Playing White Gold: War in Paradise: Seasick

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ha ha ha ha ha Mastriani colourfulness iron limit installed crossover game a party-line hockey stick boom particle zenith 2 white gold war in paradise if a semi broken that's being sold on Steam for about eleven quid as at this time of writing underneath this is a tactical FPS RPG which also happens to be a bit of a broken mess it's a successor to boiling point I made a review on that a year back and I would recommend watching it the to do share a design philosophy and general structure with a lot of returning elements that we'll see a bit less explanation here but art more comparison the key difference here is setting rather than the forested South African country of realia this title takes place on a string of islands in wonderful Colombia with a focus on travelling by foe so immediately there's promises of cocaine and piracy I was excited to see a contemporary setting with a focus on sea travel I think to have forgotten a very simple fact about myself and that I find the sea far more boring than land plus I never found that writable shark and I don't know but I feel that the lost for all of us immediately after finishing boiling point I did go looking for white gold but up until this game was released on Steam it was a fruitless search this games prior English releases were all digital and on websites live long since died and whoever holds the license to the scene of series has likely gone as well so why is this on Steam well best guess is that this is a bootleg copy with the steam api stapled to it thus no frills no achievements or anything like that if you care I couldn't even string the thing for steam which my friend told me was unprecedented in his experience getting this game to even run as I wanted was an adventure in and of itself for one thing first time I launched the game this yep good idea liver ruin it's in Russian don't hold this against me but I'm unable to speak Russian that is more my fault than the games however thanks to a commenter in my boiling point video I new patches existed but his comment was for some reason removed I don't know why but I was able to track down the fixes mentioned the guy did offer to share his proper retail coffee with me and I am thankful for that but I didn't take him up on the offer on the basis that this version is what most people will likely experience at this point in time so I may as well swim in the same sea I will link the fixes used in the description however patching the game did prove finicky my first attempt removed the Russian but replaced it with nothing now while I can't speak Russian I also can't hear silence I had installed both patches as written with some uninstalls reinstalls verifications and redoing patches by going to English for the cutscenes and silence for the free roam where people just text boxed at me I figured I could tolerate this but then I got into a gunfight and it turns out I silenced the weapons as well as the people it turns out that playing an FPS well gunfire is absolutely intolerable I would have guessed that so it's nice to know the definite now even the rats noticed so I deleted one patch or the other reinstalled from scratch and at one point just decided to call it a night next morning with no further tampering I launched the game gunfire in Russian I gave up and decided [ __ ] it I'll find someone who speaks Russian and asked them to translate the unsub titled cut cream then I go into a cutscene and they are in English don't worry mr. Reyes everything will work out great look I am sorry to be useless but I have no idea what mishmash produced these results unscientific as it is I got what I wanted it did have one last problem and that was their only have sounds the first time I learned to fit barring a restart I have no idea if this is a quirk you need to me or if everyone would get before even going into the patching I was anxious to play white gold I enjoyed roughly half of boiling point getting weary as I went on I needed a long break before I could even go back into this sort of game this time when I gained a respectful boiling point for the unique experiences provided it swirled its characters particularly my interpretation of soul it's janky gameplay and less-than-stellar acting the mercenary feeling it created in its gameplay I was looking forward to seeing its successor but also dreading the inconveniences and wondering whether it even captured that desire mix of second time the opens in a club a famous rapper tucks into some cocaine all seems right with the world elsewhere a paranoid man is awoken from his slumber at his door as a man from a record company good morning I'm a science from GBC records mr. Jameson suggested me to work with you now come in that fell same wrapper died in the toilets it's said to be a drug overdose but no the coke was poisoned and it wasn't just him celebrities are dropping like flies they've been buying the drug from different dealers but it looks like it's the Colombian cocaine I think that's Colombia pal and sold as the best of the best at Special Forces operations in that part of the world is asked to investigate this all however is unmoved but after seeing a couple of photographs one in particular taking is interactive he 180s oh how he so it's up to us to save the celebrities so this is supposedly soul Meyers former Foreign Legion same guy no daughter it looks different much younger for a start and now played by a Thornberry impersonator and who exactly has to answer for that I think decided that soul Meyer the codename a bit like James Bond and this is merely latest Meyers off the last one went into hiding after the unpleasantness of realia all right cut the Colombian Wars and I definitely think the record label have got another different wrong soul Pillman is like in paradise where's earring tourists soul seems to have lost his axon but his entire voice and his memories of being the best at military operations in this kind of place what adorably naive whines but the Pope man even much better bad the tours perform and it makes no difference shortly thereafter it makes a difference to him we fight off some bizarrely well-equipped pursuers that the boat is wreck we abandon ship and swim to the nearest island of course we're off course our contact CIA agent Weinstein it's a good ways away on the island of the lena we're currently racked on a spider and with the current situation nobody on this island is willing to go out into the waters and ferry us over luckily boat man has a couple of names to drop his cousin Jose and indecisive sort who has jumped from faction to faction before ending up here and old PA go ah Jose info a man of meanwhile old Diego is a crazy son of a [ __ ] with luck on his side and no sense of self-preservation if anyone will be crazy enough to go out to sea now it'd be him so that's our port of call for getting off this rock but hey we got a level up so let's talk about that first of all you might think it would make more sense to actually get into gameplay first but no we're going to do that for each level up you get an entire hit point which ranges from nothing to pointless depending on difficulties that's not it however this game also has a perk system look at this menu yes I'm well aware it's very ugly if you're being nice to the game you could think well at least it's utilitarian I'd be inclined to agree however let me draw some line to indicate a couple of upgrade paths it's not only ugly its untidy there is no organization they find out okay second and perhaps more importantly however these unlocks are revolutionary think of the term perks what brings to mind if you're not giving too much credit its health bonuses damage resistance sprint gauge increases perhaps to being nicer whole new abilities being more versatile to perk well okay there's all that but white gold also has a different approach you have to unlock the ability to aim your gun I mean looking down the sights that's the tip of the iceberg perhaps a bit more sensible soul can carry clear kilograms of weight in his backpack you need to unlock the ability to carry 10 more kilos to open up the perks use the machine gun or the grenade launcher even if soul can carry 30 kilograms of equipment no trouble it's those slightly stronger shoulders that make all the difference each of the free perks to get 10 kilograms more carry weight said the absolute 240 kilograms because this translation is extreme garbage then the perk titled grenade you if you don't have it soul gets depressed around the things and try to kill himself with the perk the grenades are still awful but further away they are very on this rigid arc that I could never adapt to it can still get worse though whenever you reload the screen blurs obscuring your vision you can spend one of your levels to remedy this it takes a certain level of creativity to be that boring so in some instances they've created problems merely for the both the soul and in other cases you have to buy your way up to being a competent player character they've also heightened drug resistance haggling skills for lower prices and the double jumps are only sometimes works when you stand still in a game where your jump is based on the mentor some folks are given out as mission rewards but I only know is this happening once faster running speed jump height might seem a bit dull especially if you're not be in crave games that let you go fast but they turn out the incredible boons I also love the wording here we install perks little did I know we were playing as a [ __ ] cyborg - shame there's no code to fix the fov this jumped out at me so fast I feel sick whenever I go into interiors I imagine this is what feels like to be long sighted as everything felt way too close to my face I did some small graphical and post-processing fixes for this game in conflict I could not fix the FOV on the gameplay front if you would like a streamlined boiling-point things such as flee leveling individual weapon types they use has been removed a long way of building up carry way over time thanks to those perks now hitting the F key brings up a small hotkey menu with options for a flashlight standing build route at a time stealth mode I guess we are a [ __ ] cyborg and switching between two different kinds of mini-map an actual mini-map and a smaller compass as far as additions on