Playing Pool With Bowling Balls!

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome back to battle universe my name is CJ we have Patrick woods kena and Samantha as always and today we are playing the giant pool bowling table challenge that's quite the name this is a pool ball really big otherwise known as a bowling ball guys you know pool billiards you know bowling lanes we took them we put them together we put pins in the pockets we got a bowling ball we got a Patrick and we got dodge balls for the pool balls instead we have the Black team we have the red team we're gonna play a classic game of billiards the team to score the eight ball aka the twelve ball because it's medicine ball in the pocket wins and that's it in order for a shots account in the pocket you have to knock over all the pins if you don't do that i as the ref the game master will reset your ball outside of the pocket and it's up to someone else to score that's pretty much it winner wins bragging rights and a bowling ball boys go first don't break our toes this is the eight ball it's 12 pounds it's a medicine ball that is the last ball but the teams have to knock into one of these pockets all the pockets have pins knock down the pins to score the pocket if your bowling ball knocks over the pins it's like scratching and we started over and Woods is up first woods show me a good break alright you got it [Music] alright woods didn't make anything it's Pat's turn so I have to stand here and then Bowl that is where the ball ended up and they're trying to score in all the pockets are you gonna count that but the bowling ball went through and knocked over the pins and not the dodgeball so that means we're gonna reset the bowling ball on this side of the field and it's gonna be the girls turn we call that a scratch go team yeah yeah go team boys good first turn girls what's going on here this is just my strategy okay I'm going for the black ball that's like right in that corner [Music] what does that mean that counts because that is how pool works Sam made the red ball lens that means the boys have one less ball to make Panna knocked over all the pins so it counts that's where the ball lies so we take the ball out pins get reset and it's still Hannah's turn you have to roll from right there where the ball is difficult try not to make a bowling ball in great job it is a one to one side as the boys turn the ball ended up here so now they take their turn can you hit that corner the red ball into it go I can't go anywhere but this limit you'd have to knock the red into the red do you or you just set me up it's like if you just Bowl out in the middle then I can hit it this or that yeah why not all right I'm not really sure what just happened let's try to break that up it didn't work that's what happens when you play bowling on a pool table guys okay so I'm gonna try to knock that into there I don't know if it's gonna work I don't know how bowling balls them work with dodge balls in physics it's weird yeah Sam I think I'm just gonna kind of like hit those and see where they go Hannah you're up so now you can play like that way if you want to right now it's like you could hit these two black like over there maybe trust yourself in off the field I'm scared I'm gonna hit that and it's just gonna hit that one they're gonna lose momentum I kinda just want to go for that bounces back yeah yeah scores one two one I don't know what's going on here not really sure what that's what the purpose of that is oh wow looks like what's is gonna try to line up a shot here let's see what he can do just hit all that yeah all right so the boys are now at their second point however they scratch so that your custom ole from over here gift your best shot Pat all right Oh golly John nope like to call that a scratch and a dent in the wall all right guys Pat scratch that means the girls are gonna start from over here Sam you're up yeah I don't know I'm feeling okay but I don't have any really clear shots of anything so I'm just gonna hit this guy and see what happens well please dude such a good rule Samms didn't count but we're gonna leave it until Hannah takes her turn because it's technically during the same team's turn so Hannah you're up if Hannah doesn't get it then it gets reset come on you can do it I believe in you so strongly so both of those balls I'm gonna reset ana didn't knock over all the pins so I put the balls back where they were and now it's the boys turn and she's scratched so they're starting over all right I'm going for that ball with Jude yeah you should know what the black went into I'm gonna try my best not to oh no I was just about to say you could have set me up and like right in front of it my girl for the same thing see you have Oh what does he say none of the Pens got knocked now it is Sam's turn and look at that she's picking it up from right here it is now Hannah's turn that side up to two - all right all right I'm gonna grandma roll this do it did you guys know grandma roll was passed down through generations and generations of grandparents that's a scratch but that's also a score Pat you're up I'm just letting you know I'm going to send it if I miss it we'll take out that wall and what's with it I'm sending let's see let's see yeah that counts alright so Pat made a black ball that's gonna give the girls another point we are tied up again it's three to three oh we've got a double line up girls only have two shots left that's crazy I think I have one