PM Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden hold bilateral meet at The Oval Office in the White House

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exactly 10 years ago when I visited mumbai's vice president I emphasized how important it was for India and the United States to continue building a partnership small step small steps at a time [Music] over that past 10 years those small steps have transformed into large progress today partnership between our country is stronger than deserted we see it in our major defense partnership now a pillar in the Pacific peace and security instructions whether it's a more inclusive economic growth for our people and quite frankly people all around the world foreign [Music] space converting Technologies clean energy all right thank you Mr Prime Minister for your decision to and hosting the G20 this year and focusing the world on the challenges matters not just to you and I and our countries but to all of us foreign discussing how we can strengthen our partnership build a future together worthy of both our peoples one grounded on Democracy human rights freedom and rule of law foreign so welcome again Mr Prime Minister we have a big agenda to continue to build our progress again step by step but continue to build um foreign foreign Excellency President Biden I once again expressed my heartfelt gratitude to you and to Dr Jill Biden for the hospitality and the respect that you have shown to me and my delegation and more importantly because you open the doors of the White House today for the Indian American people and they were there in thousands to witness the future of our strategic partnership excellent so foreign foreign foreign artificial intelligence stuck in your Excellency you've always been India's friend and a well-wisher for a very long time and whenever you have gotten opportunity you've always given force and strength to our bilateral relations Excellency eight years ago while addressing the U.S India Business Council you had said our goal is to become India's best friend and it is this personal commitment of yours towards India that is inspiring us to take many bold and ambitious initiatives today India and the US are walking shoulder to shoulder in every field from the depths of the oceans to the heights of the Skies from ancient culture to artificial intelligence joint statement working groups is foreign Excellency Whenever there is talk of relations between any two countries from A diplomatic point of view people often talk about some formal joint statements working groups mousse all these definitely have their own importance but the real engine of the india-us relationship is our strong people-to-people ties and we just heard a spirited Roar of that engine out on the White House laws urgency is foreign foreign s are on the two largest democracies of the world India and America I believe that our strategic partnership is important for welfare of the humankind Global peace and stability and for all countries believing in democratic values and this is important than ever before I'm confident that working together we will be successful in enhancing the strengths of the whole world [Music] they will talk about many such issues today and we will add New Dimensions to our strategic partnership I once again express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your friendship thank you Mr President thank you thank you thank you thank you friends
Channel: ANI News
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Keywords: pm modi, narendra modi, joe biden, modi biden meeting, pm modi meets joe biden, modi meet biden, pm modi meet joe biden, modi, pm modi joe biden, modi biden meet, pm narendra modi, pm modi us visit, pm modi speech, biden modi meeting, biden modi, modi biden, pm modi speech today, modi to meet joe biden, modi live, modi speech, pm narendra modi speech, biden, prime minister narendra modi, pm modi speech latest, modi us visit, modi in usa, modi us state visit
Id: 8tToznuMdyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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