PLC Wiring Diagram - How to EASILY read it

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This video is unlike any of the videos we’ve done before. We’re going to delve into the world of panel drawings! This is an exceptionally useful weapon to have in our armory, as it not only helps us to build panels and understand the inner workings of them, but they help to troubleshoot problems if they occur later. If you can follow a wiring diagram, you will be able to find the root cause of any problem in a panel! But before all of that, please don’t forget to like this video if you find it useful. And if you can think of anything you think we may have missed, let us know in the comments, and we’ll see if we can put together a video on your topic too! In this video, we’re going to go back and have a look at the control panel, and try and figure out some of the connections by following a wiring diagram. As we’ve said before, this is a control panel that is used for a system that turns wastewater into clean water. It is a 2-door control panel on the front of which we have some switches that are connected to the PLC inputs and outputs. We are going to look at these switches and try and figure out the wiring behind them, as you may be curious as to how these switches are wired to the PLC! Let us first identify our push buttons; we have the “Mute Buzzer” push button, the “ESD Reset” push button, and the “Emergency Stop” push button. Try to remember these and see if we can find any of these items in the electrical drawings. All the wiring that you see here is done based on this wiring diagram that we have here. This is what we draw using AutoCAD. Each page of this wiring diagram shows the exact wiring for different sections of this control panel. For instance, for our Emergency Stop pushbutton here on this page, it shows the wiring for this switch. You see that there are four wires that are connected to this switch. These are the wires that we have here, on the back of the Emergency Stop push button, on the rear of the door. Each of these wires has a tag number. The tags for these two wires are 1 and on the other end is 2. For this upper wire, it shows that there is a wire that comes from page 200 section 1. So we have the page numbers here. For example, here it shows that we are on page 311. Now this wire comes from page 200 section 1. So I’ll go to page 200 and then section 1 and here is where this wire comes from. Here as you can see it says this wire goes to page 311 section 1, which is the page and the section that we were looking at. So if I go to page 311 and section 1 I can see this wire. Now if I go back to page 200, you see that this wire comes from page 150 section 9. So if I go to page 150 and section 9, I can see where this wire comes from. Here you can see that it says the wire goes to page 200 section 0 which is where we just came from. So this wire goes to page 200 section 0 which is here. Then it goes to page 311 section 1. wThis is page 311 section 1 and this is the wire that is connected to the Emergency Stop push button. The same goes for the other wires as well. For example, this wire comes from page 310 section 9. This one comes from page 200 section 1 again. And this one connects to here which is our PLC digital input. This is the tag for the PLC input. It shows 300U2.1. Now, this is the back of the Emergency Stop push button. You see that we have four wires here, just as what we have on the wiring diagram. These are the two wires that are tagged as 1 and these are the two wires that are tagged as 2. Based on the diagram, one of these wires with the tag 2 goes to the PLC digital input. Let’s see if we can find this wire. Here it says the tag for the PLC input that the push button is connected to is 300U2.1. These are the tags for the PLC inputs and outputs. The one I am looking for is this one here. Now based on the diagram I need to look for a wire that is tagged as 2. So I’ll look here and this is the wire that I am looking for. So one end of this diagram is connected to the push button nd the other end is connected to the PLC input. So this is how easy it is to read the wiring diagram for a control panel. It goes exactly the same for the other switches that we have here as well. That’s it for this video! There was a lot of back and forth in that video, hopefully, you didn’t get lost! If you didn’t, you’re well on your way to becoming an AutoCAD designer, or panel wireman, or maybe you want to work out in the field?! Well, you’re on track for that too. Again this video was brought to you by RealPars in partnership with Pro-control here in the Netherlands. They are experts at control system design and industrial automation. They have a team of world-class automation engineers and have been designing and implementing industrial control systems in different industries for many years. If you want to get in contact with them, you can check out their website at That’s We will put a link to their website in the description below the video as well. Ok, that’s all for today’s video. If you have learned something new from this video, it would mean the world to us if you like this video. If you haven’t already subscribed to the channel, please do so. When you subscribe don’t forget to hit the little bell next to the subscribe button to be notified each time that we post a new video. If you have got any thoughts or questions, add them in the comments below. We read each and every comment and reply back to it in less than a day. Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video! Want to learn PLC programming in an easy to understand format and take your career to the next level? Head on over to
Channel: RealPars
Views: 457,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wiring Diagram, Panel Wiring Diagram, Electrical Control Panel Wiring Diagram, Control Panel Wiring Diagram, panel drawings, electrical drawings, control panel, panel, electrical panel, PLC inputs and outputs, PLC digital input, switches, PLC, AutoCAD, drawing, tag number, Wire tag, AutoCAD designer, panel wireman, industrial automation, automation engineers, industrial control systems, Mute Buzzer, ESD Reset, Emergency Stop, wire
Id: RjQlmdeVDHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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