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in a galaxy quite far away in a year 1977 year where a movie was released a really awesome year with a lot of baldos you guys know what a Baldo is look that up look up Baldo or Baldo I guess anyways Star Wars the first movie was released the first movie of many generations of movies many many many many movies this would continue on for a very long time I have traced the rebels spies to her now she is my only link to find it's 1977 shit's almost as old as my py that's a word for father some of you I know do not have fathers and it shows all right you some of a hey guys have you ever Googled your name online and seen your full face and picture on there with your address and public IP address on it as well as like a meme and you're like how's why is this on Google Images well I have and that's scary that's why I've got Aura today as my sponsor today data Brokers scrape and sell and gather your information and it's incredibly annoying and it's a long-standing problem that shouldn't be a problem at all because it's evil there are things you can do to mitigate this you can reach out to dated Brokers and say hey stop but uh a lot of the time they don't listen and they start doing it again after a month or two Aura will do that on your behalf consistently and make sure that no data broker is selling your information which is great that's really cool not only does Aura opt you out of data broker nonsense they also just help you organize your presence online and maintain a level of security to help you through these times of people just wanting to steal your sh it's kind of unfortunate Ora is cool man I've been using Aura for a long time they've been supporting the channel for a long time and with the whole AT&T data breach 73 million customer records oh my God released in the dark web it's so embarrassing it's so embarrassing Ora does a lot of the stuff for me I value my privacy I assume you value yours go to Oompa start a twoe free trial it's cool try it out I use them it's a legitimate product it's cool thank you to Ora for sponsoring this video so everything progresses it moves forward however a dark presence was brewing behind the scenes and as years passed leaders fell and the deconstruction of Star Wars has begun to slowly creep until today the year of Our Lord 2024 June 24th 400 p.m. our heroes are gone they're all dead and they live on ranches ranches ranches ranches ranches I like Star Wars I'm not a huge fan of all the new Star War zers I'm not a huge fan of them I'm going to be honest I like Harrison Ford okay I like Harrison Ford I like Obi-Wan Kenobi Lee okay I like those guys I like Anakin he's a soft boy I'm going to jump don't do it Anakin I beg you no no I'm I'm going to jump well if you do jump Anakin why would you tell me because I'm strong he's he gets me hot he gets me hot and bothered he gets my hard he gets my tip fired up he gets my old tip fired up bud so I may not be the biggest Star Wars fan in the entire world but I I've seen all the movies a lot of times can you imagine what my father would say if I were to agree if I were to give up command of this vessel jeopardize hundreds of lives risk interplanetary War all for the life of one person a lot of times my three most watched series a Lord of the Rings easy all day B Evil Dead three probably Star Wars probably Star Wars wait wait wait Luke that's a stupid idea you're not done with all your Force stuff and besides you can't fight Vader only an experienced Jedi could fight Vader well why don't you go yeah you probably ready to fight Vader trying to think what else what other movies exist yeah Lord of the Rings down me what I can jump the de have to T me a new show a new story came out it's called the Acolyte and people are very upset currently sits at like a mid 80s percentage review from the Critics on Rotten Tomatoes and the audience itself is just like wow we didn't know what we had we didn't know what we [Music] had back in 2000 in the year 2000 we must survive when I excuse me so the acolyte is the newest addition to the Star Wars universe and that is a show that's in the process of being released it's not it's not completely out yet Jedi are being hunted it's on its way to becoming the most widely despised and rejected show in the history of the entire franchise and that when I grew up dude being a kid episode one it's not good ah hard to see the dark side is episode two it's also not good don't want to sell me death sticks I don't want to sell you death sticks you want to go home and rethink your life I want to go home and rethink my life I like episode one more than I like episode two okay Revenge of the Sith though pretty hard goes pretty hard looking back comparing it to like Rogue one and all these other movies that people like and stuff and all this other [ __ ] and I'm just like I like those way more am I a idiot I have no idea and with what's been going on with the acolyte that's saying something because the book of Boba Fett also came out and that is so bad I couldn't even hate watch it please speak freely I couldn't even hate watch that [ __ ] dude I had to do errands every time it would come into my mind I was like oh time to go do errands erand erands erands have you finished those errands have you finished those errands have you finished those errands time to go touch grass just kidding I'm going to go to the next level I'm going to eat some I'm going to eat grass I don't know which one's worse I never watched the book of Boba Fett but it was terrible they gave Boba Fett the master chief treatment and all this [ __ ] has been happening to TV shows and everything guys and I