PMP 2021: Agile, Hybrid PMP 2021 Questions: Live Q/A with EduHubSpot

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hope you all are doing good uh welcome welcome um that's how i will start um i'm not really sure you know how this live streaming works so first of all i really apologize if i mess up with few things and it's coming up slowly and gradually so give me some time just to make sure everyone is here we are you know making comfortable and then we will probably proceed ahead uh first of all let me start the chat session as well okay let's see okay perfect so i've added the chat also just to make sure everything is good okay guys so okay click on them to showcase okay oops click on them to showcase social comments display here okay i hope you are not seeing any social comments and stuff like that okay so guys yes um if you have any questions please make sure you type in on the chat session you type it on google facebook not on google i mean youtube facebook linkedin whatever is comfortable i prefer linkedin more but not linkedin i mean youtube more just type in and we will take it from there so first of all welcome everyone uh if you don't know me my name is varun and i am a pmp mentor with edu hubspot and my job is to make sure that you know you all pass the pmp exam so i help students pass you know preparing for the pmp exam and i have my colleague samya just a brief introduction about you as well so uh do you wanna sure absolutely so i see some of my mentees joining as well uh so that makes me even more excited and uh as varun went out and said so i am also looking forward to getting done with pmp for all of you the best way possible yeah so this is just the start and this is just you know one one juncture or one you know critical uh you know piece of your entire preparation i hope you like this session and feel free to share any kind of comments or questions as you keep yeah so love you all okay perfect so guys uh let me first start with the little bit of uh agenda and then uh we will you know take it from there so agenda for this session is i know you would have tons of questions so we will keep the last 10 15 minutes uh for the questions and uh whatever question and i see you know over here a lot of people are asking about uh the pmbok sixth edition seventh edition so i know seventh edition has has just been launched by pmi and there are a lot of questions around that so i will definitely answer those questions in the end so please wait um also the agenda is to talk about the agile plus hybrid questions i repeat agile plus hybrid pmp questions you know every day our students are passing the exam and one thing which i'm seeing commonly is that you know there were tons of questions on agile on hybrid approach so samia and i were talking about it and we decided that you know what let's do some questions let's uh talk about some agile practice questions so if you are in the beginning stages of your preparation it's fine you know this is not gonna kill you this will definitely help you out only so the way we will be approaching the question we will be using our elimination technique so this is where we will teach you the elimination technique also more importantly we will be talking about the pmi cloned questions i repeat pmi cloned questions what is this so we are an authorized training provider with pmi so edu hubspot is an authorized training provider with pmi not all companies are only selected few companies are and we from pmi get 210 real pmp questions so those real pmp questions we cannot share it with everyone that's a pmi class however we can rephrase those questions and we can share it with our database of students so we will be discussing those pmi cloned questions plus a lot of people have doubts around the i would say the new question type like the drag and drop questions the multiple choice so we deliberately added those questions in our today's session so you will be discussing we will be uh you know talking about those questions as well over here uh so so stay tuned our first topic would be to talk about those uh 10 questions uh on the cloned questions from pmi and then moving forward we will be talking about all the q and a's you have for us uh one of them which i already see is about the seventh edition so i'll definitely talk about that in later stage uh swami are we good to go or anything from your end did i miss anything yeah absolutely so let's get going let's get going with the questions perfect once again guys uh i apologize this is the first time i'm doing live streaming so if i mess up somewhere please the i'm not that technical savvy person but one thing i'm pretty good at is to make sure that you understand the concept so i will make sure that that piece is taken care so i apologize in the beginning okay let's see okay i hope you can see the first question that that piece is taken care so i apologize okay let's see okay i hope you can see my screen right okay where is that okay so where is my pen so again 10 questions and these 10 questions are pmi clone questions if you see on the top right this is or pmi authorized training partner logo this means these questions are coming directly from pmi but again for copyright reasons we cannot share the exact questions we rephrase these questions for you so that we are allowed to share it so these are good questions so i will be giving you so there are total of if you if you see there are 180 questions and we have 230 minutes so per question we get around 1.2 minutes so similar way we will be giving you 90 seconds to answer each and every question i want this session to be interactive if it's not interactive it's of no use to me so i want to make sure this session is interactive so 90 seconds i'll give you for each questions and i want you to type on the chat the answer which you're selecting but not just tell me whether a is correct or b is correct i want to know the exact reasoning why you selected one answer so your timer starts now and i will keep my mouth shut okay okay the timer is up so let's start okay let now let me do it let me start my pointer as well so there has been sharp increase in user complaints of uh the product development methods of a smartphone company the smartphone manufacturer reassess the methods analysis of complaints revealed that users are trying to use some features in ways that designers did not anticipate so basically there are few users who are trying to use the system in a different manner which of the following is the agile practice which would most effectively help prevent the problem okay guys remember one thing in this is uh you know 90 percent of your questions would be scenario based questions i repeat scenario based questions and what do i mean by that is in your real exam you will get these type of questions where they will ask you what will you do next or they will ask you uh you know how can you prevent these type of questions so very important this is a very important question and i see many people answered a i see answer d you know i'm looking at the chat simultaneously many of my folks gave the reasoning also i see calvin a or d i prefer a more psychology important okay that's a calvin that's a very important point ninety percent of the time your first instinct would be correct that does not mean a is correct but i'm just giving you the thought process behind it so let's do again we have to follow