Play RUSH E, win an iPhone 14

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if this guy next to me presses literally any EG on this piano you will win this brand new iPhone 13. but the twist is you can't hear a word I'm saying and he does not know what the challenge is going to be to win this iPhone here all you have to do is press one key on the piano okay so be careful be careful be careful you've got one shot of this I really don't like this D here and I also really don't like this F here so I don't know what I was not a fan of those don't like that one you don't like the E I didn't say that but but really this is the iPhone here no way okay so to be fair that was a bit too easy and I think if I kept doing that all day I'd go bankrupt very quickly so the next challenge is going to be a little bit harder instead of just having to press the single e key the contestants are going to have to play the song rushy like sheet music box [Music] okay okay to be fair that is maybe a little bit too hard but to make it easier I've chosen just a short riff from the Sun and any competent piano player should easily be able to play the prize an iPhone or this mystery box with contents worth up to 2 000 pounds let's go so I suppose you want to compete in a competition that I'm doing do you want to show me what you got first foreign [Music] I wasn't expecting that to be honest when you said you could play I was not expecting anything and nearly that good he's getting money oh really yeah all you have to do is look at what I'm playing and then copy me perfect you know I have this Fiverr in the bag would you like to take this fiver or would you like to go to the next level I go to the next one go to the next level okay watch carefully [Music] foreign yes that's perfect you've now won these airpods now would you like to keep these airpods and walk away oh would you like to go to the next level and get the chance to win either an iPhone or this Mystery Box I think I'll try it you wanna try the next one should we go okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no I'm afraid that that was the wrong note I'm very sorry you're my first contestant of the day that guy actually came like ridiculously close he's literally the first guy I got to try and do it and he nearly won the entire thing if you've got it I'd have to either buy a new iPhone or that I'd be video over right then [Music] nice one okay you've now won this Fiverr would you like to keep it or would you like to go to level two level two levels no hesitation I can do level two I know because I played Rashi before have you you know the song I'm doing yeah oh okay right you might rinse me then level two foreign [Music] these airpods would you like to keep going or would you like that you're on the airpods yes the airport's all yours congratulations man can you show me level three even if I don't do that I could have do a level three I'm an idiots you could have done it yeah you could have done it no I'm gonna go and buy some airpods I'll be back in a minute okay this is getting a bit out of hand literally the first guy nearly won the second guy has already taken my level two prize I have to go and buy a new level two prize unfortunately I have to do it in person which sucks because it means I won't be able to get any deals with PayPal honey honey is my favorite online shopping tool that it makes it so much more worth it to do your shopping online honey searches for promo code so that you don't have to see look at this instead of having to go on dodgy websites and probably get a virus by looking for codes with honey all I have to do is press one single button and I'll scan the web for promo Bros and save you money with almost no effort this Fiverr is now yours would you would you like to go to level two foreign [Music] thank you very much for competing thank you that guy's feeling the same sort of forget that people who don't use honey feel when they realize how much they've been missing out on over the last few years do you know what honey is by any shots yeah the coupons yeah yes money's saving out thousands of websites that you use daily you could save loads of money so honey so it's a promo code so that you don't have to see look at this basically honey will just sit in the top of your browser and you'll completely forget about it until suddenly you'll be browsing on a website and honey will just save you money out of nowhere because I saved a few hundred in my time using it really actually okay perfect person here yeah right so he's got some new kicks very nice how much did this all cost you today roughly it's probably about 100 pounds 100 pounds yeah yeah well with honey it would have been about one pounds oh you you saved so much money with honey that you get massive massive discounts there we go that would have been really useful if I knew like a week ago when we were buying all our holiday tickets yeah would have been really good 100 pounds you can install honey if you go to and start saving money instantly I highly recommend it but thank you very much to honey for sponsoring and let's go and give away some more prizes I'm going to play an easier route and if you get that you'll just win this Fiverr and then if you want to go to the next harder one then you can give up the Fiverr and compete a harder challenge to win these airpods no no no you want to go to the hard one straight away straight away you don't even want to try that I mean it's you don't there's no there's no downside to competing in the small ones you want to go straight to the hard one yes you feel you you seem strangely confident right now I am confident do you know what I'm going to play by any chance no okay okay I feel like I'm gonna arranged here but let's go let's go let's go I'm scared I'm scared guys okay [Music] I just want to hear it okay poor guy I just wanted a little serenading yes that was that was perfect you now won a fiver would you like to compete in a harder challenge for the airpods and give up the five you think guys whatever or go for earpods oh great no pressure [Music] I'm afraid that was not it I'm afraid I can't give it to you now but all your family can have a go come on [Music] would you like to take this fiver home yeah yeah yes you're the first person to say that all day so congratulations on your new Fiverr congratulations that's what you have to play [Music] um yeah you know what you can you can win this fight if you want to go to the next hardest challenge you can compete for airports I wouldn't [Music] thank you [Music] yeah no we're not allowed you're not allowed to say you're not do you want to use a lifetime we're very briefly introduce lifelines but as we found out it was not such a good idea okay okay the audience is my two cameramen right here one two three three uh so it's there that's where you want to be all right are you sure please you're a terrible person you're a terrible person oh my God how could you do that can we rescue this somehow let's just say I left a five of that I don't know what's happening to it I don't it might just I wouldn't notice if it disappears very kind oh my God perfect you've now won a fighter would you like to take this fiver or would you like to compete in a harder challenge to win the airpods keep going keep going okay [Music] perfect okay okay you've now won these airports You've Won these airports you want to keep going you're not taking me okay okay you don't care what you guys we'll keep going then onto the level three challenge are you nervous how do you think you've made the right choice yeah okay right [Music] okay that's it that's it I forgot it myself [Music] it's very close very close thank you very much for competing I'm sorry we don't win anything okay have a good day guys thank you was that around here somewhere no I don't know [Music] do you know what song I'm playing Brushy yes it is so you can either take this fiver and run with it or you can compete in a harder challenge to win those airpods you want to go for the airports yeah perfect congratulations that you have now won these efforts do you want to take them or do you want to go to you take them okay very good very good congratulations on your win congratulations all right I now need to get rid of this iPhone but it's not happening because the last challenge is way too hard so I have to make it easier the problem is there were a few people earlier that if I've made the challenge easier back then they would have won so the conclusion I'm coming to is the only fair way to actually make this easier is if I give those people a go first so what I've done is I've called back the first guy who tried this challenge because he came really close and I'm gonna give him the first go slightly easier challenge that seems fair to me and if it doesn't get it we'll keep going let's give it a go I just called him and he said he's going to be back in a minute okay so you were the first person to compete in this challenge Francesco no one has got it yet no one has come even close to being as close as you so now I'm going to play you the new hardest level of the challenge but it's easier than what you tried earlier okay watch very carefully and good luck to you foreign [Music] okay Francesco you now have a big choice right you can either win this mystery box worth up to 2 000 pounds in electronics or you could win this iPhone I already have a functioning for myself you want to win the mystery box okay [Music] in this challenge you're too you're too nice you're too nice okay you ready I'm gonna do the honest oh yeah it's a breakfast I'm kidding I'm gonna get this as well you get this as well congratulations congratulations you deserve it you deserve it any any part of your thoughts I mean I can hear from a summer camp yeah I did not expecting me take part in The Challenge and actually win it incredible subscribe to Jenkins yeah
Channel: Joe Jenkins
Views: 1,995,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe jenkins, meme, funny, piano
Id: ov0UmYiDMKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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