Playland's Castaway Cove Review | Ocean City, New Jersey Boardwalk Amusement Park

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playland's castaway cove is a small boardwalk amusement park located in ocean city new jersey it's a free to enter park and you can pay per ride they're home to four roller coasters the most notable attraction being guildforce which is an sns multi-launch coaster technically launches you four times including a backwards launch and it goes around the entire course twice it's a super unique attraction i first experienced it right after it opened in 2017 but i've gone back to do it several times since then and that's probably the main reason why you'll want to visit here unless you just happen to be on vacation in ocean city and you're just looking for something fun to do which i imagine is actually this park's main draw the other coasters in the park are pirates gold rush which is a kitty coaster whirlwind is an sbf visa and the wild waves is an enf miler family coaster that actually wraps around gale force pretty cool setup and i think that's the running theme that you'll see with playland's castaway cove is just how many rides there are and how they've managed to squeeze everything into such a tight space this is a very compact park but they have over 30 rides and attractions and they actually do a decent job of adding new attractions now and then watch for a place that's only open like half the year i can definitely appreciate how much this park has evolved over the years when i first visited in 2014 they had two jankier roller coasters that were the main attractions here python and flitzer which were a pinfary and azir they took those out to put it in gale force and suddenly this place is on a lot more people's maps and i think it shows most of the time when i've come here it has been poppin tons of people there to check it out which makes sense it's got an amazing location and it's the perfect place to go at night you know a lot of people hang out on the beach during the day but playlist castaway cove is open late so there's a very good chance if you go here it's going to be after dark which i'll be honest i think that's my favorite time to go here it's just way more lively in my opinion just because of all the lights i love all the sounds and the smells the atmosphere is really cool so when you come here to play on this castaway cove there are two ways that you could access the park we are standing of what used to be the main entrance which was this giant pirate ship you would walk through this arcade that lead you into the parkings right here on the boardwalk unfortunately there recently was a fire in which it burned down and so they are currently working on the foundations for what will be the new entrance however there are two entrances into the park and so when you continue down here on the boardwalk you can access what is now being used as the main entrance over here by the second entrance as you're walking into the park they have this amazing mural just absolutely massive stretching all the way down detailing some of the attractions booths rides people it is very very cool as we mentioned the park is free to enter so during times like right now when it's not open to the public you can still just walk in and check things out because anyone can just walk in everything is done by tickets so one ticket is one dollar but the more tickets you buy the more you save so if you want to get 50 tickets it's 40 100 tickets 75 if you just want to do one right on guildforce it's 10 or 14 tickets so definitely just get this specific one ride gale force pass that they offer but if you're looking to marathon it i mean you might be spending like forty dollars to get four rides so as you can imagine coming here to play on castaway cove can get rather expensive one thing i would love to see them implement is some sort of wristband it's all inclusive and just something that you can go around to all the different attractions you don't have to buy individual tickets for like a big book for something like that yeah the thing is you can buy the tickets like they have a lot of sales that'll run during the off season like during christmas time and everything and the good news is that the tickets do not expire so you can use them at any point but no annual pass too like i grew up here my entire life and like you can't just like be like oh i'm a local like let me buy like an annual pass name like they are very touristy driven and so they're catering to the people that are here one time who are gonna do a couple rides and that's it so obviously not super ideal but each attraction is worth a different ticket value so like wild waves for instance is six tickets or six bucks there's a double shot that's the same price a classic pirate ship there's a ferris wheel an air race those are super fun my personal favorite is squadron 33 this is a relatively new attraction and essentially it combines an enterprise with a gerstlauer sky roller or a sky fly so you rotate around in a circle and it starts elevating and then you can control your flips it is so fun i would love to see this ride at parks all over the place it is fantastic i flipped so much that i swear half the park was staring at me as i was just going around in circles and no one else could figure out how to flip it was hilarious while squadron 33 is amazing for flipping if you want air time this right here is the best ride in the park it is called tidal wave it goes around a circle spinning you forwards and backwards bouncing you up and down very much like the kangaroo at kennywood honestly i think this might be better than because it's more violent and the backwards air time is crazy and it has a higher frequency of bounces where the kangaroo will send you off once per rotation this is constantly setting up it's more forceful overall they really do have an awesome collection of rides there definitely is something for everyone i mean some of them are relatively simple like you know there's a super slide or frog copper or fun house but then you get rides like gale force they're definitely a lot more complex i think the one downside with gale force honestly is one it can get a long line but also as a terribly placed entrance it's like tucked away off to the side shoved right up against squadron 33 so that's literally why they have signs like pointing you where to go because everything is just shoehorned in there i mean honestly wild waves has better entrance than gail force does in terms of food there's not exactly a lot here i mean they're definitely ride focused and because there are so many food options on the boardwalk it's really no big deal to leave the park and go grab something else there is a dairy queen in the park it's not full service though it's just like ice cream but if you are looking for food recommendations on the boardwalk can't go wrong with pizza manko and manko and three brothers are awesome but there are a ton of options you can choose from so i want to hear from you guys down in the comments below if you've been here what do you think of this place do you recommend it and hopefully you found this review helpful again i mean the place isn't that big how much time you spend there is completely dependent on how much you want to do but if you're just here for the roller coasters and you want to leave you could totally do that which is awesome so be sure to stay tuned for more theme park related reviews of places all across the world thank you so much for joining me and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Coaster Studios
Views: 32,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playland's castaway cove roller coaster, playland's castaway cove rides, playland's castaway cove ocean city, ocean city roller coaster, ocean city new jersey rides, ocean city rides, ocean city theme park, ocean city new jersey amusement park, galeforce playland's castaway cove, galeforce roller coaster
Id: mpjonMWMbmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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