our elimination technique guys this is very important even if you're new here this is very important this is how you should tackle the questions so first of all what is the problem problem is that we are getting complaints from users who are trying to use some features okay so they did not plan it behavior driven development if you don't know what behavior driven development is basically behavior you know as the name states behavior the people the team analyze the behavior of users of how they are using the system or product and based on those behavior they create the product so this looks like a very good answer choice why because users are trying to use some features in a way designers did not anticipate so the designer did not anticipate and if you take into consideration behavior it could be a good choice next option smoke testing okay smoke testing is basically your i would say some kind of preliminary testing which is more like uh like did this product even open did this app open or is it even functioning properly so very basic this is not what they are asking in the question so definitely option b is gone so i'm eliminating option b now next is red re green refactor okay this is an agile concept red green refactor basically what you do is red means you are creating a test case and in the beginning when you create a test case the result will come out to be red which is failing why because uh like you have not created the system at all in so when i say test system what i'm trying to say is you are creating the product in such a way based on the test cases basically you create a product based on the test case initially the system is not ready it will fail it will show you the red color then you will develop the system based on that test case when you develop that system you will get a green color and finally refactor means you are improving the coding standards and stuff so red means you didn't do anything green you created the product based on the test cases refactor you are improving it basically if you see again in this question also they are not talking about red green refactor they're not talking about test cases basically and next is acceptance test driven development okay this was a very uh i would say familiar choice between a and d so if b and c are gone we have 50 probability now to either select a or d so if you selected d it's okay it's not a bad thing the correct answer is a and i'll show you acceptance test driven development is that you are creating the test cases based on the user acceptance testing so how a user will accept uh the product so you will have those test cases created and then you will create the product in behavior driven development it's not based on the acceptance testing it's based on the user behaviors and if you see the question it says analysis of the complaints revealed that users are trying to use some features in a way that designer did not anticipate so basically it was more on the behavioral side so out of all of the four option though d was kind of good choice but we definitely have a better choice which is a so a is the correct answer okay that is the correct one i hope you like my explanation and this is what guys you have to uh think it in those ways as well okay moving to the next one samia do you want to do the next one now absolutely varun and thanks for the elaborate explanation i hope the viewers are loving it i hope that you are also able to see the question screen out here everyone okay so let me go ahead and start the timer so your timer starts now please feel free to comment swami can you increase the font size as well at your end let me check is it better now yep looks good to me ok so last 20 seconds okay so i'm stopping the timer and here we go with the explanation of the question let me drag it down now let's get started with the question so it has been eight months into a strategic agile project company executives are closely monitoring the progress the project director is frustrated about the last weekly burn down charge depicting the project completion dates significantly moving backward and forward several times now this is some common criteria or you know some incident that we go out and get to see in our you know professional area day in and day out right so which of the following reveal as to how can the project manager forecast the project completion date with more accuracy and stability so the project completion dates are not being you know are not doing good they are moving forward and backwards several times so each of the following options would help the project manager forecast the date with more accuracy and stability so that's your question now this is how you should read the question so have 30 seconds time to read the question carefully then move on to the options so let's see what option it goes on and tells you about decrease the frequency of progress report shared with senior stakeholders now is that going to solve the problem whatsoever it's as though going out and saying that you have an observation so let's go with some work around and let's douse of that observation whatsoever so as though by decreasing the frequency you are not going to go ahead and you know showcase these dates and things are for the time being you know taken care of would that be the option obviously not just tracking out option a option b let the executive committee know about the flexible nature of agile planning so what does that mean again again on similar lines so you are going and saying that let the executive committee know that health planning is flexible so whatever observation you have come out with is definitely okay will that be the option obviously not so let's try option b as well option c go for planning variable size iterations based on story complexity and load so is that going to solve the problem to be very frank so out here we are going ahead and trying to gauge what exactly is the root cause behind the issue we are not going out with a solution right so the project manager needs to come out with this you know reason as to why you know such kind of observation you know he has gone out of bed so obviously going for xyz option or going for even a variable size iteration based on story complexity and load is not going to be the option as well option d elaborate the upcoming backlog items in more details with the team now this option is a standout and also if you go ahead and you know check it logically you'll go ahead and see that most often or many of the times 9 out of 10 times you go ahead and see that you know the backlog items are not elaborated in the correct way or they are not broken down into subsequent levels whatsoever which increases their you know meaning whatsoever to the team so team will find a difficult time to go ahead and get done with the user stories which is also one of the reasons as to why you know your accuracy and stability would get impacted so let's see what the correct option is let me take out the timer uh the pointer out here and let's click on option d scroll down below and click on submit so there you go so option d is the correct option out here and the explanation which you know goes ahead and just goes and says why exactly you know you go ahead with this option so you see out here that not only by elimination but also by logical thinking you go to the correct option you select it move forward so let me see who all entered