there there are some other Leatherman there is the knifeless rebar um and there's also the Leatherman Bond I believe which doesn't have locking blades that involves me going out and buying stuff this was stuff that I already had the only thing that I bought here was the nippex pouch I'll um I'll put a link to that you can get that on either on Amazon it's a really nice little pouch actually and for a nippex item it wasn't too expensive at all so that's my mini kit I'm going to be trying that out over the next few months I'm going to come back to this I'd really like your comments on whether you think I've got everything in there that I should do um if you think there's anything missing maybe if you thought I should have had the Huntsman in or instead of the topek ratchet had the Victorinox L-shaped bit set so those are all other options please leave me a comment I'm really interested in your thoughts on this if you haven't already why not subscribe it really helps me to know that I'm making the right sort of content I've got loads more already why not check out this video or this playlist thanks for watching see you in the next video
Channel: MB_EDC
Views: 158,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edc, edc 2023, edc gear, edc knife, every day carry, everyday carry, knipex, knipex cobra, knipex pliers wrench, knipex toolkit, knipex toolkit pouch, leatherman, leatherman rebar replacement kit, leatherman replacement, mini edc tool kit, mini edc toolkit, multitool, swiss army knife, victorinox, victorinox huntsman, victorinox midnite manager, victorinox midnite manager review, victorinox pioneer x, victorinox pioneer x alox, victorinox swiss army knives, victorinox walker
Id: TfmoYg6a9wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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