the FPS side of things aiming in with weapons now iron sights them it's a point of preference but I do prefer iron sighting over as white zoom in particularly in games with realistic weapons we can now also go prone which expands our options for taking cover a fair bit and helps out with stealth plus they've implemented sprinting poorly in two separate ways one good and one bad that is the even with upgrades soul can barely run and how do you poorly implement sprinting in a good way well just you wait and I do wish the game had leaning but no luck there the game also has lock picking now lock picks are in abundance and thank [ __ ] for that since it's pure probability with perks to raise your odds so if you wish you can save scum every lock in the game I didn't feel much need to but that's the basic gist of these systems it's honor rules most boxes are enemy corpses will have a pig walk on them and lock chests rarely offer anything bad and scant pesos or ammunition some have some good stuff but like real-life burglary it's a bit of a gamble what you'll get a minor change in my case with that dying now kills you your enemies no longer send you to get patched up so I have a feeling all Diego's ferrying is not going to come cheap it's my experiences in reality or any indication I'm going to need the lay of the land some contacts local facts and recruiters a car a bigger gun enough syringes to kill a lesser man and most importantly some pesos so I set off to make some dosh let's talk to the locals work out what's what absolutely match against balloon or two days from now look I can't pitch but you don't need to do that in football right take me with you ok so I told my solo to write a poem for his neglected feeling wife Sol accuses this man of running a flophouse but it does now it's just the empty bottle salesman I bought an anchor from him you never know this man fixes factoring relations but then so just killing the right people I did learn that these guys existed in boiling points but hey I found this one here you would have been helpful last time a radio contact Jameson from souls of Special Forces days what's up to say that we're unfit in our gun is crap thanks Jameson that's partly why I'm trying to get a bigger gun and back cardio look this is a little well and good but so many of you people have personal issues and side quests but I can't find anyone who would just give me some pissing directions can't any of you see that I'm a lost gringa well I do get pointed to a bandit chief living in town I don't go for it shortly thereafter I find the shop I'm told that criminal traders are making it tough for honest businessman to live around here that's rough pal I'll take the ak-47 pack of cards and some condoms no coat for me please I've heard rumors Paula I'm keeping on the straight and narrow is this guy you know seeing as these are former comrade of Soul and it's never really established who if anyone is overseeing this operation it'd be where to go works the bandits now wouldn't it as I head out town and go to track down Jose I'm greeted by a worrying sight what is this exactly and how do I make it extinct yeah this guy crashed into a giant spider these have been popping up as of late and no one's quite sure why it could be anything from radiation to UFOs despite the twist of mind-control last time I am worried we're going to see some shark jumping wait a mentions and zombies do little to a swage they're moving past this as we approach Jose's home we agreed by a group of armed kidnappers we shoo them off shooting off and rescue Jose he tells us these goons were actually lying in wait for us Jose says he'll help us out further and joins jameson as a radio contact what this means for us is that him and Jameson are going to thicker like the comic relief they are really Jose doesn't give us any insight that we can't otherwise glean from just talking people or you know puzzling out a Mafia Don is imposing yes a Jameson does have a gameplay purpose of giving us vague direction to side quests that we might otherwise miss and he definitely should not care about here's where up on that cliff why could you see what I see why are you asking me to pull over it's a [ __ ] librarian soul can't read hey beauty or cocaine - and besides how inconsequential their dialogue actually is it's confined to a text box in the top left and they speak back and forth so slowly that most of the time I had to just pull over and devote time to listening to it and I never gleamed anything useful out of it also a close-range ensign or ever having a conversation or contacting you don't you dare open any venues since that will remove their text box and it will not come back and I haven't gotten any better Russian yet besides gringa overall I don't care for Jameson or Hosea's contacts partly for bland characterization it may be due to poor translation but there back and forth bickering just made me regret saving Jose I saved him because supposedly he had worked for every faction in his past jumping from group to group he never proves useful for Intel or gives good guidance of any kind we just talk [ __ ] - I tell this to get drunk because it's go work for the guerrillas mate celebrities are dying overseas take this seriously I learned far more just talking to random people on the street and piecing together their accounts here's what I've gathered so far we're on the island of Espada there's a small bandit problem some paramilitaries who are permit this to us in case the game absolutely needs a gunfight and the army and guerrillas are fighting for control of the region is the exact same roster of factions and they work pretty much the same as last time if you want a good with one faction murder a bunch of the other those lot will be none too pleased and will likely return fire let's NAB some wheels and get to work there are two people on this island who have cars one of them meets see a mechanic and an arachnologist the UH no Rodrigo took his car to be serviced just last night and has not returned since the locals have heard all of gunfire I open patch the game yet so that's flagrantly impossible it goes out some paramilitaries of Nick this car so we go and retrieve it for and rodrigo's so happy he grants us for use of the thing jose argues we should join the guerrillas and Jamison says we should make good of the military since they went guerrillas last time around we're siding with the army this time fortunately for us there's recruits are both waiting at the garage for us within spitting distance of one another spitting distance is also shooting distance so they're both rather brave but let's jump to driving this time around it's a lot more arcadey I think part that could be put down to the force versus on camera it wasn't option in boiling point which I neglected for the sake of immersion but here no real choice the vehicles also file it's heavier than the last time around adding to this unfortunately they're also far more slippery which led from a couple of crashes [Music] besides that there is this appalling motion blur I was able to fix it with some convicts uh curry but let's just look at for a moment and be impressed at what we're missing overall the driving would be an entirely boring yet necessary affair were it not the one thing [Music] you the driving music it's fantastic every time I did a job and got to get back in my vehicle and set off to the next adventure this music felt like a fantastic closer and close grandiosity rowing for the most part when I'm just heading we need to be needlessly so I adore this track it's good enough for the final boss sort of credit but it's been handed over to the utterly mundane driving I do have one last negative to end on however it relates to the slipperiness cars would be made far more fragile I am slightly terrified of driving these exploding tin cans but why are they being made far more fragile well because there's a perk to drastically reduce the damage the first job I'm tasked with is gathering evidence that the guerrillas are smuggling weapons onto Espada I guess they work since on the way there there was a roadside gunfight and they were indeed armed I even collected some of the evidence to sell later the roadside battles on our stack instead of being random events they'll trigger the first time you're around and then the show is over it's a small change but nonetheless one I disappointed by factions who disliked you also no longer self roadside ambushes or anything of the sort this does lead to the factions feeling a lot more dull and pissing them off far less consequential the world overall is a lot more lifeless I sneaked up on a hillside so yes don't what and I get the photos time to bugger off hey lads keeping an eye on the corpses go kill some paramilitaries in the next town over my yes or no choices readers [ __ ] yeah love murder well no thanks are full the combat in this game is surprising I still recognize boiling point in there however it sparked the pace and it seems in tightening up enemies tend to go down quicker and I never had any phantom bullets thanks to the better hit detection save for one every weapon I got my hands on was snappy and responsive same can't be said of the returning mind control turrets which are stunningly inaccurate and mostly just clone you into a sitting duck besides anything else across there is misaligned of these things in most cases I just go out and shoot throws on foot I realized very quickly that I was making mistakes that see me dead at boiling point and walking away pretty much unscathed boiling point was a slow paced game in which things died very quickly including you you'd prove them out in a fight get insight on someone maybe confront them for a split second and if you beat it you would get hurt then you'd use syringes it get less effective as sol-gel tolerance to them I was told that I should have carried and made great use of food items as you tend not to build a tolerance to eating I did that here and found that rather than just backing up like syringes the food pretty much coveted enemies seemed slower to react and far less accurate I'm wading through battles taking hit constructing the Maus as well I can down a banana or a coconut when everyone is dead and I'm sorted got some potassium to I'd like it into the swing of things I'm barely taking damage the addition of going pro helps with this and if leaning wasn't there I'm