Playing Squid Game in Real Life Challenge | Funny Moments by HAHANOM Challenge

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[Music] guys where are we the game begins oh no we're not ready turning on motion sensors no no no no please all right just don't breathe or move I'm so scared I want my mommy motion sensors disabled Tom be careful sorry I just thought it would be better to move a little more slowly I have a different idea let's get rid of the competition what have you done turning on motion sensors scan starts oh gosh I want to sneeze I can't help myself oh no no motion detected don't please it was an accident I was set [Music] up Andy this is all because of you how could you motion sensors disabled looks like M was telling the truth Andy really did s him up well I know what to do sorry Andy but your shoelaces gave me a really good idea let's see how well you do [Music] now oh no I'm falling help motion sensors enabled no not now no no no no motion detected player is eliminated from game no give me another chance I can win please motion sensors disabled [Music] yeah wow I did it guys I'm ready for the next round super so are we motion sensors enabled no one found moving to the next [Music] [Applause] level I wonder what we're going to do this time I don't understand anything yet wow these cookies are so sweet I like them what's the matter with you well you don't need to eat them you need to cut out the shape and your time's already ticking don't even try to beat me I'm not going to give up I'm sure I can do [Music] this by the way I just thought of something oh I feel a little sick I think I'm going to lose my balance sorry oh no my cookie broken first player eliminated please give me one more chance that's impossible the rules are the rules goodbye that's it game over shouldn't have gotten in my way how much time left we got to hurry I almost got it I'll try copying Barbie oh no that was a bad idea maybe no one will notice that it's broken I think we got a second Dropout stop hiding the obvious I can't be fooled show me your cookie cookie I haven't finished it yet come on come back and talk to me a little later you're already lost your cookie broken there's no point in continuing no let me continue was an accident that's scary we're hanging on by a thread I almost got it can't stop I did it super look we already completed the task I'll do it too I don't have much time left only seconds left got to push it come on come on I almost cut out the [Music] triangle 3 seconds to go 3 2 1 Stop I did it I'm moving on my shape looks perfect congrats good job it's scary to imagine what's going to happen next wow there's so many hot dogs I like this let's see how many you can eat in 3 minutes let me add it right away I'll be first I got a big appetite don't jump to conclusion Susie we've got a little surprise for you let's see how you like your spicy hot dogs pour more Barbie she definitely won't be able to eat these hot dogs well I don't have much left that doesn't mean [Music] anything why is it getting so hot in here I'm burning up help wao that's a flame so you could easily fry my food what are you up to Barbie okay things didn't go according to plan I wanted to fry my hot dogs not burn them to Embers how am I going to eat them now help give me some water hurry up oh I just remembered I got a bottle oh gosh what a relief I immediately feel so much better Susan you look like a big balloon don't poke me Barbie well I don't feel really good oh what have you done now all this water's just going to pour out not on me I'll get all wet sorry but it was your own fault it's so cold now I need to dry up fast wao that's a strong air dryer I almost got blown away stop messing around come on eat your Embers why' you have to remind me of that I don't want to all right I got to pull myself together and I got to do this G I hate even looking at that sure it's gross yeah eating hot dogs would be much nicer I think I have an idea I'm going to try to get rid of Barbie by throwing away one of Paulie's hot dogs then she'll have less to eat then Barbie will definitely be disqualified all right time's up time to check your results well I see there's nothing on the table hey I think you should check the floor again oh that's a great idea what do I see ah this hot dog belongs to Polly but that wasn't even on my plate I swear I ate every last crumb well it doesn't matter anymore the main thing is that you lost that's not fair oops now's the moment of truth I think that's a video game console that's right and you'll have to draw it no big deal I can handle it you draw like a chicken with a pencil my work's definitely going to be the best see it's already coming out so good what wo i really underestimated Barbie she's doing pretty good I need to come up with something fast oh I know I have a really clever plan in mind watch out Barbie soon you won't be able to draw with anything let's see how you get by without a brush voila it's gone why are you laughing so oh no you ruined my brush that's right now you have to admit [Music] defeat well no way I'm not giving up there's definitely a way out of this I'll try to draw with the other side of the brush hey it's working out pretty good yeah no way she got out of it again give that to me I'm going to grind up your brush into powder and you definitely won't be able to use it that's no fair you're not playing by the rules well then I won't either I'm going to fill your drawing with black paint Oh no you're going to ruin it that's exactly what I wanted to do time's running out let's stop here's my work isn't it great well I've got nothing to brag about Barbie ruined everything that's a clear defeat I'm sorry how could you Barbie thought you were [Music] nice you asked for it hooray I won I did it the game console goes to you super I didn't pass all these tests for nothing this game is totally worth it I'm so [Music] happy come on come on just a little bit left and I'll win you're doing pretty