and answered the question correctly yes i see many people uh patrick option d calvin option d hemol going out and saying can't bc yes absolutely it can't be c okay so there is another person going out and saying why c is wrong so let's see what c option is go for planning variable size iterations based on story complexity and load so go ahead and read the question again the question goes out and says which of the following reveals as to how the project manager forecast the completion date with more accuracy and stability whatsoever so out here in this case you are not going ahead with variable size iterations whatsoever as a solution the solution is not that but the the way in which to go out and look forward is obviously to elaborate more backlog items because nine out of ten times that will be the root cause of you going ahead and you know bringing you know backward and forward all the time so valuable size iterations is not going to be the medicine for that it's as though saying that you know headache can cause out of various reasons but you go ahead with you know xyz you know kind of medicine for you know headache all the time won't be the case out here right you'll have to go ahead and have the right pill for the right disease yeah so option d would be the right option out here perfect just to add to that planning variable size iterations again guys in agile you don't change the iteration size so if you're starting with let's say a two week sprint you would probably want to go ahead and talk about a two week sprint only you just can't make the changes on the fly just because the story has increased complexity has increased also you can talk to executive committee but remember you know again as a project manager it's your job to make sure you come up with some kind of solution to that so don't shy away from those responsibilities as well okay let's move to the next one question number three okay so you're okay first of all guys this is a drag and drop question if you see drag and drop question and i know it would be little difficult for you to solve this drag and drop question over here uh i will tell you how we we have to solve this uh so basically let me start so this is your a this is your b then if i scroll down oops i have to this is i think i'm not good with this i have to increase the font size little bit just one second guys and then i'll increase the font size again so this is your a b c d so this is your n this is your 1 2 3 4. how i want you to do is you should write the answer as a goes to 3 or 4 or whatever so write a 3 b 1 b 4 b 3 so this is like how you have to write it down okay so your timer starts now foreign the timer is up i didn't realize that so my bad let's see so this is a drag and drop question so basically i will be uh you know pulling the question and you will be coming up here like it's like a simple drag and drop okay so let's see first it's predictive life cycle so we all know in predictive life cycle our scope is fixed so any option over here where scope is fixed should be the correct answer choice okay just one second okay so first is predictive life cycle a project where scope will be determined early in the project life cycle okay and predictive that could be the case okay but time and cost will constantly no that doesn't happen in predictive life cycle right time and cost is also kind of fixed and productive so definitely this can't be predictive a project where scope cost and type will be determined in the early phases of our life cycle exactly if you see this is where it is a project will be determined so this goes over here next c iterative incremental and hybrid okay i know a lot of people get confused between iterative and incremental so i will keep that later but first let me just start talking about hybrid now hybrid is mixture of predictive plus agile so any particular option where they are mixing two would be the answer let's see uh see scope is constantly changing for the new deliverable this means they are either talking about iterative or incremental but rollout of the deliverable would be done in a known phased approach okay so it's a known approach so basically if you see the first side is your iterative or incremental the next site is talking about a phased approach which is your predictive so hybrid goes here so now if you see if you get confused with all the options together i know iterative and incremental is the two confusing one so i'm tackling it later because now my probability to solve the question is 50 so let's see iterative so now remember in iterative what is more important is our perfectness perfectness of solution so basically whatever we are developing we want to make sure that it is perfect and in incremental the major goal is quickness what is quickness quickness means that we want to launch a product quickly in the market so let's see the a project which needs to be launched in the market as quickly exactly so this means this is going here and the only option which is left is iterative which is a project where scope will be determined early in the project life cycle but time and cost will be constantly modified team will do series of repeated until it reaches perfection so that was the keyword which i told you guys all your pmp preparation is all about uh you know smart work it's all about these keywords and that's how you know we train swami and myself we try to find out keywords and all these questions are available so let me just mark it here i think this was this iterative was this incremental was this and all these questions are already uploaded on our website let's see submit and you who i think i got everything right okay moving to the next one so now over to you sir oh you're on mute you're on mute somia my bad okay i think you are unmute now oops i did it are you able to hear me i'm able to hear you can you uh show your question screen are you able to see my question screen as well yes we are good go ahead very good okay so here goes question four guys i am starting the timer here we go ok so last 20 seconds okay so i'm stopping the timer and here goes my pointer okay so let's dig deep into the question so what do we have in store so you have just received acceptance from the customer for the final release and you are taking out the team to celebrate the good news yes so things are done so you know let's all move out for celebration so dash quality of a servant leader is being demonstrated by you so now guys so this is one new form of questions out here which you get to see in 2021 pmp question which is fill in the blanks here is just as simple you just need to see which of the options out here from the given options out here goes out and fits seamlessly into the option so option a removing obstacles so is the uh are you going and you know removing the obstacles by celebrating the team you know for the good news not at all right and also very importantly the question out here asks what quality of the servant leader no removing quality or removing obstacles out here is that a quality of any person whatsoever so that's definitely you know one good thing but that does not necessarily mean it's a quality right ensuring no distractions so you as a servant leader are going out and celebrating with the team end to end so you're not out you know going out and ensuring that you know you don't have any distractions in fact you have done all the good work