Plex Media Server | Install on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

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so you need help setting up a plex server on ubuntu 22.04 server edition well i got you covered [Music] what's up guys it's josh back with another video and today i wanted to do a quick video showing you guys how to get plex media server installed on linux your linux server and i'm gonna specifically talk about ubuntu 22.04 that's like one of the most popular uh linux distributions that's used uh for desktop but it's also has a big following of people that use the server edition uh it's a great option to set up your linux server now you can set this up in a virtual machine you can set it up uh in the cloud if you want to there are ways to actually do it and set it up in the cloud and connect to your media from there but i'll just show you guys how to set it up at your house on a virtual machine let's say you have a price my server or something to that effect i want to walk you guys through how to set up your plex server and then host all your media on your local network and you can connect to it you know via uh whatever you want to use like i use uh google chromecast uh i have them set up on my tvs and then some of your tvs they are internet connected you can connect you can install the plex app and then you connect to your media that you have stored on your server you know your plex server that you have on your local network and watch all your legal videos you know from you know your server on your network so let's go down and hop right to it and i'll walk you guys through how to quickly set this up it's not that difficult i'll show you guys the website right fast where you can get all the links from uh in a couple seconds and then also each link or each command that i run will be on my documentation website and i'll have the link down in the description of the video so you guys can follow along with everything i do to set this server up so let's get started before we move forward i wanted to give a quick shout out to ciq the official partner of rocky linux rocky linux is a linux distribution that is intended to be a downstream complete binary compatible release using the red hat enterprise linux operating system source code the project is led by gregory kurtzer who was the founder of the ceno s project so check out rocky linux at now before i kick off uh showing you guys how to install it i want to go to their website this is basically you can actually go here and get a dail package from their site uh i'm gonna show you guys how to add that um repository though on ubuntu but you can come here just go under downloads it'll automatically recognize what you're connecting from so it knows that i'm connected from linux but most of the time you know you're not going to have a browser set up on your server so you have to follow the links i put in my documentation website uh which will be updated you know with the latest uh link to the repository and all that stuff you can add that to your server and then you can get all the future updates of plex on your server uh every time you run like updates on the server but all you have to do is hit choose uh it's going to automatically recognize it click choose distribution because there are different different distributions they have uh ubuntu 16.0 plus you know that means anything above 16.04 uh server edition and then uh debian 8 plus you know that's the intel amd they have a 32-bit uh dell package they also have a 64-bit dev package and then also arm so if you want to set one of these up on a raspberry pi for instance you can download the horn version they also have fedora cenos packages which is a rpm package and that's a 32-bit as well as 64-bit i just want to show you guys this that you can get it directly from there but i'm going to show you guys how to do it you know on my system uh and actually if you do it you can do it this way you can copy this uh link the link to whatever distribution you have and then do a wget that'll download the dev package on your server i'm gonna show you guys a little bit different way uh you can do it either way however you want to do a net and that'll get it installed as well properly but let's go down hop over to my virtual machine so we can get this thing installed okay cool so i'm logged into my ubuntu 22.04 server uh using ssh that's the easiest way to connect to your server just to show you guys uh this is on my local network but it is ubuntu 22.04 i just did some updates but i wanted to at least show you guys how to update it if this is your first time but sudo apps updates and then i always run the commands together but sudo apt uh upgrade and then that's why so it'll go down and answer that question but that's the one of the first things you want to do you want to run sudo apt update that'll refresh the repositories the current repositories and then check for updates and then it'll upgrade so that's what that ampersand ampersand is it basically says if this command runs successfully then run this command after it so ampersand ampersand and then sudo apt upgrade and then there's a question typically when you run updates it's basically verifying that you want to make changes to the disk by installing uh the actual new packages or updates to the server uh so let's go to run that i know it's no updates because i just updated this theme but i wanted to run it so you guys know that this is part of the step so as you can see no updates it'll tell you right here it'll say zero upgraded uh but it will say like how many packages needs to be upgraded and then it'll go down and go to the upgrade process of upgrading those packages so we're good to go now there are some dependencies that we need to install or at least verify that they're on here and i have a lot of these commands copied so i can paste them in there so i want you guys to follow uh my link to my documentation page and it'll go through uh with all of these commands but these are the dependencies so apt transfer port uh dash https and then curl if we don't have it nw get if we don't have it which i'm sure both of those packages are on here pretty much all of those packages should be on here uh and it looks like one of them wasn't let's see which one it wasn't wasn't on there uh as you can see wget was on there curl was also on there uh i believe the yeah