Playing with Soviet Era Ferrite Core Memory Planes

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So, ever since we made that video on core memory,  with Carl's IBM ferrite core memory plane,   I wanted to have my own and display them  properly. So I bought some from - turns   out there's some that are available on eBay  for quite a reasonable price - from Russia.   Russia used core memory far longer  than we did here in the West. And I   found two of them and I put them in this  magnificent plexiglass breakout boards. So I just took some plexiglass, I think that's  from [the] Container Store, and then added some   banana plugs around - I'll show you how they  are connected - and put a little protector,   so you don't hold - you protect the back of the  array and don't break it. So I have two planes,   one is a 4 kilobits that was probably part of  4 kiloword array with many of those stacked,   one for each bit. And I have a smaller one, it's  one kilobits. If you have not already done so,   I recommend you watch first the core memory  explanation video. But I'll give you a quick   redux here to bring you up to speed. The  scheme that became the main computer memory   technology from the 1950s all the way to the  mid 1970s was invented by Jay Forrester at MIT,   and first demonstrated in the Whirlwind computer  in 1955. In fact, here is an original Whirlwind   core plane and the actual Whirlwind core memory  stack, now at the Computer History Museum. In core memory, the bits are held by the  magnetization state of tiny ferrite cores.   These can be magnetized in two orientations:  clockwise or counterclockwise. You magnetize   them by running currents through wires that go  through them. Addressing wires are in a regular   XY matrix. The combined currents through the wires  has to be higher than a threshold value for a core   to flip its magnetization, a property that's  used to address a single core in the matrix.   There is also a global sense wire used for  reading and a global inhibit wire for writing. Note that sensing signals are only generated  when a core flips. So reading a bit consists   in setting a core to zero, and see if  it causes a sense signal indicating a   flip. By the same token this erases the  bit. Therefore reading is destructive   and every bit that is sensed has to  be rewritten immediately afterwards. So the idea is that they both look pretty and  presentable, and now you can hand them to people,   and they are protected on both sides by  plexiglass. But it's also functional so   that it's actually you break out with  banana plugs to a few X and Y wires,   and I also have the sense and inhibit,  so we can actually flip some cores. And to make them work we are going to use our  two HP pulsers, and that's the main reason why   I bought the extra HP 8082 pulser and repaired  it in the previous videos. So the first thing   I had to do, is figure out what weave pattern  was used. In this one, there are 4 sub-panels,   4 sub-arrays of 1k each, and X and Y pattern  runs pretty much through all the 4 sub-arrays.   And I had to figure out what the inhibit and  sense wires do. And the inhibit is pretty   straightforward, snakes around. There  is first one wire that I put in red,   that goes through half of the core and  then there's a little splice at the end,   which you can see, and then it comes  to the blue wire and comes back here. It turns out there are two sense wires,  there is sense A and sense B. And sense A,   if you follow the wire, you see that it goes  out [at] half of the array then goes in the   opposite quadrant and then it comes  back and covers the rest of the array. So, sense A does two sub arrays, and sense B is  another wire that does to other sub-arrays. So   the way I wired this one, I picked two X and  Y lines that are in this quadrant over here,   so I can read them with sense A. I  nevertheless have sense B over here.   I also have inhibit. So two Y and two X, so  we can flip four bits in that giant 1k memory. The second array is more traditional,  it's just one big array here. And on this one, it's kind of weird: you have one  sense wire that does three quarters of the array.   It starts over here - that's the red one - and  comes out over here. And you have another one,   the blue one, that only does a corner of the  array. I'm not too sure why they did that,   but anyhow, what I ended up doing  is completing the turn here and   having those shorted. So I have one wire  that does all the sensing in the array. Same thing, I had two X wires, I have less  space in that one, so I have just one Y wire.   The inhibit is over here, and here's the  sense that I have put in one single loop. So the first thing I need to figure out is  the current at which the cores flip magnetic   polarity. And for that I'm going to use  two short pulses of opposite polarities   using my two pulsers. So the first one  is going to come from the bottom one.   And let's - we use the magic button  to make the edges not too steep so we   reduce the amount of picked up noise from  anything else that's not a fast core flip. And then I'm going to trigger the second generator  off the first one - did I do this right? Yeah -   and get my second pulse. So there are two things  I want to do to this pulse: I want first to have   it in the other polarity - so that's easy, turn it  to negative - and then I need to delay it, so it   arrives after the first one. And that's the magic  delay that I repaired in a previous video. And   there you go. So that's - now you guys understand  why I wanted that delay to work so badly. So that's going to be one set pulse and one reset  pulse, and we are going to figure out how to   combine them, and how to make a current driver out  of it. So I want the two pulses on the same wire,   and for that I need a little combiner circuit  which I made quickly right here. And all that   does is: I have the pulse coming from the two  generators and I have two 25 ohm resistors.   