[Playlist] 분명 재택근무였는데 호텔에서 일하는 기분나는 재즈 플리 | Work & Study Jazz
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Jazzy Relax BMG
Views: 1,980,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jazz, playlist, trio712, 재즈, 플레이리스트, 트리오, 재즈트리오, 재즈플레이리스트, 편안한음악, 쉬운음악, 잔잔한재즈, studying, sleeping, relaxing, 코딩, 재택, 공부, 수면, 일할때듣기좋은재즈, 일할때듣기좋은음악, 노동요, 공부할때듣기좋은재즈, 공부할때듣기좋은음악, 6시간, smooth jazz, relaxing jazz, jazz music, relaxing jazz music, piano jazz, jazz relaxing music, jazz lounge, cafe jazz, bossa nova jazz, jazz for relax, winter jazz, jazz piano music, cozy jazz, cozy jazz music, study jazz, coffee relaxing jazz, work jazz, lo-fi jazz, jazz piano, bgm jazz, positive jazz, jazz study
Id: Rvb4JSFg3Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 51sec (13251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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