PLEASE STOP This Hate Mail!

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can we open the hate mail now we have hate mail we have hate mail gosh whoever Drew this why did you pick this photo honestly you give me the I every time you sing like bro trying to impress shut up Harper you still got that lighter oh no it goes like this I'll burn your pig we have your brother Harold oh no yo what's up guys welcome back to the funniest podcast on Earth well it would be the funniest pod podcast if somebody left are you trying to make that I'll leave wait are we like making that a tagline now I mean I just said it you said it and then you also put it on our banner and then you also said it in the last episode what I I just you put it on our Banner I'm M of what we're the funniest podcast on Earth all right I guess M's coming up with our slan what do you mean not really who's the funniest podcast more funny than us Theo V right that's subjective listen uh I mean no we we pass sometimes he passes us but we're we're over him a lot of the time were I'm sorry I'm kind of bied the never mind I won't say it we love you Theo come on the Pod yeah yo I I dm'd him he never dm' me back yeah Theo come on the Pod actually I dm' a lot of people that never DM me back should I just go through all the people that I DM that never dm' me back yeah don't don't just make a bunch of enemies right now please no no it's not like that bad like this is me saying hey if you see this message me back D me back I know everyone doesn't check their requested it's all right we have uh just so we're aware right now just just just so we're aware we are above theovon on Top com are we actually what are we at we're at number four on Comedy uh five uh six theovon come on our podcast to get your chart up all right hey D is this supposed to be a comedy by the time he checks we're going to be like yeah I guess it's comedy um what are we what are we overall on Spotify right now probably Spotify what our podcast top podcast we are number in the US we're back up on the top in the world in the world e biggest podc on the planet right now according to spoy that's insane the eighth biggest podcast on this Earth can you believe that yeah and we have people rejecting our invites guys we you're welcome y'all should all be thanking me why because I remember a while like you know how we were dropping down to like number 30 yeah I do remember I told all of them I was like guys we're dropping in rankings everybody please go watch our SP SP ify and go subscribe on there look I said that we're up W you are so conceited how about we thank them not you they're the ones that try to take credit for them watching that's crazy we are number you guys guys we are number eight because if you guys we could be number one we could be if you guys together we climbing we climbing we're taking over Joe R if we become the number one podcast in the world what should we do we we got to do something crazy well we are the funniest podcast on Earth no but if we hit number one what should we do um we got to do something crazy if we hit number married I want yall to really understand we'll get married number one make another number one podcast I'm just trying to get married I'll make all number one podcast out of every single podcast ever on Spotify we got to do something big speaking of let's go on a trip what could we do favorite no we got to do something like crazy I'll box Jake Paul oh we could do a live podcast at our wedding I'll let Jake Paul punch me in the face you want to be in the back row just live podcasting at bet now they are kissing the bride right you and Gerald just sitting there now what's going on yo wait on a low key note can I have Gerald like since I'm your best man and all can Gerald jald cannot be can Gerald be the one that hands you the ring you're call oh go please hey seriously guys we need a community thing here what are we doing if we hit number one let's go let's go let's do a live you guys let us know what we should do if we hit number one I want the best EP in Dallas Texas at the convention center top comment every top whatever the most liked comment is of what we should do if we hit the number one podcast in the world we might or might not do that if it's feas maybe live show on the beach in Cancun I don't know I agree with that one you know what happen we should do a live show in the Dallas Texas Convention Center where the cheer competitions happen because I know like everybody's going to be there right like everybody's going to watch us right oh you want to do it during a cheer competition so everyone leaves the no no no no no maybe but um no everybody will be around cuz I I know that place like the back of my hand I don't know the back of my hand but I um you know that place we will be SEC some security guards for that yes um but I'm kidding we don't make en so funny that's so awkward it's an inside joke you know we honest we might need security guards you know one time security guard you one time you have we hired a security guard one time saying is H and he watched me