playing chess until I hit 1500 (Day 113)

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what's going on everyone it is day 113 we took quite a bit of losses um we were so close to, 1400 and you know things happen we're at 1350 now um I play like two or three games off screen from the last um the last episode I just uh uploaded yesterday so yeah we're at 1350 now but it's okay because you know if I deserve to be 1400 I'll get there eventually all right let's do kakan um at some point maybe I'll go back to the Sicilian uh I just found that I was losing a lot of games and I was actually winning a lot more a lot more with the carolon so I started going back to it and I've had decent success I think all right we'll bring our Bishop out here I think that seems to be a correct move okay Castle's early on uh I think the next move is just to bring this Pawn up C6 move potentially for him is to kick my bishop and I think I will just take um mostly because I'm not sure what is better for me too I suppose if I go back um I don't know honestly just doesn't seem too good for me although it's good for his position to bring his Queen out here but certainly not the worst because in this um situation I think I do take advantage of capturing this Free Pawn I could be wrong but that does seem like the move here playing Sam from India but yeah my tip for everyone if you're playing chess um on you know trying to improve your rating when you start losing games um one second uh I'm thinking if I go here and he [Music] pushes I guess I could actually do some things we'll be fine but what I was going to say is it's okay to go on losing streaks you know the important thing is to not tilt I find if you lose you know two games two to three games and you start wanting to to play to get revenge you know and and to to grab a win to compensate for losses best not to do that and just to actually take a break and get back to it another day but I do think I'm going to put my Bishop here because although I can't defend it um I might be able to get like a rook a rook out of it cuz might thought if he pushes this Pawn here um okay so you put your Pawn here that's interesting all right I think um [Music] I'll slide back it's actually pretty good because now I'm defending my [Music] bishop and so something interesting I can do okay the thing is if I push this Knight here that opens up this of course to take this pawn and then my Rook but of course then his Queen is undefended so my thought is actually to to capture this Pawn threatening this um he'll have to defend his queen or he could just take he could just take my knight I will take his Queen I don't think he wants to do that of course so um we'll see what he does here I'm assuming move his Queen yeah just simply out of the way and I think we don't overthink this and we just take [Music] yeah that's fine I think that's I think that's fine um there's no way for actually me to defend that Rook hold on a second cuz I actually think I did that incorrectly now that I that I think of it [Music] cuz now my actually he gets a knight and a rook for that um so I did mess up here I did mess up [Music] here I did mess up here okay we'll see later on how I actually should have played that but I can move my knight here he just takes [Music] [Music] I don't think there's a point in moving this though I'm actually just going to move my queen and start aiming here um oh yeah so I'm actually going to go here and hopes that he he like quickly takes this Knight but I don't think he will this is a pretty obvious uh laser onto the to a H2 but but uh yeah there's no point in honestly moving just going to Castle I lost that okay it's not the end of the world we did mess up here um I thought we had something but we didn't actually we didn't actually this Pawn I think looks pretty good to move um so we we'll have to review that cuz I did think uh that was going to be good for us but it was not I actually should have moved my knight back now that I think of it instead of this Pawn I should have actually went here or maybe even back like do something like that actually seemed like the better move all right maybe move here trying to get in here all right this is kind of purposeless cuz I can't really do anything I could of course take this Free Pawn which it does seem free and if he moves this queen here I I mean what's the point of that doesn't really make sense this is defended [Music] defended I'm going to have to move this queen back probably do I go AG like do I Target this Pawn do I go aggressive and Target this Pawn maybe let's do it cuz I still have my Escape all the way down uh let me just think this through if I'm missing anything everything is defendant nothing else is hanging checking for all of that I just don't deserve to I don't and it's funny because I see it I see it right like the second that it moves to the square oh man my brain is just um just not uh not good for chest these last few days not good for chest these last few days this is where I wanted to go um in that whole thought process but he misses it and that is you know that's that's good for me I very much enjoy that [Music] now if he wants to sack okay okay you're so you're piling on to this okay I [Music] will move my Rook over I think that makes sense I think that makes sense [Music] oo that was a good move that was a very good [Music] move and this is Pinn [Music] too oh so now you win back that pawn yeah that was awesome to be fair [Music] I can go here what if he takes I'm not going to really take back cuz I will lose that what if I go here though takes Tak takes wait wait wait if I go here and he takes I take he take I take you take I take uh interesting let's do that he does win that pawn kind of unfortunate but I can't believe he missed that but I actually I do believe he missed that cuz I I missed I missed a freaking Queen when it was right here my Pawn or my Pawn was actually on on H4 and his Queen was right here and I I didn't take oh okay that's really interesting [Music] because oh I can't even go here that would have been so solid yeah yeah that would have been great um he's targeting here check then I could just think I could squeak by this way for now I think I just move this Pawn up though [Music] all right all right solid that was good good play on you my friend very good play on you my friend wait what blunder oh my gosh this is what I'm talking about why didn't I not take the time to see that move oh man brutal it's very brutal to be fair yeah I I don't I don't know why well only thing we could hope for here I lost some many games might as well hope for a sailmate potentially but uh yeah there's a chance you know to win here if I kept my knight because of forks but this was so bad like I didn't even just terrible and he did all that with without a knight just playing out out just pointing that out wow beautiful take all my pieces take all my pieces and then potential stalemate potential stalemate I'm almost certain he still wins I'm almost certain that he still wins I have I he's just playing the clock cuz I I doubt I could take every single piece I doubt I could take every single piece I doubt I could take every single piece I don't actually think a win is possible here maybe we could get repetition or something my time is up certainly I think he did all of that just to win on time to be fair because uh I'm not resigning pretty sure it's a funny game this guy is funny draw no way did I actually just Checkmate him no away okay this is why you don't resign number one number two that's a lesson for my Indian friend over here to just finish a game and if you're upset that someone isn't resigning don't be because there are situations like this that that occur and my dude got checkmated and he let me get a queen I think on purpose because he thought I was going to run out of time but guess what friend I did not anyway let's review where we kind of lost the game here everything was pretty chill yeah all the way back okay yep yep yep that's fine that is is true that I should have went here we were talking we were discussing that ah interesting okay that does make sense that honestly makes a lot of sense um but I didn't really think that I said you know give me the give me the Rook here um oh I see to kind of form an escape yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah [Music] meant to go yeah that's so funny oh interesting just get out of the fork completely wow nice brilliant move my friend maybe that was a misclick I don't know I don't think so unbelievable and this was all with like such little time wow honestly just insane everyone it's just the win that we needed to get back on the track to 1400 let's go um thank you for watching see you guys guys tomorrow peace
Channel: Brandon Galindo
Views: 479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mwp3SoOYG9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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