So as far as the generator sees it, it's just  terminated by 50 ohms, which is what it should   be. And when this one pulls up, the signal comes  through the diode from the ground through the 50   ohm resistor. When this one pulls down it comes  through that diode and through the two resistors,   and here I should get bipolar pulse  combined with half the amplitude. And that's this magnificent circuit  over here which we are going to hook up. And... Trigger... There we go. And  here are our two pulses. I need a   little bit of adjustment. There we go.  So next up, I need to amplify the pulse,   because I expect the flipping to happen at the  current anywhere from 500 milliamps to an amp.   And for that I'm going to continue piling  on the HP equipment, and use this baby here,   the 6824 DC power supply amplifier. And what this  is, is a bidirectional power supply. You can use   it as such, and you can have it go from - 60  volts to plus 60 volts. But you can also put   it in the amplifier mode. And in that mode  it basically tries to match the voltage at   the output of the power supply to the input  that you give it. And it's medium-ly fast,   I think it goes to a few tens of kilohertz, so  that should be perfect for our use. And on the   output I have a 10 ohm resistor, so I get 1 volt  for every 100 milliamps, so I can easily test it. And if I turn the gain on, here's my directional  output, and I actually calibrated my probe so it   reads directly in milliamps. There's a little  setting on the scope that allows you to set   the probe to read milliamps. In my case it's 10  volt per amp. You can see it in the corner. So   I'm already at half an amp. And if I push it, I'm  going to go to one amp. And since it's pulsed and   it's mostly idling, the core memory won't get hot  at all. So now the output pulse goes through the   resistor so I can measure it, then back through  one line. And to see what we are doing I'm going   to monitor the inhibit line. And what that guy is  going to do, is that we are going - one of these   lines, I'm going to flip them all at the same  time, and then the inhibit line should pick it all   up. So I'll have many, many cores flipping at the  same time so I should have a fairly strong signal. Off we go. All right. So nothing goes. All  right, 80 milliamps, 200 milliamps, 250 - oh   there it goes! There we have it. You see the  cores flipping? And that's at 380 milliamps.   So about 400 milliamps. Okay. So our cores  are flipping about 400 milliamps. All right. Now that we have a good idea  of what our current should be,   we can go and build our little current driver.  Here's the Skookum version. Current drivers rely   always on the same principle. Somewhere  you put a resistor to sense the current,   and then you have some feedback loop that  ties on that. So here let's imagine we want   500 milliamps to be driven through the load  through the transistor. And we put a 10 ohm,   so it will have 5 volts over here. And if the  transistor is driven by an op-amp, and you put   5 volts at the input, it will try to get this  point also at 5 volts, to balance everything.   So this one will guarantee you a 100 milliamp  per volt input, perfectly. And if you want to do   it the simpler, non-Skookum way, you can do it  just this way with a bipolar transistor. Where   the same sensing resistor is here. And basically  this point will adjust at 0.6 volts - the drop of   the base emitter junction - above, so if I put  5.6 volts over here I'll have 500 milliamps. The final version is actually a little bit more  complicated. So I have a resistor to match it to   basically 50 ohm impedance, a little bit more, but  approximately. And I have a switch so I can easily   invert the polarity of the signal so I can set and  reset the cores. Easy circuit to prototype, there   it is. And then when I make sure it works, I like  to build permanent version. So Adafruit are these   things that look like breadboards and you can  actually solder it. And I make my little circuit,   it will fit on this smaller board. And once I  have put all the components at the right place,   I just need to build them. So it's pretty  simple. So let's just go wire this up. Okay. So I'm all hooked up with the Y driver,  the X driver, and I am actually measuring the   pulse straight off the current sensing resistor,  so I am actually calibrated directly in milliamps.   If I get that guy up. There it is. Ah, it  won't quite go there the whole way, need to   get to the next range. Here. 300 milliamps on the  X and 300 milliamps on the Y. So now, we're going   to see if we can read something from the cores.  And for that, I am going to hook up to sense A,   my sense wire. And that's the blue trace - you  can see it actually. And what you see are not the   cores flipping quite yet. What you see is these  stray signals picked up from the transition. So I need to slow them down, until - there you  go - until they are slow enough that they don't   induce parasitic currents. And that's where  the HP 8082 really shows it's mettle. There   we go. So now they've disappeared. I am  going to go into manual. All right, manual,   okay. So I give it one pulse at the time manually.  