Playing EVERY League In Baseball 9! (Full Video)

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Big Poppy gets the single and that shouldn't have been a single we're getting the inside the park home run we're doing it I've never done it inside the park home run and I finally did it let's go boom 23 guys did I I think I hit a home run on every single pitch right there one out away guys from ending the over 13 hour stream and that should do it we are done every League from Rookie 3 to world one in one stream we are done all right guys welcome back some more baseball 9 and it's it's finally here we've been talking about doing this stream for the longest time guys playing every single League from Rookie 3 to world one in one stream and we're doing it today we're back on the Legends team we're in world one it's time to reset this we're going back to rookie I've not played rookie on this team literally I think since April of 2022 we're going to be doing 116 games in each season that's how it's going to work so we're going to play every single season 116 game Seasons we're not going to do 160 mercy rule will be on we'll play batting wise until we get 10 runs and then we'll auto play after that and let the game decide because especially early on in early leagues we're going to score a lot of runs um and then in rookie there are no Allstar games or home run Derby's we're just going to be playing the elimination game of each championship in rookie and then through all all throughout and then and then the leagues that have allar games and Home Run Derbies we'll play the All-Star Game the Home Run Derby and the series clinching game in each championship for each league and then we'll be simulating the rest of the games in the season because if I play it every single game in the season this would take like a year to do but here we go rookie three on the Legends team that is pretty much all platinum or better almost and we're ready to get this thing started guys and so you're probably wondering how are we going to simulate all these games I only have 20 uh energy well what we did I went ahead and I spent some money we have 733 Stars I literally wouldn't be able to do this stream in a day if I didn't have all these Stars I'm going be transparent I spent like $300 to get these stars to be able to do this stream for you guys to play every single league in this game so we're going to be using Stars we can simulate 10 games at a time I don't think we lose any uh condition or anything either we'll be using that and then we'll be uh quick result stting with energy in the uh playoffs and then we'll be playing the last game like I said and um I don't know how long this is going to take we've kept track of every single item that we have before we started the stream and then once we end the stream we'll see how much stuff we accumulated over every single league and the final thing up in the right hand corner you guys can see there's a timer we're going to time how long it takes me to complete every single league in baseball 9 in one stream so let's go ahead and actually start the timer and then we're getting this thing started boom timer has started and let's officially do this thing all right rookie three season we obviously came in first place we went 50 and0 we had a 06 ra a 591 batting average and then we LED in every single category top three which I figured we would uh saves we didn't have any saves probably because we won by 10 plus runs every time so I don't even think I want to see if what's his name even pitched if Maron Rivera even pitched okay so rookie 3 season we went 50 and0 and we are undefeated the post season at 10 and0 we are at the clinching game let's go ahead and play our first game of the stream and so like I said how this going to work I'm only going to bat until we score 10 runs because that's when we would hit the mercy rule if we were in a league I could do mercy rule and then we'll just do the fast play and I will pitch until I don't get someone on a strikeout I'm trying to throw a perfect game with all strikeouts we're going to try that in every league and I need to turn this off watch mode okay wait Ken griffy is a diamond and he just struck out to a 36 overall normal starting pitcher Garza on watch mode that's how we start our first game actually playing today 100 something overall strikes out to 36 that's that's just embarrassing K that that you might get demoted to the nine batter after that that's just disgusting all right this is my first official at bat on rookie 3 with this team can we home run the first pitch and first pitch that I get today is an absolute shot from Big Poppy I feel like we're going to hit 10 runs pretty quick at least in world uh rookie three it's just home run City every single time I swing right now it might be 10 at bats and 10 home runs and then we're doing uh watch mode because apparently our diamonds strike out to normals that are 36 overalls and there's three home runs so every time we've gotten a fast ball I'm glitching yeah this is rookie three guys so and that's four holy cow this is actually this is as boring as this is this is actually very entertaining to me seeing us hit a home run on every single fastball so far I've always wanted to go back and do this with this team and you guys have wanted me to see me do it too and it's finally happening and there we go holy cow [Applause] hom and make it six holy cow I don't think we're going to hit anything but home runs at least while we play all right after six home runs in a row they finally take him out hey he did strike out Ken though I'll give him props and we hit one on the [Applause] cutter oh my gosh that's crazy we got to get a little bruh in there on the chat goodness gracious that's just disgusting seven home runs in a row and we finally don't home run and we get an out Johnny Bench ends the home run streak seven solo shots in a row and Johnny Bench flies out the center and now we got Ken gy Jr back up seven home runs is the highest streak we've gotten in a row and we don't hit a home run so that's back to back at bats we haven't homered after homering on our seven first at bats while I was playing strike I don't know why I wasn't stealing we're going to steal third too yeah they're going to be safe every time he was he stole third standing up oh let's just have him steal home at this point I don't even care and it worked out we got McDonald to go over to Second that's three at bats in a row we haven't homered but we stole home and that caused the second baseman to move out of his position and Ortiz ended up getting a hit and there's another home run and that's 10 runs guys so we're done we're done playing and batting for the day all right rookie 3 is done guys it took us 23 minutes to get through the rookie 3 season first game playing we won 25 to nothing perfect game from r dicki on the mound and and we had multiple guys that could add the cycle but they pushed it for triples and we threw a perfect game and who so you said Jackie and Jeter hit for the cycle okay I'll take it rookie three done baby let's move on to rookie two now rookie two activated all right rookie 2 done 50 and0 have yet to lose a game I'm not sure what league we will lose our first game it might be I'm thinking it might be Champion or Legend and here we go rookie two championship we are currently 10 and0 going into the rookie 2 Championship second game of the day I'm playing all right we got to turn I got to remember to turn off watch mode guys Ken you're on watch mode to start this game again if you strike out like rookie three in your first at bat you're cut okay he didn't strike out he got a single you know what I'll take it all right Big Poppy let's get this thing started off right we're stealing we're hitting a home run first pitch again oh no we almost got picked off but he's too fast to get picked off oh no no no I meant to steal didn't mean to swing and I didn't mean to not steal okay that was uh I misclicked okay now we're hting home run off the wall come on Big Poppy I need home runs not that is Ken going to be safe and he is gets the run [Applause] in oh why did I steal home I should have swung all right guys we can't steal home we're not going to steal home anymore we have yet to hit a home run first home run Barry buns thank you making three nothing would have been four if I didn't steal home we're not stealing home anymore because they literally just had to wait for him that'll get down that'll be an easy double kind of want to send him three but he already got to the ball he would have been thrown out or throw the cutter you know we're going to send him home it's just not in the Gap the Stadium's not big enough we'll keep him at second all right we got a score all t runs in the first inning right all right off the wall man we just can't hit home runs at this Stadium guys walls are too high finally only the second home run in rookie 2 today Big Poppy there we go let's get to 10 it's going to get down I'll take oh you know what we're going to send him three we're going to push it you know what we're going to keep him at two that's in the Gap you know what we're sending him home he's going to be out but we're going to try it and actually we'll just keep him at third I'll take the triple there we go dunky all right one more run and we're done playing we'll put it on watch [Music] mode and we didn't Homer on an exclamation point pitch that's crazy that's crazy we're sending him three is he going to be out and he's safe he flies in there and there we we go 11 and we're done watch mode [Applause] boom go holy cow rookie two done 32 to nothing and after we hit 10 runs I'm just going to start Auto playing because this is taking too long rookie one here we come all right rookie W Championship we went undefeated in the regular season 50 and0 we're undefeated in the postseason 11 and0 can we make it fully undefeated through all the rookie leagues let's get this thing started baby and I forgot to turn off watch mode I I've done that three straight times now I I just I haven't batted with Ken Griffey Jr in his first at bat once the stream the rookie league hey but you know what he got a single again man his wind up takes way too long I'll take that though send them home send them home man I I don't think I'll ever beat seven home runs in a row man rookie three was something else first seven pitches we swung at all fast balls were home runs finally got my fast ball Jackie homers first home run of rookie one baby I'll take the two-run shot and that's gone on the change up let's go or two seam I don't know what it was everything's so slow in this leag Holy Cow Bar buns now we got some back-to-back home runs and hit a line drive fastball home run make it three in a row holy holy cow