feel like a sad old man and stuff and I I don't want it to be like a political thing and I feel like it's just cuz the writing is bad and it's just [ __ ] and it doesn't make any sense and they're taking good stories that already exist and they're just like I'm going to change it I'm going to just add something to it I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to ruin it and leave my penis in it even though I don't have one cuz I'm a girl you know that's what it feels like to me is happening it's pissing me off they ruined Halo they took Halo from me I have nothing left to lose so back to the acolyte there's a lot of things that this show is being criticized for and we'll be covering some of the biggest points and I'll be giving you my unbiased critical all right feedback of the most hated show on television right now easily easily deserves it to now first episode starts off with a fight scene that's pretty well done fight scenes are pretty much always solid in the movies except for well there's a part of this that's stupid yeah you just look at it as a fight you don't put too much thought into the motivations of the characters involved it's just a regular fight I look just like him right now an assassin by the name of May has tracked master indara master Jedi andara to a bar where she is sitting with characters who may be her friends they may be informants or they may just be fod we don't really know guys the Assassin strikes a menacing pose oh my God then they tell the Jedi Master to attack her and not hold back attack me with all your strength but then the Jedi doesn't attack so the Assassin starts beating people brutally on the at the bar including those of the people the people at the table with the Jedi while the Jedi just observes and does nothing shut up Ricky hates it she's she wants to go hang out with all uh old weirdo on his Ranch out there what's that guy's name RL Stein Just Kidding George Lucas I like to say things that aren't true to make people mad and comment on my videos have you learned that yet or do you just think I'm an idiot cuz both are true hey bud Broken Clock still right twice a day I haven't said that in a while [ __ ] so we watches the Jedi observes and just does nothing Jedi are supposed to be the keepers of Peace according to Samuel L Jackson we're keepers of the peace not soldiers and I love Samuel L Jackson and his purple lightsaber so right off the bat it's odd that a Jedi master would just watch these people get destroyed and not intervene especially when it's the people she was just engaged with at the table this is stupid the fight scene itself is cool it's it looks good but like it's [Music] already you what why are you doing this why are you ruining this for people why do you ruin stuff why do they like to ruin stuff for us huh why do they like to ruin stuff for us should we take up arms we're going to beat your ass you just get that through your stinking traitorous heads excuse me I apologize and we have a lot of Christian Affiliates I am a Christian what are we supposed to do they're just going to keep ruining everything they're going to ruin everything I don't know who they is by the way I don't think it's like some kind of cabal some kind of evil demon it's just people that apparently exist and then they take stuff that's great that a lot of people love and they're like I think I can make this better bunch of cowards excuse me and then they ruin it they ruin it always and it makes me upset all right guys I actually probably should go change my diaper no I'm good for the whole video so they p betay this fellow andara as a pretty powerful character never drawing a weapon but still being able to cooly and calmly deal with a horrible assassin it does show that she's very well trained and she's a powerful character but ultimately she dies because she gets distracted when she tries to stop a knife from killing the bartender she doesn't stop the Assassin from beating the [ __ ] out of everybody I don't know it's really weird and while she is raed stopping the knife in the air with a force another knife is thrown directly into her [Music] heart uh yeah so that's terrible so while she's stopping the flying knife in the air with the force she's distracted and then the the Assassin another knife goes hits her heart and kills her so she gets killed with a knife it's pretty cool also this show has $180 million budget have you seen Dune to of great movie nearly a masterpiece 190 million budget they should be embarrassed they should be ashamed of themselves everyone who worked on the show should retire immediately from doing anything that involves influence or art or anything I mean I'm just saying I don't it's terrible what is happening you ruin it you're so bold and ruining it immediately so on the way out the Assassin is about to kill the bartender that the Jedi saved but then she sees that the bartender has a kid just to show I guess that she may have killed a Jedi but it doesn't mean she's the bad guy die she spares the bartender it's it's it's a very interesting way to sort of set the stage for just everything being different and not good and changing a lot the death of a Jedi master in my opinion not an expert big deal though so when the Jedi Order finds out about this it it it turns out that the Assassin perfectly matches the description of the show's main character OSHA see conveniently OSHA and the Assassin May are twin sisters that haven't seen each other since they were children and both think that the other is dead but they somehow conveniently manage to have the exact same hairstyle and coloring as adults also they were born of magic dark magic and the force