PLEASE NO LOCKER TASK | Among Us w/ Friends

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i don't know why y'all sat there listening to jesse oh i'm so scared the whole map we did a match without uh saying she wasn't ready yet but now we're getting ready to go oh good game bro that was good yeah so uh mercedes and jess had already won because we were talking in her hold up hold up first of all first of all you folded first okay you didn't win just did it just wanted to be okay on my screen they said a whole victory capital letters everything so i'm gonna say mercedes yes i hear i hear no more locker tasks y'all no more locker no more locker let's not get locker no more okay he said no more locker hashtag no more lockers you know i do not want it let's see let's put this in here come back to that oh okay wait a minute shoot i still i still don't have this place uh like memorized i still don't okay all right i think that's good okay we can go this way right i still don't have this whole place memorized like at all so i'm gonna be lost with some of these shits because i'm gonna get the locker task i don't want to yo i don't want to i don't want to not at all [Music] my bad bro i gotta set up my bat hold on congratulations i'm getting away from dwayne he's trying he's trying to pack me up right now uh-uh i i gotta get away there we go let me go to this one let me go to this one he not at this one he nodded that one let me try to get perfect perfect perfect there we go there we go oh damn it man as soon as i got perfect here we go it's like yellow and i was like did i die yo what's going on bro what happened all right i'm confident it's not the way [Music] you know what i'm saying i thought it was going to be her because she you know i impossible you know they do a little twitchy move you know they double back you know what i'm saying but no she did that on my screen too so i don't know what's a twitchy movie up in here it's the body over here wait why do you think it's me i don't know i just ain't saying you've been doing tasks and every time i look up in the room you know what i'm saying that's not right you didn't even ask me it's cool but like i said i was at the locker room so you didn't see that body there though that's on the other side boys [Music] all right let me go let me go this way there we go let's do this i want to get my tasks done fast so that that way i can see what everybody doing because i look he don't know what i'm doing okay i see duane over there let's see [ __ ] i have the [ __ ] i have the lockers [ __ ] okay you know what you know what hold on hold on hold on okay hold up you wanna get this first try oh [ __ ] i'm doing it wrong already i'm doing it wrong already okay there we go seven three there we go there we go there we go got it oh sh oh get get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] away get the [ __ ] away get the [ __ ] away get the [ __ ] away get up get away from me get away from me get oh my god oh my god get away from me dwayne get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me why is he chasing me like this yeah leave me alone leave me alone dwayne oh my god oh my god oh my god ego i hope you see this [ __ ] i hope you see this [ __ ] ego i hope you see the [ __ ] you go get him away from me and get him away no no no no no no no uh-uh uh-uh okay wait a minute wait a minute we're gonna turn these lights on nope nope wait can i go that nope can't go that way dad that just take the long way around i sure did okay sham just left that way okay oh oh [Music] oh my god this is a lot of dead people um so i don't think it was cut then i found it's ego mercedes and in the in the shower i found i found mercedes body in the showers if anybody wants to know that but you know mercedes um so the reason so wait the reason why i know it was ego because i made it no electrical in that little maze part i saw a pressure come down and i ran i ran away from her because i'm like oh [ __ ] and i remember she had it on yellow and i thought it was christine at first because christina yellow but i was like nothing so i saw her and as i'm going as i'm going out ego was also in there so i'm like all right if one of them died it's one of them so it's ego that that's clearly not the way that's clearly not true because i didn't see pressures in there but if she was i didn't kill her i would this is the task that i had to do i had to do the elevator joint my current was diamond field i'm in diamond then i had to do the number joint intact and electrical where you got to hit the switch one two three those joints so i'm running around looking for the number switches which is probably why if you saw me moving around a lot i was moving around because you got to look for them no but thank you probably you're just sitting in the corner waiting for your prey though so get out of here i don't know okay does anybody have any info on anybody else all i got to say is dwayne is chasing the [ __ ] out of me right he's not killing me he's not no i don't i don't know if he's impossible or not i don't know if he's trolling me because if he wasn't he would have killed me by now you heart wait [Music] oh [ __ ] you know who else i think it might be i think it might be sham as well because i think that sham might be one because he's not saying nothing he's not saying much wait a minute how do i get over there okay wait okay i'm pretty sure that dwayne's not the killer because he would have killed me by now so he's just trolling me right now um let me go over here let me go up okay christine is right there hmm i can't where i gotta go okay outside okay let me go back down over here dwayne is just following me now okay let me see dwayne is just following me i don't know if he's trying to marinate me or not i really don't know what dwayne i don't i don't know i don't freaking know okay wait a minute okay wait okay there we go i don't know oh wait okay oh dwayne okay thank you all right everybody's everybody's done is he trying to follow me for safety i don't know hmm i feel like it might be sham though because sham is quiet oh my god open the d thank you might be sham though cause sham sham hella quiet are you going up okay huh let me see ain't my dead over there nope i want to push the button oh oh there he go yo how do you fix the toilet someone tell me please okay so we got our calls so we definitely have one imposter left we got we got one out so sham what you doing i was in electrical just now because sam was quiet last round and usually when he killed her he stayed quiet christine is dead right you would let us won't you if i'm not the killer why am i gonna say something yo unless unless dwayne has been marinating the hell out of us it's crazy how dwayne just said it's shannon but i didn't see dwayne at hole dwayne was waiting for the whole time yeah it's probably one of y'all it's game would have been yeah then it would have been gg's okay then if dwight was with uh jesse the whole time i really don't know if it's sam or jesus he's literally in the toilet i don't think it's the way because he's been with me the entire time so that's why i don't think it's the way either way either that's [ __ ] stupid that's i didn't even vote yet so i don't even know why you're saying it to me i know it's not me that's why i voted yeah i think it's so i don't know it could be just um i promised you i was in the drugs i was in the toilets i'm in electrical right now wayne if it was me i would have killed you down there i'm doing the wire [ __ ] true but you could be marinating me hard you too though you could also be marinating but the fact that she was with jazzy when christine died it's got to be shandy it's always got to be she's going to sleep so like they never have no valid