the record is seven in a row in rookie three today we're at three can we break that record finally throws a fast ball on WE Homer make it four in a row he threw nine straight off speed finally threw a fast ball make it four home runs in a row that was actually an epic at bat right there and make it five home runs in a row holy two more to Tire record three more to break it and the home run streak ends chipper come on SO five home runs in a row we've hit five in a row and seven in a row today and I'll take them three once we get to 10 we'll auto play guys we'll auto play and we got hits okay I had an 02 count and you decided to hit me sweet was not expecting that and that's an absolute shot is that 500 ft for the first time no that was not as far as I thought three-run shot though and that gives us 10 runs and now we're ready to auto play and boom 31 nothing rookie one done and we are now done with all the rookie leagues that is it we did not throw a perfect game in this one that is it guys we are finally out of rookie and now we are moving on to pro league which are now 116 game seasons and we get home run der's in All-Star games which we will be playing each league as well so these leagues are going to take a little bit longer now it took us an hour and 5 minutes to get through rookie completely rookie 3 to rookie one and there we go pro three 116 games we can finally turn on mercy rule than thank you we're going to be scoring less runs then most likely all right first allstar game of the stream in Pro three I'm interested to see how many All Stars we have from my team because technically my whole team should make it because we're in a league with a bunch of normals and bronzes and I have all platinums and diamonds pretty much but you guys said there's a limit of five players both batters and pitchers so let's go ahead and see what happens here and yes the limit is five batters and five pictures you guys were right and Barry Bond k v Jr Babe Ruth Jackie Robinson and David Ortiz made it so those were the guys that made it there's a limit of five players I'm sure the rest of my team would have made it if uh there wasn't that limit and then pitching wise we have Nolan Ryan Bay Ruth Ari dicki Randy Johnson and Pedro Martinez my whole starting rotation is in the All-Star Game okay I kind of figured that'd be the case so let's go a and do this thing baby Pro three allstar game we got 15 of these today and K dun the knuckle baller is on the mound and we get the knuckle ball you ain't fooling me in Pro three with the knuckle ball done come on now we're sending him to third baby if we hit one in the right center Gap we are getting um inside the park home run with Jackie this stadium is big enough to do it there we go Big Poppy first home run of the allstar game that's what I'm talking about yes sir just throw this on repeat we could do like that 10hour challenge of listening to the same song because this is going to be probably another 10 hours of streaming and home run on the knuckle ball keep throwing it done how far was that that was a bomb holy cow 494 gosh we were so close to the 500t Home Run we have never hit a 500 500 foot home run in this game 494 is the max that's a new record for us we are going to hit 500 today we are going to hit a 500 foot home run today it's happening oh he has a knuckle ball too what do you got bro you got a knuckle ball I didn't know that and then you throw the fast ball not a good idea oh T Harvey my man is he going to going to be thrown out and he was shouldn't have rised it for the biscuit I don't even care though we're trying to get that inside the Parker that's up the middle off the mound takes a weird bounce I'll take the single I'll take the single yeah keep throwing that Nole ball that's what's going to happen Barry buns two home runs yes sir strike out oh no they hey watch mode guide got a hit let's go good job Burke we'll drive you in here with with Ken told you give me that home run baby holy sir Happy New Year to you as well Michelle that's up the middle let's go baby cont swings to see if I can still hit a Dinger I can do that we will try and hit a home run with the contact soon we'll try and get it with [Applause] them might be a while but all right Kenneth we just need a double we're getting the ccle right here unless he decides to hit a home run which he could and he decided to hit a home run Ken's like nah Cycles are overrated bro I'll just take another home run Big Poppy gets the single and that shouldn't have been a single we're getting the inside the park home run we're doing it first ever time we're doing it come on Big Poppy come on Big Poppy let's go I've never done it inside the park home run and I finally did it let's go I've been playing this game for almost 2 years now and I never happened to get a inside the park home run and I finally did it it's harder than you guys think finally happened and then Jackie's like let me hit an actual home run for you home run how much badges do we have we'll have to check after this I shouldn't have swung at that pitch and it still got over the head [Applause] though and that is going to be just off the wall you know what we're going to send them all home at this point I don't care or it's just going to be a triple cuz it stopped it so oh hit the start look at you is that Burke again B having himself a game should have kept doing the for ball strap should have kept doing it my [Applause] man make it back to back home that was a bomb ski she he is 545 just need a single actually and he's like nope here's another home run for [Applause] you what a game what a game just got a single man donsky Kenneth if you would just hit a double you would have the cycle but he said no let me just keep hitting home runs these guys just don't want to hit cycles and the slider it doesn't matter what you throw I'll pull it I'll take it Opposite field I think we're going to do auto play after 10 runs again because this is taking too long but I'm already in the eighth so it's a lot of trial and air right now soai but to be fair you're not going to have much tension in these games with this team in earlier leagues especially oh he did he did it anyways he wanted to throw another curve and the game was like nope you should have thrown a fast ball how many in a row is that is that like three four in a row lost count all right allstar game is over we won 22 to nothing and we will start Auto playing after 10 runs because kind of got boring not going to lie Home Run Derby time just won the All-Star Game Home Run Derby this should be easy money let's see who we can use we can either use Robinson Barry buns or David Ortiz and since I always use Robinson the first time around playing this game we're going to mix it up and we're going to use buns even though he has less power they both had 94 home runs this season absolutely crazy in only 116 Game season Jay Jones I Hope We face Jay Jones guys let's get this thing started baby Barry what do we have to beat and we only have to beat four [Music] [Applause] okay we didn't even need the bonus and you know what actually not getting the bonus in these early one just makes this go by quicker so we're moving on to the semis and we got Cabrera time to get revenge against a bronze Cabrera in Pro 3 round two Cabrera hits six we got to beat that we don't even need to go opposite field so let's [Music] not you got feel you got to feeling you got to feeling you got to feeling you got so 13 in both rounds that's what we did with aunia and in the Pro three Home Run Derby on the current team I think we hit 13 every round we can not get past 13 in Pro three the revenge is finally happening Jay Jones we've had a struggle with him with this team we got him in the Pro three Home Run Derby finals it's time to whoop him right here like I'm so ready for this are you guys ready for me to absolutely just destroy J Jones right here because I am only hit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] eight let's break our record our record's 19 guys come on all right we broke our record 20 right there let's keep going how high can we get it no mercy for Jay Jones let's go boom 23 guys did I I think I hit a home run on every single pitch right there I don't think I don't think I didn't hit a home run I think I hit every single pitch right there guys I think that's the max amount of home runs you can get in the Home Run Derby 23 my record was 19 I broke that I think I hit a home run every single pitch that round I don't think I can ever break that record and of course it was against Jay Jones my AR Nemesis granted was in Pro three but I told you no mercy for you Jay Jones for what you did to me in Legend league and world league with this team that felt so good Pro three Home Run Derby done record setting round in the final against Jay Jones let's go all right guys Pro three Championship we were undefeated in the regular season 116 and0 we have not lost the game yet this stream and we're in Pro three 11 and0 let's go win this Pro three championship and go to Pro two it's Pro three against the Rangers let's go baby all right Ken I'm finally batting with you in your first half bat of a game I've played today for the first time and we get the knuckle ball I didn't even realize he had a knuckle ball and we Homer I finally bat with Ken Griffey Jr's first half bat today and what happens we hit a home run let's go and that was a bomb that went 500t in the air it may not be 500 ft like distance-wise but I think it hit 500t height wise holy cow back to back to start and Jackie had to ruin it with the golf club Off the Wall honestly feel like the golf club is why he didn't hit that out it's just there's not as much surface area to hit the ball and that's gone Jeter if only if only Jackie didn't ruin that streak amberry buns cuz I don't want it to be like 85 gigabytes and there we go done good stuff thank you for reminding me all right we'll take a double you know what we're doing it we're going to try and do it no he's going to be out if I send him home we'll take the triple though yeah he would have been way out say what in cap what like that that work for you so how do I get him to pick to go back go go go oh I was hitting third base and it wouldn't let me go back Benji what's going on man so I need to hit the back button oh okay so I can't hit their base I gotta hit the back okay on we'll try it again next time we'll try it in the next inning back arrow back back back back okay it's going to take some time to get that down guys cuz he slid I'm trying to hit the back as fast as possible that's going to take a minute for me to get down and that's down the line and Harvey gets there ah we didn't hit a home run man we could have tried it again I was was lowkey wanting to not hit a