you have ensured all the distractions are removed so as to why you know your team has you know gone out and taken your project to completion and you're out here to celebrate the good news so obviously option b is also ruled out carrying food and water now this might not seem to be a quality to verify but then the option out here goes out and reveals that you are going at a you know taking out or going out and doing anything to the extent of you know even carrying food and water for the sake of your team to just see that you know your team's you know ability to deliver is is great or even going ahead and you know just just seeing to it that anything whatsoever be even to the extent of you know doing even something like you know carrying food and water is also you know done by the servant leader as as as in you so you know it's a quality or an attribute of the servant leader to go out and do anything for the sake of the team for the benefit of the team and that's what precisely you are doing out here in this option out here so removing obstacles ensuring no distractions gets ruled out but carrying food and water is something which you can ballpark upon showcasing achievements and i know many of you will be going out and choosing this particular option so you are by the way as just going ahead and you know taking your team to celebrate so are you going out and you know showcasing any achievement is showcasing achievements the quality of the sermon leader whatsoever not necessarily right so think from these two angles out here you are taking the team to celebrate the good news not to showcase achievements and that is also not a quality of the servant leader so you rule out option d and you have option c which is the best option out here and that should be the correct option so let's see let me put out the marker and select option c and here you go as a servant leader you are a servant first your focus is on the team's need before you're concerned so option c goes out and rightly highlights out why it should be the correct option yeah so over to for next question thank you samia okay let me turn it off for you and turn it on for me okay guys so next one we have is uh select three situations so basically it's a multiple answer choice question and i'm i know timer would be difficult for you to see based on the screen length but i think you can manage it now okay good go ahead please last 30 seconds or so last 17 seconds guys so last 10 seconds and then i will done okay i see abc acd bcd eba okay multiple so it looks like everything is correct okay guys let's start talking about it okay so tom is a project manager once again guys this is question a cloned question from pmi a new type of question uh that's why you see the pmi logo over here so we have to select multiple choices as far as the multiple choices are concerned guys remember one thing either you will be given an option to select two situations or three situation i have gone ahead and discussed three questions just to be you know on a better side so let's see what's the question tom is a project manager experience and predictive he's taking on agile project for the first time in order to seamlessly adjust to shift the predictive tom makes a watch list of situations that arise from insufficient actions as servant leader select three situations will would result from a lack of servant leadership okay guys one thing if you are running against time in your real pmp exam most of the time you will be able to figure out the answer just by reading the last statement of the question typically the initial information is i call it like you know garbage information which has nothing to do with the question if the question would have been select three situation which would result from lack of servant i would have been able to answer those questions so that's what i have to target a team members don't communicate directly with other departments exactly if you don't have a good servant leadership then you know people might not feel comfortable in talking to other departments and agile is all about openness keep that in mind so a definitely would arise from the lack of this is definitely a good choice b team members come up with impedements that they're unable to neutralize okay problems happen and it's the job of a servant leader to make sure that he or she remove those impediments and that's not what we are talking about here so this is not a good choice again we are talking about lack of servant leadership keep that in mind see team members don't take challenging tasks okay we have let me just see all the options okay uh team members don't take on challenging tasks again i have to start this sorry my bad yes team members don't take on challenging tasks yes that's that's not a bad choice at all because uh you know uh team members don't feel comfortable and you know there is no distraction so c looks like a good choice i suppose so far a is definitely good d project stakeholders express skepticism over agile method exactly if you don't have a good servant leader you don't have a good scrum master who can educate you on agile methods then people will not feel comfortable so from lack of i would say servant leadership d is definitely a good choice e team higher performers move to more senior position this has nothing to do with the question we know where in the question we discussed about it like moving to c so e is definitely out so only question which is left answer which is left is a d which i was damn sure c was kind of okay but now that's the only option i'm going with so the correct answer should be a c and d okay a c and d okay perfect okay moving to next one now okay let me turn it off for you and somehow here you go okay so guys you are already done with five questions so here goes your sixth and let me just start the timer [Music] ok so last 20 seconds okay so let me stop the timer and get to the explanation of this question okay so json happens to be a new team member who is unaccustomed to agile practices so he's a newbie newbie to the team he's definitely not fully aware of the agile practices there is someone who is the operations manager who often criticized jason's work it definitely happens a lot right for especially a newbie so jason becomes nervous when the operations manager appears in the morning stand-up meeting so you know he just because now was just expecting what again you know that operation manager has to go out and criticize so which of the following could justify the project manager's invitation to the operations manager so this operational manager who criticizes jason so he has been invited again to the standard meeting by the project manager and which of the following options goes ahead and you know justifies the project manager's invitation to the operations engineer let's see option a way to boost new team members performance and keep him on the toes so whenever you get to see such kind of options always remember that is in the negative you know sense whatsoever you don't need to go ahead and keep people on the toes especially when you're talking about agile team who is already self-organized and they are already taking things you know just as as and when they you go ahead and give you don't need to go ahead and introduce someone new out there to go ahead and just ensure that you are on your toes so this option is ruled out option b a routine agile practice