PLAYING DOORS FOR THE FIRST TIME *terrifying* | roblox

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this game contains flashing lights loud noises and jump scares welcome to doors that's right reac's cops welcome back to tr Reese's games today we are on doors and I know nothing about this game the only thing you guys have told me is that there's lots of doors you're playing with one other person and that is all I know so let's get started so I I feel like we should just follow everyone and sort of work out what's going on I'm in here and with bacon hair girl and we're starting oh my well that's creepy the that door just shut okay oh oh okay what what's going on here so we appear to be in an elevator I've dinged it oh we're at a hotel oh this is creepy guys I've never played a Roblox horror game before so well she knew what's to do she has been here before she knew that too well this such a different experience for me oh I'm in I'm in a wardrobe I am in oh I is this a dead body oh my God I can't get out help me oh okay I'm out thank you bacon hair she waited for me I guess the aim of the game is to find Keys it looks like we can just get through these next few doors I like how this girl is like waiting for me I'm the most obvious new ONN here ever even though she's got like the bacon Avatar she is the pro I think we might just have to look in different rooms for maybe keys can you go to bed oh I'm under the bed not me asking if you can go to bed in a horror game that's like the worst idea ever uh I feel like we need to look for drawers oh here are some drawers no I don't want to go in a wardrobe I found it I've got the key ke I've got the key okay come on let's go unlock this padlock there we go oh you have to hold it as well we're just going for a lot of doors the name's starting to make sense now she's running away this is really oh the lights are going out why are you in a wardrobe is something to hide why are you going in a ward oh is this a letter ah did I die what okay so now we've played around I think there might be something chasing you and you've got to sort of make it through as many doors as you can I don't know if there's like different Maps or what but now I've got the aim of the game Let's jump into another round and I'm going to go in this elevator where it says you need three people and guys it's like a rainstorm in real life for me so it's like extra creepy his Avatar why would you play a horror game with that Avatar okay we are in the hotel we're in the hotel so if I remember correctly yes that that's where the bacon hair girl went last time so I guess each map the key must be in the same place each time okay so we are back in this Corridor and if everything is the same then the key should be in this bedside drawer up here I mean oh it's different okay I mean it would be a bit silly if everything was in the same place cuz then you'd like run out of maps in about 2 minutes but this actually makes it more exciting so let's check every drawer again oh oh that's just money I thought it was the key for a second ah they found it okay right wait should we not be going in there last time I went in there I got killed guys it is Pitch Black I feel I need to turn my volume up oh here they are over here oh my gosh no they're hiding in a wardrobe that is not good I'm going to get him one I'm going to get him one oh it's just bacon mate don't be scaring me hiding in wardrobes then okay this pink-haired girl is freaking me out keep hiding in random wardrobes ah no no now I need to get in one now I need to get in one no no no no let me in did you see that oh my gosh I successfully survived Rush is Rush the name of the monster I can't see anything oh my gosh on full brightness it's way better oh oh it's over here ah oh it didn't kill me this is overwhelming where are my friends they've left me I can't see I'm terrified oh there they are mate these guys are the worst friends ever they just left me bacon girl's dead what about bacon I I feel so bad right you need to stop that whispering it's creeping me out ah how was I meant to avoid that that was a proper real jump scare wait do I need to get in like a wardrobe guys oh no no no no we can go through here this is a beautiful room look at it how is he just casually looking through shelves mate when that demon just creeping the hell out of me okay it's so much better when it's bright I feel so much more safer when it's in a bright room you know and they they might be putting things in chat but I don't know how to click the chat box oh do you have to like re range the paintings okay I think that one was actually in the right place to be fair oh I need to get this one um no I need to get that one and put that one here yes now I felt like I actually did something there okay we're in the Next Room now oh my gosh and look how low my health bar is I feel like if that thing comes one more time I'm toast no no no no no no no am I meant to hide I it went black and white oh my gosh oh do I look that oh oh get out of here you died to hide oh so if you hide too long you die as well you may need to hop in and out of hiding spot repeatedly to avoid hide this is awesome like I'm loving loving doors I can turn my brightness down a bit now and just have a breather but that that is intense it's an intense game okay I kind of want to go in one with like loads of people so I'm in this one I wanted to do a little bit of a bigger party of four so we're just waiting for one more person oh my gosh okay we're going into one with four people I wonder if we'll be in the hotel again is that like the only map oh I love the elevator music this is like my favorite part hey guys TR Reeses are you a developer no I'm not a developer guys everyone thinks I'm a developer in these games this does feel different can you not just go through this door guys is this is this not a thing oh my God oh my gosh not me knowing more me and Wing guy have sort of just gone off oh we're going down here come on Wing guy okay we went into this like weird crouchy thing uh no no can you hide in a barrel can where do I hide sorry wingy it's every man for himself I died I died oh my gosh you died to rush again thank you for pointing out that it was again okay do you know what I'm going to do next guys I'm going to play a single player game I don't know if this this is a good idea I I'm just sort of curious okay I should probably stop clicking off that thing at the beginning cuz it actually tells you things anyway we're in the hotel so to find the first key they always go over here don't they they go over here and I'm guessing it's in one of these drawers oh oh it's hung up here I am so blind okay so we'll go in here we'll go through here and open this up okay first step done and then I keep forgetting this isn't bloxburg it's shift to crouch not shift to run I I don't know if you actually can run in this game to be fair okay here the next door's over here and although this is the same map it does feel slightly different