pretty sure I'd be untouchable so it's boiling point but without any of the fight I do later pockets of thought yep hard to see if I could remedy this this is pure speculation and yell at me if you think I'm being unfair but peak shadows wanted this game out on consoles as well as PC and I think normal difficulty reflected with slower paced controls of a console FPS the UI while it would still be awful on a console also seems to be made to fit a last gen consoles demands well still another job done I hit back to town to stock up on the mostly nothing I need for the next skirmish this time we're headed to Goryeo a town on the other side of the island where paramilitaries bandits and lda go or wait while heading back to my car however I learned something I think I found a way to make the combat fun again so well if that sprinting was poorly implemented it's because someone didn't think about the fact that jumping builds off of your momentum you jump forwards you gain speed from the leap if you upgrade your running speed this happens so you run and you jump and you get ready for whiplash I can actually circle straight enemies so far we forget where I am the shortcoming this game is actually pretty good decent range ornate plate spread and now I can close the gap in no time flat it's the ultimate hit and run weapon and it's some fun to you I just really think that most of combo dropping grenades with this but too little too late if I ever walk into a room and decide I don't like it whoosh I'm out I can clear the town of Gurion in about ten seconds flat taking coke also ups your movement speed and slows enemies down if you take it in bulk it makes your movement wobbly however so be prepared to you know jump a good 10 meters to the left beside that you can go bloody supersonic if you fancy so it's unintentional at least I think so but the movement in this game is so busted they actually worked out kind of saving the gameplay for me on with this I'm not the floor of the guerrillas bandits and paramilitaries on espada handing the place for the military on a silver blood-stained flower I got some money out of the deal to killing all the banners at the old leisure resort by the coast was less about money and more about them opening fire on me but it stands that they're dead well except that boss like spared him this would you look the game is filled easy I'm thinking more damages this is a very reckless style of play fall it's practical and taking cover and flanking but I never needed to make the combat fun in boiling point the challenge it provided shaped how I played and I enjoyed it for that challenge this also invalidates being sneaky somewhere by tree being stealthy and against such as this as a way of conserving resources and being tight-fisted I'm stealthy because I enjoy the tension I want to outsmart an enemy who could easily destroy me lowering the amount of enemies before I explode and then have to fight however I'm out sonic the gun Hulk and stealth is slower anyway every shot plates up but what's khorium like it's sort of embarrassing to be frank everyone who come here has failed in some fashion besides old Diego but the road into town there is a giant sinkhole next to which is a comedian the sinkhole is far and away the funnier of the - why is there a sinkhole well why is the whole town a bomb doubtless the military wanted to bomb dong Guillermo's coke plantation and missed by 10 miles Donkey LMO also resides on valina I'm starting to think joining the army wasn't the least morally crubs option a bunch of soldiers of multi-event have moved into houses right next to each other and have only now realize when side fighting there's a group of CIA agents who was stationed in the wrong place they're meant to be in Peru as a fair rules ever man I gave some mafioso ten lines of coke and got a second car I scrambled up some loose coke from all the corpses so this was an easy deal the one person here who I comprehended was this guy we have an extended discussion about their I myself am a fan of Porter's and dark ales in general snack lifter or goblin starts a pretty good - I like flat cabin why am I talking to you the people in the first town were a bunch of bizarre fuck-ups but Gurion seems to attract failure that must be why I'm here it may well be that ol Diego holds all of the town's luck for himself he's down to brave the waters and get us close to Polina and of course it won't come free he'll take either six thousand pesos or a black poll that a local diver found seeing as I know that not paying up one always be an option let's go look into this poll well the diving crew is surfaced but it seems that Javier the boy with the pole is in a bit of a bind as they were headed back a giant black mutate sea creature approached the group causing them to panic and scattered Xavier gave the signal to drop the oxygen tanks to swim faster everyone got the memo and cleared out except Xavier swam down back into the cave they were leaving this was a sad fate I agree luckily the cave had air holes so he's likely still kicking there's one spare tank unfortunately it's owned by a guy called Alonso on the other side of the island gotta say I hope this wasn't how you lads made your living and naturally it falls for Sol to go and get the tank [Music] it turns out that Lonzo is a paranoid man as soul opened their conversation with the dumbest line he could in a violent country like this luckily we're quickly back on track and while Lonzo wants money to the tank people use me when I say Xavier will pay up for it when he's back on dry land I head back to the beach and fill up the tank giving me an oxygen tank of oxygen and I can't equip it double clicking doesn't work it won't go into my hotkeys nor the armored slot I assumed I was doing something wrong and yes I was so here I am swimming down into the caves the interior of which is a labyrinthine mess luckily lined with air pockets well air caverns however I was dying on the way in I don't think I have the health items necessary to get in and out ok so I surface go to the Bandit lair I cleared up earlier and shoot their leader warriors in the face but their lungs and back in I go so after a long tedious swim I find Xavier and it turns out I wasn't even meant to try and equip the tank soul just wanted to deliver it makes sense if you can come up with a plan like that you've no doubt that with oxygen deprivation before I decided from here to keep track of how many times I need to go underwater beyond this point as there is a second level up for better oxygen I'll give you the answer now as it was never that giant black mutated creature was never seen and never heard of again anyway Xavier readily hands over the Black Pearl once we make it to shore I take it to all Diego and he says to deliver it as a gift to his granddaughter sure because you can't just do that yourself once we're back hey Diego you're looking young always because you're not him so in the two minutes I've been gone Diego was kidnapped by the bandits I killed ok Juarez was replaced with Ramon at least but everyone else remained dead remote also made the mistake of shooting at me on sight and thus we leave a spoda knowing everyone in gurion in the complete [ __ ] except maybe the grandeur but that could well be the small amount of time spent with her old the ego sneaks has passed a few controls and with that we're in ballina I'd hesitate to call it a warm welcome at one as some mafioso and gorillas are holding a shootout at the docks leading into town a little bit busy mate me and the gorillas have a mutual shoot on sight understanding alright they're all dead where's this girl haven't found it well taking my mind off of that let's pick this place clean no one actually cares if you Nick the entire town supply a fruit veg and the corpses care even less for their ammo would cash will lockpick this car as well may as well get a set of wheels yeah you can lockpick vehicles too including boats and aircraft if you're wondering why I didn't just feel a foam on it spider and hightail it here earlier it's pretty much because you're not allowed to some designated vehicles can't be pet this is all we can't just bypass talking to the important character of all Diego who will never appear or even more mention again there is actually a way off to the spot an earlier though through some thoughtful quest givers who gave no thought to the main quest and bless them for it every other vehicle is fair game however at least if they're listed is belonging to civilians then no one cares if they're stolen they must have known it was their own fault for not having the magic light I take the truck into town and start looking for CIA agent Weinstein I think I've tracked him down hmm sarcastic or a little [ __ ] Weinstein brings us up to speed which isn't really helpful in and of itself especially since most of our leads are cold and all previous agents sent to investigate the coins in cocaine have either died or gone missing the last agent to disappear did have a contact in the form of you days however and we're warned that what he knows will likely not come cheap plus the freezing I'm being given here is leading me to believe that I'm about to pay for my own betrayal and it doesn't seem like the CIA is going to cover that expense I check in on you Dez and indeed he wants a big old 10 grand well I want and need some money in my pocket and the lowdown on ballina so let's have a wander well one man's drawn a crowd those are going to kill himself I'm guessing by jumping off of this sole tries to talk him down and either way I guess he'll succeed in that much he mentioned his life and soul rushes off to get her naturally she's definitely concerned we must hurry she yells this is a wife or death situation Valencia gone and oh dear it turns out that wasn't his wife it was a psychologist [ __ ] he's less stupid enough for I kept an old psychics [ __ ] in milk to make her sick so some guy can talk his mother out getting [ __ ] on the Reg fish in old man's cap how's the bay and return it to him even repaired a local bridge after a particularly rude woman yells at me and the drunk carpenter refuses to be useful actually got decently paid for that one to another market I find a man who wants to start an army to kill all the world's hippies and tries to recruit a less than interested soul there's like one of they be on the island and she's right there