home run right there cuz I wanted to try and do the steel home thing again but Ken griffy he's two for two today with two home runs I'll take it goni let's get to that 10 run so we can autoplay the rest of the game and get this over [Applause] with Jackie stop hitting it Off the Wall that's twice in the same spot today what are we doing we're going three man we're pushing it he's probably going to be thrown out but safe oh he was safe sweet we can steal home now guys we're doing it we're doing it come on ball let's go home I love how he slides oh he was safe we got him it worked guys we stole home shout out to Benji we Adrien Peterson them right now we we got some Jukes going right there let's go we ended up beating him home before he threw it I was going to go back again yes sir I love how they slide too bro that was sick let's get W's in the chat for that stole home I don't think I've ever stole home besides the bun only challenge when I was Bunning like I've never stolen without a bunt or swing in the bat thank you now we can auto play thank you very mucher stuff good stuff all right that does it for the pro three Championship 40 to nothing that's the most we've won by me playing today Pro three we're moving on to Pro two we're moving through we're moving on to Pro two mercy rule 116 games let's do this thing okay guys here we go we're at the pro two allstar game now once we get to 10 runs we will be just Auto playing because the last allstar game went crazy we only can do five batters five pitches let's see who we got this time so we got Jackie Robinson Jeter Ken griffy junor bonds and Big Poppy made it and Jay Jones our Nemesis made it so you know what I'll cheer for Jay Jones just for this game then pitching wise we got all of our starting pitchers again in the rotation nothing changed there let's win this All-Star game baby Kenneth let's do this thing baby not a fan when I'm batting against it but then we get the fast ball and that's not a home run come on Ken we're going to send him three he's easy money safe right oh no he's lowkey gun wow they their arms are getting a little stronger here in Pro two that one's gone though would have been a two-run shot Big Poppy man he's had a good dayly with him almost like every at bat that's way gone down the line wow second deck let's go holy cow wasn't that far because it was down the line 443 back to back okay that's three in a row man heating up again that's like four or five times I think we've hit back to back to back all right Ken come on there we go Baby Ken it we just need to hit five solo shots so we're at nine and then we can end it in the third all right it's all good Big Poppy I'll take a two- run shot for Jackie after this is it sending him we're doing it again and easy gun no we're safe that time we got to do it strike no I didn't mean to do that I kept hitting the I kept hitting the bat button and it wouldn't let me hit the back man that's Ah that's annoying I should have done that with two outs either that's just really annoying all right Jackie come on there we go baby if only big poy was on base when we did that and IMAX is the true baseball 9 goat he was on baseball 9 before I even know baseball 9 existed that's up the middle Jay Jones can he come in clutch and J Jones scores a run my arch nemesis I'm proud of you bro all right King griffy let's go we're getting four runs this inning and we're Auto playing there's one k let's go you know what we're going to do it I haven't done this one in a while little Yaya mixing it up I'm tired of doing holy cow and and uh shees do I watch IMAX um I mean he doesn't post as much but I have I've join some of his streams support too gone no that was a foul ball like a foot away what animation is that come on [Music] man that's an absolute shot that's not 500 but that was a bomb 467 we'll just keep going through each home run cuz I just I'm tired of hearing holy cow every time or or shees all right so now we're on holy cow holy cow that's nine we need more one more run thank thank you Ken with three home runs in the allstar game that's what I'm talking about all right now we can auto play pro two All-Star game done 24 to four all right it is time for the pro two Home Run Derby we won it in the Pro three we hit 23 home runs our highest we didn't miss a single pitch against Jay Jones we're going to continue to go with Barry buns we're going to use Barry buns this whole stream Jay Jones and Cabrera are going to end up facing each other most likely in the semi-final so we won't have to face any of them until the finals but let's do this thing and I forgot we're playing against T Harvey he beat us once or twice um first time through this game it's time to get some revenge against him right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] too [Music] first round over with 13 home runs again like we've hit 13 in every single round except that finals and we hit 23 moving on facing Patel Cabrera lost in the first round wow J Jones moves on hopefully we Face Jay Jones again I just want to keep beating Jay Jones but let's do a semi Patel hit six let's beat [Music] that I know you're there you feel I [Music] know you got to feel I know you got the feeling you got the feeling you got the Feeling 18 home runs we're just getting warmed up to put up 23 on J Jones again in the finals all right two Home Run Derby we're in the finals and we're facing off against Jay Jones again two for two in home run Derby's against them let's drop 23 home runs on his butt again he is a bronze this time and not a normal though so let's see what he put up only eight I can do that in my [Music] [Applause] sleep well not as good against Jay Jones there we couldn't get the opposite field home run in the finals but we're still two for two against Jay Jones in the final today okay Pro two championship we were 116 and0 in the season we haven't lost in the postseason we're still undefeated this stream let's go win this thing baby all right let's get our 10 runs and get this thing over with Big Poppy you know what to do that's how we do it keep throwing that knuckle ball line drive home runs yeah yes sir 121 exit V 19° launch angle imagine if we had a little bit higher launch angle that would have probably gone like 500 plus feet of course keep throwing that knuckle ball baby home holy cow I encourage you to do that cuz Jackie Robinson's batting 800 with eight home runs in the championship and and that gets through still yeah keep throwing that Lo ball keep him at second cuz he would have been gunned they're starting to get some arms he might actually been safe but bomb skis bro just throw the slider I can't hit that ball I can hit I've proved it actually really doesn't matter in the grand stream of things thinking about it all right my bro's getting absolutely [Applause] obliterated that's back up the middle that's just get our 10 runs over with okay ball yeah babe yeah babe out ah he waited long enough for me to have to go all the way back to Third and I couldn't hit home fast enough for them to chase me low key little trickster over there man get down get down let's go take the double get down let's go score the run we're getting 10 runs in the first there we go batting around Ken I think we're on I lost I lost track there's one yeah that's close to 500 man I'm feeling it 449 no the Stadium's too small I keep forgetting how small the stadium is come on get down okay that's fine I'll take the double all right that gets down and it sends him there's the run we're done let's out of the rest of the game and call it pro two championship please all right Pro two championship 44 to nothing right there guys we are done have yet to lose a game there we go pro one unlocked let's go we're turning on mercy rule this time it is time for the pro one All-Star game let's see who made it this time we got Barry Bonds G griffy Jr Jeter Robinson and Ortiz I don't think that changed and we got the whole starting rotation nothing has changed let's go win this game baby Big Poppy leading off here in the Pro one All-Star game and we hit a home run on the slider first pitch of the game thank you very much yes sir 475 we we're going to hit 500 a day it's going to be at the stadium backto back home runs dead center we're not messing around this allstar game man I told you five straight home runs let's get it over cow not falling for the games three in a row baby it's goone she thank you ah Barry yeah well it was still a hit at least he didn't get out that means we can hit a two-run shot thank you Jeter it wasn't five straight home runs but we got all five runs that I was trying to get with my first five batters yeah thank you all right make that five home runs baby are we on holy C cow over the head that's fine we'll take a two-run shot get a guy on second that's fine we already hit the hiide park home run so I don't care we're just trying to get this done as fast as possible that's going to get down the line what a play by Batel and he's still safe cuz he has 114 speed but Patel that was an awesome layout for it he didn't have the arm but that was sick oh that was a rough inning we scored the run though thank you Jeter I'll take the Run to hustle all right Big Poppy let's get three runs here and end this can that get over his head thank you we'll send him three we're going to send him three he's going to make it yeah that's easy money all right we'll send him guys we'll send him strike I hit back I I literally pressed the button I hit back and it didn't send them back I I clicked on it I'm I'm probably going to stop doing that because we're wasting outs and I want to get this done with starting annoy me cuz that would have scored a run like I don't know where it's going to pop up safe and he was safe cool did it not say safe wait a second did that say safe for out because I'm pretty sure we slid back in it said safe and it said we were out now oh so since I pressed the button it caused him to turn and go back home after he was safe okay well I guess we were safe but we were still out it was both okay cool all right no one wants to hit a home run anymore sad day whoa we're going to keep him at no we're going to send him he's safe easy money [Applause] save there's no way there's no way we just hit a blooper the second baseman that's the worst air I've ever seen the weakest ball I've ever hit and he drops it on an air and it scores the Run you've got I wow that's the worst air I've ever seen thank you for the gift thank you for the Run I'm okay with that finally Jackie thank you yeah I appreciate it Galaxy thank you that's fine we'll send them three we'll send them three that's a lot of triples today a lot so but in terms of like actually playing this game and spending money no just for this stream pretty much I'll