Pocket Change Family Date Night

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for extra dollars Oh Alice was 3 cents ours was 3 cents off shut Bob [Music] [Applause] salutations crazies and welcome to the gray families by annual pocket change date so what I have is this ornate little bowl that I got when I was 14 it when my family traveled to st. Martin's and inside is all the change that we collect that we just find around the house so change and pockets like in the laundry in the couch all of that goes in here and it usually takes us about two years to fill it up into the biannual but it's finally filled up and we get to do our pocket change date so the way that it works is that each member of the family guesses how much money is in the bowl we write it down take it to the little coin star machine place at Walmart and whoever guys guessed the closest gets to decide what to do with the money so Alice what did you decide that you wanted to do if you won I don't know Alice said that she wanted to go bowling or go to the mall right oh this is different now she just wants to build a tower with the money Jason wants to be included he was washing dishes I want to do this romantic full moon ski with Freddy that's a local ski resort and it's supposed to be the Harvest Moon tonight so it would be really fun and then I haven't asked you what do you want to do with the money if you win honey yeah I don't know yeah they be showing us corn bellies I guess 53 dollars and 47 cents hang on I'm going to write it down I'm going to get are we counting cash are we doing coins we're counting cats don't look at the cash I didn't get to look I just looked at the top you can look at the top you can't dig well I did see the two that we're not counting the $2 bill that my grandma gives me every year okay and I guess I'm going $51.00 then fine so if you go over it's okay it's just literally whoever's closest where's the allies tell me what's a big number that you can think of that you think you're good for you how about so you say $40 okay so Alice's guess is $40 okay I'm gonna guess all I don't want to undercut Alice because I was gonna originally guess 38 you could guess their day she'd still be in a big gap I know but now I think it might be like 43 that was actually Alice I think that was a very good guess I'm gonna stick with my gut and I'm gonna go with 38 dollars and 17 cents okay if there's a 20 in here I'm let's go to Walmart okay okay we made it it's the moment of truth I'm nervous I really want to go on my ski lift I'm feeling a little bit more confident and a little surprised I feel like this is lower than in previous years all right extra dollars Oh Alice was three cents or three cents off shut up no way what else you were two three four five oh my gosh guys I'm freaking out Alice guessed the money right within three we had forty dollars and three cents she guessed forty dollars even I cannot believe that my three-year-old just gets to go to site how to spend forty I was so close you guys it was those darn dollar bills that were in there I guessed thirty-eight dollars and seventeen cents and they weren't two extra dollar bills Wow I really wanted to go on my ski lift but will you go to the mall or bowling whatever Alice decides she's been a little grumpy lately I'm sure you guys noticed and then she had to go to the bathroom so maybe she was just holding it and was a little grumpy and so hopefully she's in a little bit better mood as she gets to spend her spoils Alice guess what you won our pocket change guess you win it so you have 40 dollars that you get to decide what to spend it on what are we gonna go do young go bowling that sounds like a lot of fun all right you've got your bowling shoes on are you gonna go pick out your ball she's really feeling it okay Betty push hard there goes I'm excited to see your happy dance Alice where's your happy dance what's wrong oh do you remember where your ball comes back go bye daddy you're both gonna come back disappear okay you get to go again wait what happened to the happy dance that you promised me look that's Ben come back where does your ball come back but no daddy was keeping you safe say thank you daddy look your ball is back okay now let's go watch daddy Oh [Music] cue her Rahab Jason and I usually do a bet every time we bowl and he's significantly better than me so I have to get a heavy hand [Music] did you use the bumper cheater if you're gonna use the bumper you don't get 50 pins the boss Yeti if you hit the side maybe three times I'll give you three strikes and you lose your spare hope you don't choke why you can't gutter it [Music] okay so it's the halfway point and so we had to solidify our bets before we didn't win any farther and quite frankly I'm kicking at Jason's booty right now it's like the best game I've ever played bet is if I win I get to pick the ice cream flavor that we eat after this Jason and I do not like this in front of ice cream I like chocolate and peanut buttery kind of ones and he likes fruity ones and then if he wins he gets to watch the rest of the Cleveland Indian games without any grief or complaints from me which I wouldn't have given him anyways so I feel like I won either way final frame got do a happy dance just like Alex with these dollar grapes cuz he lost dad lost lost with my fifty point [Music] as the winner of the bowling game I get to choose the ice cream okay way to make way to jazz it up a little bit there I'm thinking that I'm gonna go with pumpkin gingerbread unless you are more in the mood for chocolate because I could totally do with the chocolate base you won okay Alice decided to close her family date off with a round of ice cream so we're at Culver's four concrete mixers because we're awesome parents feeding our kid a bunch of sugar before 9 o'clock weekend so that's pardon I kiss the weekend you guys should try this because it's super fun have some sort of like container for your families or just for you and just start collecting all of the change that you find over time well my dad used to do this for Disney World and we'd have like a huge little thing that we keep on filling up with change to it so my challenge for you guys go go to containers start filling it up with change whenever you get to the top or whenever you just feel like emptying it get some guesses together and whoever's the one who gets to decide what to do with it and then comment below when you do it report back when you do it and then what you do okay [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 9,972
Rating: 4.9879155 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing grays, Amazinggrays, Jason Gray, studio c, Jason Gray Studio C, october, Pocket Change Family Date Night, family, vlog, daily, funny, Amazing Grays family date night, family time, bowling, date night
Id: 8cv5TVTdWes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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