oh no the sponsors are ruined nearby is a kid whose island was attacked by paramilitaries his village was taken captive but he managed to flee and swim over here to find help said it's only a mile away and hey I can see all boats here so let's go hold up one 63.8 kilometers and a mile that's more than doubled up at a murder I let the elder know they're safe - you're now watching our past man mmm be forever by the way you've got a top tier swimmer give him props when he gets back because I'm not giving in the lifts I get into an extended conversation rifle shot Keith by now I have piece together the situational ballina but he gives us the most in-depth appraisal the military is for the most part absent around these parts with the guerrillas and the Mafia vying for control the guerrillas are generally not well-liked as their violent revolution actually makes life harder for the common person and they'd much rather the guerrillas just bugger off meanwhile the Mafia while by no means good are definitely bared to live under as Don Guillermo is a businessman first harm civilians on rest and bandits are bad for business so he keeps the island clean for the most part the leader is my favorite island in the game and I wish this situation got fleshed out a bit more that's pretty much more like leaned and I think that's pretty much all there is to it and just as we're talking about how little this place is stuck up surrounded several against Seoul and they got the drop torsades and a stunned shopkeepers regaled of the tale of this one dead bloke in seoul's former squad which he seems to brush off with some daily concealed disinterest and he gives us ten pies and sends us on our way so my options are basically work for the Mafia or the guerillas that's a tricky moral choice isn't it the lesser of two evils who pay bare or cheap ourselves in person donkey Alamo is a giant soft-spoken man who makes about twenty death threats per sentence he doesn't trust that soul is all he's cracked up to be and hates unwarranted arrogance he is probably the most interesting character in the game if you want to actually finish this game you're going to need cash as much of it as the game will give you it was true in boiling point and it's truer here I wanted to stay legit in this game but I've one of my choices here are not good I'm now aiding a man growing coke without any questions whatsoever it killed anyone Jameson definitely disapproved Jose argues with the guerrillas are more fun without any considerations for the mission but that doesn't sway me anyway since the Mafia pays better and money buys fun I don't care that Jameson disapproves or Jose insinuates that my choice is the boring one more than anyone is on the radio to disapprove I did later learn that there was a military bloke around here it doesn't matter though just doing his jobs would not have drummed up enough cash to finish this game I needed that and more I'm going to take a massive step backwards and talk about for a missile and then all the little things that white gold also gets wrong I am worrying that I'm bringing up boiling point a bit too much in this video but solid here we go these two are open-world RPGs with faction relations faction side quests simple dialogue trees and the main plot requiring a hefty monetary investment side missions also pay poorly so you have to be tight fisted in boiling point the premise is simple but works very very well for this setup Lisa is kidnapped in the country of realia but manages to warn her father's soul in time and he sets off to find her using her scarce connections to start his search being a complete stranger in the country with no official support he seeks her out and through her old colleague at a local paper find out the last person she spoke with was Don Pedro we've pointed to his estate and nothing else the game tells you to go to Don Pedro but not how you can drive right over and try and shoot your way in or you can talk to others and learn things get secret passage details from the palaces architect learn things about the country do some jobs for the factions to build up money in relations or in my case I made friends with the Mafia and first was able to gain Pedro's home peacefully by making friends with one of his associates I felt like the game rewarded me for buying into the setting and politicking by a faction system and I'm actually kind of saddened in how little the factions usually tie in to the main plot beyond this point still choosing your allies could let you progress through the main plot in different ways but Don felt like a fallback option when you couldn't get info elsewhere cheaper to different people would surely know the same thing and when someone friendly to you did that's perfect it made the world feel more alive and the factions while meaningful whereas in white gold they felt like money dispensers and little else they didn't feel like distinct entities I was curious about Sol being alone in the country with no oversight was a big part of that Sol was a rogue element a former Special Forces operative who's willing to sell his services for information and money in a country of violent competing groups surely he'd be hot property plus in a plot about finding his daughter you could justify Sol working with some less than savory people to get the job done in white gold we've been contracted out by a record company and had a handler in the form of Jameson soon joined by Jose and we're told to contact the CIA first thing working for groups like the Mafia the guerrillas or the bandits is still doable but the game has to create excuses for it especially because we're here on official ish crime-stopping business plus we're not told which group is seemingly responsible for the poisoned coke so it's not even like we're joining a group to act as an Inside Man or siding with criminal groups for their information or sway within the region like we could reasonably do last time having a boss is a bad angle in this kind of self since it makes several options weird to do boiling point achieves something pretty good something I hear people complaining about when discussing Fallout 4 we're out here trying to save our kid so slight posting is something that you have to justify to yourself since it detracts from valuable kid saving time here everyone else is trading info for casual favors so slight questioning and gathering information still felt like I was working my way to Lisa even if I was reading the same army base for the third time I still need to know what Petro knows here it feels weird I need ten thousand pesos for you guys to make a phone call say Jameson Jose CIA record company any one of you guys willing to front the cash no we may as well be independent it made sense we couldn't threaten Don Pedro as he had an army alongside all the information which is pretty good leverage we're never allowed to threaten people for information here and there's only one person who has it so you need that dosh a simple change there would have been so much better if and was sent in off the books with no contact no I'll see how the job gets done no accountability just stop the coke here's the code name Sol Myers no one will question it don't tell me to go drinking I'm here on business beyond just premise white-gold fails to recapture what I enjoyed about boiling points and decides to tighten combat hasn't really replaced it with anything the character of Sol for a start in boiling point he came off as a middle-aged dad desperately wanted to be an action star so it act cool and cocky people it was clear he had a head on his shoulders but he came up like a dork at time okay Don Esteban and I used to kick ass at driver 3 so I won't have any problems with this mission a good degree of his lines were also voiced in the performance provided was really good at conveying this likely unintentional character Venus 2 doesn't voice Sol outside of cutscene Lea and that's fair I suppose it likely saved some dosh and not everyone cares for a voice character in RPGs reading off what you chose to say in a text box couldn't be seen as a bit redundant it doesn't mean that soul feels like he has less character however this soul comes off as a young impetuous [ __ ] who happens to see violence the way others see food if he gets excited or agitated he's liable to either [ __ ] about it will spout off a war story he's amusing they didn't hold a candle to old soul v while Sol cooks lets everyone else has a [ __ ] speech prepared NPC's in this game a worryingly long-winded but managed to say very little of interest whatsoever that may just be the awful translation I'm working with however the translation aside it's not just the people the map screen is a dreadful ball lacking in utility or looks it's just an image in the first game you could click on the map to pull up a zoomed in box it also tagged vehicles you've previously used so you could easily get back to them vehicles in boiling point I cared for losing them was costly especially if you were a fair distance from an urban center and getting a new one in a good condition was a bit of a pain especially when stranded plus certain vehicles such as helicopters planes or folks were exceedingly rare at least in my experience while they didn't like how helicopters in particular handled I did want one for making late-game travel a little bit easier what vehicles I had however I had to keep fueled up and in good kit they weren't only transport but stashes for my stuff due to limited inventory space a car going up in flames slowed me down in more ways than one over the course of the whole game I splurged on one car knowing it'd be abandoned on the mission using it as a battering ram and scarpering the truck I had to steal and I felt that cross for a bit seeing that came out of my own accord a mission in Zenith I have no care of my vehicles whatsoever I had several cars by the time I left Espada and by the very nature of the map they would only be useful on espada plus I can just spring up everywhere and acquiring new boats at sea travel is no big deal it's very easy I did a side quest back on a spider there was curry so claim to the islands librarian Solan librarians don't really align but he wanted this rare book and that's actionable he said that a man on ballina may know where it is and here on ballina that man is Fabio turns out a few decades back the two had a spat but Mies makes himself