reason to vote for me it's not like defeat sound like the cake oh but what am i going to say if you're good in that eagle wait who was the other one oh it was cup yup i knew cub did that little fidgety thing i knew it was hurting everybody yeah that was just me i thought yeah i'm sorry i don't know i'm sorry is this screen taking forever all right let me go to records let me see okay okay okay my task is right here hold up let's go over here i could easily get killed here hold on hold on and we can't see [ __ ] man and they put down the damn okay let me go take a shower because they said i'm dirty hold on look it says i'm dirty like they're even they even say they even say that my dirty ass need to take a shower i took one before the stream though hold up shane about to try to kill me okay never mind let me go this way go down there we go and can i what can i go this way there we go okay let's hit this bam bam good now to get out this damn maze okay let's go over this way all right all right i can't see a thing yo i can't see anything okay let's go over here okay i saw jess wait a minute where the hell okay oh wait no i can't go this way i can't go this way i have to go around i have to go around okay wait oh wait did i just pass jess i think jess was the last one that i saw over here wait a minute oh geez they unlocked all the doors okay um okay thank you okay i saw white okay now i gotta go up right okay i see dwayne let's see let's go this way yo somebody's dead right now somebody's dead and we don't know where the body is okay i see jess again let me see is there body nope okay okay all right all right oh jesus lord don't do this to me don't do this to me don't do that okay i saw yellow i saw yellow wait a minute okay let's do this what's happening why didn't nobody die wow nobody's dead oh my god oh my god okay imposters y'all know we can't see well right who's scared i got i got scared because i i thought cause i wanted to go up the ladder to finish my task but i saw jazzy go there first i was like two times two years and i was like i'm gonna wait i was like i'm away at the bottom of the ladder wait for jazz to come down and i saw christine come and i was like oh [ __ ] so i went up the ladder i came around yes this was exactly the exact reason i pressed it because when i i heard the ladder sounds for a while then i went over there i see jess and jazz right in front of the ladder standing there and after like i wasn't standing whoa okay now the lights are definitely right no no no i passed christine like when i went down the steps when i got down like i went to the left and i saw christine like come into the steps so like i left because i had my double bag my thing i saw y'all both there and then after i went up jess went up and i was like i'm not about to die here so i press the button no i went up at the same time as you and i was like let me go back down not me like do not vote because she saw me standing there like it's not me but we can't even tell who it is nobody's dead i think we should yeah nobody died no one died let's just get me i'm skipping my vote oh you know wait sasha sasha come forth with your body i know who it is i'm a woman i have intuition it's kind of oh it's cool it's who oh did you just really rat out a fellow black woman i mean like that was really what you did um if it was me well i was supposed to only be killing poise but i guess now i kill tasha instead she like wait all right bro okay wait a minute women bam the hell okay there we go somebody some of these i haven't done before okay wait okay i saw christine again lord do i have to okay okay who said tell dwayne this is a jazz tell the way to see mrs juice world i have to i have to ask him that later i can't talk to him now i love this halo um sword that they put here though i do love this i do love that sword okay let me go to viewing deck hold up let me go down okay let's go down here we'll just pass me i don't know okay okay christine is right there jesus i'm seeing christine a whole lot and i'm getting kind of scared wait a minute i want perfect damn it every time i'm on this [ __ ] no okay the way you get the mess out of me bro my bad poise died but shamble is on my ass stop it oh yeah [Music] to the lab i went to the right you went to paris everybody in chat i hope you all doing good tonight i just want to say that bro wait did you say i looked really good hopefully the stream will make you feel better now like yeah wait wait did you see did you see boy's body though no he seemed nothing he just ran away was on my body is killing slow that's right i mean i understand someone else somebody scared to kill let me see am i here yeah okay good let me get closer down here i need to get back over here and get my good connection so that that way i can try to look at where everybody is okay wait a minute four okay wait good oh oh there we go there we go aiming for perfect every time aiming for perfect okay i saw jess just there oh lord okay okay okay let me try to let me just try to walk around let me just try to walk around and see if i see anybody okay okay oh oh i see purple hmm okay i saw purple over there i'ma just look at colors i might just look at colors hold on let me go this way let me see if i see anything okay oh and then they disabled it as soon as i got on and [ __ ] as soon as i got on here man as soon as i got on there okay hold up hold up hold up let's go let's go over here let's go in there and fix that there we go christine is right there jess is right there okay okay let's see dwayne uh-huh me yo this camera placement is kind of trash i'm not gonna lie dwayne went in there huh let me see let me see who comes in here if i see someone moving here i'm gonna get off here hmm okay i see ego right there i can hardly see anything good lord this can these camera placements are like not the best okay who's that okay oh lord okay wait let's go over here wait shoot how do i get out do i okay okay there we go there we go okay let's go this way right to go up and then hit that okay nine five three one two man okay got it there we go we got man get your test done we gonna get this we're gonna get this done we'll get this done y'all i i don't know what the killers are doing i don't know what the killers are doing is someone just going up and down the steps okay all right all right the killers were scared to kill everybody but not scared to kill me that's cool that's cool that's cool oh my god is anybody else dead is it just me is it just me that's dead yeah yeah should have voted her ass i just needed evidence but i should have voted her ass dwight run doing right i can't do this [ __ ] task for nothing yo whoever is playing they rule af yo which task is it the locker i'm doing the one with the three [ __ ] pictures how do you do that [Laughter] she can't figure out the picture thank you justin i ain't doing that task with the little doors and the numbers and [ __ ] i ain't doing that the locker what one all the way at the bottom and there's numbers and a switch i think she's talking about i think she's something i don't know what i'm supposed to do down there and i'm scared so i'm not doing it so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to do a process of elimination and just start voting oh because your task would be the one that saves us but will kill us all because it's not done is that what you're saying yeah yeah yeah i think that's the vault task i think that's about y'all understanding many okay yeah we're almost done come with me yo what's happening wait who are we going yo i think it's called depression i'm just gonna say that i think it's cupping pressure [Music] wait a minute y'all so it was my favorite game from last year i don't know i honestly don't even remember the