pee he did remember that Big Rob yeah Big Rob shout out big Rob solid guy like a security guard yeah he was an ex player he was massive he was a lineman that doesn't mean he's a security guard no but he no one can stop him like I said he's a solid guy he was he could not have been a security guard but I mean I mean he was guarding me with security he was pretty good and I went to use the bathroom and he just like like I was like he like stood at the bathroom door just looking at the door I was like this feels legit and never hire one game cuz I like peeing in private I don't think you needed a security guard I you guys needed security C I don't think so either I've been doing Jiu-Jitsu now for a few years I feel like a Lethal Weapon honestly no no the main when a police officer pulls me over I'm like just let you know I do Jiu-Jitsu the main reason for it was like when we we did the big meetups and like when we did the big meetups like for instance the mall there was like a thousand people there it was like if everyone did this oh and crushed you yeah yeah I need someone to pick me up little boys you guys at the time I weighed like 110 like what am I going to do actually how old were you were was like 15 16 when I did my first me up and you're 110 no no not actually that was he was exag proba like 145 150 it was a figure speech har I'm 160 160 no you are not you are not 160 no but guys we will we will do what the top comment says if it's feasible uh but you guys have to go to Spotify go to the LOL podcast on Spotify go follow us make us number one maybe even we can do a live show on the Dallas Tex airport go or we do it on the moon first podcast on the moon firstc the mo I think I think seriously we can do it we can do it at the zoo like go go follow our SP with the gorillas around us oh me and that gorilla got beef still I don't know I don't know you can't you're not friends with the gorillas at the I mean not specific one he didn't like me he he tried to punch me the glass no that's not what we're doing har or casat needs to squash the beef with that I think we're going to have to bleep that that's going to have to get bleep and we're back because the the the sensor couch said something that needed sensor again don't forget to I said no you know what's kind of embarrassing for us guys is I'm not even joking I'm not even joking wait are you joking wait you're joking what's going on I'm not joking we' have literally been talking about doing a live podcast episode how badly we want to do one we started saying it in like October and it is may now and we still have not done one and you want to know why why I'll tell you why because the boys don't think anyone would show up well because we dropped merch and they were very disappointed bought our merch so we like dang was kind of lame looking look at let me design a shirt I'll design a shirt yes you think you can design a shirt yeah I can design Shir whoever designed that one should be fire yeah literally they asked me they're like Harbor do you think this is cute and I was like yeah I think that are great yeah and then and then we sold maybe seven seven no we sold more than more than that had more than seven but not like they were it was but not enough to do a show it was just let me put it this way when we sold merch before like cash and Maverick merch the numbers were like 10x 10x they were way more than 10 x maybe 20x also SL merch we slung merch proba 100 x do you all genuinely think that merch is a thing the way it was then yeah then it is if you make it a thing and I made it one what what we basically created what oh no James Charles James Charles and the Paul brothers and no one else the Paul Brothers created merch realistic they they they did the most the Paul Brothers when you think a merch when you think a merch you think of Logan and Jake Paul they were doing a Millie a day they were doing so much but crazy because of that I tried to tell them I was like listen guys no one buys merch anymore all right let's read everyone that left me on red Olivia Rodrigo Liza Koshi Tate Miranda Grove enlist on red or delivered oh delivered sorry okay uh Jake Paul wait hold on why are you messaging all these chicks like what you didn't let me finish Jake Paul well he's got the verification check mark I can't it Nolan Carl uh T I don't know who that person is Chandler tan Mojo no oh you don't know who that person is but you messaged them uh let's see who oh uh Ryan Anderson uh Gypsy Rose's husband um oh her Joe you hear the um dude this thing has messed Instagram has messed up their DM like this is not 100 weeks ago uh Tyler from hey this is real cool but listen I don't want to hear it anymore which dog is that I think it's the there's a dog howling here guys yeah Stella um Mr Beast I don't think it's outside gosh if it's outside we need to get her inside cuz literally our neighbors I feel like I don't think it's outside d Del brick Theo Von oh Josh P left me on scene yeah come on is the puppy what what does he say he said you trying to tussle something like that what something no no no