Plotting S-Curve with Excel

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please welcome back to our lecture so this is part 2 of s curve for this video what we're going to do is to do and pluck your s curve with the help of Excel okay so here you have an activity a set of activity for a certain project so you have a project with activity from A to F okay so some activities a to F are variables so it looks a weekend activity a has a designated activity so Sabina and pregnancy activity a is for excavation activity B is for fabrication of reinforcing steel bar activity C is for fabrication of formworks and etc okay so for this column for the second column and we are going to designate this as the amount the amount for the material and for the labor cost hey the bus a previous lecture in upload core like solved iron a costing per activity the BA so knocks off tile at anion so he applying a not insured Ito productivity at one costing yeah okay compared to our bill of materials and cost estimates um total for example is a country total volume and in our net Ocado compute not n deters our construction project as a construction project money management undergoing at in in our alum not a new costing productivity depends upon kaha so not soon odd okay an origin of course is excavation so for excavation a team costing yeah next a fabrication on reinforcing steel bar for the footing at the nominee on Kenya costing okay so for activity a we have a duration of two weeks activity B two weeks of the v3c three weeks D four weeks eight weeks F is three weeks so mock start and monkey finish on this certain weeks okay so mark starts the first week you octave ities which is activity a and monkey finishing project on the ninth week so helix a me and the duration of this act this project is nine weeks okay so again morontia nine weeks Peraza duration on activities nothing ah hi next thing we need to do is to determine the percent weight what do I mean by percent weight proxy not be nothing percent with alum percent activity a non bone project along percent you activity B sub-1 project along percent young C sub on project disabled on project is sub on project F sub on project so to determine the percent weight and gravity nothing value is the costing okay so we need to get the total so the total is equivalent to one hundred thirty nine thousand pesos now to get the percentage that is equivalent to this cell divided by this cell now if we forgot the multiplication so times 100 to make it in percentage okay but if when you're not simply equation not then that the succeeding sales will be error or less a Bobo by adding device or okay so I'm gonna win nothing we're going to place a dollar signs a denominator before the letter and before the number then copy okay so you make some vegan activity a is 12% no total activity activity B is 17% of the VTC is 35 activity D is 28% of the total activities activity D is 5% and activity F is nine point 35 percent of the total project so a little total not in yen same procedure summation it should be 100% hey I saw a la mañana 10 you are ta plah plah nothing shopper we kill um percentage per week I'm de but nothing Matt opposed paranoid so for activity a the duration is two weeks mug starts as a first week Matata pushes the second week so ongoing that the end mug like lagina tendon color pademelon indignant so it would be two weeks next activity B we have two weeks Denmark starts as a second week Matata pushes the third week next starts third week meta top was a fifth in relation three weeks activity D we have mud start dishes activity three and meta tapasya on the sixth so that is four weeks next activity e mock starches a seventh but the tapas are eight next we have activity F activity F mug starches ah seven in what the top whooshes ah ninth week and that is a total of three weeks huh no no no no that's all Brian 7th to 9th week after that anger go V nuttin is to distribute the percentage per week oh hi so for activity a for activity a we have two weeks Hey so for activity a marathon two weeks duration is two weeks then a present Nia is 12 so do we have this divided by the duration yeah so they distribute nothing so mass maganda if we just stick with two decimal okay next activity B is 17% so 17% divided by the duration right there you have it next 25 so we have this cell divided by the duration so login are dollar signs what I Hindi what move okay or play the rain but I did a PI my happens a dollar sign just simply have this the first cell divided by the number of tradition which is three direct Ana divided by three then copy okay with dollar sign okay next we have 27 so that cell divided by duration of four so drunk next we have five twenty seventy six divided by two drop okay next we have lastly 9.35 equivalent to 9.35 and to be safe let's use the % / duration of three dollar sign ah hi SOTA percentile a distributing percentage Neela with resin tension on each activity with respect to the duration this time our alum in the monotony percent our weekly percentage non progress Neela so we have weekly weekly progress okay so erupt X nothing okay so with