games that came out last year i don't even know everything's such a blur because of kovac like i really i really don't know okay let me go follow my murderer let me see what she doing you said you may need to move to the east coast because your wi-fi keep going out because the spectrum damn jerry you get rid of spectrum i don't know what to say i don't know i hear good things from spectrum i don't know okay to tell christine she kind of look like octavius spencer who was that hold on let me go dad where is everybody i'm looking for cup right now i'm trying to see where she went okay jess is just sitting by the button she's ready to report um let's okay there she go there she go there goes my killer there goes my killer let's follow the murderer let's follow the murderer look she's not what she doing just sitting there saying who's the cup it's cup it's cup and then she just got christine no she just got christine she's trying to turn it up now why did this tell me sam just died that's what it just showed me but he been dead it showed me sham it was black yeah show me sham can y'all tell me how to do that task by the way it says reveal code and then there's a diamond and then three slashes what am i supposed to do i don't even know what you're talking about it's the task it says reveal code and then there's four squares with symbols inside so you look at oh you got to get yeah go ahead yeah you look at the code and then you go across to the others maybe it's big last time i saw christine we were running from the kitchen and then after that that's when the uh what is it the reactor that went off and then i turned that off but that was last time i saw her [Music] oh lord cut by the kill everybody let's see okay ego and jessa right there where did cub go no no we ain't saying that we ain't saying that corey nope mm-hmm we ain't saying that corey we saying it we're saying it the right way okay we we are not that type of program okay we're not that type of program all right uh-huh she's gonna kill the mercedes maybe maybe i don't know she might not do it now cause all right all right she's gonna fix her own sabotage huh she's gonna fix her own sabotage be me thank you for the donuts and thanks for being you thank you y'all mm-hmm she's scared to kill right now if she don't do it it's gonna make her look bad she's gonna kill her okay she might kill her now i don't know hmm huh let's see let's see who you gonna choose is she gonna kill dwayne is that who she's trying to get oh someone's gone i think dwayne's on cams i think she just knew that i think she's noticed that i think she might be trying to go for him i don't know i don't know i think she might be trying to go for him oh dwayne you might wanna run you might wanna run duane i don't know okay she she's not going she's not going she's not going okay okay where'd she go yeah she's looking for people so am i gonna play fenav security breach yes i am that new fenaf is looks scary but it looks fun at the same time so i'm definitely gonna play that she's gonna kill him right now yep yep there it goes there it goes y'all really let here [Music] but i just ran into you first and i was getting nervous i had to kill you and kill me so fast it's crazy how at the beginning of the game i said it was cup and then y'all right they did just broke my guts be talking to me sometime okay all right y'all want to do one more my goodness somebody and then they called the discussion right when i killed the person i don't know who it was thank you the only person i killed that was me when i told you with the lord you can't see it it's not a thing all right y'all want to do any special rules uh you wanna do hide and seek seek i'm about to say y'all wanna do the five word thing what's up it's like when you uh like every time we get called to a meeting you can only say like five words and that's it and then you have to like words five words like try your best like the same five words people will kill in electric yeah but like but like only one second toilet plunger thing because someone told me how to do the toilet plunger before we started because i keep moving it up and down and you gotta move up and down yeah it wouldn't move for me you know like i kept clicking on the plunger and it wouldn't move yeah oh so what are we doing and that's it don't do five words one sentence and five words another like just five words their ass to do syllables because last time we did this it was over there counting syllables so i don't know how that's gonna go i don't know how that's gonna go all right wait a minute let's go up and go over here why y'all not moving why you're not moving okay orange and red orange and red white black i'm seeing everybody i'm seeing everybody okay let me go over here oh wait do i have the toilet plunger desk wait a minute yes i do okay wait oh oh wait [ __ ] man why are they killing me tonight i can't do anything i can't do anything look they're not gonna find my f they're not gonna find my body they are not going to find my body right here nobody's going to go in this stall and figure out my bodies right there they found it but they didn't go in they killed me and duane look at that i know who it is i know whoever it is and i'm enjoying this it was in the bathroom who is [Music] the game over already bro bathroom yeah you did it forget five words okay yeah go ahead we make it look easy exactly [Applause] he's [Music] [Music] the dead is speaking for a second ain't none of y'all follow the five rules [Music] lord ain't nobody do that [ __ ] at all let me see let me go over here poor wait wait we going for perfect we're going for perfect wait there we go there we go all right let's go over here i'm glad they got poised out first though even though they were saying a whole bunch of [ __ ] with him they should have done five words and maybe he wouldn't have gotten caught but you know they didn't do it so they forgot already all right let's go over here what is that uh-huh okay let's see uh-huh wait no it was that there right [ __ ] wait what was it oh the other way around jazz the other way around the other way around jesus okay all right oh wait no keep the coin there we go and get bam bam there we go i had it backwards all right let's do this and then i think it's done yep that's it all right now i don't know who the other killer is i really don't know okay i think it might be sham though because he's just sitting there unless it's a task right there and i don't know about it i don't know maybe is that a task i don't know i don't maybe it's not sham i think he's actually doing something maybe it's not shannon hmm okay is it cup again because i don't know she run kind of wild hmm y'all say yes a task okay all right i never had that task i don't know that's why i said i still be getting confused on here because i never had each task yet oh they go there not they probably not gonna find it i don't know they probably knock a [ __ ] damn he's been that task for a long time oh i'm so sorry girl i'm so sorry yeah she's the only one dead she's the only one dead okay mercedes is trying to do the walker test good luck with that let's see who's the other killer i'm trying to find it viewing we definitely got an imposter out because this is going real slow i just ran in there with ego you're welcome that's more than 500 all right let's look at them look at them forgetting again they're just not going to yeah i've been around a couple times been around me a couple of times and i don't feel like i feel like they could have killed me are we doing this y'all not doing that you're not doing it just [ __ ] the longest time it was on the viewing deck like on the outside by the wi-fi phone thing yeah no we're not doing it i guess okay i went over to do the reactions