you said something about tussle yeah what are we talking about garage the dog yeah just go to Josh peek left me on sing yeah so should I say Drake is better anyway is that say that funny yeah she didn't say Drake was better anyway you know what's funny my top request like I don't have anybody in there because my stupid Instagram is glitched yeah that's what happens and nobody is like no verified people it's like hey Au I'm a big fan of you XX like maybe it's just that nobody no verified people have messaged you um that's not possible let's see that could be possible I think I had I had someone in my I had Jason Dillo he's my top Jason Dillo he's my top like request Jas J Jason and then I have Cameron Dallas and then I don't know anyone else after that but Cameron Dallas was just trying to get me on his app should I just app sorry Cameron I'm I contact say beauty and say send me PR period what cuz they've sent me PR in the future but like they haven't sent me y would think we're like a little clouded almost being the number one podcast in the world but I mean literally no one has de me back well we're the funniest podcast on Earth that's all that matters nin speak messages speaking of messes speaking of messages no speaking of messages r no one's cash speaking of messages yeah can we open the hate mail now we have hate mail we have hate mail o I see we have what about fan mail did we get any fan mail no no but it's all hate mail yeah I mean we probably do get fan mail but producers said no no fan mail all right first one is from Ryan Tran shut have you ever talked with Ryan Tran so no but I love his wife I him though but he'll never guess what he never dned me back all right we have Ryan oh wait no sorry we have one from to Harper to Kenzie and to Kate oh God uh then we also have for Maverick oh give me it i'll open it now of course his is the bigger one and then we also have I'm kidding oh me cash e Baker catchy caty you butchered his name whoever c c a c h e hey we still love you okay Baker to the LOL podcast we got the whole whole crew and to Gerald what the you guys S I better not be hate better not be hate mail to J Jal can't even talk to defend himself all right we'll start off with the personals okay okay uh we'll start off with Harpers bet all right to Harper it has a little elf on it okay um oh okay wait it has an elf on it yeah look that's rude elf that's kind of crazy send an elf for as the sticker for Harper's Harper's letter it's crazy it say read it out loud it says the f word I'm not joking give me that give me that the very first even it says even even you can't read you where it came from though right huh okay even though Harper is a ginger and looks like the Wendy's girl she's perfect in every way she's so funny I gained a lot of respect for her when she opened up up and cry it on the podcast keep it up you're amazing at toasty 259 thank you toasty 259 that was eight mail she did say she looks like the Wendy's girl that was so backhanded even though she looks like the Wendy's girl open yours M give me that thing gosh MAV what can MAV have possibly gotten oh here we go here I'll take it a child on Christmas morning oh no there's more in the oh give me the envelope it's not cute oh there is more my gosh okay so uh whoever Drew this why did you pick this photo like okay it's it's not so [Applause] cute honestly you're a good artist but why this photo wait wait hold up I side for the camera why you do this that's pretty good actually why did you do this to me I want to see the real one are your teeth actually sticking out like I kind of want to crumble this up okay because I feel like you too good show us show that Loi looks like him I'm not doing it hey pull your mic down a little is that it pull your M down a little so we can see it now do it see what your face your face hold on let me see it again you got to cross your eyes too oh okay terrifying and I just kept running honestly you give me the ick is that all it say no no honestly you give me the I every time you sing like bro who are you trying to impress shut up and also how a have a better what does that say older to Harper then how how are you better older to Harper than you are to your own brother how you a better old older brother I think it meant older brother to Harper than you are to your own brother yeah what the heck dude you're always beefing for no reason P.S hurry up and hit a million followers in Mary Kinsey it didn't say that but yes yes it does love drama 222 if we hit a million followers we will be getting married on Tik Tok so you got to got to follow us to yeah move your M to you it's like a mile so first I have a lot of opinions about this letter okay first one I was very uncalled for and very rude and you give me the I because of that Harper you still got that lighter oh no yeah no burn the actual printed picture keep the art no no no no no keep the art Maverick good I want to hit them where it hurts they said my voice gives them the it can you sing while you light on fire hallelu into the mic Hallelujah you're getting hallelujah hallelujah