look like a simpleton to both of them and this gets the book from one to the other granted I had to ferry it myself Hey look I got from ballina to a spider in back completely fine didn't see a single pirate the sea is boring it's a huge mass of awful tasting water which actually dehydrates you it's got interesting stuff in it but for the most part it's a wash land is far better if you disagree try living in the sea for a bit you'll come crawling back travelling in boiling point felt like traversing a dangerous country Brett could be weighing just behind the treeline fight smart the winding roads markets old bridges gas stations back roads and dirt path leading to encampments the news occasionally want that either in Zenith I pointed to the island I wanted to go to and hel w for several minutes at a time a sort of statue once I figured it'd be a site of the future gunfight and checked it out never saw her again maybe I missed it if you're doing a quest sending you to another Island that's two trips one there and one back the ocean in Venus is dead I was never once attacked while I would see and I think I saw a grand total of three other boats during my 27 our play time the closest they came to excitement at sea was when a helicopter chased me in from land I actually had to drag excitement over essentially the ocean feels like an excuse to not make land rather than anything engaging if the islands themselves were hugely interesting all the sea more lively this would be fine but out of my time playing there are only six or so notable islands three of which I only visited once with the quests required it factions who dislikes me never ambushed me at sea or on land I never felt threatened I never saw any conflict on the wars between enemy factions either or an assault on line by boat no pirates or smugglers fishermen out doing their rounds sea planes taking flight I saw one patrol boat from land while on a spotter a point where I could do nothing but fire a rootless Lee the world felt dead and I never got the impression factions cared about their goals while boiling points sustain the illusion of a country however condensed and bizarre this feels like a set I bought into boiling point because of the roaming patrols in the forests the scattered roadside gunfights and the set up of Seoul being a truly independent force in the country and it was a country throughout with danger this world lacks it and it was that lack of danger that led to me bumping up the difficulty too hard [Music] well sense of danger somewhat returned but definitely raised my first job with the Don was private a switch so it was one last uncontested slaughter some bandits were harassing a bar in town and that won't fly violence is to be a last resort however I have to try and talk them down the bandits didn't get the memo and opened fire so I killed all of them and their mates down the road you believe at the end of this the Don was annoyed with me and the second job was when I put the difficult yeah check up on a missing consignment I arrived to find it beat Hill got a gorilla's the leaping difficulty is massive this was a bad first encounter for hard mode there's a group of mafioso defending the trucks the guerrillas are dug in by the roadside and up on the nearby hill and occasionally they lob grenades if the trucks are blown up I failed the mission I have to draw their ire and their fire fast and on this difficulty that's actually a risky thing to try and do enemies on harder quicker on the draw far more accurate seemingly pilot stupid the amount of damage they feel far greater I wanted boiling points challenge well I still haven't got it it's far harder this isn't bad however I thought it was at first but that was the adjustment period I'm glad I was stubborn enough to not back down especially as the late fights wouldn't have this caveat defending a truck the combat is however close that's why I enjoy last time around medium to long range skirmishes requiring good you to cover flanking and using vantage points to good effect and close range encounters end very quickly the ability to go prone is now much appreciate it fits in very well it's not quite a comfortable change in difficulty as the jumping challenge is insane and I can see some people finding normal size too easy and hearts are too hard anyway often more than a couple of tries the trucks are safe and I am riddled with bullets Don's missions would make for a solid introduction to the difficulty were it not for one issue after the convoy attack the Don decides that where to push the guerillas off of ballina we begin by taking a helicopter and attacking the guerrilla base on a spider to weaken their hold and draw them there I suppose let's separate enemy accuracy on normal and hard with this example unnormal then is me off close because I'm jumping pretty fast on hard I'm getting shot to death in a helicopter cockpit while doing a strafing run a hundred feet or so up it's not the helicopter getting shot it's me I felt safer when I landed and started dislodging them on foot I steal some military documents as the army intends to retry bombing the Don's coat fields especially since they missed by what was it 20 miles last time I actually had to make bait documentation in a uniform for this despite my past feelings with the military I say make not a choir as the forger was drunk and told Sol to do it also no one cares that this random just wandered into the base inside stashing or tak is no one users into his bag all the weapon props here are in pristine condition the army doesn't even use a case oh I don't get that bloody decoration a small side note but weapon degradation is still in the game enemy weapons tend to fluctuate more however while every ranged weapon in reality was disintegrating Souls hands here they go from 15 ways sent with the percentage being the odds of a misfire this means enemy firearms are at least usable in a pinch and you can find service for gear to hold on to not just by plus the randomized enemy load is far more likely to approaches gems or jewelry to help with the meager earnings this game hands out and that's actually since the Dom then went into an infinite conversation loop about the forger and since the forger disappeared the Don's brain rapidly melted meaning the guerrillas will live to see another day so at least got the necessary pieces what progress is over bah I pay up and he puts in a phone call for them arranged everything for you sir before it has to prove King had to give up a packet of propane for it don't worry mr. Myers everything will work out great why thank you little boy in an office somewhere I must say you sound very bored for how fit you are area we're led to a courtyard and far more interestingly an ambush sorry Leigh but they're happy to ask for more ladies I get eviscerated these lads are something else incredibly accurate bullet sponges able to occasionally survive headshot Todd's Istanbul and in a group of an advantageous position if nothing else I fly why everyone else sent to investigate died if the COPE trade has greens like this so the best way to fight them is to circle the courtyard and Whittle them down by shooting their shins while they can't see after escaping you dazzle already fled and where once again out of leads we go to Weinstein and to his credit he's more useless than I imagined he says there's a local con man named one who may know where he went what a fantastic source there Weinstein I'll be right back with you Devin coordinates and the deed to an island as well once that will tell us where you des is seeing as you des blend him in the past and give us the deed to an island great grande one pushes the island so much soul forgets why the [ __ ] he's here he buys into it so much that I'm immediately suspicious because I don't trust Seoul's judgment he opens by trying to sell it to us like we're a usual mark so lasts for information about you des and I think some wires crossed in farms mind and he decides that it's a package deal Sol then immediately his marbles and asked after the island as well oh by the way you there's also has armed goons I mean decide Caesar lock regardless I don't have eight grand you Dez or an island I'm broke the dawn is broken it's too late to make friends with the gorillas I can't be bothered to go back to it's barter and I'd likely cost money to smooth it over yeah in main plot terms immediately after paying ten grand you need to deposit another eight I do imagine most people at this point would tell the game's assad offers most side quests paying me 800 to 1500 peso range i wouldn't hold it against them luckily sergeant Galindo Giberson is drinking at this self-same bar he tells us to report to captain Quezada at the tank proving grounds a few islands over if we want some work it's a disputed territory between the military guerrillas and the bandits well short on cash and wanting a bit more experience with Hard difficulty I head off bearing in mind this island isn't named I've settled on calling it battle island it's a large hilly area starts on buildings there has a few oil pumps are on the center they're likely the cause of all this contention the battle island is a playground as the biggest battles in their every mission will give you a new toy to play with and our Machida battle tank a SAM launcher or helicopter or else it will task you of killing 30 people on foot solo this was a proving ground for hard mode I'm glad I came here so soon after cranking up the challenge the sparse scenery constant changes in elevation and minuscule but present cover probably gave me some of the best shoe outside had between this and boiling point reporting for the captain our first job is to blow up a distillery the bandits have established at their base of operations on the other side of the island I set off immediately and as I arrived I realized something because I'm a [ __ ] I love my good gun back in my trunk in valina the best weapon I have to hand is this shitty busted up him 16 I still try and make a foothold and fight my way to distill but it's an uphill battle especially as the bandits are spread wide and have watchtowers my weapon constantly jamming is just one small part of this bad decision I've made eventually I give in and start sprint jumping back across the island because I also lost my ATV in the mad scramble in my panic tree I jump through several more gunfights jumping