this is the only package that needs to be installed so that apps transport uh https that had to be installed so that's installed we are good to go now the next thing you want to do is go down install the plex repository now i'll show you guys how to do that i have the command already copied echo dab and basically what it's doing is grabbing that gpg key from uh from the plex server or the plex uh server and then also adding that repository to our list so when we run a sudo apt update it'll connect to their repository to actually get any updates or changes or of course install the application as as well so let's go ahead and press enter that will add that to the system and we'll be good to go with the the packages being checked or the updates being checked as we install it as well as installing the actual application now with this being said uh up here at the top it's looking for uh the plex gpg key which we have not downloaded so let's go through and download that first or download that next and let's just paste it in there but it's simply using w gets uh we're downloading the gpg key uh basically so you can verify this coming from the right location as well as adding that gpg key to the system uh that way when we do run the update it'll use this signed key gpg key to verify that we pull in from the right repository so let's go ahead and press enter boom it'll add that repository so let's press enter and let's just clear that up a little bit but we are good to go we added that gpg key uh and we're good to go all right so the next thing we need to do is just go down and install the plex media server but first you want to run a update that way it'll refresh the repositories on the system so you know sudo apps update let's run that and then we should see that plex repository now so you should see that on your system as well now we should be able to run sudo apps install plex and i'm gonna tab it out that should yeah it should automatically auto fill it out dash y they'll go through go through and install everything dependencies and all that stuff for the plex media server and get it up and running on our system and i'll be back when this actually completes because sometimes it takes a little bit all right so the plex server is officially installed on our ubuntu 22.04 and we can verify that by using this system ctl commands uh so we can run sudo system and we didn't have the right type sudo but i'm going to type it anyway but sudo system ctl status and make sure you spell it right but plex media server dot service so let's press enter and we can verify that service is active and running and then we can also look to see if the service is enabled that's one thing you want to verify so whenever you have to reboot this server uh plex will store it up soon as the system comes back up so it's enabled and started currently so we're good to go so let's press q that'll get us back to the terminal and there's one other thing you want to do once plex is installed it uses port 32 400 so we have to open that up in our firewall if we are going to use a firewall and i recommend if you're going to connect this server to the internet you need to turn on the firewall so we could verify the status of our firewall by typing sudo ufw and then status and this will give us the status of our firewall ufw as you can see it's inactive at the moment so what you want to do now because right now we ssh into the server you want to verify that open ssh is enabled as well as go to open up our port for our plex server before we activate ufw because if you do it before you open up those ports we're going to use a lose our uh port 22 connection which is uh open ssh so all we have to do is type sudo ufw allow and then open ssh and that should open up our open ssh servers yeah that's our port port 22 and then also let's go through and open up our 32 and let's press enter and i'll open up the ports for that as well so that's our plex ports and that's our open ssh port so now we can enable our firewall so we can type sudo ufw enable and press enter and that'll enable our file you want to type y right here and this is what i was saying it it'll disrupt your existing ssh connection if you didn't open up open ssh that's why it's verifying that you want to proceed so type y press enter it'll inactivate it and we're good to go as you can see firewall is active and enabled and each time we reboot the server our firewall is going to be up as well and then we can just type uh just to verify everything but sudo ufw and let's type status this time and it should show us our ports that are open so as you see over ssh that's poor 22 and then our 32 400 port it allows all connections in from uh for that that service or that that port number now let's go down and configure our server and i won't do much of the configuring it's all straightforward i just wanted to show you guys how to actually get to it right fast um and then it all depends on how you have your network set up so or like your file set up that could be in a shared directory which is kind of the way i do it on my system or i'm on my network i have a shared directory with all my files on it that i connect to it's all depending on how you had this stuff set up at your house so i it's it's impossible for me to show you all the different ways but it's straightforward with the connection let's go down and go to it and what you want to do is grab the ip address of your server so we can type ip and then a and that will give us the ip address of our server so that's mine so you want to find out what jersey is and then we can switch back over to our browser at the moment uh and then like i said before it's uh 32 400 so let's open up another tab uh paste in our ip address and then also we need to put the port number so ports 32 400 press enter and looks like we are having some issues with it and i think one of the things i need to type was behind this is for slash web and that should work yeah there we go so for slash web so you type in the ip address then uh the port number and then four slash web and it'll take you to the black server so um as you can see this is the login page for it so you can log into it i'm gonna log into it off camera so you guys can actually see uh once i get it once you actually get into it i want you guys to see my login information uh so i'll be back in a second when i'm actually logged into it