take a triple and we're finally done and we can auto play that took way longer than it should have and there we go pro one All-Star game done 13 to one okay now it's time for the pro one Home Run Derby we beat Jay Jones both times we're going to continue to use Barry buns we got three bronzes in this one Jay Jones and Cabrera are back for a third time can we Face J Jones three times but let's take care of Holmes here in the first round how many do we need to hit only five that's easy [Music] money [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right moving on J Jones and Cabrera both move on okay who will we face in the final that's a good matchup actually 74 and 68 we'll see who we face in the final can Jones make it three for three come on Barry I don't I [Applause] [Music] know hit 20 twice today coming into this the max was 19 we just hit 20 let's go okay we made it to the finals and Jay Jones Lost as the two- seed to Cabrera the three seed so we ruined the J Jones streak in the final but now let's go beat up on Cabrera for the first time today how many hit eight okay we can do that [Music] easy all my life iwear all my iar Pro one Home Run Derby is done beat Cabrera not Jay Jones this time around changing things up but there we go made it to the pro one Championship we're up 3 we still have yet to lose a game 116 and0 in the Pro one season undefeated the postseason let's win this Pro one championship and move to master baby let's get the 10 and be done keep throwing that yeah yeah you think you're so cool look at my no ball yeah throw up for a strike that's what happens bro keep throwing it man I'm all over it I'm loving it just like McDonald's baby keep throwing it holy cow thank you I'll take a walk he's scared bro is scared he's like man I G out two home runs on the no ball already I'm scared and then dun's like watch this bro wasn't a home run but you know what I'll take it you're in for a long day Wade why did you go Jeter you weren't supposed to go you're costing me man I wasn't even I was just fixing my keyboard and the the game decides to send Jeter Jeter what are we doing back to hitting home runs on it thought he had me fool me once just going to be honest all right it's knuckle ball City and it's home run City too yeah all right let's just get 10 here a Jeter come on man cost me an out cost me a run and welcome fast ball and welcome another home run yes sir holy cow gosh let's get 10 in the first baby come on that's cap I didn't even mean to hit that but I guess that is Cap all right it's time we're getting done in the first let's go 10 in the first we're Auto playing the rest of the game that's the pro one Championship finish off with the yellow yeah yeah and that's the pro one Championship we are through Pro one and in 3 hours and 21 minutes that is it 33 to nothing there we go Master One let's do this thing I mean Master 3 sorry we finally made it to master we're in the master 3 league and we are playing the allstar game Let's see we have five batters five pitchers and Barry buns did not make it this time Chipper Jones I think made it for the first time and then everyone else is the same wow Barry all the starting rotation the same boom we're facing off against J Jones we got caber on the team let's do this thing Big Poppy let's go baby got the Sinker and it gets through somehow I thought the third baseman was going to make a play it's like he was like nope I'm not even trying for that ball hit way too hard no thank you Jackie holy cow bomb Sky City sh over let's just get this over with quick man that's the that has to be the lowest launch angle home run I've ever had what was that 18° 117 off the bat Line Drive baby well there's five runs in the first we got the CPUs that are probably going to strike out holy cow know it's all good be vibing right now look at oh Fuller what you doing man they should have been out of that inning easy with no runs and Fuller keeps it alive which means we're about a homer with Jeter I'm sorry Fisher you lowkey got capped right there that's CA cheddar cheese I'm losing it I swung at that one though they should have been out of the sitting Fuller drops an easy Fly ball and then we get a two run shot I feel bad for Fisher man I feel bad for fer chipper we need you we need you and chipper said okay [Applause] bet Jackie can you just hit it out stop hitting it Off the Wall holy cow come on [Applause] man Jeter just hit a home run man can we stop with the Ste the wall stuff yeah I didn't even mean to send hit yeah yeah I'm so used to hitting home runs that's my bad oh chipper please solo shot we're done yes chip thank you we're done holy cow thank you he's homered every time this game chipper coming in clutch master three allar game done 16 to6 I'm guessing that Chipper Jones got the MVP and no Jeter did Jeter had three home runs wow Jeter stole it all right it is time for the master three Home Run Derby let's see who we got we're going to keep going with bonds today and okay we are facing Fuller first round and there is no J Jones and this is the first home run derby without J Jones wow who are we going to face Shaw or Cabrera in the final let's get past Fuller first though all right it's time to go bomb ski first pitch you [Music] ready youou you feel you youou you feel [Applause] you she coming to the end of but I don't want to say goodbye I'm feel 20 22 and 23 let's go baby all right semi-finals we are facing off against Harvey let's get our revenge and then hopefully Cabrera makes it and we can just knock out both of those guys very very goodbye it's for [Music] you I've got Harvey sit down my man sit down my man we have made the finals and we are facing Shaw so we faced Jones today Cabrera and now we're facing Shaw for the first time let's show Shaw what's up he doesn't know what's going to hit him in the finals eight that's easy you you you you you you feel you love you tou you feel you [Music] [Applause] feel you you you feel finals done sha saw what was up today he's like dang it man bro roided out of his mind yes he is you got a problem with it that's your fault Shaw and we're done with the master 3 Home Run Derby but okay here we go Master 3 Championship undefeated again 116 and0 undefeated postseason let's beat this league and move on to master two let's do this thing Ken come on and that's how we start the game good stuff good stuff Kenneth and I'll take the walk thank you very much cuz this about to be a two-run shot with good old Jackie and that's why I mean I'd be scared too if we were just dropping bombs on this fast that was an absolute shoty make it three nothing that's going to get through Jay Jones couldn't make the play set up a two-run shot right here let's make it five nothing dun ski I'll take the triple ski easy no okay it's kept them what are we doing what are we doing oh that was heads up plays right there oh love it love love the trickery right there get over his head let's go it's time to just get out of these games in the first inning man yes sir save and then chipper says I see this ball in the stands too bro yeah yes sir holy cow Jenna what's up said lopin what's up all right let's get out of this in the first inning baby holy cow we've gotten better throughout the stream now we're like locked in it's just like second nature muscle M we hitting home runs now we still have how many leagues left after this thank you Auto play Auto play all right world three Championship done 20 to nothing boom we're moving on to world did I say world sorry I meant to say master 3 Championship done we're not at world yet time to move on to Master 2 baby 20 nothing done with Master 3 we're moving on to master two let's do it boom all right Master two allstar game let's see who made it this time around and bonds is back he took a little break in master three but he is back it's the same five guys and I'm assuming we have the whole rotation and yes we do big poy and then why would you throw the fast ball you throw two curve balls and then you throw a fast ball thanks but I don't know why you did that moment of my life keep throwing fast balls yeah and I will continue to hit home runs then you throw a fast ball and it's over his head this guy doesn't learn coobo what's up Niners or chiefs got to go Chiefs Seahawks F why did that ball look like it was going out of the stadium and it was barely out I'm not complaining but shees that fall look like it was going so much further oh dun's back let's go and that's a nice shot like that was a troll whoa he lowkey had me doing a 540 we're going to act like that didn't happen he thinks he's all cool now and I'm about to hit a home run on him I told you I just know what's up yeah keep throwing that knle ball done keep throwing it home run all right we're getting a two out rally going cuz these guys are striking out strike out both of them and then big Poppy's going to Hom her strike out I called the strikeouts oh that was still a bomb did I not call it strike out strike out home run with Big Poppy there you go yeah yeah don't ask me who wins the Super Bowl though I'm not that good throws the fast ball and it's gone Freeman holy cow all right we need one more run I think yes we out of playing home run that is it for the Master 2 allstar game 20 to3 got out of it in the fourth good stuff right there good stuff all right time for the master two Home Run Derby un feated we're sticking with bonds baby bonds has been our dude the J Jones Jay Jones is back he took a Hiatus in the master 3 but he's back let's take care of Dawson right here B Dawson my middle name's Dawson too I like your last name but I'm sorry what I'm about to do to you [Music] you coming to the end of but I don't want to say good I'm got feel this for you but I don't next round we got Patel Jones move the semi-final who's going to win Cabrera or Jones they're pretty similar overall Cabrera has 79 power so we'll see I think we got Mercy rolled that [Music] game touch the way you feel yeah the way you look the way you touch the way you feel yeah where you you [Music] touch all right that's it for the semi-final we are heading to the final Jay Jones again three out of five times in the Homer Derby we faced him he's got 88 power let's see what type of damage he does Barry what do we have to hit nine is the highest we've seen a day should be able to do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] still and that is it guys Master 2 Home Run Derby we are 3 and0 against J Jones today 5-0 in home run der's which I kind of be figured would be the case Master 2 Championship undefeated through the season and the postseason so far let's win this last game and move on to master one is he going to get a one two3 inning on us Jackie you're our last hope bro Ferguson with the crazy play who one two