that that is equivalent to this no summation summation from this cell up to this cell yeah that is in percentage okay so lucky at dinner so if it's a vegan so first week and up Adama accomplish more is six point forty seven percent so second week the Padma accomplishment is fifteen point forty seven percent softer it week the bottom progress mo is twenty four percent so week for Amata tapas mo is 15% oh hi and so on Hangang so wit nights a week nine apena Conte Amata tapas Manila is three point twelve percent ah hi now Hannah P nominate a new teen Aparna cumulative weekly progress so for the cumulative weekly progress Kamala neohart incurved canina apparent after you adding weekly progress now you want parama who are not in it on graph Neto and gagawin not and is to determine our cumulative weekly progress hi going back to this table kalana tinkling adding cumulative weekly progress hi so for so for that we have this then for the succeeding we have the weekly progress report plus the previews okay then drug 100% so panel not any inconvenience in Big Sur vegan on the first week I'm at the top was more than total project is 6.47 for the second week total project accomplish is twenty one person week three total project 46 percent versus the weekly proud progress vivix a vegan so week three AMA tapas Milan is 24 point 58 a cumulative weekly progress report eviction vegan sub bomb project hahaha completion Thailand 46 point 52% ah hi correction Hindi departure cumulative weekly cumulative progress Nisha hi next s we're going to plot the plot not in charting curve so we have insert lines lines with markers yeah ah hi so there you have it that is your s curve so I using on an attention Mulla Mulla hindi Pythian so melikhaya before i much mana nothing nothing y-axis in such a window 100% longshot hi so format access yeah so we convert that to 100 so 100 percent nasha okay so this is your s curve at the name s curve nahin hai not nothing after yachting expected s curve hey so 11 attention us cost [Music] I am so it is cost versus time s-curve hi so this is what we need know so I thought that but Yuma gigging packbow now I think costing within nine nine weeks okay but in actuality hindi naman Telugu ganya new nanny array so what if what if not action attire so let's try to predict let's try to plot hi for example man under the actual value so we have here actual weekly progress then cumulative with actual cumulative progress oh hi so yen okay so yeah so Sabine attends the actual instead of 6.47 unit in progress nothing so biggy nothing it's just 5% then for the next day it was eleven point 25% then for the third week three it was Sabine attend with us to us we have twenty point twenty four percent then for the week for Sabine attend none ha the tire now 3:15 seven eight and 15 which is close okay so pine nut and if a plot yen you actual so good in Manhattan you're adding actual cumulative progress so for the first column just simply copy then for the second we have the previews plus the current progress for the week tendrá it looks a million one week four we were supposed to have a 62% point in sixty two point eleven percent weekly our cumulative progress but in actual under gowalla mystery 51 point 49% okay so I know gotta be naughty John if you plot nothing so select data then series three and your current nothing graph so palette and nuttin see Iranian attention doing nothing actually hey so Napoletana but we need to plot our I know it's an actual it is we cumulative progress LOM cumulative progress then you plot Manhattan you wanting succeeding so we have ad so this is actual cumulative native progress hi then for our y-values and y-values nothing would be at all this is our y values then for our horizontal oh no no no no for our Y values madam editor that is not our Y values this is our Y values then for our horizontal we have at all then okay yeah so Eve exhibition from tipping the nut and you're adding graph we interpret not in your autograph in cumulative progress nothing based on our prediction or each other but you act expected output in Malaya you acting actual many array so you color blue you action and any area for the S curve so from there wait the time up aluminum s-curve the mug decide on what to do in order for us to meet our deadline which is wit nine bucket Kayla they medium that lenka say that is to avoid penalty and para Hindi Carina and Mercier as a client kasi Padma Sierra has a client mahira no Baja Bug spreading word major Mamba wasn't kind of client clients okay so yeah Amato too long and I think s-curve so parama conducting then co lion attend you are teen not a monograph okay so there you have it so if there are any question comment Lanka also comment section on post concern kilala guy um link for this video okay thence that I will try to answer them as fast as I could but the barcelona shot okay
Channel: KenCabs Civil Engg Lectures
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Id: 2S7lC3FMzlM
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Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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