they are inferring magic exists in this world M clorian Anakin first person to be born of the force uh what why are you just [ __ ] up right now you stupid sorry I'm talking about I'm talking to the show the show is not people the staff they have they've said a lot of funny stuff outside of the show which is awesome we'll get into that too but there's a reason people hate this show and it's not because of online bullying or hatred or bigotry it's because it sucks so we got a coincidence or as I like to call it bad writing however you choose to describe it the Jedi track down OSHA to a ship where she's working as a little technician person she's like I don't [ __ ] know she's repairing some damage it's pretty cool man also putting out fire in space pretty chill I love it when fires burn when there's no atmosphere it's pretty cool pretty pretty badass now I will say suspension of disbelief you know there's also sound stuff and other in Star Wars there's no sound in space so it's like especially not orchestras get it cuz it's like a Orchestra I'm just being an [ __ ] suspension of disbelief very important for enjoying any science fiction film novel movie if you if you don't if you can't do that you will enjoy nothing life I feel like I have a really open mind I feel like I have a really open mind and I want to just I want to hurt myself because of the show so OSHA gets blamed for the assassination of the yedi master indar and this of course is not OSHA's fault this is done at the hands of her identical sister the person may but the bartender who lived does identify OSHA as the killer so OSHA is taken into custody by the Jedi but and is put on a prison ship that is operated entirely by droids 0 1 01 droids be like you know 0 1 0 010111 0 0 I'm a Droid Borg shut up now I don't want to be a dork but I feel like this is probably also bad writing and oversight and that they're just transporting her on a Droid ship which she definitely can get out because she killed a Jedi master feel like someone killed a Jedi master they'd probably be escorted by another Jedi to cant most likely you know to ensure that someone is that powerful should they wouldn't be able to escape maybe that's just me though wow that however is not the case and the other prisoners on the ship stage an escape of course offering OSHA a way off which she declines and they take all the Escape pods leaving her to crash land on her Planet which she survives through massive epic plot armor because she's dark magic and she's born of the forest and she's a pimp by the way do not watch this show if you these images that I'm showing they're good enough do not hate watch this show these companies these people the only way for anything to get better is to just not consume it I know I watched Halo and I'm going to watch Halo 3 as well I know I watch the Halo show and I'm going to watch season 3 as well but I don't expect that will ever get better at least Star Wars can probably get better at some point cuz they've made some good ones comment down below your favorite piece of Star Wars media the games are incredible and the stories are new and unique and they did a really good job with the writing and stuff on some of them some of it okay my favorite though is not not canon my favorite is uh Force Unleash that's my favorite shot I want to see an R-rated Force Unleashed All right we we got to let the pendulum swing the other way please please I want to see people violently get killed this show is so forgettable I've forgotten why and how the Jedi find her again but the Jedi track her down and take her with him to investigate and attempt another attempt on a Jedi Master's life so it's there's an assassin killing a bunch of Jedi May the sister of Osha tried to kill Master torbin uh torb torbjorn from OverWatch we have unfinished business and this guy levitates through meditation and I assume abstinence because that's how you levitate is by not jacking off for a long time no fap and he's also protected by an impenetrable force field which is pretty cool which projects while meditating it all fails the Jedi are alerted to this attempt and they go try to visit this guy he's funny looking I want to kiss his fat head looks prematurely aged which is cool he looks like a he looks like a 12-year-old from Appalachia that's how that's how kids look like when I was a kid i' go around and be like damn playing with 40-year-old men they're like nope nope we're just going to trade Young young that's all see yeah first attempt fails second attempt she gets May gets this old young guy this old man young man looking to literally die from white guilt okay he passes away he dies of cringe in the movie he she gets him to drink this vile of [ __ ] and I don't it's so dumb it's mindboggling we thought we were doing the right thing [Music] May brought poison for her second go round genius his death heavily indicates that he did this out of guilt for something that happened in the past that affected May and uh you know also torbin and maybe even OSHA that's the whole point of the story I think we're about to figure it out forgive me it seems like they're just trying to make it seem like Jedi not good and Sith not necessarily bad so these Jedi have done something wrong and bad in the past and attempt to paint may as a non-jedi force user that isn't always bad which is I I feel like that's not completely crazy but this just doesn't really make a lot of these these what is this this doesn't really make a lot of sense our new [ __ ] mask hero is the actual hero the Jedi aren't good anymore all right guys they were bad the whole time they were bad the whole time they were completely bad the whole