three inning first time today no hits or no runs in the first what is up with this man he's he's got like a spell on us or something what are we doing all right I'll just keep taking these hits I'm just waiting for that first home run Paige is lowkey kept us locked down right three-run shot right here we'll be back in back on track and we're back on track yeah baby [Applause] run up the middle up the middle all right this is the 10 run inning right here okay never mind come oh it gets through okay I thought he was going to make that play setting up for a three-run shot right here Big Poppy said I got you bro I got [Applause] you yes sir thank you Barry holy cow on the fast ball let's go baby that first inning was trash but we're done here Austin what's up glad you can make it not going to end it but it's about to be done Benjamin how's it [Applause] going of course oh did bro just wipes out on the ball slides just goes right past it and that's how we get to 10 let's go I thought we were going to have to go another inning bro and that does it Master 2 Championship 24 to nothing bro missed the ball and we got that last run I'm so glad he did we are moving on to Master One baby Master one here we come baby boom boom boom we're in master one playing the allstar game for the sixth time we got five batters let's see who made it and Jeter did not make it this time but we got bench in the All-Star game for the first time and Babe Ruth makes it I think that's bab Bru's first Allstar appearance in this stream as well we have all five starting pitchers again like normal let's get this thing done babe let's get this thing going BR these guys just be dropping balls [Applause] like that should have been an easy out to start the game line drive right to him pops up out of his glove I ain't complaining though I ain't complaining I'll take it and and gone Ola what should have been a solo shot is a two-run shot because these guys [Applause] can't doesn't matter you still ended up throwing the fast ball and I still ended up hitting a shot brother get mad get mad all right Jackie come on let's make it back to back to back back to back to back holy cow Douglas feeling right now put that in the chat how do you think Douglas is feeling two out rally starts now though on the rising fast ball wow that was a moon shot hom holy cow wow that thing got launched 39 degree launch angle not a fan of the rising fastball though back to back home runs baby home run and then you throw a normal fast ball after I'm missing the rising fast ball makes no sense I Ain complaining three home runs in a row baby we're getting this All-Star game over with I'm cheating you know it gosh dude we are hitting some absolute crazy holy cow she is that four in a row let's make it five line drive this dude got pooped on man goodness yeah hey the first watch mode home run from the CPU Rogers joining the party he hits us to 10 we don't even need to get to 10 Rogers did it for us all right that is it man Master One All-Star game done 21 to nothing Rogers hits the 10th home run so we could auto play first one today I'll take it baby all right we've made it to the master one Home Run Derby we've used Barry buns every time we are undefeated you ba beat Jay Jones three times we're going to stick with them and Jay Jones did not make the Home Run Derby we got Cabrera in the first round all bronze are better here in master one it's starting to get real y'all let's take care of Cabrera in the first round and then have a smooth rest of the home R Derby how many did he put up he put up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're moving on to the semi-final we got Patel took care of Cabrera easy we're moving oh I guess we could still face Harvey which I hope that's who we face okay let's [Music] [Applause] go [Music] we got Harvey that's who we won in the finals let's take care of Harvey come on Barry [Music] [Music] [Music] baby let's go we've hit 120 we've hit won 21 we've hit 22 and we've hit 23 in a round Harvey sit down my boy that is it for the master one Home Run Derby thank you very much can we go undefeated for nine straight leagues 116 and0 and master one in the regular season un the postseason once we beat Master one we're moving on to Champion baby and we'll be more than halfway done with this stream let's get this thing over with fast and I knew you were going to throw a slider bro I was ready for that home yes sir starting this off with the home run on the slider it throwing only fast balls I knew you were going to do it bro you're so predictable that one's out of here yes sir P me up big poy let's go and I need to reset the stream recording after this game and that one's Off the Wall Barry come on we can't be having the Power sword holy cow at least going to send him three scores the run though seven more runs and we're done baby we're done with Master One ah that'll score the run though that'll score him up that'll tag it that one dude if we hit off the wall one more time guys you were like a foot away from that D I'll take the triple though that was a weird hit Carter that's crazy athleticism my bro flew I'll give him props I'll give him props on that I did not think he would make that play thank you kenth holy cow appreciate you my man all right there we go Jackie that's more like it that's more like it is that going to get down and it does bad route we're sending him to three we're sending him to three easy money yes sir safe oh he throws the change up wow oh scores the run all right dunsky back toback home runs right here and let's auto play all right there's one thank you done and one more one more I knew you were going to do it I knew you were going to do it we'll send him three he's probably gunned yeah he's way gunned I shouldn't have done that holy cow it's that is it for the master one Championship we can now auto play and head out baby all right that does it Master One Championship done 41 to nothing and we have finished all the master leagues and it is time to move to Champion baby we are officially halfway through the leagues and through this stream y'all Champion Legend and World left and let's do it Champion one there we go go baby we're halfway through Champion three time to play this allstar game we got five batters five pitchers and looks like we got Big Poppy back and Babe Ruth again out in right field we got all starting pitchers let's do this thing baby 92 I like seeing that I like seeing that holy cow holy cow home run thank you Jackie thank you Barry all right Ken let's go that's over the head thank you we'll take the double thank you big poppy thank you this is what we need run Big Poppy is just automatic man so was Babe Ruth this is the inning we needed y'all cow it's gone all right let's keep the streak going four in a row this is what I'm talking about [Applause] hom all right make it five home runs in a row there's our big inning right there it's G [Music] she that's six home runs in a row by us I'm pretty sure please be 500 run 488 gosh we're getting so close holy cow new pitcher let's take Cruz deep thank you all right we're done with the All-Star Game home run three for three three home runs Jackie that's what I'm talking about baby Champion three allstar game done 15-2 that's what I'm talking about all right time for the champion three Home Run Derby undefeated we're going to continue using bonds and Jay Jones has been gone for the last three home run Derbies I don't know what bro is doing but let's take care of Barry of Bailey right here in the first round we're H we're over halfway [Music] there all right Cabrera in the semi-final let's take care of this boy and then we'll beat Shaw in the final again come on let's see eight that's [Music] easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] 17 on Cabrera's head and Harvey beats Shaw wow so it looks like we got to beat Harvey in the finals again that'll be the second time I think today let's do it he hit 10 first time we've seen double digits in a home run Derby [Music] today [Music] 20 on Harvey's head right there and that's how we do it Champion 3 Home Run Derby dunsky all right Champion 3 went undefeated in the regular season 16 and0 undefeated the postseason let's win this and go to Champion 2 all right we're playing Super Skydome against the brothers and that's going to be down I'll take a single man that's fine all right Big Poppy time to Homer thank you man Big Poppy is just automatic literally automatic every time his first at bat like every game is just a bomb ski Jackie we got to stop hitting it Off the Wall man you're better than that all right let's stop hitting fly balls and get back to hitting home runs please all right d let's get back on track here buddy thank you done thank you holy cow Colton what's up I see you in there Wednesday babe that's just not fair [Applause] buddy daily dose of Roblox what is up now we're back on track baby oh Ken we need four more home runs and we're done with this Championship there's one thanks [Applause] Ken thank you absolute bombs here I love it I thought I hit that out for a second I'll take the double though get a little two-run shot here'll be one run off that's my Jeter let's go baby all right that's eight that's my dude right there it's my dude right there cow one more on the two seam we're done with the champion three Championship baby let's go all right that is it for the champion 3 Championship 23 to nothing baby we're moving through let us move on to Champion two here we are Champion 2 All-Star game at it again who made it this time Derek Jeter's back we got bench back Ortiz okay full starting rotation kind of figured K done leading off the allstar game let's go let's take him deep first pitch throw that knuckle ball I dare you love to see it ah not gone but hey I'll still take the double you'll never [Applause] learn and he's done it twice oh we got our first gold guys I didn't even realize that first gold we've seen is Champion two I can't wait for Arnold to strike out oh he walked sweet and then he throws a fast ball why would you do that man you just struck me out by throwing all curve balls just don't know if I agree with that why did you send them gosh these CPU players just are so bad ah I thought that was gone for a second that one's gone Big Poppy is so good man he needs to stop he's starting to make me mad honestly dude just stop being so good along with Jackie can these guys just stop holy cow gosh sit down we're probably not going to do this anything this inning oh I say that and we get a hit good job Fuller at least we have an opportunity here now with griffy he might strike out here just kidding he should have got me there on 02 with that knuckle ball cuz now we're going to get a three-run shot what did I say did I say huh what did I [Applause] say that was a nice stroke take an easy triple he might be out you know it is what it is triple time to hit a two-run shot call it or Jackie Robinson has a power shortage and hits it off the wall for the 37th time tonight still can't even be mad I don't even know why I did a she that's not Shew worthy but still undefeated yes Cabrera if you can't end this game you're trash thank you closest game of the day 16 to9 in the champion 2 All-Star game but hey we came out on top and that's all that matters time for the champion 2 Home Run Derby we're going with buns we've gotten every time and hey almost all Silvers we're starting to see some better competition here in Champion 2 and J Jones is still nowhere to be found but let's take care of Murray here in the first round come on Barry what do we got seven that's [Music] easy all right we got Fuller in the semis take them down baby nine okay we might see 11 for the first time today we've seen [Music] [Music] 10 and we got Shaw in the finals of the champion 2 Home Run Derby I think this is the second or third time we're playing him today in the finals let's take care of him 10 [Music] okay [Music] all right that's it home run derby done Champion two beat shawl again still undefeated all right undefeated still through Champion 2 116 and0 undefeated the postseason let's go win this Champion two championship and move on to Champion one all right Ken let's get this thing started right not on that one though it's How We Do holy cow second deck it literally glitch through the second deck I'll take [Applause] that keep throwing that fast ball I like when you do that it's the one thing I can't [Applause] do he said I'll give you a two-run shot buddy and I said Thank You ad him done got the change up and that time it gets through though oh you shouldn't have thrown that pitch man I was sitting your fast ball all day holy cow [Applause] now that wind up is messing with me but I can still hit bombs on it yeah all right let's get out of this in the first come on two out R has been going nice why would you not throw the power curve or the slider all right Big Poppy makes it nine can we get out of the champion two championship in the the first inning holy cow Jackie can do it can Jackie put it away here no but that's going to get down Barry has a chance baby let's keep that 99 ER we kept it this guy has a power curve and a slider and he didn't throw it to us once I ain't complaining though done with the champion 2 championship in the first inning 11 to nothing let's auto play the rest all right yo that's is it for the champion 2 Championship probably one of the easiest leagues I've had today Champion is just really oddly easy 40 to nothing we're moving on a champion one now baby Champion one and then we move on to Legend guys and then we move on to Legend here we go baby all right it's time for the champion one All-Star Game guys let's do this thing who made it this time and pretty much the norm Big Poppy Barry buns Kim Griffey Jeter and Robinson okay Jay Jones is a gold and he's finally back in the off allstar game will he be in the Home Run Derby he has not been in the allar game and Home Run Derby for like four or five leagues in a row it's nice to see you come back buddy and then we have all the rotation we've had the whole rotation every time it's starting to get interesting let's go baby all righty Douglas is a gold big poppies up I think this is the first gold pitcher we've got tonight come on Jackie let's get something started here thank you have I hit a home run a contact swing I have I just haven't tried to do it in the Stream cuz I'm just trying to get this over with as fast as possible and power swing is the way to go frean we got a silver Easy Money finally Big Poppy Moon shot we're back in it we are back 45 man 15 ft short of five why did you not throw the curve ball but thank you holy cow all right this is the inning we've been waiting for let's go let's go and I'm just like you know I'll wait for the fast ball yeah three in a [Applause] row make it four home runs in a row I [Applause] think all right this is what we needed the first inning we would be done if we would have just capitalized man all right five home runs in a row we are back baby can the CPU doing anything probably not what time is it where I'm at 7:57 J Jones about to strike out again oh he walked let's go all right there are the CPUs actually doing something they got a run the CPU got a run let's go I'm so proud of him Kelly's going to strike out though strike out I say that and then he throws a fast ball first pitch rley I mean Ridley what's upom there's a solo shot can the CPU just do something please home run all right Big Poppy let's just end this bad boy thank you big poppy holy cow you all right let's go do this Home Run Derby 11 ft off of 500 man we've been so close Champion one allstar game complete 19-3 all right here we go Champion one Home Run Derby we haven't lost one yet we're continuing to go with Barry buns let's see what the competition's looking like we got a gold Cabrera and a gold Shaw 92 power and 89 so we'll probably be say facing Cabrera in the semi-final and shaww in the final let's take care of B Dawson right here what do we got seven [Music] easy let's see who we're going to face and Har Harvey beats the gold Cabrera wow okay and Shaw lost as well so looks like we're facing Harvey both Cabrera and Shaw the golds are out let's do this thing all right Barry let's go come [Music] on [Music] all right moving on to the final we're facing Patel I think this is the first time we're facing Patel in the final he beat the gold Shaw so let's show him what's up here in the final right here we're going to drop a 20 bomb on his head what he put up a 10 it's the highest we've seen today [Music] spoken in existence I told Patel I was going to drop 20 on them and I dropped 20 on them that's what we do baby that's what we do another day at the bank baby another home run derby down Champion one done that's how we do it showed Patel what was up all right guys it's champion won we're still undefeated we haven't lost a game 116 and0 undefeated postseason let's beat this and then finally move on to Legend baby all right thanks for throwing the slider I'll take it can't hit a home run on the fastb right now but we can hit on the slider so that's gone over the head noodle did you reach out about moderator cuz I haven't been checking since Thursday yet so is that gone dude you got to be joking Off the Wall okay okay I'll take the Run whatever the default is baby I'll take that double okay but much better start let's go come on there we go we're starting to get it thank you chipper can I the show I will when the show 24 comes out which is middle of March I think there we go that's gone home run and then he throws a fast ball and I'm like okay thank you brother thank you brother Lucas that's over the head come on I want to be done with this game right here this inning second [Applause] inning thank you yeah two more two more how many coins do we have we like 4 million or something there's one holy cow let's get this done baby let's get this done right [Applause] here off the wall that only could have been gone all right chipper please I don't want to go to the third inning thank you chipper thank you holy cow all right that's it Champion one done baby okay Champion one is done 42 to nothing in the championship and we are moving on to Legend League we are finally done with champion it's starting to get interesting now there we go legend three has been unlocked we have finally finished champion and we're moving on to Legend here we go baby Legend 3 is here and it's time to play the allstar game let's see who made it this time around and pretty much the same guys Babe Ruth out in right field we got Shaw the gold full starting rotation we've done that every time Legend going crazy right now dude and we finally got a hit gosh took long enough whether you give a member or not I appreciate you guys seriously just another way to support finally yeah thank [Applause] you 15 likes off of 352 if you haven't like subscribe would highly appreciate that 350 dke gets another treat I think that's six on the night so up the middle save all right it's time to do some work told you thank you again hey CPU finally got a hit that was the case we'd have the whole team and that's going to be fair thank you game thank you keep them keep them let's [Applause] go and of course oh he drops it let's go and he's going to be safe on the air perfect thank you now we're getting some stuff to go away and Jackie again hits It Off the Wall if we can hit 10 right here we're done guys we're done two out R is nice get a ball right down the line I know man we're going to end up playing this whole game sadly hey I'll take the home run though yeah I get another reason to say yeah all right that's it guys Legend three allstar game done first time we had to play the whole game since the first time we played couldn't get 10 runs starting to get real starting to get real all right Legend three Home Run Derby let's do it let's do it Barry J Jones is still not here I think that's six straight home run der's without them pretty much all Golds now we're facing the silver all right let's take care of it okay Barry come [Music] on [Music] all right we're facing Fuller in the semi-final I think we'll be facing Shaw again but let's do this thing all right he hit 10 we're probably going to see 11 for the first time in the [Music] finals [Music] well we just won but we only hit 10 man didn't get the bonus closest round we've had we had the longer home run thankfully man that's the close round we've had same round of home runs we just had the longer one Shaw ended up losing to Harvey okay that's actually a good thing Harvey hit 10 we're probably have to hit 11 all right [Music] Barry all right really close man this Home Run Derby was way too close in the semis we clutched out against Harvey in Legend 3 we were this close to losing it though but we stay undefeated in the home R deries today Legend 3 done all right Legend 3 Championship we're up 3 0 we still haven't lost the game still undefeated let's move on to Legend 2 let's get this done all right we got Danel on the mountain let's do some work baby finally dude this guy's wind up was making cow thank you okay all right now he's throwing the fast balls down the middle now we're doing some [Music] business finally gets down thank you can this be our eight run inning and just call it baby thank you all I need is thank you Daniel get this guy out of the game Fork ball right nope fast ball thank you for throwing three straight fast balls Daniels please be gone and it's off the wall I'll take it but I just wanted a twoh shot thank you play Super