each time let me know in the comments guys if the Maps change each time and also I've just realized the numbers are actually on the door I don't know what my record is let's try get to 20 I'll be happy with 20 and this is very I don't like how it puts you in like a a false sense of security makes you feel fine when you're not what the hell with those footsteps I'm in single player okay I think it's this way this is a dark door I don't know if I had to hide there but this is very dark but I'm going to press a bunch of my keys see if I can get a flashlight out or something ah Who the hell's whispering to me I thought it was my friends doing that last time but it might be the actual demon guys no I can't deal when it's dark stop whispering to me I ah guys no it actually fully scares me let me out of here where's the way is it this way oh is this a flashlight I don't know I don't know what the hell I'm holding a lighter maybe oh okay it's like a temporary flashlight oh no no no no I saw those dark flickers that's rush I think that one's rush so they're actually quite cleverly named because hide is if you're hiding too long uh obviously and then Rush is if you're rushing okay this fire is running out so quickly what the actual hell slow down cuz if this goes out I'm oh I'm going back on myself no I'm wasting my fire I'm wasting it okay right let's go over here through door 12 okay it's over here I just wasted half my fire for no reason this is a creepy I was going to say Mansion but it's hotel isn't it do you have to like jump can we go through here oh you just go oh do you have to maybe Crouch through here okay right we've made it to Door 14 this is further than we've been ever before I think door oh I'm guessing that was just bad maintenance and not rush okay we've almost made it to door 20 guys which I did say would be happy but I don't like speaking too soon oh no this is one of those long corridors we have to check out our bazilian drawers oh gosh I wish we had Partners now this really is a creepy game and as I was saying at the beginning I think I must have got scared or something and stopped saying it but I never played horror games on bloxburg before I don't think so anyway not in a long time so it's really trippy and weird to be playing one and I found the key so let's go and pop this in the door door 18 and oh it's one of these big rooms these rooms make me feel safe even though it is so creepy outside but I'd actually love to live in a creepy Gothic mansion especially like when I'm older do you know what I mean I just feel like in a thunderstorm it'd be so fun and we've made it to door 20 okay okay I'm happy now what do we do is this a this is a the doors stop getting numbers now this is where we were that other guy that's where I got killed I thought like this is a bad place to be I don't want to go down there can we go through here oh there's door 21 how do we get to that then do you think maybe we do have to go down here okay so what I learned last time is that the little passage is down here and maybe we do have to go into that room actually and the guys it is raining so hard in in real life right now it's really adding to it oh I've pulled that down and I wonder if you can like actually win this game and get to the end or if it's like never ending I'm guessing there will be an end oh look at that woo oh no wardrobe get me a wardrobe I saw flashing oh my gosh I was actually right sometimes I get like a little bit paranoid that maybe it wasn't actually coming but it was the the whispering needs to stop what the hell was that not dealing with that okay let's go through here um they they really need to work on their architecture around it's not very steady is it okay there's door 24 and 25 I guess we should go in order oh door wait what this is really creep this is creepy why is 25 over here okay door 25 we're in now door 26 oh my God let me in the wardrobe I don't want to get killed by the Wardrobe one though that was properly scary how do I get past him do you have to look down just let me pass dude oh my gosh no way I got through and we can just get through 28 we might even make it to 30 guys maybe maybe how did I die I thought I was doing good on that one it seems you're having trouble with Rush clearly I am the lights will always flicker when it's near okay that was a good round okay I think we will play maybe one more round and I want to do this with other people okay so me and these two other girls are going into our last game and let's see if we can actually maybe win this and also let's read this okay so pre-run shop oh you can buy things beforehand I'm buying a lighter guys because that was so handy last time wow hey guys you excited so I'm going to I'm going to try and act like the noob now guys you know what they say fake it till you make it I'm going to go over here I'm going to get the key yes guys got the key look at me yeah I've played doors before come on guys got to stick together in this haven't we and the footsteps like the sound effects in this I must say are very very good okay so I think she's going to go in there and switch the lever which is actually really handy cuz that will work up here for us um let's see what people are saying in chat are you famous that is so funny right she's oh she's doing the lever again thank you lady I feel like we should wait for her she's risking her life down there there she is okay right let's go through door number seven oh it's so freaky isn't it that other girl is she dead is the other girl dead where I'm scared where is everyone for a second I thought they all died and I got really scared why why are you staring at the clock loot for crucifix I don't know what this this slang terms for doors means and also she was checking all the drawers I thought you you didn't really have to but I guess this could have coins in and I want to buy things in the future I think that other girl she's just gone now I think it's just you and me sis yeah I I can't even oh no oh no oh no oh no get in here with me wait is she in here with me I hope I didn't just take her spot I feel really bad there it is there's Rush oh wait no I think this one's hide help let's see who killed me it was rush I thought it was hide so I jumped out of the Wardrobe and yeah the other one did die it's just her left so guys that was me playing door although this game is really spooky I found comfort in it like this soundtrack the vibe it's very comforting and I actually enjoy playing it although terrifying the amount of jump scares in this video was horrendous so make sure to let me know in the comments what you want me to see next and if you want me to play more doors and look at me posting three times in one week on this channel but yeah thanks for watching and I'll see you all later bye guys
Channel: Truereeses Games
Views: 10,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: meK1jewpWA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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