and gunning my way back to any safety I can find yes spring jumping still has a very useful place in this difficulty but it's far more useful as a defensive move even as an accident it locks into the gameplay and it was quite satisfying to make use of on the way back I did manage to get my hands on a serviceable a cave but unfortunately the quartermaster here doesn't sell ammo for it so I go out hunting for a few small enemy patrols to scrounge up some bullets and then I can make another attempt on that still and I realized the sea can be good for something I take a jet ski around the back of the camp climb the hill and attempt to sneak in stealth was needless on normal difficulty I gave it a shake here and there but getting spotted into a firefight wasn't something I was afraid of now however a gunfight can be a serious setback so itself naturally became more sensible and rewarding in this case I slip around the back want the TNT the army supplied me with and sprint back out in no time flat the scope system implemented here generally works far better than any attempt at stealth in boiling point I put a big part of that down to bare hit detection if I sneak up behind someone and stab them in the head here they tend to drop dead and silently the game also attempts to encourage self in a sensible way when it's totally gone you walk slower you get a heartbeat to indicate likelihood of getting spotted and it's a pretty good indicator of whoever someone off to the side is eyeing you plus if you turn the mini-map to a compass it will highlight enemy directions and give a vague approximation of distance I will say this for stealth however enemies are typically clumped together in such a way that ghosting a majority of missions is incredibly tricky I hesitate to say impossible since I'm shy at stealth but for me it was handy for picking off a few enemies on a difficulty where any one of them could potentially kill or [ __ ] me though I know it's limb damage as much as a factor overall the game also does think that stealth mode automatically when you're shot putting me back to default movement speeds even sharper cover and makes it easier to return fire stealth mode is also handy during combat for getting your bearings and it says noted it will highlight enemy directions it's also on battle island I learned the hard mode enemies can be pretty smart they don't pursue heavily more standing their ground making you approach them making liberal use of grenades to flush you out and only occasionally moving to flank when in a group taking out an entire enemy encampment by weighting them out would be a very long and boring process and not one without danger that you'll be dodging grenades Cod mode with his own brand of fun and was self I added to that while I enjoyed curb stomping normal with the aides for jumping it was a bit hollow hard was rewarding it made me use every last advantage I could glean including self and sprint jumping to retreat and change cover when I saw a distant enemy dropped from a well-placed shot I got a sense of relief when a foe charged me I had to spry oriT Iceland Plus unlike boiling point whereas over eiffel's were the best weapon in any scenario here I find myself mixing up a lot more with euro shotguns sniper rifle range is more of a fact that's taken to account I'm also using cope when I need to retrieve or slow things down it's a bit too unwieldy to whip it out in every situation but I'm sure that's true of Koch in real life as well I get back to the military base it seems that either the doctor is bugged or soul is a selectively cheapskate as for some reason I can't pay the doctor to heal me and as such he won't heal me soul yells but he's a ripple despite the fact that I have paid for pricier patching up in the past that mafia medical service has just spoiled soul so the whole time I'm here I will not be able to reset my medicine addiction this is going to be tricky anyway with the hooch destroyed the captain is pleased soul does ask an interesting question River would have been more profitable to take the hooch for the military it was definitely boost morale at the least the captain says he considered it that didn't want the men drinking his disciplinary attitude is never really apparent again sadly our next ventures are all about getting the guerillas out of here first we're given a tank and tools go take down a weapons shipment I just realized there are no licenses in this game you just get in and go I'm in favor the tank is a blast it controls a simple and straightforward its turrets actually kill things I ran out of ng ammo pretty quick and couldn't find a way to replenish it but the main cannon was plenty and you can run people down forever the thing is nigh indestructible I going through so many gun fights mostly just running people over that convoy was no trouble but that's part mission vehicles don't be spawned when you're done which is handy is later on with tasked with destroying guerrilla tanks I mean no one's driving them but they are surrounded by enemy troops shooting at me so I brought my own tank along anyway so they can look at it and go oh yeah that's what you meant to do we also have to retrieve a stolen military chopper from guerrilla HQ assaulting it head-on proved difficult and incredibly stupid for too many people and since we're taking a chopper I didn't want to dump the tank here I eventually find the chopper in question by spying from a nearby hillside I then make a mad dash for it and managed to get out after a couple of tries next up was taking Sam launcher out to the center of the island to repel the invaded guerrilla airforce this proves impossible as the helicopters could easily overwhelm the Sam with its slow fire rate I had a fantastic idea however I took the helicopter parked out the mission site brought the Sam along almost had a [ __ ] heart attack and when the helicopters arrived thinking it'd be an adorable little surface-to-air missile it was instead of surface-to-air helicopter the helicopters are a fair bit more agile this time around control a lot more simply as well rather than the fifth whirlybirds a boiling point these are somewhat fun to maneuver around it I'm actually sad it was the only time in the game I got to use one of these to combat other aerial units vehicles overall were under utilized in this game and I played out considering how much boating needs to be done I never saw a tank anywhere else last mission is pretty straightforward seeing that Sol is pretty bloody lethal the captain just jokes hey why don't we just kill all of the guerrillas if you know Souls however you all know he's not great with irony the battle island was probably my favorite time spent in this game and why feel more of what this game should have strived for if it could mix the gameplay qualities of this place with the story setups of ballina and make it more widespread I'd have been happier overall interesting missions with more characters like Don Guillermo and how the citizens see their lot in life under the various factions power struggles throw in a few vehicles maybe blow up a few spills destroy a few more convoys I'd have been happy it does still struggle with problems affecting the rest of the world however since all the battles of pre-sentence tag the battle island starts off incredibly chaotic it's a war zone it very quickly and literally died down after you forget each of the battles while it may have been annoying to make this place a constant frenzy it would have lent some weight to the idea this place is hotly contested I do also wish that during the final mission in this place when Sol is sent to uproot the guerrillas the army actually sent some lads along with me so it felt like a battle was taking place rather than me soloing bad job granted I brought the tank so I wasn't completely alone want to know how much killing every last thinking call me at that base got me 1,500 pesos like I said earlier that's the upper end of the game's payout I every corpse salvaged firearms and ammunition and cram it all into a car to sell off later it barely helped I figured people got into murder because it was a lucrative but I could well be wrong still lies made up the money's Provost the clock so let's get back to the leaner the battle island is defeated it's quiet now I kind of feel like I've select the place so to be honest it may have been poor translation more likely I'm a [ __ ] but we really are getting a goddamn island out of this we handed the deed and told you desease location I have a sign for at least one of these things before I set off let's make a huge mistake considering how useful stealth was on battle island I decided to treat myself to a fancy new crossbow while Donkey LMO claims to keep the place clean there is a whole manor surrounded by bandits but more importantly behind that is a dock with a seaplane I could lift it seems you guys managed to snag an abandoned fortress for him his alliance and dug in Jameson in his one line of dialogue in which I like him talk about how we're going to whoop these youngins into shape down we go yeah we have an infinite use parachute in our backpack what of it so the crossbow it's an incredibly fiddly bastard to use I'm assuming we're using lead bolts and cotton strings since they dropped off for a good 5 feet and the enemy seemed more displeased the dead because of them I quickly went back to the knife and from there quickly went back to the gun so this fortress raid is my favorite individual shootout in the game it recaptured that feeling I had in boiling point of a fortress designed to be impregnable next to his dilapidation leading to unintended entryways and murder holes I could exploit and as I go into the fortress proper I was fighting for every inch of ground I had to fight slowly and carefully it was a good fight overall even if I got flanked a couple of times to my trouble but that's kind of what I expected oh yeah that happened a good few times after a lot of needles were used I don't know if it's possible to die from a drug overdose in this game but suffice to say Seoul is going to be feeling this mission for a long while afterwards it may be because I still use foods to make up the small digits of health but along with a poke to make drug tolerance build slower medicine tolerance felt like less of a factor overall I never had to worry about syringes the same way I did in Boylan point grunt