it goes like this I'll burn your pick I don't care I think it's what okay okay wait oh this is oh my God wait you were killing that song for a second I'll burn your pig looks pretty thick um yeah don't really care about your letter but send another one go for it Kenzie here's yours it's very rude scar oh that smell don't worry I'll F I'll fa I'll F what kind of man got the biggest lisp of all time clear it out oh it's okay you don't have to do that oh wait was that real he just Ri so much was that real C bro oh my goodness think you guys might get have heard that even over them talking that was crazy insane that was real oh no it was fake no it was actually real that was crazy e what's wrong with oh yeah open your letter Hy open your letter okay yours is sweet it's supposed to be hate mail it is was this the best hate mail we had for you come on uh well first you misspelled my name but that's okay because you're very kind to me how' they spell it I think they spelled it right on the envelope how' they spell it they did spell it right on the envelope well you yeah [Music] well that's okay we forgive you um they spelled it k i n z i e so close ky ky okay you're so nice and sweet please stay forever everyone else is so annoying wait wait wait hold on so you're telling PS you're talking about that probably Cas please stop bro please show the also is laughing she thinks that funny you like that no I don't think it's funny I think what's funny is the way she ran it's disgusting no what's funny is that it sounded like you squirted beans out of your butthole that's what it felt like too honestly you felt that you should go to the bathroom you should go [Laughter] change that's what I have to sleep next to every night well please chill them out get to maver wait wait wait wait wait no continue the letter oh wait there's more yeah start over there more sorry I'm reading really slow okay please chill them out also be good to Maverick or else dot dot dot your mom LOL PS follow our Tik Tok account if you if Maverick and Kinsey you need to hurry up and get to a million followers to get married I feel like you made that up on the spot little that's what it said everybody follow them on Tik Tok also go follow Harper on why are y'all's nice oh link is in the bio by the way link is in the bio just go hit a follow real quick why was Harper and keny's hate not even hate like that was just male yeah mine was nice like average Blues Clues checking the mail you just got a letter you just got a letter it's toate oh I wonder if it's hate what no no that was from a deer fan read that a deer fan Kate you're honestly so cringe every time you talk I don't think that I disagree I wish Kyle would come back he was better and funnier than you in every way go away before you go tell cash to please shut up his voice is annoying at yummy noodle 421 yummy noodle yum did he did he put caps when you screamed or that was just your own flare okay no that was that was wow caps yummy noodle hit herw it hurts you look OB like ain't a noodle I'm not Kyle I see myself how you doing hey say say say Snoop Dog dble all right seven The Best For Last oh this is gon to be brutal here we go okay drop it to the floor drop it to the floor and we'll start tiny we'll start off with the letter is the tiny letter if you can open it it's a very tiny letter it's very small I don't think it was Cash Cash why is you're so small you dropped your lip what you dropped your lip the way he said it made it better you what it proves the point oh man what did it say Gucci gang 1178 Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci G Gucci guci G you dropped your lips that's crazy dropped it like it's on the floor or something it's crazy that one hit close to home bro your lip shakes so much when you talk you know what you know what I think that you know what I think of that letter bro stop what did you eat I'll fart on that letter I saw your face and you were like I'm just accepting it honestly she's accepted this life for a while you know that's what I sleep next to every night that's incredible that so there more I have more you guys seen that Tik Tok where like the sheets blow it's like like all right that's cash and I don't let me see let me see let me see see it there's no way this I don't like my hate mail dude that's actually pretty bad man is totally not cool hey I got a portrait too why does it look like Carman look what it says I'm cash I don't know how to spell I'm it looks like when they zoom in on the fish on SpongeBob yes oh my goodness like the fish hooks look at how big the lips are that's what I'm saying bro lips are massive they made my lips huge got freaking the Kardashians uh like why does it look like chicken little mixed with Cartman bro that's crazy that's crazy or like all right next one is to the LOL wait no we're saving Gerald's for last cuz I think that one's going to actually be a nice one so to the LOL podcast open it open it let's see what we have okay A A feasable A Feast should eat that wait I would know we should eat e a wait let's see what the letter says