aimed at preventing routine setting in in daily meetings now very very important daily stand-up is a is a meeting where you go out and invite relevant stakeholders you know to the standard meeting and you know just ask them for the you know or let them go out and participate in the stand-up meeting whatsoever and let them go out and get you know the the update from you know you guys so out here operational engineer you know irrespective of whether the fact that he dislikes json or not is definitely welcome in the standard meeting stand-up meeting whatsoever so it's just like a routine you know kind of case and it's as such you know very well uh you know poised to go out and prevent any routine sitting in daily meetings so option b is definitely a good choice so let's ballpark it for now option c way for the project manager to learn more about the new team member so you don't need a stand-up meeting to go ahead and learn more about the new team member right and also you must be knowing that standard meeting is focused you know towards you know a few specific things what you did yesterday what you are going to do today and if there are any blockers or not so why will you go ahead and you know get to introduce a new team member with someone you know from the stakeholder arena whatsoever it's obviously not the case out here option c is ruled out as well option d standard practice in agile to proactively correct deviations so what deviation is being spoken about is that is the deviation the you know jason not liking the open source engineer or vice versa no right so this is out of the context whatsoever so even option d is ruled out so you have ruled out options a c and d and b as i mentioned stands out as the best option out here so let me go ahead and see what is the right option and let me pick option b and click on submit and here you go and here's these the explanation so it's a good agile practice to proactively seek inputs from different stakeholders ensuring transparency in project communications so all the other options are wrong because of the explained reasons what do you want for the next question but just one thing to add on this one is i see a lot of people actually selected option d guys if you read from the question were they even talking about any deviation it was just two people don't like each other simple as that so we have to concentrate on those two people only that would have resolved the problem to be honest but great move to the next one now okay starting the timer so okay the timer is done okay let's read now there has been there has been number of uncompleted stories at the end of iteration multiple team members worked on these stories and there were no blockers identified which of the following option can the agile team resort to resolve the situation again guys scenario based question this is the type of questions you will be getting in the exam scenario based all of these questions are available on our website okay a make use of next titration to come out with the team spike that would help determine the feasibility of completing the planned user stories okay guys so there is a problem and what is the problem there are uncompleted stories okay over here they're talking about spike what is the purpose of spike spike there are different types of spike like a risk spike there is an architectural spike which you do it in addition to make sure you resolve a problem in hand okay relation let's say if i'm talking about architectural spike they are talking about the problem related to architecture they don't give a solution they basically they talk about a problem and they come up with something that this is what we should do and what they should do is something which would be done accommodated in later iterations so over here we are not talking about spike or anything like that the problem is about uncompleted story so a is gone b insert the stories in blocked column and work with the product owner to improve remove the impedaments okay guys insert this two if you're putting the stories in the blocked column this means you're saying i'm not doing it like you know it's blocked no that's not what we have to resolve we have to come up with a solution b is gone as well further break down the stories in the backlog by working with the product owner and exactly if you see there are uncompleted stories this means the story length is pretty long if you break it down into smaller stories then it could be actually resolved so this looks like a great choice i think this is the right choice but let's see the d insert the stories back in the product backlog and wait for less intensive iteration so over here you're not being proactive you're not resolving any problem like you're still saying that okay when i will get the lesser uh intensive iteration then i will solve it so definitely d is gone correct answer should be c and i see most of the people selected c which is a good choice guys awesome keep it going keep it going three more questions and then i will answer all your doubts okay uh samia over to you sir absolutely varun and guys great going up until this point of time so let's get started with question eight here you you here goes your timer okay so last 20 seconds okay so let me stop the timer and let's dig into the question okay so you are in charge of an empowered agile team which has shown impressive progress in the first four iterations however in the last five iterations the progress has gone low without any apparent reason so in first four you know the progress was high in the next five the progress has been low and this change doesn't have any apparent reason whatsoever so which of the following can be a potential cause of this situation yeah so option a with the onset of technical debt the team's output will keep dropping until the cause has been eliminated now there is a term technical debt out here i know there will be many people out here from the software background who might be very well aware of technical debt but then for the benefit of the you know whole crowd out here let me just briefly touch base on this particular term so in software power lines as you move along with delivering you know story spend about spend upon sprint so you might go ahead with the best approach in terms of you know all the technical integrity is being taken into consideration and go ahead and deliver the best you know solution with the best you know approach possible but there are cases where people might deviate from this particular you know way and they might go with you know whatever seems easiest doesn't it happen so instead of going for the best which might take time for me right now i go with something else or plan b which is you know taking much less time everyone is happy so i am also happy eventually what happens that after you know some of the other iterations we get to see that this gap or this debt you know becomes too much for us to go out and handle as because of this this becomes an extra burden on top of us and our productivity goes out and starts getting suffered now very important to keep in mind out here that even if technical debt goes out and you know comes in scenario again comes in question in this current scenario then also the change whatsoever won't be abrupt as you go out and see so after four iterations the fifth iteration you know output of productivity is low so it won't be such kind of an abrupt