if that listening absentia of the health system means that a lot of this games fight is gone now I'm really scared of losing all of my health immediately rather than being out in the field for a very long time and slowly getting less effective because random events like ambushes and a new patrols are gone I never actually felt that far away from the doctor I never felt like there may be an obstacle stopping me from getting healing and so a lot of excitement and tension are gone from the game world much of my phrase for the health system of last time is still sort of true here but it's much more forgiving almost too easy so despite puking I do eventually make my way to you des he blabs that he sold us out as he was being blackmailed and needed money he identity of the blackmailer is not something he's capable of giving us he does however return 800 of our pesos this does not bode well for you des you [ __ ] up at every stage of this conversation so far and I just killed all of your friends for less but then he does give us the location of an island where the Indians are supposedly growing this poisoned coke and that saves his life I just realised wouldn't it be great if the coke in this game had a 1 in 100 chance of killing us on the spot massive missed opportunity [Music] okay my seaplane plan was short-sighted there's no other vehicles around here go luckily these are calm waters but so lots of [ __ ] a Spartan I swim to the next Island and managed to grab a boat before we get back on track let's check out my island huh the [ __ ] shouldn't have expected anything less but there's still one soul left here Carlos colas is the best character in the game he's a bro builder he worked for the previous owners of the island he was quite friendly with him but a tsunami forced them off and he decided to stick around we kill some paramilitary due to enough to claim the place and bus Carlos is happy to work for Seoul he does hire some builders however after talking to the two I decided to forget about the whole island business besides anything else was going to cost me 10 grand to get this ball rolling so sorry Carlos maybe if I ever play this game again I settle for the Indian Island and once their own breed buy an altar leading up to a large stone doorway on investigation there's a stone flat by the entrance and I kill correct the locals are less than pleased [ __ ] my was safe was ages away well luckily it seems the cultures haven't worked out stairs and tablet in hand I make a mad scramble for my boat Jose tells us to take the slack to an antique dealer on bullying at the translation and seeing as us our only lead in this cocaine investigation come archaeological dig let's see how much ten thousand pesos Sol isn't even surprised at this point I don't have ten grand I want to point out if you remove the sidequest this game could be summarized in six thousand ten thousand eight thousand ten thousand in the span of twenty minutes with a black pearl and you des crammed in there I've also exhausted all of the local employers a local photographer is willing to pay five hundred quid for some photos the other antique dealer in the room has me scamming old man out of a ring he's wearing for a few hundred baht more but then it's revealed that's all the work he has I couldn't afford your wares mate I own an island so once again I'm out job hunting proper when I old bits of info points me to an army commander back on its father so I shoot off have it this does have which happened two or three times in my adventure is that an objective NPC may only be available at certain times a day or will just straight-up disappear however only when you get in range of them will it tell you that they're away I'm telling you this now because as you've no doubt guessed I just wait for the trip getting money in this game can be annoying it can be a drag it can feel like a grind but between this guy just saying oh by the way I don't have any more work when itself sounds like he had a lot of work but dawn breaking some quests are also broken and we saw what just happened with that disappearing military commander I find a bloke who wants me to collect the debt from someone but no matter what I do I can't get him to pay up I threaten him and it leads nowhere I fire off a shot near him I shoot at him and that just a grows everyone else unless I'm missing something there is no way to complete this and it's really frustrating when a game is telling you hey going through side quest and some of the side quests are broken so I wonder a spider in the hopes that someone will pull a gun on me so I could sell it and in my travels I find a band of mafia smugglers on the coast tucked away on some little beach flanked by rocky cliffs it's not well paid work that inches me closer to my goal not much excitement here work wise very some goods shoot some people not having fun on the beach break a guy out of the military clutches I am a little disappointed I can't use my good faction standing to sneak in wait peaceably especially since it looks like I can in dialogue but it doesn't actually work I guess bullet speak louder than words interestingly enough though this was the first line that will get you a boat on a spider earlier than intended the you guys are here from the start and will give you a jet ski with plentiful fuel whether little requests will actually trigger it to someone else to find out though but still there you are seeing a speedrunning community this is my meager contribution one strapped with all of their jobs done I am just over a grand short I set off back for the leaner and while looking for employment there I instead find the gorilla base they chase me off the first time but I decide it's time to be self-employed I managed to completely clean the place out lug their guns to my truck and make up the 10k in sales I'm sure if the dawn will still pay or for hit appreciate my initiative the stone slab relates to a cult called the resurrection of the old gods dedicated to restoring the old local faith destroyed by Christian conquistadors and upon the old gods being reawaken the world will end if we want to get past that stone door and into the inner sanctum we'll need six statuettes it said whoever possesses all 6 will become bulletproof this is just the way of saying turn down to easy mode the collector knows the owners of all six seeing as he sold five and holds the six and he'll sell that to me for the low price of five thousand pesos gee thanks [ __ ] naturally the six current holders each belong to different factions so this is an exam of how you've been treating them up to this point well one of them is paramilitary so that's a guaranteed gun fight y-yes Jameson I'm annoyed as well I decided to get the guerrillas and paramilitary out of the way first seeing as I doubt the rest of the statues will come completely free.i but at least here I know what to expect the guerrilla commandant na is holed up in a small base surrounded by trees it's a pretty straightforward affair compared to what we faced so far the paramilitaries have secured no prison wrecked by the inmates making for a tough breach their thoughts can also take a hell of a beating luckily I learned that from a good few hundred feet away the remaining three of factions I'm on more or less good terms with the Mafia the Army and the Indians may by now these talks don't be once he's talking about me forever Don Costello laughs at the superstition surrounding the relic but seeing the world sold puts in it decides he'll let go for a cool 11 K he'll drop the price if we blow up a guerrilla barge even lent us some explosives to get the job done however I like the Pope to use them and taking a look at the barge it seems this is a bit too big for grenades yeah sorry pal next up the army this will be tricky at the big man wants cash I don't have Galindo is the one in charge here he has no idea how we got in that he's willing to hear us out at the end of our discussion he's willing to rent out the statue for 8,500 pesos I miss Reed what he then says and and you'll drop it to 1500 if I blogs and stuff the head filled out he intended to lower the price to 7000 sorry I misunderstood you eventually in a coked-up sprint I managed to hightail out of there before the helicopter can take off and pursue me if you don't quite get how much I don't want to go back to building up money in this game it took more than 45 minutes to pull off that run I died so many times tried to escape but anyway will bless your coke we really pulled through for us and that makes four or six the Indians don't want money they respect strength having been able to keep this village running despite the current climate the chief doesn't feel soul is worthy of the idol but he's willing to part with it if we prove ourselves he sent us to conquer a cave on that same island of the great stone door his son went into that cave and has yet to return oh yeah you exist it's been a while it turns out the giant spiders are very boring clothes I mean the wildlife overall in this game could be described as such I saw rats crab snakes fish no big sharks or that giant black mutate fruit to the divers spoke of those Amba diver I would have taken shark jumping over no zombies these things though they cruel they fit they die the gunfire all thing the human can do unless I rip out their mandibles go later resale eventually I stumble upon the chief son of he lays dying and as he passes he warns that Machado will kill me too and I great for a giant spider that never comes I report back to his dad and am given the idol in all this pipe fisted murder I made up the five grand for that last statuette so after a quick stop in ballina I immediately settle for that stone door the game should maybe somehow warn you at this stage that you should be bringing everything to bear stock up buy what you need a mobile kind syringes coke food armor and get ready for a grueling fight we placed the statuette a spear wielding conscious runs out to greet us and I alone why they are so wary of stairs [Music] they make my way to the ruins within the stone doors slam shut behind me I am NOT leaving the only ways forward and there are a lot of people in the way the cultists make for interesting enemies they come in three flavors Spears shields and Fusiliers the Fusiliers are nightmares incredible accuracy and they hit like a truck each of the freaking take a beating before