time remember the Skywalker Saga the Skywalker Saga irrelevant completely irrelevant it's not canon anymore I also have a wook Jedi that they kill off in the very beginning I forgot to mention that what an interesting character that could have been what what fun that could have been for all the people who have grown up loving Star Wars their entire lives what fun that could have been no I think they did that on purpose I think they did that [ __ ] on purpose and then finally we get to awesome part in the episode and then cth shows up a Sith wait a second I thought Darth Maul was the first Sith to show himself I thought the D I thought this is 100 years before Phantom Menace I thought Darth M was the first Sith who the is this mama Max guy talking about how weapons are ineffective steel or laser are no threat to them steel and Laser can't kill them even though in the very first scene of the show we see a knife killing a Jedi I don't know what the is going he pointlessly pops a little boner his erection for dramatic effect very cool this gets me all riled up dude if you thought about this moment for just two seconds by the way even if you only had one brain cell because you're someone who worked on the show or thinks that this is like awesome I shouldn't say that I shouldn't call you people out you guys are all all right people who enjoy everything we're on the same side all right people who enjoy everything we're on the same side all right sorry sorry shouldn't have done that but rose up there standing on the hill she lights his lights H up and she walks up they're not about to fight so he just goes and then and then a couple seconds later he's just got to go I wish I had a laser gun so tangent aside back to the terrible terrible awesome show episode three is the episode that really sticks out when people are talking about how the acolyte has murdered Star Wars and it is DOA pretty long established that Anakin Skywalker kind of like this universe's version of Jesus but if Jesus fell to the dark side okay became bad and evil Anakin's mother Shmi became pregnant through the force all right that is immaculate conception and this is why Anakin is believe in to be the chosen one you know by Qui-Gon Jin and the prequels he's the only instance as far as we know in which life was created through the force and that's kind of why all the story up until this point has happened is because of that fact yeah so it's kind of like really important to the whole story and he eventually becomes Darth Vader ever heard of him you know the small supporting role the small supporting character pretty pretty awesome episode three of the acolyte looks at that and then just throws it out the window and shits on it and says this isn't bad writing this is innovative it's new it's an addition to the show and then when people don't like it they say this is harassment this is bullying this is bigotry this is evil what episode 3 of the acolyte takes all of this and throws it out the window with the origin story of Osha and may being that a coven of witches created them okay guys two of the witches are partners and one of them was pregnant with OSHA and May and then the other one claims to have created them so so we have a truth claim I carried them I created them it's it's magic this time guys so it's different from Star Wars you know because there's no magic in Star Wars it's only the force or whatever oh well I didn't watch it that's literally the writers of the show that's the people who worked on the show like I don't we didn't watch that [ __ ] you think we care about Star Wars we just want to ruin stuff so OSHA and may had two mothers no father they were born of dark magic a lot of people feel that this breaks everything that Star Wars has established up until this point and I would say I agree with that seems pointless it's not clever it's just the same story but worse and it's an old Universe too I mean it's been developed for decades upon decades upon decades in a very clear sort of world there's a lot of books a lot of changes a lot of course there's a good bit of high Jinx that goes on my fiance made me cookies in terms of what's Cannon and what makes sense Etc this is just a new low episode 4 continues to just Harang the established narrative from George Lucas the characters destroy the universe Etc episode 4 luckily introduces a recognizable character from Star Wars okay could be Yoda could it be Yoda Yoda's alive at this time nope it's not Yoda it's not Yoda it's the bigheaded guy the big the bigheaded guy kaii Mundy you might ask what's this guy doing here well his appearance in the show breaks the lore even further bear with me cuz you see this series takes place 100 years before the prequel trilogy which I mentioned and never shown in a show or movie Kai Addie Mundy's age was already established as 93 BBC just kidding BBY episode 4 New Hope some [ __ ] lucas films released some computer programs that came out with the first prequel movie The Phantom Menace in 1999 and in a trading card game both of those programs confirmed his age all right BBC or BBY actually is kind of like the the the yearing scheme the year numbering scheme counts down you know counts to the Battle of Yavin and then it counts AB so BBY up to the Battle of Yen show the Battle of Yen and then after it it's pretty cool it's like ad anod domini and BC before Christos so the acolyte takes place before the guy was born and he appears in the show and not only that they totally contradict the cannon of the first movie when kayad Mundy says that Sith had been extinct for a thousand years impossible the Sith have been extinct for a millennial but he is just about