kind of change it will be a slow one so which is the precise reason as to why you don't go for option a yeah so going for option b more likely there is an underperforming team member slowing things down so now you guys might must be you know well aware of the fact that if there was an underperforming team member inside the team the the observation that you got from the fifth sprint onwards would have been also applicable in the earlier sprints as well correct so the team member is not that he went ahead and just got gone and got added out here in the fifth sprint she was also there in the earlier springs as well so obviously this option is also ruled out option c the team has moved on to norming stage from storming well they are already norming and even in performing stays out here in all the iterations whatsoever so this option is also not valid so by virtue of elimination you are left with option d only but then let's go ahead and re-verify whether this is the correct option or not the team happened to work on low complexity user stories in the first four iterations this happens a lot so out of the product backlog you know with all the you know items with the highest priority whatsoever you have to deal you go ahead and choose the lowest complexity once and get done with these in the first few iterations and then only switch to the higher complicity ones in the next or the upcoming iterations so out of all the options out here option d happens to be the best one so let's see for ourselves what is the right option let me put out the pointer and click on option d here you go and you also go ahead and get to see the explanation which is perfectly in line with whatever was discussed up until now baron do you have anything else to add in this question no i i know you know a lot of people actually saw the word technical depth and i saw i was looking at the chat everyone said so if you see a new word that does not necessarily mean that you know uh technical dep like this would be the answer it it just makes sense it happens all the time in agile world that we work on low complexity user stories in the beginning and that's we move on that's that's how it happens okay let's move to the next one now okay so i'm not able to hear you i'm not speaking i'm waiting i'm looking at the chat and i'm doing sorry c okay guys let's start despite the team effort best effort to address several block items on kanban board the items still happen to remain as is the sprint retrospective reveals that all impediments can be traced back to a particular department head okay so there is one culprit over here the project manager has tried to educate the department head previously but the head still remains resistant which of the following options reveal what should the project manager do next guys perfect example of scenario based question what should the project manager do next and a lot of times people were saying that varun we are getting questions how come a project manager is there in agile world there could be a project manager in agile world and you can see the question in front of you guys this is how your real pmp exam questions would be like let's see hey inquired the department head for budgetary compensation that proportion to delays okay really incurred into lack of cooperation like how can you i would say like you can specifically say that oh you delayed by five items and these are worth 10 hours and this is equivalent to 100 time 10 but again you can't go into these kind of cheapness per se i would say b come out with an information radiator that ranks stakeholder as per their active support okay you can do that but what is an information radiator information radiator is uh like you know it's it's uh probably up like for example you go to an airport right over there you see a track of that okay this flight is delayed by five hours six that's an information radiator so similarly for the project you have different information radiators like burn up chart burn down chart and kanban board is actually a biggest example of information to date here do you want to show it to the world that this person is not like do you want to humiliate that person publicly no b is gone two extreme choice see find out other stakeholders who can help work around the department heads period okay over here you're trying to find out the workaround not a proper solution but like kind of a shortcut again no shortcuts in pmp exam it's all about hard work and smart work same thing c is gone d make use of stakeholder analysis to identify an aligned senior stakeholder who could influence the department head okay so over here you're not going through i would say a workaround over here you are taking the help of someone and more important you are using the technique known as stakeholder analysis honestly i don't like option d as well not that great but out of all four i can seriously say that d is basically the least worst answer or i would say it's like kind of better answer as compared to all four so d should be the correct answer choice okay let's see and that's absolutely correct d makes the most sense okay moving to the next one over to you so man okay varun thanks so here you go this last question out here and i start the timer for you guys so ah somewhere option d is not visible can you scroll down little bit sure or let me just you know decrease the font okay so last 10 seconds okay so i'm stopping the timer okay so let's dig deep into the question okay so what's in store despite the team's best efforts to address several blocked items on the kanban board the items still happen to remain as is okay the spin retrospective reveals that all the impediments can be traced back to the mandatory corporate business processes which introduce wait times okay so which are the following options should the project manager go ahead and do next so on the category there are several block titles whatsoever which are still remaining as is that those are not moving forward happens a lot right now the sprint retrospective goes out and reveals that all the impediments can be traced back to the mandatory corporate business processes which as such goes out and introduces the wait times now which of the following options should the project manager go out with next okay so let's see option a increase the story point estimates for the stories in the product backlog to factor in the business process delays well this is all the time not going to be the option you can't go ahead and you know increase the story step 20 point estimates you know just as is just to go ahead and you know fit in your business you know needs whatsoever it's kind of unethical as well to not go ahead and you know uh to rather go ahead and increase the storyboard estimates without any reason whatsoever just to feed in the business uh you know requirements so option a gets ruled out option b so get to work with the process owners to streamline procedures secure the team coaching on the processes very important in agile process is something which everyone all the team members need to adhere to and of course this cup master being the servant leader is also in charge of the process so he or she will be the person who will be you know in charge of coaching the team on all the processes so might have happened that you know the the coaching was you know not as as for the requirements and you know the people are not fully aware