good too good job I like playing with you [Music] too give me high [Music] five I think I'll take the wall okay ordered what oh they're already knocking on the door probably package oh here's your package have a nice day oh it's so huge well let's take it apart yeah we need to move this all rck um I need help okay I'll do with these and I'll take care of the garbage it needs to be removed oh oh my gosh okay I'm going to hammer this nail in a couple of moves and that's it the job is done what happened to my dress oh my pink beautiful dress I love orange my favorite color is blue of course I'll paint the walls blue it'll be very beautiful I'll paint over everything great just great and I'll remove the paint awesome there's not enough green here I love green Walls I like it brighter it's very cool that's better what are you doing let's go course s love ping bud I need to embellish these walls a little bellet ones are much prettier awesome I'll calm it a little it'll be much neater and more comfortable this wait what is that the beautiful orange color that's great so girls we have everything ready it's time to sleep so I feel dizzy what should I do came up with something by the way it would be necessary to warm up before PE and taking the back well who's with me what what have you got there will you help me put the pillows up uh why not okay I know what I'm going to do I'll take this pillow catch it great thank you very much yeah just what I wanted and another one oh uhoh uh the book has shattered how unpleasant what is it this is my biology textbook sorry I'm sorry please I didn't mean to I'll pretend it's not me no I'll piss very quietly what is this what kind of box very interesting I need to open it but first I will put it on my best so that no one will notice there's clearly something very interesting there oh Beauty I love basketball football and all that what else can I decorate my cozy crib with oh yeah with these flags beautiful and some dumbbells or can I go without them I came up with something I'll hang up the hooks and carefully put my favorite dumbbells on them wo yeah I'm a force to be recking with this is very cool she decorated it and I wanted it too what's in my blue box oh yeah a wonderful shelf for books yeah I'll put my textbooks on Art astronomy and Japanese here and I'll hang out the light bulbs otherwise how will I read I don't like to read in the dark and this hurts my eyes oh my favorite Stitch my favorite toy pillows are also necessary but there will be a geographical map here I'll sake it here great so cozy and now I can go to sleep what it is necessary to restore Beauty so what about my pink box of course there not enough decorations here I will inflate the figure so that I have fun I'm out of breath I need try again oh no hey what are you doing there I finally blow up my wonderful Pink Flamingo and awesome some pink pillows he'll be very cool what else do I have okay here butterfly light I love all kinds of beauty I'll glue some hearts how [Music] romantic now it's self and cozy listen get a great what's in my green box I'll attach all my tricks skeletons will be suitable for my decorations super I'll hang it here and I'll have a shell here the lava lamp is just awesome and some dark green pillows H I feel like eating something I know I'll make an order a macdo I'll buy some goodies oh they've already arrived so great hello hello thanks for the order thank you goodbye great I'm finally going to eat what do I have here cherry pie it's very tasty I'm going to eat you what um green is for me come here quickly great Oh What A pity so bud I'll see what else is there hamburger in a blue package I want to eat it what um it's for me it's blue it's my color perfect a BN withd salad is what I love let's go what about me there's another Burger great I'll turn it around gly just so she doesn't see it oh no no [Music] no h so yummy I'm so hungry oh is there anything else there's nothing left in my order how so oh come on let's shake it out there it is um what am I going to eat sauce it's not the most delicious food in the world well I'll try it h what should I do now well okay I'll make it work it's not that not that what is it my phone is dead it's so boring I wonder what the girls are doing H they're all on their phones and I came up with something let's look in my green box oh oh yeah that's what I understand entertainment a real cool TV yeah it barely fits in my cozy room and here I'll put my stylish Sony PlayStation and now I'm going to play hey girls who's with me I have a police station okay oh yeah I'm here for you super let's have fun here take it for the game great what are we playing I'm going to beat you what no I'll beat you hey what's going on there I wanted to let's go let's just see where they are hello girls hey how annoying what are we going to do an idea what what do you mean look what I have a ping monitor but that's not all just for the two of us I have VR glasses and special remotes awesome we're going to have incredible fun right now will you play Minecraft with me oh great superer go it's much more fun than playing some kind of PlayStation so let's go take the joystick okay now we'll have fun to the fullest what wow look what they have awesome hey are they playing VR in Minecraft I wanted too hello hi um girls what why are you distracting us we're busy oh how annoying how gritty H whatever good morning everyone and good morning to you too candy hey Susie where are we hey do you know what this going to happen now no help enough [Music] shouting what you've got a really cool and fun challenge waiting for you you just need to click on some buttons cool and once you do you'll get all sorts of cool surprises for example not everyone loves an egg shower but an umbrella can sure come in handy now what what's hidden behind the red [Music] button a that's better a golden key confetti and lots of money you girls think you understand the rules now then let's go okay I like how the