oh this one's typed out oh wait is that it okay that's it uh you guys are honestly so annoying you stay you stay wild Mr you stay wild Mr Beast wannabes get off YouTube and Tik Tok every time wait you stay wild Mr Mr be someone get off YouTube and Tik Tok every time I see you I die inside touch some grass and do something good for the world instead of talking about I and crap for an hour touch some grass the only cool person is Gerald and he's not even real he's not even a real person I hope you lose all of your sponsors and AD deals that's crazy that's that that's all our sponsors I would never wish that on somebody that was I hope we have a sponsor at right now hey just for you we have a promo code for better help uh that was that was that's probably the meanest thing somebody said so far um see my comments on The Daily and you go broke so you have to get a real job so dumb and annoying I hope you I hope you see this too and cry about it bunch of losers why the well why do they send us candy don't I don't know can I see it I want to eat it though it doesn't look opened it's tampered with it wait it feels tampered with low key though yeah hey whoever you are wherever you are know that we love you and we wish the best for you we're keeping our sponsors I'll be praying for you I'll be praying that your house burns down and that kidding I'm kidding let's not pray that I'm kidding it's a joke seriously I wish the best for you and I I hope you stop hating us so much but please keep watching our cont from the mail yeah keep it coming so oh no oh god oh that is definitely melted don't s chocolate in the mail little kids that's that's not good and don't eat chocolate you get from the mail that's not safe either oh that chocolate does not why did you open this that looks like they said that with FedEx not UPS that's definitely FedEx shipping that's FedEx is a sponsor just chill fex is cut to the FedEx there actual hair on it yo wait wait hair on it wait wait wait wait hold up C stop sorry I'm very gassy right now did did you fart on this bar it looks like I did but I didn't okay there's one more hate letter hey actually I'm going to try it har there's hair no there's I don't know if y'all can see this in the camera but there's literally hair on why did you eat that why did you do that I'm hungry no does it taste good uh-uh I actually don't think you should be eating the chocolate from the mail it actually tastes like really bad oh there is hair on it I told you E look there's hair right on it what in the Harper that was so not a good idea I don't think Harper should eat that I feel he has drugs in it that I shouldn't be eating it does it like like Advil yeah like ien okay next one to Gerald this better not be an actual hate the letter first all right here we go oh gosh um all right what is hold on we have we have your brother Harold h wait so what the that was a creepy letter that was a creepy letter let me see that I want to see the grab the letter see I didn't know Gerald had a brother we have your brother brother Harold show them yo why is it spelled like that what cash oh no well they don't have him we have him in pieces oh goh it's okay it's okay Harold it's not Gerald that's all that matters do we even know Harold what the well Harold seems to be right there they killed him well honey it wasn't alive in the first place they literally killed him well he wasn't alive in the he was a stuffed animal look away oh look away you need to take Gerald back to the doctor that those stitches are falling apart oh no why this is why they went extinct nobody cares here let's see if we can fix them try to stuff them again okay hey you really took one for the team I'm okay guys I'm okay I'm just [Music] fine I'm just fine I got all my stuffing inside oh no can you hey Gerald your brother's here brother's here no oh hey hey Harold oh hey Harold hi Gerald you don't look so good Gerald okay I'm very uncomfortable you don't look too good either Harold I don't want to oh well Kate please oh wait they're Brothers they're Brothers they're Brothers brains just came no way brains are all over the floor Kate no Kate you really took one for the team marrying the weird kid yeah for real stop him no stop stop stop just stop just stop you could put his brain back in this isn't builda bears please just stop it is builda bear though it literally maybe you could take him to build-a Bear they could fix him dude this is like people only do this because they know I care and I have feelings about things it's okay that that was crazy someone said that in the mail for real yo that person actually did okay you'll be fine whoever that person is I like you and that was funny that was creative and that was funny what do they say about little kids who kill animals like they grow up to be like that's the first step they grow up it was a stuffed animal serial killers that's the first step okay I'll be honest I sent that in the mail okay did you uh no that's I'm sorry I wouldn't send that in the mail there's not many of them left how do you know that they were almost sold out