of all the agile processes as because of this things are still remaining as is and things are not progressing so this happens to be a viable option uh not necessarily the best so let's keep it you know aside option c get the team to train on the business processes in the upcoming iterations this would help them to work more autonomously now very important couple of aspects out there in the you know option the second aspect or second part of the option enable a team to work more autonomously first and foremost thing is not evident out here in the question that the team is not autonomous or they are not having the autonomous powers the team is self-organized by default if it's not mentioned out here the agile team is self-organized they are supposed to go ahead and take forward any things whatsoever you know comes and move along with the you know the process and the things are supposed to move along on the kanban board as well so odds are high that it's not about them not knowing the business process whatsoever or they're not you know um not getting you know they are not needing the training whatsoever on the business process rather they are needing to streamline the procedures and secure the coaching on the process whatsoever option c gets ruled out option b as a servant leader resolve the issues while the team attends a team event whatsoever obviously as a servant leader you not need not wait till the team building event to help resolve all these ending issues right and it's not the team building event where you go ahead and resolve pending issues to be very frank so easily option d also gets ruled out so the only option which is standing out as such is option b which says that you need to go and secure more coaching on the process for on cap of the team whatsoever so let's see what the right option is out here in this case select option b and move it as you see option b is the correct option and the servant leader should work with the organization to simplify the process right as i mentioned yeah and companies need not our companies need to go ahead with internal process which can you know rarely be done away with expecting all puzzles to be removed during the team building event is unrealistic which we discussed and training is part of the solution not part of not price of the iteration whatsoever the streamlining effect effort as well so streamlining you know as part of option b out here you get to see this explanation it's option b which stands out well do you have anything else to add for the solution just one thing to add i see a lot of people actually selected option c also guys if you see the second statement of option c it says this would help them work more autonomously guys uh in agile world it's not about working autonomously it's all about steam work together working in cohesion as a team so this was a kind of a negative statement which i read i would have definitely eliminated option c in the first go itself just by reading that statement okay so guys uh i hope uh you you liked our session uh we will be definitely continuing these kind of sessions a lot most likely uh you know uh just one minute most likely uh you know we will be discussing these type of questions a lot if you are in the early phases of your preparation do it you will definitely help out a lot if you are in the later stage of your preparation then these are very very important questions for you um also let's not talk about uh guys some questions you may have i know there were some questions which were talking about pmbok sixth edition and seventh edition that was one question so we can talk about that and i know someone was talking about i saw in the chat uh they were talking about okay or boot camps so so guys yes uh we teach boot camps uh you know every month uh on like you know we have a group of mentors who work together so we teach all the time and every day our students pass the exam let me actually show it to you few things and i'll share the link also with you just one minute okay so if you see this like every day our students are passing this is july 7th which is like this morning one student passed the exam with above target uh philip he passed again with above target i think philip was somia's kisha she was also i think swami it was yours victoria above southgate tiana above target and guys says six seven six yesterday seven five seven four you know just talk about the day we will have people passing all the days like and that's how it works so our students pass the exam every day i mean there's not even a single day when people don't pass and uh you know that's how it is working so uh okay so yes i will share the link with you you guys can definitely talk about that and sign up go on the website okay next question let's see uh pmbok sixth and seventh edition uh swami would you like to take that question please the difference yeah sure sure absolutely so uh guys i'm we are essence going out and getting the same question over and over again and uh would like to as such you know uh go ahead and douse the flames in terms of any confusion regarding this uh so pmbok sixth edition is still valid for the exam yeah i know that pmbok 7th edition has already come to the market whatsoever but that won't be valid for the exam until 2022. so you can specify 2022 per se but guys remember last time when sixth edition came into the market that was march 2018 and typically it's a four-year cycle so very well we can assume that it would be most likely in 22 so guys you should hit the target when you know what the problem is right we know what sixth edition is go ahead track it and you know solve it that's how i would say but and also we just assured wants to come to us as that so we will help you you know go ahead with the relevant materials so be rest assured with regards to that yes yes yes okay so but also go ahead and see many other questions as well uh with regards to you know how the marking happens and all these so these are basic pmp questions which i presume is there already you know for you to go out and see freely in introduction management video of ours so you just go out and serve there you will get to see how you know you can go ahead and so pmp test package does not have the 200 clone questions it's only the bootcamp package which helps goes out and you know give you uh in with regards to the prep time you know how much it generally takes it all depends on you and we had to do a spot go ahead with a personalized approach it's very important it's not the same you know kind of you know treatment that we go out and meet out for everyone so it's like you know if you need something more attention whatsoever from our end with regards to something you know we will definitely go ahead and give you the same it varies on an average two to three months it might take less it might take more so based on how you are proceeding with the preparations whatever would you like to take any other questions yes of course uh the remainder is asking after pmp introduce agile is acp getting stopped no no guys acp is a full-fledged agile methodology and instead to be honest people are going crazy about agile what they want to do is only agile so acp is the next big thing in the market after pmp okay anything else guys any other question please uh if we would have missed type in again guys uh you know uh for five more minutes we can definitely answer the questions