So I can now give them pulses manually. So,   if all is working fine, I just give it a  pulse that's more than it takes to flip a   core at the coincidence. If I reverse  polarity I'm going to flip it in the   other direction. So I reverse polarity  in the two wires, give it another pulse. Oh, there we go. And then you see - oh it's pretty  right actually. Right somewhere in the middle of   the second pulse, it's enough to flip the core.  And if I read it a second time, it's gone,   because it only reads the flips. The read is  destructive in core memory. After you [read]   it you have to [write] it again. So now we have  flipped it in the other direction, and if I read   it after flipping... Ah, something happened, I'm  not getting the current I'm supposed to get here.   There you go. And you see that it went - so it  flipped the other direction. So, one of my switch   didn't switch quite correctly. Let's try it again.  So that's one direction. Read again, it's gone.   Flip it, and here we see it. Read again, it's  gone. So I'm actually quite pleased with this. This four wire system is a lot less noisy  than the three wire system that IBM used.   Just gives me a really clean signal. Now if  you look at it, it's very small. This is 10   millivolts. So this is like a 15 millivolt  spike. So if we want this to be usable,   we need to add one more thing to bring it to a  logic level. And that "one more thing" is this   little circuit here, which is the sense amplifier  that we made when we were working on the AGC. And this is actually made with period amplifiers.  Three circuits in one: it's an amplifier, it's   a threshold detector, and it's a pulse flipper.  It puts all - whether it's negative or positive,   the pulse is always positive at the output.  Here it is all wired up. Sense coming now to   the amplifier, and the output comes to the  scope, which is now back on two volts per   division. So we should have now a big fat logic  signal. So I pulse it and flip it. There we go,   we get a nice big pulse here. Nice and fat.  And then if I re-read it, it's gone. But now   if I flip it in the other direction, instead  of having a negative pulse as I had before,   this one flips it up. So I always have  a signal showing in the right direction,   no matter what the flip is, if  it's up to down or down to up. So now that we have it  working kind of beautifully,   we can start to reduce our cycle time.  I can reduce the pulse with. Make them a   little steeper. See if it - so now  I'm taking adventure of the threshold. See, yeah, there we go. Still flippin'. So we  have done like three months of research in five   minutes, thanks to our good equipment here.  Okay, so now we are back into a reasonable   time frame. We are at 500 nanoseconds per  division. So actually that's very good,   I never had core memory work this fast.  Woohoo. Well I cannot go much faster than   the core itself, so the core takes about  300 nanoseconds. So we have a one and a   half [microsecond] time in here. That's  not bad at all. It's very clean flips. So now that we are optimized, let's see if we  can prove that we can read and set two bits   independently. So I'll set the bit on this line  and let's set the other bit on this other line.   Okay, it was the other polarization,  so we reset our two bits. So now,   I should be able to read that one without  destroying the other one. So I read this one,   now I destroyed it, it's gone. And I go to the  other one, which is on the same vertical line,   right. But it shouldn't have been destroyed  because the currents were not coincident. So   I should be able to read it. And there it  is! So I have independently set two bits,   read bits separately on the same row,  thanks to coincident current addressing. We should be all good to go. Oh, so, this  one is - look at that - it's... Okay. So,   I see the bit flipping. So we see several  things here. This one is way more sensitive   to the edge, so I need to go back to an  un-optimized setting here with much bigger   pulses. There we go. So I need to go to very  slow edges. There we go. So this one will work   a lot slower. Interesting. And actually  I would have expected denser one to pick   up more of the stray signal. But no. This  one is more sensitive to stray signals. I   don't know why. So that's entirely in  the weave, it's not due to the cores. Flip it, there it is. All right! So that's it for playing  with core memory, and as you can tell,   it takes a lot to get core memory working.  So you can imagine what those people went   through to make their computers working, and  what a revolution solid-state memory was in   1974 when Intel introduced it. Right.  Thanks for watching, see you next time! But before we leave there is something else that  I want to show you, that we are lucky to have   today. And I wanted to make a video on [it], but  because of the Covid situation we have not been   able to do it. [music: Halleluyah] And this is  a piece of the LVDC computer memory. So that's   the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer, that's the  computer that was piloting the Saturn V. And we   of course got it on loan. I can't remember the  size of this thing, maybe 8k, something like   that. I need Ken Shirriff. He did all  the reverse engineering. So I'll make a   video when we can get together again.
Channel: CuriousMarc
Views: 402,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CuriousMarc, Vintage Tech, Retro Computing, Restoration, Electronic Repairs, Core Memory, Ferrite Core, Soviet, Russia, LVDC, HP 8082A
Id: 7ozNMgx7WtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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