and then i went up to the meeting room and that's where you came up right after that in the meeting room as well so you saw me the whole pretty much most of this round yo you and chad and i'm again i swear right then just just forget now leave me alone damn it i don't have anything leave me alone all right i did i did oh no yeah that was me for sure [Music] you don't quit voting for me killing everybody i'm always getting mentioned for what i'm dead leave me okay let's see hmm okay christine is on cam let's see hmm let me see cut oh oh oh i knew you was about to come up here why you come up here before you come up here bro i have a telescope here do i have a discord you really want to tell them it's called dwayne king what's your point i think christine and mercy and i was on the other side of both sides i don't have one you're trying to make sure we press the button thank you insane raise for the 99 cent you know what i voted for christine but now i really think it's you ain't no reason to press that button you was on i can't why wouldn't i punch cause you came right now i was not moving all right let's do it let's do it let's do it i'm scared i didn't told y'all i got stuck at that test y'all saw me at that task hella long so what are you talking about no it's not guaranteed y'all don't vote don't worry y'all probably don't figure out why you pressed it don't vote i haven't i'm really trying to cause you the letter after me yes i gotta get here no jess just stop okay pretend like you're not high right now who wants a lot of hurt yo mm-hmm who wants a lot of friends and you followed me and now you all must be a little bit louder so that's your stuff must be oh my gosh i went up that ladder first yeah i was just if you're not imposter you totally sold this whole [ __ ] shoulders need to tell us something i was up there first either you were in christmas oh my god you worked for steve nah it is not me i haven't this whole match bill i bought it just because she pressed the button and put the sauce on me for no damn reason and it's a tie either way look it's tied away look at that look at that i'm going forward i have a task up here just so you know he said do i like tamales i don't think i ever had them is that like the spicy candy if i get the spicy red hot ones because the if so then no i don't like spicy candy i feel like candy should be sweet not hot i don't know hmm okay so she's fixing the lights automatically so i don't think it's cup i don't think it's cup it could be somebody else hmm he said tamales ain't candy well i don't know what it is then i haven't had it i thought that's what it was called i thought it was like the red like little like jelly bean thing that's what i thought it was i thought it was that i don't know that obviously means i haven't had it so y'all let me know what it is though oh those are called red hots i don't know why people around my way called it hot tamales that's why i thought it was the candy so oh wait i can do it is that a glitch i ain't never been able to do that before as a ghost right he said hot tamales are candies and red hots are two different candies okay okay i never was able to do that right like i'm not tripping right like are they letting me do is this a glitch i can do i can do the okay sabotages now i can fix them so it's not just like i assume she was third imposter i still think it's christine but anyway the body i think it's christine too cause i thought it was christine what is your favorite let me tell you where the body was so it was just his body i bet you feel bad now though just mm-hmm all right think about your life choices so anyway the little i'm not gonna take it wherever you go the body was on the left-hand side of that um i don't think it's ego because we both went to columns and i fixed it why are you still sitting there has been fixed but anyway he could have killed me what the hell is wrong with this is jess was up there she ran down this down the ladder when i went up there after that i stayed up there by the emergency button so it's nothing christine and i'm going to tell you why so i'm sitting there i am sitting at tom says the new map allows to go to fixed costs when i tell you christine you stood in the engine room for like a smooth minute you need no because no there was twice right where i was in the the um the where you steer the ship was that called the um you know where you steer you drive where the front of the ship all the way to the left and you were there so i was standing there because you were standing right by the door and i was like i'm not going to be dead right now what do you think it is then if it's not you because i think it's good no oh my goodness i skipped i skipped i'm petty i think it's you sham now it's really nice i think it's christine i mean yeah it could be christina first of all and it was let me tell you something the reason why i died down there was because i was waiting for that yeah looks like she was scared of me i thought she wanted to go to the ladder thank you lately thank you thank y'all for watching that's enough she comes over to me the donations are actually watching enough for me y'all let me see if somebody else comes down i'm like no one else is coming down so i'm like all right here we go who was the problem christine it was poised y'all got home boys killed me first he made sure to kill me one imposter it has to be one imposter yeah you lower the vision to like um what do you guys want to lower too it doesn't have to count we already couldn't see point seven five point five there has to be only one imposter so you have to get out of that yeah one imposter oh garcetti's left the game one and then however whoever's yeah they announced themselves and they have ten they have to count to ten before they can move and then right is everybody leaving of hide and seek the imposter has to announce who they are and everybody can talk on the map because we're going to know who the killer is no one reports a body right count to 10 before why'd you say yeah jazz you to kill her already no no no no no no i mean i hope i am i would like to be i'm just getting killed first aid bro so are you in north america has to count to ten before they can start killing everybody okay normally you would also get rid of tasks but because or like you would um that you would get rid of calms as the killer but since this is still a pretty new map you can leave comms on because it's hard for people to find their task anywhere okay true can we up the task all right everything else good you're good uh yeah i think there we go and no one can report no reporting bodies guys just try to do your task if you're imposter you count to ten before you leave you tell everyone who you are and if you can get rid of comms or don't no don't get rid of columns i want to get rid of there's nobody up yet all right well if it's me i'm gonna take out cons so oh dang i'm about to say i'm gonna take out comms too y'all supposed to do that exactly on that same wavelength i don't know this map either but that that's that's fair you got to see your test listen if it's me i'm coming for mercedes that makes it more fun oh i'm standing right next to you oh he's counting oh he's counting all right those are real fast seconds i don't mercedes j says you're cool [Music] um oh my god oh wow oh my god oh my god he's just chasing me oh my god [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my god i am just running all what is this i never did this tag [Music] oh my goodness oh sweat girl you're the [Music] best oh [ __ ] you scared me bro okay today i'm dead you already killed christina oh my god on the shelf this is [Music] [Music] oh and then come [Music] oh my oh my god man you want to be on everybody man y'all that