PLAYOFF TIME for Canes National | WWBA 15u

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[Music] [Music] thank you all right come on come on come on I'm getting close to it here it is [Music] oh no way it doesn't play right it was at East cob it's in photos so he goes on for your photos go down until you see photos are they all turned on yeah you're good go back go back go back they're all on [ __ ] no way click click just click pledge T-Money one of the bigger ones oh it was on was it on that one like wait yeah there's there's a big field that's where we played last year right yeah but it's surrounding like four 12 year olds you know which is the best part about it was Trevor Condon was talking so much stuff before the game and he was like hit a ball over me then talk hey CJ who is all on the east comp team he's like Trevor Condon CJ uh it was just kidding like Drew Alby or something like that yeah and then you were on one team I was on Team Elite so like me bowling it was the old Squad Derek Guzman yeah is he good we were tough it was good he was good in 12 years ago Logan D'Amico hit two in one day too you know I don't know what that is Andrew isn't that crazy Logan jamico two home runs in one day two bombs in one day good for him and one game he should be an RCM because he's a really good player okay man that's that Wake Forest power isn't he so good this is this is the twin Hunter not Alex Hunter it's still like Stanford best friend that's who he is my best friend best friend I wanted to stay home like 15 20. how about you how far is it for you seven hour drive great that's North Carolina I remember I was there when you called remember he's driving home right from here you felt you felt me and my dad Alex drove here no way yeah no that it's really bad he's driving how far is it how far is it like 20 20 hours take me like three days no like 45 hours I mean I drove from here but you live in California you'll need to move faster if you want more swings man you get enough good oh my God deep breath attack no my bath [Music] what's that have you got your second yet get out game plan game plan we already did a little bit of a warm-up so throw hard stay smooth that's pretty much it she's got as long as there's no runs up on the board I think we're gonna be fabulous today you know we're just about to get ready and that's it and that's all yeah it's good it's really embarrassing damn I thought I was smiling too it was good it was gonna look at that I I really thought it was gonna I really thought it was gonna look good I really thought it was gonna look good and look at it it looks really really bad look at me what has that came out oh my God it's so bad all right bro all right I trusted you showing you that Powder Springs he probably doesn't have one yet they only did like the first oh my God you can't even see okay you're too tall no not yet you have to wait like two more weeks for that are you serious okay but I don't know this hot spot is good so you don't put it in the mustard oh I'm so sore so the BET was if I got one out he'd buy me two drinks and a snack well you only have like one pitch yeah no sorry one pitch yeah and then one like two pitches was like a drink and a snack three pitches like a snack four with like a drink or something like that and so I got to my I got O2 on the kid and he called a ball he's been calling a strike all day so he just robbed me of a drink and a snack what'd you get what nothing I got five pitches that's a brew that's Brewing it's okay it's okay it's okay second highest basketball yeah wait I'll get back on the mound trust he's shoving shoved it yeah is that what you do to protect your tummy yeah stretch your shoulders shoulders or elbow he thinks he has to bring everything to the game that's well the only reason he asked him he does is that also CJ well we use it because you bring it you weren't even here dude Mateo put me through like a I feel like you're forced me to do that oh this is South Korea somebody asked me if it was Tokyo but Tokyo is not a country to be honest it's not Japan be honest I thought it was Japan I thought it was Japan it looks the same thing South Korea and it says be present yeah being the models I guess it's three I was gonna go blind I was like stupid I wouldn't personally I wouldn't say anything if I thought they looked bad but she looks stupid oh my God I'm thinking about frosting one frosted tips wouldn't be bad because if anything just cut it off it's only tips we get 350 000 views I'll get frosted Tipsy come visit me no AZ is not even this hot because AZ is just like cute not it's not humid it's humid here it's dry yeah there's like but there's like nasty here there's bugs like here there's like bugs bit everywhere I go I don't think you understand for the past three weeks okay we have this thing where we like fake beef with each other will is like the middle man it's been going on for two weeks you know I try to break them up every single day but it just doesn't work they're just going at each other all day long so it turns into real good don't do anything about it at this point the CJ always starts everybody lives and since I started I've just seen it on the bus man uh okay knock my phone on my