Mega baseball we'll have another video or two here in the next week he doesn't have a slow wind up though that that was our problem I'm telling you man he might be out no be safe let's go to entertain you guys because this is something I really love enjoy doing love and enjoy doing [Applause] so but thank you done we're about to be done with this took a few more Innings but do coffee or Mountain Dew we thing is it's already 9:00 I'm going to finish this around noon or midnight if I drink that it's going to keep me up past that so like we're we're too late for me to do energy I feel like at this point you know and thank you babe now I can eat now I can eat I'm so hungry right now it it's not even funny thank you babe thank you that's it Legend three done 26 nothing took a little longer not going to lie I'm hungry we're going to take a little food break we got five more leagues left y'all five more leagues left Legend two here we come five more leagues left guys we can do it we can do it it's time to play the leg Legend two allstar game let's see who made it this time around and Dunn made it for the first time so this is dun's first Allstar appearance in Legend two we have the full rotation again let's get this thing going come on Ken let's go that's how we start baby first platinums we're seeing are in Legend 2 by the way take you for the walk Three run shot coming right here from Barry watch told you won that battle baby that's what we do that's food is all we needed back to back Full Count home runs baby [Music] she all right man if the CPU could just do something here with the man on second and no outs we could have like five home we could have five runs in the first inning we're clutching up baby all right Pilla let's go all you have to do is put the ball on play thank you man on third one out Patel I beat you senseless and the Home Run Derby so please forgive me he scored the run thank you thank you five we did it we finally hit a 500 foot home run 503 from Jackie 122.32 years to do it we finally got it inside the Parker in this stream today and we finally hit one 500 feet that caught me off guard let's go Big Poppy why did you have to hit it off the wall yes thank you we only need three more runs that food definitely gave me energy I told you that's all I needed I'll take the hit man keep it fresh thank you yeah second deck baby 476 all right come on please get this done done thank you thank you dun comes in clutch with two outs and we're done baby we're done because of dun let's go all right Legend two allstore game done 19 to one that's what I'm talking about baby all right Legend two Home Run Derby let's see what we're working with Barry is undefeated tonight Jay Jones is finally back and he's a platinum he is ready to go baby finally we got Jay Jones and Caba back it feels it feels like how it's supposed to be now you know let's take care of Simpson and then Fuller or Patel and then you know what we're going to get a nice home run der between either J Jones and Cabrera let's do this thing baby all right Simpson let's [Music] go [Music] all right semi-finals we got Fuller and Jay Jones and Caba are facing off that's a great match up up right there let's see who we end up facing the final but we got to get past Fuller first we got to beat 10 okay we can do that [Music] all right we advaned to the final and so did Cabrera Cabrera versus Bonds in the legend 200 Home Run Derby final Jay Jones finally returned but he fell short man let's win this bad boy and we got a beat 11 in this final let's do [Music] it [Music] hey but Legend two Homer in Derby beat kab in the final boom undefeated still all right Legend two we're still undefeated have not lost yet regular season postseason let's head the legend one let's beat this thing baby is it getting difficult for me yet no honestly no not yet that won't be till probably world thank you holy cow overun and then he throws the fast ball and I'm like I play baseball 9 on TD gaming what's up I'm on Blue Stacks right now an emulator it's off the wall absolute screamer line drive I'll take the double though I'll take it man he's just throwing fast balls and I'll keep hitting them let's get this done with fast I ain't complaining thank you we need another big inning I got to get out I want to be done with this get championship by I want to be at 10 runs 10 run lead by third inning so we can just Auto thank [Applause] you back up the middle let's go I'm down Big Poppy out here doing his thing holy cow he was like man he's late I can throw the fast ball again I was like I tricked you yeah can that please B yes yes it got down the line we're done baby welcome back 2018 we're still going brother we hit 10 right there and we can now auto play all right Legend 2 league is done 16 to one one more League baby one more league and then we're in World Legend one here we come baby all right Legend one allstar game here we go who made it this time and it's the normal set of people we got Jeter back Ortiz got the full starting rotation still finally got a hit let's [Applause] go now if we could just get the CPU to do something here so I don't know we'll see finally yeah it's gone why would you throw the fast ball I just thank you though Russell that was wild bro what an effort good Hustle by Ken Griffey but Russell wow thanks cheater yeah it's gone Jeter what a play some defense going on this All-Star Game safe yeah the CPU batter suck dude and of course they give up a run safe all right that is it Legend one allstar game is complete only four to one hey we won it undefeated in the All-Star game still time for the legend one Home Run Derby come on Barry let's win this thing Jay Jones back in we're facing off against Cabrera in the first round all right man it's getting real let's see what we can do against Cabrera here o 10 in the first round okay it's getting real [Music] Cabrera [Music] moving on facing Harvey Jay Jones Matel facing off in the semi-final over there Harvey put up 10 he's probably going to put up 11 here all right we got to beat 11 it's 470 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] man Legend one Home Run Derby final we're finally facing Jay Jones for the first time in like seven or eight leagues finally meet again here you put up 11 we're probably have to beat 12 let's do it 13 we got to beat 13 Jay Jones coming out strong man aahah oh my gosh man last pitch Home Run for the championship we hit one 470 he had won 466 last pitch we clutch up and win the Home Run Derby we were that close to losing our first home run derby I like that J Jones huh how you like that all right guys I thought we would lose a game by Legend league and we have not lost yet still UND defeated 116 and0 perfect in the postseason beat Legend one we move on to world league three more leagues after that and then we're done baby let's go play ball all right let's do this thing get over the head thank you that's got to be gone come on yes I was about to say like dude come on hit by pitch bro what are we doing y'all why are we hitting on my guys not cool that's gone come on man I'll take it though I'll take the Run he had to see you Brody it's just off the wall City right now 500 let's go Michelle stream in the Super Bowl I will not the last thing I want to do a stream for like a a little while thank you yeah I was like man if this is not a home run I just lost get his head we're hitting 10 this inning man keep throwing that thank you two more Lucas have a good night I appreciate [Applause] you all right just two-run shot and we're done it is 10:49 for [Applause] me thank you we're done in the second Inning on Legend one holy cow oh I just somehow did both at the same time that was pretty sweet all all right we're done baby we can auto play now all right guys Legend one is done 25 to nothing we are heading to world league finally we're finally getting there man light at the end of the tunnel heading to world three baby we are here let's go when will I first lost be we have not lost yet it's got to come in World tired man I'm tired there it came guys 60 or 70 games into the world three we finally got our first loss 3 to2 we went undefeated all the way through Legend one and our first loss came in the world league and world three 3 to2 to the Braves there you guys have it it took 10 hours and 13 minutes to lose our first game there it is man all right guys world three we finally lost our first game ad8 in but it's time to do the All-Star Game we're finally here let's see who we've got bonds griffy Ruth Jeter and Robinson nothing much changed there got the full rotation still I'll take it off the wall man I have to say you guys cook it good over there and C at in and- out man I never had it until I went over to La back in 2022 for first time fire man I just want this game to be over and Jackie extends it that's fine let's get some more runs and I said hey thanks for throwing that fast ball boy yeah home run that's the All-Star Game World three 4 nothing time for the world three Home Run Derby came down to the last pitch in the legend one Home Run Derby against Jay Jones it's getting real we're sticking with buns let's see if we can get Patel in the first round stay undefeated all right Barry we got to beat nine we can do that [Music] all right moving on we got T Harvey let's see if we can get Harvey right here got to be 12 okay [Music] all right semi's done and we are facing none other than J Jones backto back home run der is facing J Jones can we beat him in world three back to back stay undefeated let's find out 14 [Applause] okay not as close as Legend one take on J Jones back to back we beat him in World 3 we are still undefeated in the Home Run Derby we went 114 and two we lost our first games in world three but you know what it's okay all right guys world three we lost two games but we're undefeated the postseason let's win this thing and move on to world two all right Ken let's go holy cow I said let's go Ken he said bet let's go that's how we start baby I like that start I like that start that's three in a row y'all on fire in the world world three Home Run [Applause] Derby make it four home runs to start y'all holy cra play in world [Applause] three ah the headphones are fall are dying guys dang itun Chris Smooth man my dude seven man are we going to get out of this in the first inning I would love [Applause] that get gone baby ah dude you got to be kidding me like six inches from going over that fence and be another home run thank you Jackie yeah it's gone gosh why are we so on in this this game I ain't complaining what is what's gotten into me in world three thank you babe holy cow we're done with world three we're done with world three two more leagues left y'all all right world three Championship done 19-2 two more leagues