at Walmart Okay well how do you know that they were sold out at Walmart if Gerald magically came to your house well he did but all his siblings are still up for sale yeah that's creepy what guys I am so sore from PC from PC PC stands for what um what what does it personal computer no no course what performance course performance course which is which is like a um like Ninja Warrior type thing no you're a Ninja Warrior no let's see something do a flip do some Ninja Warrior stuff no do like a ninja warrior thing what was that noise that was that was crazy yo reminded me of Harold rip wait can I see that gun no no please do not give her that it's an or's gun just for clarification wait give it to me give it to me throw here here yeah yeah yeah did we get these did we get more in the mail oh I broke it here we go y'all ever seen an Orbeez gun wait don't shoot These Guys these guys one time at um at a mall they were shooting me with the or gun I was trying to act all cool and like I'm so scared please wait how do you know when it's on I was trying to act I am actually so sorry I am so sorry please do not be mad at me guys please I'm so sorry you so sorry no no I can't risk getting no one can have it I'm so sorry oh my gosh that's I saw that hit M right in the face that hurt okay you didn't hit my eye oh my gosh that hit M right here oh it shattered but one time what I okay give me the gun I you got to give me the gun I cannot hand this give me the gun I'm actually so sorry I actually was just trying to test laughing but I'm just like flustered I'm scared that no look at how scared y are of water it's an Orbee shoot you y y'all don't understand one time at the shops no no cash please please cash I'll give you $100 to shoot her please going once pizza oh I hit her I hit her no I have to tell yall one time I was um hanging out with my friends hey give me the camera angle angle it on me at all times hey I said angle it on me oh my goodness are you okay he's like the wild west out here little Gunslinger all right Kate I won't shoot you I won't shoot you I w't see you but anyways let me finish my story I was hanging out with my guy friends and they please stop cash I shot I shot myself out of her cage in the in the like no she's like at her front door wait k k come on give it to me give it to me you're going to break it you're going to break it you're going to break it oh you broke it yeah you freaking broke guys our ring was going crazy I was like what is going on with like who is at our front door ky's dog got out did Stella jump the you broke it oh Stella could totally jump the fence that dog jumps like 30 fet see dude is my red right here now I got Orbeez on my chair guys this is this is like there's Orbeez on my chair oh I don't want to clean that up this is straight chaos right now yeah for real I'm not cleaning it don't say sorry to me say sorry to whoever has to clean this cuz I am getting dinner after this I can't wait for dinner low key din smack give me that you ever had nore's gun yes I'd give that to Harper for sure what there's no ammo in it you can pick some yeah you can grab some k no Kate Kate sit down it's just water right guys we're on a podcast here hey what is happening now we we have a visitor okay guys this whole episode is so chaotic yo what is happening right now that dog is that dog is not an inside dog look at that if you guys are just listening to our podcast you need to click and go watch the video right now so much is happen you're probably extremely confused Hey Hey ow okay you got me back I never even I never even hit you by the way hey Harper you want to you want to I don't know you can put her in there's a dog she headbutted you she headbutted me there's a there's a puppy in her kid go put the puppy somewhere else everyone need calm down or bring the puppy up here cuz it's a lot more calm all right oh those are or this is getting a out of I don't know if she can eat those did she eat Orbeez I don't know if she can eat those let's just bring this all back the dogs eating Orbeez bro what a don't let eat those those are actually really bad Orbeez dude you're going to kill yourself okay she's like yum tasty I think everyone's calm yo so what do you guys think more doors are more wheels in the world dude I think my face hurts from those Orbeez like it stings I'm sorry I think we need to just take a break should we just restart should this episode just get trash this is crazy no no I literally can't do that every wants to go home no she's like I have to go she like I got to go home starving we are not reshooting an episode it is definitely dinner time what time is it it's like 7:30 yeah it's pretty late um all right guys so yeah she can't she'll be fine she'll beer it's like very dangerous be fine is it what are you say okay I got her why do you want I got her I got her I think we're good okay so I have a question uhhuh yes ma please how long you two been married two years you you've been here the whole time wow that's impressive why oh that is impressive isn't it yeah yeah CU she's looking at you like that's