i had to die in order to do my test because there was no way that he was going to stop for are we doing another one determination one more time she put another code in already wait why you put another code in oh she out eating it but we don't join back in this one she definitely she deafened us we're definitely someone hear us yeah we want to we want to play it one more time yeah one more time i think you want to go to a new map we but we're still in the one with the other ones yeah so just come back we're still in the same one so just come back into that one i'm built differently can you make it a little darker mm-hmm who's the darker leader who sees the start button and because they can set the changes okay oh then boys gotta do it um go to the computer i got it it's me oh it's you um no no it's not that's close i was like can two people see it no you can see it i'm sorry for the weirdos thank you for everything i love you and i hope your day's been good my dad's good weirdos no we can still see the computer we just can't do that those kinds of messages every damn time okay okay the import go to computer hit game and then impossible ruin and we still got it supposed to be real low but they can't see nothing bro i'm leaving somebody gonna do that who can see the start button who has that i can't i can see it claimed i can't get that out i got it man sham do you see it then go to games um go to game and scroll down to imposter vision and turn that down to 0.25 goddamn 0.25 okay there you go yeah yeah there was no way i was going to win if i didn't do no tests that's good you could start it okay okay all right thanks for the laughs keep up the amazing content thank you y'all i'm sorry i mean the gummy woman who's in pasta it's me it's me jazz [Music] five oh my god i already got one here we go i already got one oh my god violating bro am i wait where am i oh my god figure it out figure it out before i get to you okay [Music] oh my god [Music] yes buddies all hey buddy hey i just saw white hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my god oh my god girl i love you i love you oh my god oh oh oh okay oh man i'm throwing away that damn shirt oh my god [Applause] i don't like any of this i know you died yes oh my god i have one oh my god no i'm not looking at you because i can't help you i'm sorry i'm talking to the crewmates what you doing they don't know either so don't worry about it they don't know either thank you oh my gosh um uh this is terrible i don't know either oh my god oh my god it's something with like um boys run she's coming she's cool what do you mean oh my god oh my god ego i love you ego ego where are you going i love you jess where'd you go girl working bro where'd you go what what do you mean what do you mean i love your channel i love your book your book oh my god oh my god oh my god i'll take that you just need a little oxygen i'll take that yeah it's okay no no no i'm gonna keep it cause like that's like my autographer she's so messed up okay like i'm all fresh so amazing i know you're hiding somewhere i know i passed you no i wasn't right i'm done my task no he's already dead he's already dead don't worry about it where did she kill [Music] girl oh my god [Music] oh my god you'll be all right you'll be all right lord i'm getting ready okay bro i'm about to be passing my tasks i love you i've been watching it thank you y'all i always i can't ever get into a room it takes like 20 tries all right oh boy y'all want to do sexy voices this time i don't do it the men too i got to do sexy voices too absolutely i guess the manga only in the meeting oh i'm about to say all right okay okay let me go to medpay this feel like a throwback now that i'm playing man it's fast as hell this feels like a throw back now that we're here all right oh oh oh okay wait wait [ __ ] i can't even do this yeah why they keep trying to kill me first [ __ ] [ __ ] i said it i said it so i saw they just mad about last round we are doing sexy voices right because it's awkward if we're not and i'm there okay i'm listening that's true that was quick what the [ __ ] was that hey sometimes it'd be quick you know what i mean sometimes it's not long second round be better they keep trying to kill me first man swear to goodness they stay trying to kill me first let me do my damn test just so y'all know all right let's use this all right let's see all right let's go over here oh oh cup is getting imposter all night she been getting poster lord cubbing and imposter all damn night so it's cap and jess lord i just killed them so fast all right let's do this all right and then i think i'm done yep bro i hate reporting bodies man so oh i thought bro is james are we doing live my goodness gracious how do you know that because he just like killed him you don't like that you're trying to defend yourself she didn't even kill him how can i defend myself [Music] whoo i said keep doing what you're doing also thanks to the moms for getting rid of the creeps y'all it's some somebody does something weird every damn day and i'm just so used to it it's just like so numbing like i don't even care like i'll just ban you or delete your message or whatever i i really don't it does not affect me like it's just it's just people being weird i don't know poise found out within five seconds it was just i wonder if you're going to guess at his cup too okay wait where did the cup go then he said that's boy's ultimate talent he's ultimate detective he really is every time we get in this game people be thinking that he's cheating because he'd be getting it so good and fast but he's just really good i don't think that he's stream sniping or cheating or anything he's just really good oh oh she might okay i thought she's gonna kill christine right there oh no she she's thinking about it she's thinking about it she might want to kill um trent won't kill mercedes i don't know cup is trying to figure out who to kill right now she might she might kill christine i don't know i don't know she might kill christine he said dwayne be thinking that you stream sniping sometimes cause she suss him out and i'm right right like it's like not everybody streams nice jesus and then she gonna fix her own lights is she gonna fix her online so she's gonna wait okay she fix our own lights because mercedes came he said poison shuichi he really is man i'm sitting here doing all the sabotaging turn off the electrical yeah and everything right now i know i ain't killed all i know is that i've been getting impostor all night yes i've been on two months oh damn it's me and mercedes you see him trolling bro okay so just found your streams the other day i didn't find you he said i'm sad you didn't find me earlier he said the pandemic would have been much more livable with your contact people with great work thank you y'all i'm just glad that y'all are less sad watching my stuff who has to go okay we could laugh about stuff even though right now it was like a non-laughable time for some people but as long as they can make y'all feel better that's that's what i look for cup you better be the dad killer again he said she tried to outdo you with the onsite liz i know god damn that's what i'm saying bro [Laughter] specimen specimen [ __ ] i forgot the name of rome sorry in specimen right words bruh body right side electrical skip vote sham left side cup and jelly bean poise grasadies what champions i ain't see [ __ ] done me neither me neither i got two more uh it's sham the [ __ ] i was with damn that was random is that and that was five words hold that vote no one's sticking to the five words hey y'all when y'all say five words it's five words and that's it don't do five words and then another sentence five lord people don't know how to follow rules so bring