red button looks I think I'll press that Susie got some bad news for you there was smelly cheese hidden behind that button I'm really sorry that's so gross that hurt a lot su's out of luck let's see if you're lucky candy I have a pretty good feeling about this oh man M pretty lucky really you got a whole can of whipped cream waiting for you you have no idea how much there is here woah that's a lot [Music] hey [Music] cool but is Whi Cream All I'm going to get now it's time for some colorful and delicious sprinkles candy you ready here catch oh my gosh I never thought I'd be so lucky and that's still not all last but not least the cherry on top of the cake oh wow just like a real cake Susie it's your turn to press a [Music] button uh-oh you're out of luck this time you're going to get a whole bunch of Madagascar cockroaches uhoh what that's not fair all because of these stupid buttons take that you stupid button uh-oh what's going to happen now oh it looks like I'm going to get something else [Music] wow oh yeah looks like the Cockroaches are cancelled time for some coke oh yeah this is fantastic it'll be even cooler when I catch all the Coke in this huge cup Susie you should see yourself you're all wet you didn't really drink all that coke did you what are you talking about oh no something's happening to that button looks like it's short circuiting oh no anything but that oh no oh yeah no you got plenty of candy Mentos coming your way now it's time for a Cola fountain hooray wao that's a big splash this fountain's a bit much we're going to have to stop it which button should I choose maybe a green one w yeah wow candy I'm really happy for you cuz you're going to get this delicious cake but I just want to warn you it's pretty heavy yeah that Cake's even bigger than your head what's so funny oh this is really cool this is really tasty and there's a candle that goes along with it what goes along with it oh no help a fire what's going on there what oh yeah Candy's not doing too well I think we got to solve this problem fast and I know how to do it Burman Pete will help us okay Pete help me out put out this fire no problem consider it [Music] done great job thanks for your help yeah thanks it was getting pretty hot in here but now I'm much better who's first candy or Suzie suie it is what should I choose don't let me down red button great choice oh really but there's just one thing I didn't have time to pop the popcorn so Susie you're just going to have to get all these [Music] kernels oh no these kernels are so hard even my teeth couldn't handle them [Music] oh no I need to put these teeth back in place what uh-oh I can't live with just a hole in the front of my mouth all ready bingo I don't want to leave Suzie without any popcorn cool well I guess it's never too late to get popping hey where did all this heat come from why did it get so hot in here I'm sweating oh no wow now I get popcorn [Applause] [Music] cool even I get some this is so cool cool and delicious hey Susie what's going on there where's all that popcorn coming from he aen uh-oh uh-oh this is too much I can't do this it's too hot help fire that's enough I'm going to burn alive candy save me please or I'm going to burn I hope someone comes to my rescue yellow button You're My Last [Music] Hope Ice Susie it's time for you to freshen up a bit ouch that hurts but thanks for the ice finally it's not so hot in here now I can safely eat my delicious popcorn candy it's your turn to press a button hey wait I'm just getting to the best part I think I know how to get your attention press a but but ow that hurts okay I got it I got it you don't need to yell I'm going to put all my hopes and dreams in the green button oh no not them I hate cockroaches no please oh I love them especially when I got to pour him out in a challenge hey little guys you want to meet my friend candy it's time for you to see her that's enough stop I'm begging you there's so many of them what should I I do no way I can't be in the same box with cockroaches help get me out of here I think the Cockroach really liked your bright hair but not for long you can defeat any cockroach with a sneaker here you go serves you [Music] right yeah well I still managed to get it I might not have your sneaker but I've got this white shoe that'll do where are you you disgusting ver ha there's one right on a button I'm going to get you awesome looks like that solved my problems time to exterminate some cockroaches candy you're not going to be able to breathe in this stuff it's deadly here catch a gas mask sure everyone knows you shouldn't inhale chemicals like that all right cockroaches you ready let's go the job's done did it work yeah I think so Susie it's your turn to push the button I'm really hungry can I get something delicious please why not you got French fries man although they're pretty small is that all is this some kind of joke I've never seen a fry smaller than [Music] [Applause] that what a but it's still really tasty about the sauce I want some ketchup okay oh there will be a lot of [Music] sauce why do I need so much what am I going to do with it g this is disgusting at least the fries taste better candy are you watching are you jealous it's time for me to click [Music] too finally someone got a cool prize yeah candy you got a whole suitcase full of [Music] money I wouldn't mind it myself here catch oh my gosh I'll be rich cool oh really hey give me some too just a little and that's not all the grand prize is Yet to Come That's Heavy what do I do with this what oh that's right you'll help me get out of the cage [Music] [Applause] Freedom cool I'll get out of here one day too do you hear me yeah maybe someday thanks for watching
Channel: HAHANOM
Views: 1,272,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hahanom, hahanom challenge, food challenge, challenge, challenges
Id: wOj3ZmQI9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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