to show a Sith coming back 100 years before Star Wars so I mentioned that already too pretty stupid and these things are really not that important in the grand scheme of things but for the show called Star Wars this lore it's kind of important it's kind of like what makes makes the show the show just make a different show if you wanted to use a Jedi who's alive at the time just use Yoda bro do some fan service people would love to see Yoda I love Yoda dude Yoda's small he's cool I don't know why the [ __ ] they didn't put in Yoda that makes no sense probably because they wanted the show runner's partner to be the only green in the entire universe that makes sense now when these problems were brought up to the writer of the episode CLA on Twitter by a viewer her response was insane the viewer asks why put kotti Mundy in the episode when he wasn't born yet and wasn't supposed to know about the Sith the writer responds saying that they offered the part to Yoda but he wasn't Tech available so young kotti Mundy stepped in for the park what huh is that a joke I think that's a joke I think that's supposed to be a joke Yoda wasn't available so we just made a bunch of [ __ ] up it's okay you can make your own show you don't have to ruin stuff for people you don't have to ruin stuff for people it's not necessary to do that this isn't like counterculture when it's backed by billionaires just saying like it's not the cool thing to do to ruin [ __ ] like this this doesn't hold the gravity that you guys think it does there's only a couple episodes out right now it's terrible I hate it I will not watch the rest of it I'm I do not care it's dead to me completely I don't understand why this keeps happening to shows that we love and games it's been happening for game to games for a long time games turn into films or movies or shows and uh they keep messing stuff up guys they keep messing stuff up it just want money they don't want to make anything new nothing's new everything's old and they're rehashing it there's no risks they're they're they're being being safe but they're also being like pretending to be take risks they're not actually taking any risks they're not doing any good they're not changing anyone's opinions on anything they're just making [ __ ] worse and then expecting to make more money and then getting really upset when people don't respond the way that they wanted it's happened so many times also to speak to this the cast and writers never watched Star Wars which is so unbelievably disrespectful of course it's lame ass sci-fi by nonsensical I don't know space drama status according to these coordinates we have traveled 7,000 light years and are located near the system j25 that takes place in space is it cringe yes of course but still the making movies and making fake [ __ ] pretending for a living is also cringe just as cringe if not more cringe than being able to create a massive world that billions of people have loved for a long time I don't know which is more cringe TBH com down below what you guys think I love the interviews of these people just saying just lore they're just saying [ __ ] incorrectly I'm not even a gigantic lore nerd for Star Wars so the worst part isn't that the story is terrible and doesn't match the lore it's that everyone who worked on it the the entire team behind it actors and all don't even know anything about the show they don't care they're just doing this to make some kind of statement they don't care they're not studying the source material they do not give a there's no reverence there's no reverence whatsoever just makes something else y'll ruin everything you guys suck now as for individual members of the team the director here's the director she said that she was proud and actually happy that there are people working on a Star Wars movie who have never seen it that's dumb as this is completely insane bro what are you talking about it's like saying I'm so glad we got people who are writing you know this book and they've this they've never they never learned how to read or write they don't know how to read but it's like I'm really glad that they're working on it you're just happy to have mistakes in it and you're happy for it to be wrong from the because you're you're a contrarian and you're powerful and strong okay very powerful very strong very small as well she arrogantly brags about how they didn't want writers who were diard Star Wars fans she wanted to mix it with people who didn't know anything and that's what they had because for some reason not knowing anything is better than knowing something and they had a writer in the crew who had never seen any Star Wars media in their life yet this writer was writing for the show despite their complete lack of knowledge does that make sense to anyone at all like I I understand you're thinking outside of the box but you don't have to you don't have to just not know anything to be able to think outside the box knowing something doesn't mean you stupid knowing something doesn't mean you bad knowing something and being able to approach approach something with more knowledge and more wisdom is abs absolutely better all the time you might as well hire babies but then again it it shows it shows what the result of that is is that people don't like it cuz it's [ __ ] it's bad so anyways I have no idea why they did it but we're here now and another thing people have been extremely angry about amongst all the other things uh the the fact that the actors who are playing in the show don't even understand the lore from the previous movies which is mindboggling aren't you supposed to like understand the Char aren't you supposed to learn that