POA Weed Grass - 3 Ways To Fight Back WITHOUT Chemicals

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if you're struggling with weed  grasses in your lawn in this video   i used three different methods and show you  the results of each how i'm trying to control   wheat grasses in my lawn without any chemicals  after spending hours and hours of picking out   wheatgrasses from the lawn it's safe to say  i've officially lost the battle but in this   video i'm going to go through three different  methods that you can use from berta cutting to   raking and using some other tools to see if we  can fight back so first up let's talk about what   is power power is a grass like any other grass and  it looks something like this you can often see it   by its lighter color and it brings up these little  white seed heads which flower every couple of days   most people think that you can just cut it back  and it'll go away but i've seen bistuff seeded   on a golf course down to three millimeters so  just cutting it down simply to a lower level   is not going to work or be an effective strategy  in the long run it's something that is very very   difficult to control especially if you're in  the uk where you don't have access to some of   the chemicals needed to suppress it or kill it  off and whilst it can look good in the right   setting when it's in the wrong setting such as a  ryegrass or fescue grass type of lawn and you've   got clumps of this type of grass in there it gives  an uneven appearance and the white seed heads can   really spoil the visual appearance of the  lawn so first up i'm going to try vertical in   just to see what that does to the lawn mine's in  really bad state so it should be a good example   of what you can achieve by vertical tin if you  don't have a vertical air don't worry i'm going   to be covering some other methods that you  can use as well that have a similar result   so the first stop method is 30 cutting this is a  vertical cartridge and it fits inside a cylinder   machine now cylinder machines not everybody has  one so i will come to some other methods later   on in the video but this is the first method  that i'm going to use there's a couple of   different options you can get here and there's  a couple of different brands available and i'm   not paid by this brand although this particular  tool has been given to me to use in the video   now what this cartridge will do is you can  see here rather than mowing in a rotary type   of fashion or cutting with the reel these sort of  blades here will get into the sward and hopefully   rip or lift those grasses out of the lawn now  we're going to give it a try to see if it works   i'm going to put the collector box on and we'll  see how much that gets pulled out of this lawn   so i've got the vertical set in the machine  but what my thoughts are is that i normally   mow this way going forwards and backwards so i'm  going to vertical in the left to right direction so a okay so that was running the vertical  cartridge and look what it brought up   what i can see in here is loads of dead  grass brown grass and seed heads like this so in terms of dragging up those seed heads it  definitely worked but it hasn't got them all um oh so you can see with the cut  clippings are much lighter   fine and it's a nice little trim versus these  much more strawy and dead grass clippings   but what i can also see in here is loads and  loads of little seed heads so it's definitely   poured those seed heads up and we've taken  them out the lawn now that isn't going to   stop the plant from producing more seed  heads but it's a battle one for today   okay so what about if you don't have a vertical  cartridge for your machine now there are some   other methods that you can use i'm going to show  you a second method and stay tuned for the last   method and you can pick which is your favorite  method by leaving me a comment in the comment   section below okay so the second method is going  to be using a homeowner type of cassette system   a lot of these systems will have two blades that  come with them one will be the springtime almost   like a rake scarifier and they'll be displayed  here which they'll call the d thatcher or an   aerator now what we want to do here is we can use  this blade but we want to set it on a high setting   we're not scarifying the lawn we're not ripping  out loads of matter from the lawn especially in   the heat we're just running a fine high setting  through the lawn and just lifting out any of   those wheatgrasses you can see this is the stuff  we're looking to remove we're not looking to strip   back the lawn so let's put this cartridge in the  machine and give it a pass to see what comes out um the pass with the aerator machine on the high  setting has also done a really nice job and i'm   setting each of these tools on quite a high  setting because i want to give each tool an   opportunity to kind of show what it's done to the  lawn um so let's go and take a look so you can   see clearly these grasses are standing up on end  and you can see the machine's just making these   light little tracks through the grass where  it's just lifting things up nothing too heavy   but clearing out the sword so let's take a look  what we've got inside the iron hill scarifier unit and again loads and loads of seed heads so i'm not going to pull that one out because  you kind of get the gist of where this is going   and i'll have to clean it up later but you can see  that this is doing quite a good job of stripping   out those seed heads now this will not stop the  plant from flowering it will flower again because   it wants to produce seed to survive for the next  season however what my hope is is if i can remove   as many of these seed heads as i can through this  vertical in process regular mowing hopefully that   it will reduce the vigor of the plants ready  for next season and i can try to stay on top   of it and prevent it spreading as much as i  can so with that being said let me go on to   the last method which is the simplest and easiest  method but it does involve a little bit of work okay so the last method is using a manual rake  like this you can use a springtime rake as well   this is a dedicated scarifying rake and again i  am not scarifying their lawn i'm just using it to   break through and lift some of these grasses up  so all that's left to do now is um run the mower   over the cross the top and pick up any of those  remaining seed heads and try to keep on top of   this process so you can see in this area we've  really cleaned it up from where it first started   for sure there's still some grass there but it's  a lot better leave me a comment in the comment   section below which your favorite method is and if  you've got any tips that i've missed in this video   for how you control weed grasses at home thanks  for watching if you've enjoyed the video like and   subscribe to my channel it's matt the garden and  lawn care guy and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Garden Lawncare Guy
Views: 109,301
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Keywords: #lawncare, #ad
Id: wekhE-lajoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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