so you figure out which way you want to log into plex and then you can connect to your server from there okay so i typed in my username password and it is now bringing up the server i'm assuming this is because it's the first time uh it's taking a little time but soon as this comes up you guys should be able to configure the server meaning adding uh your location where your files are located so i'll be back when this actually comes up right so it's uh asking me to start syncing this is my first time seeing that i'm gonna just hit no on it uh but this should be the first thing you see when you get into it it's basically talking about how plex works so plex media service runs on your computer where you keep your media please scan your media automatically organize it and make it beautiful or plex does that it says plays your media on screen uh with your favorite plex app so they do have apps for everything they have apps for your phone apps for you i think you need a plex pass to play things directly on your phone or on certain you know apps you got to have a pex plex pass but they do have the app so let's just see got it uh and then it's going to advertise for the plex class so 4.99 monthly 3.99 yearly and then 119 for the lifetime the lifetime is the best deal in my opinion so just going on if if you're going to pay for this just go down and pay the 1 120 for it and you'll have all these extra features download live tv dvr web hooks parent controls server dashboard uh as well as premium music magic so with music as well you can put your music on here as well so we're going to close that because i'm not going to sign up for it but it's going ask you for the server name so you can use whatever the host name that's what it'll be in identified on the network uh you could do that it says allow me to access my media outside of my home so that is what that port is needed for so you can click that that will allow you know you to connect to this plex server from outside of your network so if you want if you don't want that to happen just uncheck that it won't share uh or at least try to share because you also have to open up the port in your router and it's no way i can show you you guys you know how to do this on your router i can only show you based on my stuff and so probably wouldn't help you because i'm sure if you're watching this video we probably have a different router at the end of the day so let's hit next now it's going to ask you for your media library um so once we get there uh and like i said this is just some simple configurations it's going to make a few changes to your system uh in order to make sure that you can access it from outside the network uh now it says organize your media boom so you can add your libraries so this is where you go in and actually add your library so and you select the library by the type so you got movies tv shows music photos you know other video you just click movies it's going to ask you the name that you want to do and then you want to go to add folders and then what it's going to do is look on you on your computer and you can store these you know you just store this directory anywhere on your server it all depends i know i did in other videos as i showed you how to set up a location under opt i believe the app directory or something to that effect but it really doesn't matter you just kind of want to make sure the plex user has access to it in case you need to delete stuff uh that's all permission stuff and i didn't want to go that deep into it but you find out wherever you want to store it you can store it within your home directory whatever just add that location here uh and you get to go so i'm gonna hit cancel on that because we're not gonna add any media let's hit next and then let's go down and finish it now one thing that is doing is showing my current um uh server as well because i logged in under my one of my accounts um and so it's showing some stuff that i already have uh like movies and stuff so this is what it'll kind of look like once you have stuff on it uh you know what i'm saying and uh if you go to more it'll show you those servers under here so uh ubs22 that's the server i should have created a new account for this but whatever but i do have a that's my current plex server on my network but i also have you know this new server that we set up uh so boom let's go back but you can list out like you can add tv shows you know and name them whatever you want you know just like that but that's essentially how it works and then once you you know download something or um you know copy your movies from the dvds that you purchased and store them in a location then you can add them here and then all you had to do is go through and it pulls up the information on it like i bought this movie a long time ago i ripped it put it on my server but it pulls out i named it correctly and then it pulls out the information for it uh you know directed by and it's super cool it shows you you know the cast it gives you reviews and that's like writing tomato reviews as well as related movies if you want to go through and find something you know slightly close to it you know what i'm saying so this is a awesome app now i hope you guys enjoyed the video that should be a simple way of setting up a plex server on your ubuntu uh 22.04 that'll walk you guys through it and like i said i'll have all the commands i ran down in the description of the video that where that link that takes you to my documentation uh website so you can get all these commands copy and paste follow along and all that good stuff but please like share and subscribe to the channel if you have any questions you can definitely leave comments down in the comments below and of course keep the tech [Music] you
Channel: KeepItTechie
Views: 41,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KeepItTechie, learn linux, linux, plex media server, linux tutorial, how to install plex, ubuntu server, home media server, media server, plex (software), plex media server setup, how to setup plex, plex server, plex ubuntu, plex media server build, what is plex, plex on ubuntu server, linux plex media server, media server build, plex setup, linux plex server build, plex complete walkthrough, plex media server ubuntu 22.04
Id: QEP5Tq78cHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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