like isn't that the whole point of being a thespian or is it just virtue are you just trying to you know be virtuous and cool and this is my movie this is my movie I have no respect for anything but myself I'm a narcissist God I love me and that's it we got one actor who really set the fans Ablaze describing how Anakin AKA Darth Vader blew up the Death Star but if you can't look and see the Anakin blowing up the Death Star possibly killed millions and millions of people I'm going to get in trouble for saying this right now did he mean to say that Luke blew it up or was he talking about when young Anakin blew up the Droid ship because I have no idea one of his co-stars is telling him to shut up he seems happy to be there and excited to be on the big project but good Lord man take 15 minutes to read something for once in your life you should just shut up shut up but that is the beauty of this story and it's the beauty of like life that it's you it is Nuance it's not about not holding people to to the fire when they do make the wrong decisions or when they are bad but recognizing why they led to the places that they LED is important but it's okay he's getting absolutely flamed by the internet which is great deserved criticism criticism guys we love it we live in a world of criticism and it is incredibly important to be critical and when you close out that criticism and you refuse to accept it for the reality that it is then you get [ __ ] like this and uh yes I think the pendulum will eventually swing the other way and we'll have a Renaissance of movies and art and television and happiness and unity and everyone will love each other and respect each other again yeah this is a this is sickening though it's sickening it makes me want to pull my [ __ ] out and run around like a wild eight jacking off on stuff oh by the way another star said that lightsaber colors don't mean anything so uh yeah that's pretty cool well vestra comes with a purple lightsaber and you know they don't they don't actually mean anything however a lot of fans have decided meanings behind so the writers don't have any idea what Star Wars is and the the the the actors don't have any idea what Star Wars is and they're in a show that's that's had an IP for decades just imagine the the how ungrateful they are what is Disney doing do they even know they're just like hey you look like someone who might fit the bill let's put you in a movie what do I need to do oh nothing it's fine just be yourself we'll dress you up and tell people that you're part of something that you're not actually part of and it'll go really well and we'll make a billion dollars no you won't it will fail yeah what could have been man there could have been a lot there could have been something really good have you ever seen the show the Mandalorian excellent show go watch it go watch it that's a good Star Wars show there's a bunch of great games the Force Unleashed Star Wars the Old Republic there's a lot of new stuff from Star Wars newer stuff those are both games from the mid 2010s but like there's been some really and the Mandalorian obviously there's been some great [ __ ] over the last decade that is critically acclaimed and also loved by fans you don't have to just do something different to I don't know why do they even do it some people say it's for morals just signal virtue and others say you know it's not about that it's just bad writing and it's just being misled and it's just being sad I want to say even a broken clock is right twice a day uh speaking a little more to what I said about uh the Old Republic there's a 4minute trailer that is infinitely more interesting than the entirety of the acolyte a 4-minute trailer a trailer that you can watch on YouTube man can have anything if he is willing to sacrifice with your birth comes a solemn vow to twins follows them throughout their life they go on campaigns and they fight all in the name of their father one's really loyal one questions him and gets angry right the losses you [Music] suffer your entitlement the pain you endure and when darkness finds you you will face it alone eventually one brother attacks the Father the other brother stops it that 4minute plot line and then it ends and it's pretty cool and that 4minute plot line with a conclusion is more interesting than everything in the entire acolyte not to mention the budget just nonsensical what a waste of just human power energy everything I'm sad I'm sad life will get better soon for all of us I'm sure it has to anyways everyone who made that show and who wants to ruin more [ __ ] can go themselves okay anybody who thinks they can pick up something old and then just for no reason with no evidence no actual factual backing they think they can just make something better because they're a part of it they should not do that they should not be in that world where they can become famous and Rich by just believing that confidence by just having confidence that is not Merit um that is not a skill confidence is something that people are unfortunately just born with and it it's kind of it it becomes gross when and your story is just oh check out out how awesome this is and you're just wearing someone else's clothes like check out how cool I look check out how sweet I look and then everyone's like you look dumb and then the other half of people are like well you look dumb but I can't say that because I'll get in trouble that's critics and the fans so br
Channel: oompaville
Views: 414,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the acolyte, acolyte
Id: cep1_L2inMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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