opportunity here do not miss your chance whoa for success you going that way bro you don't want to go middle right here I don't think I can you could just turn this away it's a straight shot okay I believe in you I was close guys if there's any other giant board games for combination mashups you want us to do comment down below do this video and we'll see it okay just hashtag it Pat you're up I'm just gonna hit that straight in if I can do you think so possibly maybe possibly all right Pat send it well you know when we ever when we come back that way we're gonna have a lot we can do and that's all that matters it looks like the girls only have one two plus the eight ball to win okay if you try to get this one then the bullet ball be over there and I could show you that one sure No oh no no no no if anything that might have worked in their advantage cuz now Hannah gets the start on the side girls in the lead no promises no pressure go your way nope let's scratch my guy that's a Miss dude I set you up for the other hole over there there was like no strength I could put behind that because it is up against the wall whoa weirdly almost work but you set up Hannah and I might be able to do this thanks Sam yeah jump into it you got it you got it yeah all right so the girls only have one more ball to make believe anybody oh oh oh I only have one but that's still sick one further boys there's a really good chance I missed this don't do balls left will the boys one ball left for the girls and the girls have the medicine ball to make me pop watch this it's okay next time if you hit that one it might be easy to hit that one in the middle whatever you think bro I believe in you can I get 15 other forearms bro I got you dude that's right on bro nope how did that happen scratch from the boys I should get this easy will I probably not my lips are so chapped the girls very last ball is over here in this pocket and the boys very last ball is right there it's a closed game after you make all of the balls the teams have to make the medicine ball and now it's super heavy number one number two you have to call the pocket that you are trying to make it in so if you make it in the wrong one it doesn't count if you scratch on the eight ball you lose that's pool life for you Sam let's see what you got it looks like she's lining it up for Hannah [Applause] no boys you're taking it from right there woods here we go boom don't do it please oh no oh no how am I supposed to do this hard to me is like what if I just block them cuz I'm not super confident that can hit this in bullying oh I wanted to die I'm just gonna try to get it to that side yeah you can do this push it I won't fail you this time okay I'm got it Oh smarts like Sam setup Hannah now all hannah has to do is not mess up a story for the girls they are now going for the eight ball we scratched on this side of the field so I'm making woods start over there which is the opposite of last time because their last ball is over here it's my turn if I hit this in and I called pocket we went oh I forgot I didn't even call but that's okay because it didn't do anything turns up I'm gonna call that one look how slow that thing moves because it's a medicine ball all right Hannah I'm just gonna miss the medicine ball huh oh dang I guess that one corner pocket has been decided just ooh you know nice no okay okay it's okay that's a dick okay I'm just gonna long distance this just don't uh stretch it it is now the girls turn the boys did not want to give up a good shot so they tried to throw the ball farther away to make it harder for the girls wow that was close if the girls would have scratched they would have lost girls called this pocket it's Hannah's turn passed it okay what do you wanna go for that pocket it's the boys turn we're on the eight ball okay go into that pocket there ding oh wow definitely not a billiards block there's no way I make that in the pocket try to at least make it in the best way possible or just give your turnover to the girls I'm going to send it I might break these please no dive that literally did nothing if you hit it hard enough here then it'll bounce and then the ball will be here and then I can pan is going first because she opted to alternate alright Sam's got a nook over all the pins the win winning shot saw you oh boy it all comes down to this yes yes [Applause] congratulations to the girls they just won guys thank you so much for watching comment down below all of those sports nerf game board related videos you want us to try and we work drying-poles congratulations Mantha and Hannah click this video this is playing pool with Nerf blasters and click this video over here that is a playlist that we made for you don't forget to hit that Bell icon subscribe we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Battle Universe
Views: 416,544
Rating: 4.8396587 out of 5
Keywords: Battle Universe, Nerf Battle Universe, hi5, hi5 nerf, hi5 studios, nerf, nurf, nerf battle, challenge, game, funny, pool, pool challenge, pool game, billiards, billiards challenge, billiards game, bowling, bowling ball, bowling game, bowling challenge, nerf sports, nerf sport, pool sport, pool trick shots, billiards trick shots, pool table, billiards table, pool cue, billiard balls, billiard ball, pool balls, pool ball, 8 ball, eight ball, bowling trick shots, bowling tricks
Id: jSsWmTwNF5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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