the onslaught list back we need a savagery my list is still here in the back oh [ __ ] i can't move i can't move i can't move y'all i can't i can't move y'all go to settings thank you all right all right now oh wait i have to go back this way why does that happen that's a weird glitch i can get killed like that i can get killed like that all right let's see i'm trying to keep my eyes open i hate this test because it covers like the whole entire screen so i can't ever see anything okay electrical then storage and specimen okay lord oh lord please don't be a killer oh i got straight across okay let's go down let's do this one okay huh she just okay she just came from there there's nothing else there okay someone's on cams wait did i see a body over there no i didn't no i didn't okay laboratory storage specimen okay so let me go over here hmm all right oh geez cup is usually a killer man i don't okay she's going to no she came back okay oh i don't know i don't know her employee's standing right there why can't i report this i cannot report this there we go okay body in dcom hallway right on right side reactor duane grady's sus yo mama i'm in comms i hate this game [Laughter] [Laughter] okay i don't like any of this [Music] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] i can't move again lord okay i need to go to lab see i didn't think it was dwayne because he he came like after after the body was there i just couldn't press it right then i thought that he was gonna suss me out i didn't think it was gonna assess him so i voted for cup because she's usually imposter tonight and poise and her were down there in specimen and her body was up at the top and then they kind of did like this weird thing going back so i don't know uh uh uh poised i ain't no we're gonna circle around we're gonna circle around because you ain't killing me nope nope okay yo just just did it seemed it i agree on cams i saw on cam's true lies ah [Music] that's that [ __ ] goodbye jess we need a new rule you can't be living all camps let's finish your task uh why lord i have to keep doing that every time okay so it might be poised then i don't know poise might be the other one we can hear your keys [Music] what's up with this echo christie oh [ __ ] uh-uh okay all right all right all right okay hmm let's see if i see poison running is anybody up there now okay all right okay mercedes is on oh boys just came from down there all right meet her and cut by left and then poise i think it might be poised though oh [ __ ] where'd he go ready go i'm not trying to get trapped in the hallway with his ass now try and get trapped in a hallway with him boys you learning from charlie how you doing with your partner like that damn real right cause that's the track that's the strength it didn't work it didn't work dude new new new rules though new rules if you don't finish your task and you're living on camps you get voted out wait because i should just play cams for maybe five seconds when i saw you kill nobody was camping camps i'm just saying i don't even know i don't even think that you ain't done your task hold on but that shouldn't even be a rule because if they don't get their task done then we can lose so that's that's like that's what i'm saying you gotta finish your task you got to finish your task first before you get on camps because you're not doing i'll tell you why i voted you because i said a sentence and then you said cap so i was like oh he's trying to throw this us on me so that's why i bullied you i don't know why i don't know i didn't even is [Music] y'all want to be faster i just turned it up just now i doubled the speed y'all like this for you you want it faster i think it's better this is a little bit better i think this is good i think this is good all right there we go yeah okay all right what's the rule this one accents what we doing what we doing actually oh lord i've been working on my aussie accent okay oh okay okay hey mate boy hi good eye i don't know i'm from new york not me not me oh dear all right oh my gosh like dead ass no cat they're funny oh all right let's see let's do this that's the ego already got an accident you got to do another one let's see oh shoot i see poise i see poise hold on okay okay all right all right all right all right no why you did that why you did bet why you did back are you do back no no no no no no no no no no why you did back boys we got a button already oh my god so oh are we doing are we doing accents okay yeah oh yeah yeah we've only got four seconds left hurry up poised why are you saving me you know what i'm saying mate it's lonely on this where are we on the trip or what man like what are we on what is this like like like hold on hold on like can we keep [Laughter] like this wizard is scaring the [ __ ] out of me like seriously he is chasing me all around communications and i ran back to the office i just she wanted you to hold my hand yeah i might want to leave that it's your name i just wanted you to hold my hand that's it that's it i don't like holding hands with this because it was just an emergency button and nobody actually died actually a little too good i thought she was ringing for a second oh my goodness well the imposters voted for poised exactly [Music] what's chasing the [ __ ] out of me oh my god okay let me go back to communications so i can do my damn test at least if i do this now boys get the [ __ ] poison over here again yo leave me alone leave me alone boys leave me you better not move yo okay let me do this oh [ __ ] okay hold up hold up okay got it now let me go to the lab oh okay i saw somebody's name for a second all right all right okay ego's right there king no no no uh-uh uh why he double back like that hmm damn it couldn't even get on the poised why don't you chase him don't nobody want to hold my hand man come on did you also hold tusha's hand because i said she's not she's tasha i don't know what happened so stop it yeah see tasha is dead i got my vote no is poised chased me um like this was the sound in 1875 like i said earlier i'm just a little lonely sweetheart you know i'm trying to follow somebody body right by the office where and there was a couple of people still in the office scanning their um you know little cars so who's in the office who's who's the [ __ ] that did it yeah she's going down with you i know i know it wasn't old man poised because he's over there following him he's following me [Music] i am in laboratory i'm in the lab i think that's what they call some count she got a whole bunch of caps on her head [Music] like uncle elroy i know hold up there we go that is weird on this on this map it's like you can't move unless you press a little sentence thing it's a little weird okay wait a minute wait okay okay flip until i see someone oh wait oh oh oh [ __ ] might be trying to come for me oh wait wait wait wait okay let's do this we're gonna save people today we're gonna turn these lights on we're gonna turn these lights on there we go oh oh oh oh shame okay okay so christine just left somebody was in there let me see nope okay nobody's in here i got i got all my tests i'm right yes yes okay let's see oh boys leave me alone wait oh wait there's a vent in here so hold on let me see hmm okay duane just left from there ain't nobody over there oh okay so hold on so where was the body though sam's body was okay sorry i'm making me laugh okay sham's body was an o2 by the big tree and like there's like a hole there so like somebody could vent and like i totally saw king come from the area where cameras was and there's a hole there too and they're both connected oh my god what were you doing oh my goodness um yeah i had the o2 tasks over there and then i saw sham was alive when i saw him and so i was going to ask