uh we'll be going ahead and referring to your question on the difference between rolling wave and progressive elaboration separately yes yeah that is actually a big topic so what i will do is uh you know i'll share the link of our blog where you know mentor nidhi has explained the difference between progressive and rolling wave go on the website and see it you will you will definitely learn a lot from that okay what else do we need to learn tasks and enablers with knowledge areas no no no definitely not we really don't need to do that again it's all about understanding the concept um swami would you like to take the next one our pmp simulator is based on the exam pattern whatsoever so be rest assured whatever 2021 goes out and provides we have to do a spot are seeing to it that everything is covered at your end data structure with regard to that okay so i have failed to register for the boot camp i tried with yes you tried with me so you know we are looking out for that issue whatsoever and we'll be helping you out uh so what what happened uh he there was some issue with regards to you know clicking on the payment option he was not able to go ahead and you know getting get redirected to this type page okay so probably we can touch base with you uh offline you can reach out to our chat session and we can some you know somebody from the support team can do uh like you know a zoom call and something right so i find lisa's question out here as well to understand the agile triangles whatsoever so that again happens to be an elaborate you know kind of discussion so any kind of you know technical discussion we can actually go out and take it offline or even if you leave on the chat section we can actually go out and explain as much as possible okay and when we do chat session we mean the website so guys go on the website and over there we have a chat platform to do okay guys anything else last two three minutes and then we will stop this so okay thank you asif i hope you liked it thank you ken thank you so much okay our ittus and project depo no guys nothing needs to be memorized so yeah no please don't worry about memorization it's all about understanding once again don't worry about seventh edition i have got so many emails in my inbox based on seventh edition uh yes our simulator takes care of the hybrid questions so i see you all's question out here hybrid questions as well as in the new format you get drag and drop fill in the blanks all kinds of questions will it be mentioned if the question is agile hybrid or predictive no guys you have to understand kushboop just by reading the question yes mass this video will be available in our channel uh basically this is the link so you can come back watch it anytime okay you're welcome thank you you guys killed it thank you thank you when is the boot camp in august uh it's it's mentioned uh so we we will have boot camp coming up every month we have so dates will be live don't worry about it right now we are concentrating on july boot camp uh hey varun can we do a pmi acp live session yes we are definitely on the track uh we will be doing that we can we prepare based knowledge area instead of enablers yes push you know honestly i still use knowledge area to explain the concepts because that actually helps to understand so right then varun i see another very important question which i get to see from many people what is the past percentage of pmp test out here so if we would like to reiterate the fact that if you're staying serious as per the hours that we are asking you to dedicate or devote at your end so you are 100 guaranteed to pass the exam you don't have to think about anything else do i need anything before this month boot camp can i start right away gotham you can start right away we will be giving you a step-by-step study plan a homework by homework approach like basically this is what we do we give you a homework and we say this is homework one deadline is 10th of february by this day do this watch this video do these questions so again we want to spoon feed you we just want to make sure that you follow our plan and definitely you should pass the exam no it's not something like new questions are easier than the previous ones everything is mixed and matched you can't predict so go ahead with an open mind whenever you're going for pmp push i try to enroll for pmp even i try to call a number uh uh a pew ship why don't you do one thing um you send an email directly to you know swami or myself and we can take it from there you know my support team is pretty responsive but you can definitely this i saw six days for boot camp is it enough uh no six days is just the live sessions which we are doing where we are talking about all the concepts uh but the the real preparation is that step by step study plan which we are doing for you so that's different okay are you reviewing your candidates progress from your website simulator yes based on also on the type of questions you ask us because you will be mentored by us based on the type of questions you are asking us we will come to know whether you are ready or not so we will give you the green signal you are welcome also you will be able to review your performances on the history tab as well day in and day out thank you reminder for your recommendation with the help follow his and you are good awesome thank you the ramenta i really appreciate that good to see you here i'm glad you are back good thank you jaten okay so with homework and boot camp put together how many total days required to crack the pmp exam samya so as i said i said there's no hard fast uh you know hard and fast rule or so that you need to get done or you can get done within these days however with you know proper devotion dedication also understanding and very important as varun also says the pmi way of thinking so that's what we go out day in and day out pressing on and on you know in the boot camp during our mentorship individually on one and on so that is very important the faster you go ahead and get in line with the pmi way of thinking the better it is for it awesome awesome thank you gotham for a recommendation uh thanks from azerbaijan thank you thank you for making taking out this time which best revision strategy do you recommend okay revision strategy we typically ask students to revise from the notes which they have made out of our videos and watch read our slides santosh next session uh santosh if you are not signed up on our website i would say just create an account on our website and in that way we will definitely will probably be doing this two three weeks monthly that's what iteration we are planning to do so new session will be out pretty soon next 10 set of questions we'll be targeting so this is the website just create an account once you create an account you will automatically get our questions and emails and everything anything else anyone okay i hope you liked it guys thank you so much for taking our time and good night good evening good morning wherever you are thank you goodbye bye
Channel: EduHubSpot
Views: 6,134
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: pmp 2021, pmp exam prep, pmp certification, pmp training videos, pmp exam, pmp exam questions, pmp, pmp 7th edition, pmp application filling 2021, pmp 2021 review
Id: 5f9IfS7HtHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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