world two here we come baby here we come world two allstar game it's time baby who made it this time the normal people Barry Bonds krae Ruth Jackie and David Ortiz whole rotation again we've had the whole rotation this whole time in every All-Star game let's get this W all right Jackie let's go better batting though by Jackie and I'm just like I don't care if you're throwing 88 or 98 bro still gonna be dropping them on your head I'll take that triple too I'll take the double [Applause] though take that though home [Applause] run save you're telling me out sa oh he went wow he might be out a second that's a cannon though Homer [Applause] sheer Angel we're doing it we're doing it together see what happens when you wait back Jay holy cow we're going to be one run short and we're have to watch the CPU strike out all right that does it guys world two allstar game done nine nothing we got one more one more left world two Home Run Derby guys we're sticking with Barry can we stay undefeated first round against Simpson let's do it all right 11 is what we got to [Music] beat Jay Jones is out here choking losing in the first round I was trying to get three rematches in a row and no but we got Rogers let's see what we can do 11 we're probably have to hit 12 we're going to have to beat 13 in the semi [Music] okay this has got to be Oppo or we lose did we clutch that oh my gosh dude that is so clutched last pitch clutch the Oppo I thought we already had it and we [Applause] didn't man how did we clutch that that's crazy we need an opposite field on the last pitch and we we got it I didn't even realize we didn't have it until like the last two pitches gosh dude that's crazy 479 we hit one further too all right we made it to the finals and we are facing none other than Cabrera who has the highest power in this home R Derby 128 came down to the last pitch right there let's see can we win it 14 is what he hit in the semis what do we have to hit to beat him in the finals here we have to hit 15 or more all right let's see if we can do it we got to hit this out did we lose why Wow we lost guys on the last pitch ah we just needed 15 and we would have won we lost in world two y'all all right world two lost six games we've lost seven no eight total all right lost a couple games here in the playoffs that's getting real we lost four games we came back from 3-1 on the Dream League final we're up 3 0 on the storms let's win this thing and move on to the last league in baseball 9 and of the stream world one come on baby good shot that's how we start baby we're getting this done I'm too tired thank you big poy over the backdrop let's go hey Ethan what's up that's in the gap on 12 hours I know guys we're 12 hour stream so far at 11 and A2 hours almost right now appreciate you being here the stream's been Crazy by far my biggest stream [Applause] ever ah I wish that was gone but I'll take it I'll take another run trying to get a 10 as fast as possible Jim Crasher what's up man we're still going man I'm going to have nightmares about baseball 9 tonight that's all I'm going to be able to see here we go Big [Applause] Poppy that please be in the Gap thank you thank you all right they got the bull panties and the orange that's gone baby let's go make it eight two more runs make it nine yeah home run let's get done with this in the second inning please take it and that's it we're done with world two in the second inning baby holy cow let's go I want to be done can't you tell all right guys world two is done 23 to nothing we got one more League left guys world one and we're done baby we're so close we're so close here we go baby world one won the last League of the stream let's do it y'all all right guys it's world one it's the last allstar game we have we're so close let's see who made it all the normal guys made it Ken Griffey junr bonds Jeter Robinson and Ortiz and our full starting rotation made it every single All-Star game from Pro three to world one that's pretty crazy to me but let's do this thing let's get our last dub that's what I'm talking about get these runs with over with that was close man got to score some runs yes please man if only we got that walk with Jackie to start that would have been three runs crazy part is I do have to be up at like 7 in the morning too bored but I'm still watching ay I see I'm I'm probably even more Bor we're probably gun right here but at this point I really don't care okay cool out that was not yet worthy but finally holy cow about time about time someone did something all right three outs one stri two final All-Star Game game final out three all right we've done every single allstar game from Pro three to world one cuz they don't have them in rookie we're done with the allstar game Home Run Derby championship and we're done guys that's it for the allstar games undefeated in the allstar games baby world one Home Run Derby we lost in the world two Home Run Derby to I think can't remember who it was and we win the final Home Run Derby we've lost one and world two this is not going to be easy but let's do this thing first round let's go [Music] all right we got four baby we're going to the semis clutched up clutched up if only we could have clutched in that final of the world 2 Home Run Derby and stayed undefeated but hey all right we're facing Harvey he's roed out of his mind Batel made it I mean Jones made it too 14 let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] all right guys we didn't win every single Home Run Derby but we made the final every single Home Run Derby from Pro three to world one I'll take it we are one home run short in world two but can we finish off the final Home Run Derby in world one with the w against none other than our arch nemesis and arch rival Jay Jones we all knew it was going to lead to this point he has like 175 power just kidding 142 he hit 15 home runs we're probably going to have to hit 15 or more we're going to be our best game tonight let's do this so we got to hit 16 or more and he hit won 490 so we probably got to hit 17 to win goodness gracious my boy is op friends friends [Music] friends friends friends [Music] [Music] remember when you Dro 23 on my head and pro three all right we tried 16 to 13 BR such a try hard driving 16 world one J Jones got the last laugh guys Jay Jones got the last left but I think we lead in the series now though in terms of Home Run Derby's 16's kind of hard to beat that late in the game and when I've been streaming for 12 hours man so we tried though hey we made the finals every time though we made the finals every time we just lost the last two sadly we didn't finish strong but hey that's every single Home Run Derby from Pro three to world one guys all right we came in first all right guys we've made it to the final game of the stream world one Championship we're up three 0 on the casers Jay Jones may have got the last laugh in the Home Run Derby while winning in the world one Home Run Derby in the world two but we're going to get the last laugh by beating the cers and Jay Jones in the world one Championship what really matters individual Awards knock lades who cares I'm about the team let's finish this thing strong right here baby let's go guys I don't think you understand how excited I am you just can't tell because I'm that tired I am literally like jumping right now inside cuz we're about to finish the stream and we're in our last game and we've done this for 12 hours but B on balls take the walk man this guy's scared or something by Auto playing that's a stroke and let's go move him to third there we go that'll score the run so he did his job he did his job script let's go we finally did it man I was waiting so good I hope you like your pitch count getting up now you're going to start getting tired let's go that felt good throws the curveball I strike out throws the fast ball M drops out on the sliding Play Let's Go world one baby world one brain Parts I don't care I'm really getting annoyed and then Ken that's the worst route you could have ever taken to the vault I don't know why they didn't tag him up from the start the fact that I had to do that and it delayed him is why we were out right there we'll take the double play intentional walk strike out sit down boy yeah we'll bring in Rivera I guess he's got good energy sit down but hey let's get these three outs and we're done guys three outs away from finishing the stream guys okay you ready got him doing 720 one down two to go and we're done with the stream guys every single league rookie 3 to world one in one stream deer makes the play there's two one out away guys from ending the over 13 hour stream and that should do it we are done every League from Rookie 3 to world one in one stream we are done the stream is done we did it guys we did it I have zero energy but you guys just can't tell the excitement I have cuz I have no energy but I'm seriously like screaming inside like I'm so happy to be done 13 hour and 12 minute stream so far it took us 12 hours in 27 minutes 28 minutes something like that from the time we started playing the first league rookie 3 to world one to beat all of them holy cow [ __ ] sweet sweet victory yeah we are done world one complete that is it y'all all right guys real quick before we finish the video I just wanted to go over the stats of the playing every league in baseball 9 stream I just finished editing this video it took me almost 5 hours to do and I just did all the calculations and so we earned 9, 87,3 195 coins 190 coaching tickets 715 gems 3 47 emblems 313 uniforms we went up 12 team levels from 90 to 102 we got 81 recruiting tickets 51 Mega XP 224 super XP 451 advaned XP 947 normal XP 46 silver badges 31 gold badges 15 Platinum badges 12 Diamond bad Badges and 218 potential coins and then it took us 12 Hours 27 minutes and 52 seconds to complete every League from Rookie 3 to world one 116 game Seasons we played a total of 293 games we started 1778 and0 so 1,778 and0 and then our first loss was game 179 we were 71 and0 in World 3 we lost on game 72 so our first loss came in world three I thought it would be Legend when I was doing the stream and overall we went 268 and 25 and I had an absolute blast doing that stream over 12 hours long it was super fun I enjoyed everyone that watched that and supported and everything but that's going to do it I hope you guys enjoyed if you guys did go ahead and leave a like And subscribe that said I'll see you guys next time
Channel: JayFish
Views: 402,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baseball 9, baseball 9 gameplay, baseball9, baseball, baseball nine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 59sec (7379 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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