you i think you self-reported because he was alive when i was what type of voice is that young man um how is it a self-report if i came from outside to inside and you were coming from inside to go outside tell me the same way that it kind of oh that's the same way the same way it could be a self report mate uh there we go boy there it is all right now that you came in you killed him and then self-reported well i know it's not i know it wasn't like it wasn't me i know it wasn't me because he was alive and i was gonna make money boys you sound like this snap into a slim jim fella that's what you sound like i finally got it into a swim gym randy man savage randy man said have it oh my god some of you are dumb as [ __ ] oh my gosh whoa you dumb mother oh my god get that yellow bean out of here why the [ __ ] are they voting me it's wayne man it's dwayne it is dwayne hello oh my goodness okay hold up hold up hold up hold up we go oh now they trying to stop me now he's trying to stop me nope nope it was definitely to win it was definitely doing i think i think it was definitely him they're gonna vote me for what like like i never self-report y'all so if y'all if y'all why would y'all think it's me look look another one did it yeah just know oh my god you still got two imposters left we gotta get somebody out i think we do and i think we do i think we do still have to i think we do we're on seven i don't think we should vote here oh my gosh yeah we're going to die ladies and gentlemen i think that's jesus specimen yeah i definitely came from there baby ego you was around there in the parks right there in the laboratory there you go was you around there [Music] i is y'all it has to be it has to be i'm gonna sit here and hide hold up let me hide my little halo let me help my little halo if they vote me off write down everyone name on a site list treat it like it's the deaf book look look y'all look and he tried to kill me now he tried to kill me now look he saw me and he tried double bag uh-uh and he trying to sit right next to that button so i can't press it too okay all right what are we doing what's happening so i just i just watched dwayne kill cup it's um it was you the attack i told you that it was dwayne from the beginning y'all didn't listen to me the reactor goes off he comes back in we're running out and i look back to see if cup's there and i watched him kill her i saw her saw her die she's dead now he killed her i told y'all like three rounds ago it was him why are you down here slicing bodies christine dwyane i can't believe you i can't believe you dwayne wait i hear that and i just like to say lord homecoming 17. what's the other words long [ __ ] there's one more killer y'all hold on this is devon oh my god hey jazz just showing lots of love to you tonight and also i just recently retired from the united states air force yesterday so i'm sending you a huge dono i'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh i was thinking of united states as [ __ ] that's why when i saw that i was like oh but you and doing could split and enjoy y'all moments together please tell all the streamers and say hi and love y'all who are we united states [ __ ] thank you devon oh my god thank you devon so much y'all spam up the barn down there you swim with the united states as [ __ ] y'all get that joke some people would some people won't but lord thank you thank you devon so much know we're not supposed to talk but like i gotta don't know to say that like all of you streamers are awesome so that's it thank you thank you thank you very much thank you that's so nice thank you for that voice it's so scary thank you kindly let me see it's anyone dead yet no i think it's i think it's wait wait who's who's alive okay it's me her okay huh huh okay okay okay okay let's see let's see let's see let's get the right one christine go to the left christine for single to left go to the left christine that's it you know what [ __ ] it okay about to say yeah go go christine go okay okay there we go there we go who's dead who's that who's that and when dad okay somebody just got this pass done somebody just got this hat done all right all right we still alive we still live okay thank you toxic cupcakes for joining thank you starlight for joining um i told y'all it was duane so hard it was me cheers [Music] out y'all yeah yeah is that isn't everybody heading out anything let me change the map i'm gonna change the map then i'm gonna change the map all right yeah we can get one more in because we got eight but we gotta do one kill little all right new york uh new code going in all right okay all right all right we can get one more in this man he's like all right baby yeah i'm not gonna imposter that much baby my creole sensibility was so okay all right wait wait for that shout out all right charlie wait who were we missing all right is there one right here and someone else said they go on no that's all of us two people left dwayne and i think cupcake no cups here my cup's here natasha i went i went and got my eyebrows done at the same place cup how do you like them those just [ __ ] up listen oh my god uh sure yeah all right hold on renee wants to join real quick so we have nine whoo why why did i see that whole snoop mean like i saw the whole view right in my head what are you saying no bro don't roll no oh lord oh well i'm back y'all but they said someone suggested that we impersonate each other again oh crap oh we could do that so you bring iranian i i gotta i gotta take the other two people out first wait what's happening what are we doing i'm adding someone ready to come in all right all right i'm ringing i don't know what's up with these donuts today so in person we're gonna call people i'm calling oh wait wait all right i got boys i'm calling christine all right jess i'm going that route damn who left i'll be cap all right so i think i'm left i'll be [ __ ] no cups i did you randy are you here yeah i'm in i'm a beast hello love how you doing the code is up above thank you um i think i'm left because don't nobody ever pick me i picked you last time jazz that's why i didn't pick you this time we meet up right uh yeah i think we are okay let me go over here let me go down let's see let's hit this sabotage lights let's see let me go over this way hmm okay he's over there let me see let me go over here no no i have to kill her now i have to kill her now okay all right all right so we found a body um oh wait okay i got two okay i thought you did all right oh wait oh okay i'm christine okay let me lean all right all right so okay okay can you can you hear me okay the body is in med bay but me and jess just came in here at the same time so i know it's not sir yes sir yes sir all right well i just want to say since y'all always think it's [ __ ] me it wasn't me i was an admin y'all always [ __ ] blame me because it do be you um almost wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on we need to hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on ego you go ego don't make me call your phone ego don't make me call your phone well i'm just going to go ahead and say again because y'all always think it's me i'm an admin all right you're always poised get him out get a cat poison hold on hold on hold on we all need to vote you guys we all need to vote okay no it's not me that's not going to get a chance to vote it's not me it's not me that i say it's not what i'm saying is the girl thing here oh dear oh dear oh god christine to be doing that though oh dear let me see hmm let me go over here let me sabotage a lot oh okay never mind it was hold on hold on a little bit it was mercedes laina lanolin mercedes are killed no no no hold on hold on hold on i have the mic because you guys are going to blame it on