going down but at least you can easily outmaneuver spears and shields they always felt like a gamble whether I get hit by diffusal is even at SuperSpeed and one hit from these allies can reduce you from max health for the low-twenties oh and they have spiders after a lot of deaths lost ammunition getting lost and the feeling that I'd made less progress than I wanted I came up with a new strategy display way looks like I'm taking solace damage and conserving ammo I'm going to say this goes on for a while this would have made for a test of endurance I doubt 1000 rounds would have actually done it and the fusel while good in enemy hands is an unwieldy and unsatisfying feast to the soul eventually I make my way to the dungeon and locked up within it CIA agent Summerson he knows about the poisoned coke and spills to a confused soul to twist the CIA was behind tripping the poison coke into the US would you look at that so cool that it's a ploy to create a panic in order to increase that funding plot kill off a bunch of junkies and gays junkies yeah but a gays massive coke things anyway before we can bust Summerson out and bust this whole thing wide open a hit squad repels in and Seoul was captured we're taken to a ship and interrogated by agent Nixon don't provoke me Meyers you can't afford in this situation can you Meyers raise your voice with me one more time in your [ __ ] dead man Nixon this [ __ ] tropical heat is killing me where Solar Nixon sounds like they just want to go home Meyers who else is in the loop of our business on these damn islands how should I know I'm just a tourist to have admirers you son-of-a-bitch stop fooling around I warned you Nixon don't raise your voice to me or what this you [ __ ] [ __ ] luckily a leftover equipment is in the next room over as immediately after that form of tough enemies it's time for a boat filled with even tougher ones and an invisible wall so remember those soldiers from the ambush they've been copy and pasted all over this float in bulk this stage is a nightmare every enemy is a super accurate bullet sponge that tends to come in groups and weigh-in advantageous positions leaving little room to exploit their AI or even approach them comfortably if I expose myself for longer than a millisecond I'm getting shot plus these lads do not drop ammo surprise they do drop tank grenades which are pretty good but they do have a habit of crashing the game which kind of kills my progress as much as they do [Music] Optifine my way for the cargo bay of the ship I'm hurting I'm down to a handful of syringes and their efficacy is being effectively shot and I have to head up through a hatch onto the deck of the ship there's an exposed area filled with more goons in each direction running for the background taking cover so you hit with renée's enemies knowing your place of damage when they group the flank and they'll definitely shave a good chunk of what they will help you have left before going down themselves I actually give up in this battle of attrition I have lost I need more supplies for strong on this and this was a septic frustrating food gauntlets against bullets sponge enemies in a row both types of enemies don't drop ammo or health items I was beaten down this time I didn't cheat however I just admitted defeat and went down to normal I reload my last save from before I entered the ruins sorry chief his son said to I stock up a bit more and I'm ready to roll right excuse me outlay save IKEA gold yeah yeah madam conspiracy hey bets on coming in from the ceiling no time Nixon pencil me in for later this ship is still an overstock nightmare on normal but by playing like a boring [ __ ] I'm at least able to fight my way through off the serving to make stuff since I have no idea if there's a bird going after this the deck fights good god it goes on so much longer than I could have anticipated and even on normal it's tricky will the u.s. invading how many blokes did you need on this [ __ ] but I finally drop an escape boat to get past the invisible wall Jamison and Hosea confused the CIA is currently investigating itself to find the conspirators and the source of the cocaine has been tracked down to an island on the southeast end of the map looking at shape I definitely should have suspected it from the start [Music] yes I'd want to poison the world - if the weather did this on the island itself is the burnout remains of a village and beyond that the far - grand city of the cult with a pyramid tucks far at the back draw a line on this bloody story reads the poorly translated objective I snore some lines and start dashing through their grounds at blinding speed cook was their weapon and it will be their undoing I climb the stairs of the pyramid and waiting at the peak is the cult coked-up leader good god he's a lucky fellow and before I can even properly fight him he crashes the game I decide to take a seaplane to his home I figured it'd be a bit funny give you a bit of a laugh at the end but the seaplane disappeared so I don't have the hilarious conclusion I simply leg it again we confront the chief the time for soul to work his magic this isn't the end only the beginning the beginning of revenge what revenge who would you like to take revenge on you you white people you've destroyed our civilization really and whose fault is that oh this will be fun I'm going to bring the chief reveals that the cocaine is revenge against the white man and beyond that as we speak his warriors our work beginning the next stage of their grand plan they're driven by the divine cocaine the same cocaine that kills others our guards have made us immune we shall wash away all of the earth in a river of blood to feed our God about that if you hate the white man so much help the CIA in on this can you ask me before you do something stupid your guards aren't real in this has to come to an end no so I went to murderous Beast blinded by rage and hate in their eyes what are you going on about why why is the dark in this game so poor you know there are two separate translations I will cure you maybe the other ones that are up there cocaine stove with Kevlar you son of a [ __ ] why is that line so good well the chief is dead and so reflects on the nature of man from poverty we trust evil that was caused by people hundreds and years of is staying in people memory and waiting for its time years and ages past but the evil does not it becomes even stronger and gavage power not the time soul the grand planning start let's get out there and save the world is there any possibility for people to learn and to forgive can fanatics understand that evil will come back maybe not for them but for their children and if they will understand will that stop them well I don't know but I know one thing I'm very tired that's all well and good and no longer if that's all but we've still got that conspiracy of the apocalypse maybe there's some zombies out there what with that the writers just jotting down they're tired what about the record company why would that photo so fascinating that seems to have convinced you well was the giant mutant creature walk into Summerson what are the tribesmen think of that really fast white guy that's really disappointing my goodwill was just torn to shreds by those two gauntlets and you do this to me that was out nowhere you can't just say and then the apocalypse and not give it to me the chief wasn't even a coked-up mental boss fight hmm so wait gold is sadly rather disappointing the core combat is better but that's about it all the features that surround it propped it up or mostly in the world of words the world feels emptiest AG the factions bland characters but I didn't entirely by every feature in this game felt underutilized on that properly explored boiling point felt like it was a game made on a budget this feels like a cheap game not to mention underutilized story elements why were there giant spiders the rumors of murder on ballina walk to islands I explored were empty and dull it didn't drive me to keep looking for something in trolling I do regret not starting up my own Island but with the my villainous of this game it's a tough cold but 10 grand decides to explore it the my Gelinas itself is tough to call it raw it can work if you enjoy the tension of being on the breadline I didn't get to experiment with some weapons because I was scared of the investment I expressed the lack of money shouldn't drive you to kill people you'd rather spare or go on dangerous missions to convent the cost and hold on to what meager earnings you get but this game is a bloodsucker and it feels like it pads out an entirely minuscule main questline let's jump back a second however I mentioned you could get on a boat on the first island far earlier than intended I took it to the final islands in the game it's all about there's a giant lot of rubble in the way to stop you in your tracks they've anticipated that you might come to this island at any time didn't switch off the rain to avoid suspicion but you can't get into the city well unless you jump it I'd be through to city once more and it seems I beat the chief here by about twenty six hours and fuss and Venus - again I'm disappointed a little earlier this time and also Jose's talking to me I haven't even rescued you yet if you enjoyed this video and want to support further videos like this I have a patreon you can donate - if you're unable to donate or otherwise don't want to you can still help by spreading the videos around a thank you to my patron they're a kinase C V V King one-one-nine Noonan Sigurd - mass ghost armed and ready Austin the tribe Piper wag man and Arthur D Gonzales Master those of you who donate $5 please submit your questions to the article video where I'll answer them and if you donate $3 or more you'll get access to my notes and my scripts thank you very much for watching see you next
Channel: Tehsnakerer
Views: 320,910
Rating: 4.9296074 out of 5
Keywords: xenus 2, white gold, war in paradise, white gold: war in paradise, gameplay, review, analysis, playthrough, walkthrough, game, video game, boiling point, precursors, xenus, Steam, white gold essay, white gold war in paradise essay, white gold analysis, boiling point analysis, TehSnakerer
Id: ohut3tk09No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 40sec (5020 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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