hands yeah I want to use Red Bull yeah sure okay let's go in between we need a sense of urgency today they've already got their cane speech that it's them against the world all right so it's our job to put the pressure on him today okay got a guy up there who's just gonna spin breakables there's 77 this morning okay it's your job Town ball's in the middle of the field we're gonna recognize pitches we're going to make great decisions maybe we'll make great plays they're going to be over there pumped up we're going to be managing our emotions all right let's be better than them all right aggressive not anxious okay taking a little bit personal there's a trip let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you all right all right all right that's not even a muse right now got the new Gunner song get the new Gunner song who's batting gloves though sir uh he's a Jackson Matthew shout out then I got more Gunner with the banking on me gun is the way to go pregame oh God and then gotta mix in a little bit of Drake obviously a little best best I ever had at songs fire and then uh trying to think obviously never hate or yeah I think it's never hating by little baby that's it too so those are the three games [Music] not bad not our team though but we still we still love the music game day active are you gonna go golfing later absolutely man are you a big golfer everyone invites me but I don't know the equivalent like double A baseball yeah oh that idea didn't I yeah you went 10 under first time I ever played mini golf I asked Andrew I was like three under ground Hill after that didn't you oh my handicapped but that doesn't matter that's not bad does your dad play yeah he used to be a scratch golfer Andrew Andrew I was playing with him the other day at crosses he's legit he could drive in a mile yeah absolutely yeah it's so fun get after it boys all right make sure it looks good you always got to look good feel good play again look good obviously times if I hug to Harrington in the life I mean never it's never gonna happen I don't believe that see probably behind my back never I don't believe it I don't believe it never I mean you dab them up all the time you're like you've never gotten a hug see you see that all right see that all right that's special right there all right I respect it I was gonna say though because like if you're just gonna like tell them pool trainers and I didn't get the text I was in the group chat I would have been a little upset come on I probably would have played for like Kane's North you would have gone Keynes North yeah that's how bad it would have gone good program all right you would go back you want to call Scott right now oh my God nice your guy oh my God you don't even call him you know he's a good dude he's a good he is a good dude and a good coach I like Scott yep that's my guy did he throw well no he hit everybody rip rip a quick break I'm Audi you don't think that'll be tough all right never mind same game plan as the last time all right we're gonna hit some pre-workout right and hit some pre pump shed maybe a few stripes oh [Music] I was this close to texting you I'm off this thing crazy we won that yeah because I've been playing with 24s okay do you want to cook yes or no look at me red carpet hey you really love it and you really want to be here okay you know what's ahead of you okay business trip handle your business would you be willing to trade thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm hungry all right I'm all right put it back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here right over there 17. [Applause] oh here we go get your boat [Applause] thank you all right guys [Applause] adorable way [Applause] I've always that was my high school [Applause] secondary oh my God [Applause] great job [Applause] come on [Applause] thank you with Trump's AAA oh my gosh [Music] um it's ready let's go baby [Applause] let's go [Applause] hey hey let's go all right we're ready faster [Applause] [Applause] the matter come on boys thank you [Applause] thank you oh my God hey somebody go close [Applause] [Music] thank you there we go closer [Applause] let's go and he's not over yet let's go okay there we go come on JC don't miss all right [Applause] okay good job [Applause] don't want to get over here boom guys [Music] thank you so early we said we're gonna pump gas that's what we did uh solid performance good amounts right together the one hit one hitter yeah that's all I got that's what we do 10 feet to the left I think they're both gone right 100 I mean I I was right online bro it was just it's much of a difference baseball is a game of inches yeah it really is dude crazy not a bombsky yeah you know it uh felt really good I mean knew it was coming and then you put it around my wheelhouse and it's kind of the guy I wanted to hit can't complain hopefully to stay in my zone next game and I'll try to do too much because last time I did that went over three so we're gonna go two for three this game though two doubles backside gone
Channel: Youth Prospects
Views: 147,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rTsCsOAiRo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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