impressive someone would stay with you that long what the what are you doing those with the faces he wakes when he wakes up in the morning he makes those faces in the morning when he wakes up told when he's dead asleep a boy's brain doesn't fully develop till they're 26 years old right I was actually reading a comment section this girl posted a Tik Tok and she was like my life genuinely got so much better when my when my boyfriend's frontal lobe randomly developed one day and all of the comments were like right when like literally were like right when my boyfriend turned 25 or when my husband turned 25 he was a completely different person so I was like are you going to be different uh no I'm not intending for any changes personally yeah I'm not yeah no changes are in the books for me hello wait let me check nope okay no changes in the books when do girls brains develop um 21 they're like 21 what is it is it y just as stupid as us right now they're actually stupider they stop at 21 we keep growing until 26 y'all y'all cap at 21 and instead of capping we just keep going just get even bigger that is so true they're like guys develop later no guys develop we more more yeah you guys stopped at 21 think about who said we're slower we have an extra four years of experience developing that we get more development EX a and exhibit B to prove that wrong what what what y'all just said was incorrect what do you mean I agree you think that y'all ever going to be more mature than Kate and I I think I'll actually have four years of more Growing Experience no I think y'all are taking us I think y'all are taking slower to get to your ending point and I think ending point is not equal to our ending points are different exactly our ending points are different so obviously it's going to take me longer to get higher hierarchy you ever heard of it hierarchy yeah it's for men I know that actually I don't really know too much about the hierarchy my sister all I know is Taylor Swift does not like it my sisters patriarchy oh yeah what is what's hierarchy uh it's more like it's kind of like patriarchy but not really it's just like just like where you are in the lineup wait hierarchy could be anyone above anyone patriarchy is a mail Le group a male Le group generally a Mel family I believe uh is that a patriarchy yeah I have Queen of England why does Taylor Swift not like the she's a matriarch right the patriarchy is like men run things oh cuz they're they're matriarchy I ain't never heard of matriarchy I haven't matriarch heard the matriarchy I think they all went extinct I don't think he made it there was some but I don't think they you can't say that M they the the patriarchy once took him over you can't say that what seriously we need to stop what you mean says the patriarchy [Laughter] theatri key you're forgetting the key word what if I was like even the patriarchy what I was like um forget the matriarchy no no what what would y'all do if I just said a bunch of cuss words right now probably them no no like actually like what would yall do we probably bleep it so that to live I would get a viral Tik Tok that's what I do and then I go your mom you'd be grounded no my mom likes when I C oh yeah just like every mom does oh yeah I'm sure your mom you did y'all's moms ever wash your mouth out with soap my grandma it's fine the dog can just be off did did you guys did y'all's moms ever wash your mouth out yes really Dawn dish soap is embedded in my brain really what flavor was best it I wasn't wasn't good the lemon the lemon lemon seems like the worst flavor to get your mouth washed out with wait you said your grandma did did my grandma did and my grandma never got on to me ever wait your grandma washed your mouth out yeah my grandma would never punish me what that's what I'm saying my grandma never punished me ever and then one day she was just like open your mouth put in the I was like oh yeah what you do I opened my mouth cuz I thought she was joking and she just squirted some hand soap in there and I was like oh she's being so for real this is crazy yo grandma D mess around though I will say One time my my parents were like out of state or something so my grandma was babysitting us and my grandma came in there or my granny she was like hey get out of bed it's time to wake up oh no and she left and I was like I just went back to sleep I wasn't going to pay attention to my granny she an old lady I I'm 10 I can do what I want and so I went back to bed patriarchy and when she yeah my granny opened my door and actually what she specifically said is hey get up or I'm going to pour a glass of water on you if you don't get up she closed the door I said I'm the she gave him 10 seconds she had it outside the door ready she no literally she closed the door I was like I'm the patriarchy granny and and think granny she's the matriarchy let me tell you she came in there matriarch how you spell granny is not whatever you're trying to say no she's a matriarchy she she's she's that girl she's a boss woman yeah she is she came in there with a glass of water like 15 seconds