me okay you don't have the mic actually hold on hold on oh i thought i reminded you okay you know what you're dead you want to know why you couldn't remember it's not your turn it's actually not your turn at all thank you anyway anyway just went back into uh med baby have the task where you come back i also have that task just came in i'm ready jess came in i was behind just following her all of a sudden the body is on med bay or over by me and jazz is coming out honestly jazz i didn't even see the color of the person who was leaving so you would have been safe that you not said anything but the fact that you said it's me i know it was science no okay hold on so so now let me tell my story okay so i definitely i came from communications and i went up went into navigation did my task in there where it's like you had to line up the crosshairs and then i saw shaman poise and then no i definitely saw a poise and jam you weren't in there you were around the hallway then i went to the left through the cafeteria i went through the cafeteria came down hold on hold on hold on hold on then i went to the left went down into med bay and then i saw the body there with mercedes so i'm pretty sure definitely not me yo okay you know how i feel now right y'all bandwagon voting i just want to say i felt safe with blue jazzy i feel real safe with you i just want to say that like what do you like across the night [Music] [Music] oh oh wow are we still impersonating each other hold on y'all um jerry and jerry in my chat so that he could join if y'all want 10. he's played with us before we're gonna add him i'm not friends with him okay hold on let me try to add right now i heard she said i was like there we go wait who playing that who's doing that i don't i don't know i don't know who's doing it i think it's important boys is that you bro that's christine can you all hear me oh yeah yeah you really thought that was me man hey yo bro you be doing a lot you'll be doing a lot no wait hold on is this working music who's twerking music is it okay it's christine it's christine all right let's go down to electrical wait oh let's go here hold on refresh y'all i'm still here who is that hold up oh okay i remember the color now uh so i just left it and admin oh wait are we are we impersonating still um i don't know i don't think so because we got other people here like we're right okay i got 30 seconds later it's jerry it's jerry jerry just dropped the boat [Music] you just got in here [Music] let me see if i got it yes i do i have it i have it and jerry got pulled it out as soon as he got in here what's going on she's very folding she [Music] with a 10 second cooldown oh lord who was the other killer who was that killer jerry was one of them boys um [Laughter] that was hilarious but the thing is boys killed up top lights were off and then i saw gracidius pass by i tried to kill her but she reported that so i'm like clapping over it that was just such a fast round and then rin said that she was an electrical i'm like hold up did i get the wrong color no you didn't because y'all getting the half bodies it's throwing me off no i mean like it's throwing me off no jerry was definitely oh yeah there are there are a lot of half bodies yeah my god the vaughn lord this is sending you another donut for the w [Music] [Laughter] yeah right disappointed twerking that's why we're waiting oh she's twerking four part four twerk y'all know what's funny though cause like the first time christine played the music my stream would like lag for a second and then it did the same thing with poised when he was twerking i don't know what's up [Music] lord i don't know what's up with everybody asses but every time he starts working my [ __ ] go out i don't know why all right let me go over here do this bam got that oh electrical with me the two people went electrical with me who was that that was me and christine yeah jerry i don't know why they're doing this to you i don't know why it ain't i had no control over that i'm so sorry good lord they want you to know who it was all right all right i'm gonna skip the hell voted for me my goodness you got some dirt bags don't leave game hit return to game why did we vote in the gym all the time yours too what's up with the breath stick what is going on all right let me hit this we really don't even need to fix lights honestly this [ __ ] bright as hell okay let me go over oh okay wait i got this let me go over here reactor there we go oh [ __ ] one two three five six seven eight dozen there we go oh oh wait we need to go okay there we go um then he done killed christine oh snap wow i'm not i'm not going to suck christine out but i'm kind of stressing her out white not yellow my bad came out cause she was standing right there when i went to the left the body was at the other door going towards the engine oh right so when i okay go oh no no i was accused i can talk yeah so i was confused by going to get gas and then i was went in the hallway just to the door it locked so i was waiting to see who was in electrical to see if somebody died christine last time your name came up jess and i were in electrical were you hoping it was only one of us i'm looking at you no oh my goodness no i didn't it was just said earlier that you were where jerry was coming up from over there no they said from the left i didn't come from the left side i came from advent that time we got one more we got one more left in here we definitely got one out so we got one more left i don't know who it is hmm we definitely got one out because game would have been over well no one i think we got one out i don't know let me go over here oh [ __ ] i knew it as soon as i saw it as soon as i saw it i was like oh let me turn around but no she killed me as soon as i saw that [ __ ] i knew she was gonna get me i tried to turn around and run but no couldn't go fast enough oh and then the kill cooldowns like 10 seconds lord whoa where's the party supporting bioelectrical and the report by apopto i'm not sure if it's in electrical or around there what have you been doing because you've been real quiet i've been in so i was just doing download in communications that's where i've been sham how many bodies have you reported two i didn't self report that trust me well you're not gonna trust me anyway but it's definitely not me it wasn't me you've been real quiet ryan and usually you'd be i was with eagle the whole time no here we go there we go you see you're finally doing well for your mental health good and so watching people like you help me get through it thank you i'm glad y'all that's the aim especially for cody [Music] oh my goodness oh my god [Music] and immediately i'm like damn settings [Music] so thank y'all for that yeah it's been a minute you're [ __ ] thanks for having me all right guys yeah boys hey guys you said don't move don't move not me am i in trouble all right though why you got to be feeling some type of way oh my god way too deep why are you saying to me all right y'all time for uno only for like five minutes so i could switch the thumbnail and everything who knows like i'm gonna come back in like five minutes okay what do you want to do don't go back in five minutes give me five minutes i'll take a bathroom break whatever you gotta do get a snack whatever i'll be back okay so
Channel: JazzyGuns
Views: 190,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, amonf us live, among us jazzyguns, jazzyguns, jazzy guns, among us imposter, imposter, airship among us new map, among us airship, live, livestream, youtube gaming, funny, crewmates
Id: 5NWWdpT4d18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 27sec (7167 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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