later and just poured it all over my bed made it look like I wet the bed oh that's what happened I also want to wet the bed she also made it look like it made at your skin yeah can't help it I don't know why but but grandparents they have some I can I I my grandma only got mad at me one time really what' you do I don't remember but I remember what she did she was like St o p stop it and that was it that's that's it she SP out the word stop you know what happened to me my mom used to hit me with Wooden Spoons nope she don't don't think your mom did that probably I got Wooden Spoons mom say she did yeah she said yeah I believe it my mom hit me with Wooden Spoons like on my butt like she would slap me with Wooden Spoons if I wasn't like behaving and I mean I kind of deserved it cuz one time she slapped me and I said that didn't that's the worst thing to say when you spanked when your parents spank you and you said that didn't even hurt you have to act like it hurts you got to you got to play that c like oh please it hurt so bad don't get learn my Lon she smacked my she smacked my butt and my back as hard as POS one I was like I know my dad faking it huh no I think you're dramatizing it my dad got a big wooden paddle and he spray painted it gold and he literally called it the golden standard and then when we when we were in trouble he's like you're going to get spanked by the golden standard and he wrote Bible verses on us I think he wrote rules on it no Bible verses was it was it rules I think he wrote the rules on it either way we were getting spanked with it it was like do what I say do what I say you know what the one thing that did annoy me about parents when you ask something and you're like why do I got to do that oh the why question is crazy and they say because I said so no no just because what are your what are your parenting rules will you just hold her this dog is psychotic you guys she's been outside all day and doesn't know how to just put her back outside well do you guys remember last time she was running around the camera wires yeah she concussed her cameraman please guys what were we saying what are y's parenting rules parenting rules my parenting rules are going to be do what I said because um no I don't feel like yeah sit and lay down it's good ones um my parenting rules are going to be let's just go shopping and talk it out what what sounds like a great rule doesn't my wait okay I'm boys and you want to punish them no I'm actually going to ask yeah my mom is like now you got to go shopping I be like no not Jason Penny please not Dixie Penny take forever she's trying to eat the stuffing hey for Harold she's eating Gerald yeah you go outside bad dog you bad dog just go put her in her crate eald the puppies the can't put her inate the pupp in well you trade it for the puppy cuz trust me I'd rather hold the puppy right now no please why do we have to have we're good no dogs on how about that guys cuz they' be eating things I'm so sorry actually I'm sorry it's fine it's okay no you're I mean it's not okay I just want to know how she got out yeah dude imagine drop imagine actually dropping your dog off of the pound like the way that thing would look at you when you leave that be so sad that' be so sad you know um you're saying that's sad y'all y'all don't like dogs what no I'm I'm just a hard believer that a dog believe it or not is a dog and so many people can't understand that concept that a dog like you can call a dog a dog and people get offended they're like no it it's more than a dog it's no it's actually a dog family y' on our a dog though on our second date I get in the car I shut the door or Maverick shuts the door and he gets in the car and he shuts the door the first thing he says is so what are we going to do about this dog I was like oh yeah what do you we're not like officially anything okay we're just going on a second date and I was like what do you mean what are we going to do about this dog he's like well where's it going to go I was like good it's going to go with me where I go what do you mean yeah wherever I go my dog goes y'all don't understand that like dog is like if you have a dog it's your family I'm just dog is going crazy I think I should handle the dog cuz I can handle the dog I can handle the dog y want to see something watch this catch no let's see cat be kind be kind cash is handling the dog I don't know if the gate is closed cuz she got out cash is handling the dog what do you mean he's going to handle her and let her go into the streets I'm I wish there was a camera watching on not oh it's it's it's what do you have I'm sorry all right guys my mic is gone yeah know it's the end of the episode yeah this is the end of the episode cuz that thing is out of control we'll see you next time the funniest podcast on peace out bro
Channel: LOL Podcast
Views: 392,886
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Id: cmqTq32U26Q
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Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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