Play Guitar Insanely FAST By Practicing CROSS-STRING TRILLS

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hey friend Nathan here let's talk trills with a traditional Trill you're hammering on and pulling off quickly between two notes with a cross string Trill you're playing those two notes on two different strings so your fretting fingers don't have to move all the effort has shifted over to the plucking hand as you quickly alternate plucking between those two notes I first learned crosstring trills because I hated traditional trills they were too much effort for too little reward and at the end of the day cross string trills just sound cooler and instead of one finger having to do all the work with those hammer-ons and pull-offs I could split the effort between four plucking fingers so call me lazy but I feel like the math kind of speaks for itself there even if you're not playing music that specifically requires trills I'm going to show you how incorporating cross string trills into your practice will clean up your plucking hand technique and make your scales and arpeggios Tighter more controlled more efficient and faster [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] I composed that little study for you to use as a fun musical exercise to practice your cross-string trills and everything that we talk about today so make sure you download the tabs and sheet music for it for free at Trill or just click the link down below again completely free my gift to you but what's really happening in this flurry of plucking that creates this cross-string Trill there's a very specific plucking pattern that you want to use that's optimal for efficient string Crossing and speed in your cross string trills and that's a or ring finger then I or index M middle and P thumb a i m p so again we're alternating between two strings here you start with your a finger on the higher of the two strings then down to I back up to M down to P then rinse and repeat a i m p a i m p a i m p the key to building speed and accuracy here is what we call sequential planting when one finger plays the next finger immediately plants on the string so when my a finger plays my I finger immediately plants on the next string when it plays my M finger plants when my M plays my thumb plants then when my thumb plays my a plants to start the sequence over again sequential planting like this trains your fingers to stay close to the strings at all times and to get on the strings quickly so you have no wasted finger movement whether it's trills scales or arpeggios the biggest speed and accuracy killer is excess finger movement where your fingers are kind of flying way out here between each stroke more distance that your fingers have to travel means more time that it takes for your fingers to travel that distance and increase likeliness of missing their Mark and missing the string so start really slow here to give yourself a chance to get used to this pattern and to sequential planting speed shouldn't even be a thought until this cross-string pattern is second nature and your fingers are really just snapping immediately into place with sequential planting then you can use a metronome to gradually increase speed this sequential planting is one of the factors that causes cross-string Trill practice to improve the speed and accuracy of your plucking hand technique in all other areas of your playing I find that when I'm consistently incorporating cross-string trills in my practice routine with a focus on sequential planting even just after a few minutes my fingers start to settle into the strings in a way that they didn't previously they find the strings and snap into place quicker and more accurately and the controlled efficient movements I've developed from the sequential planting karaoke over into my scales and my arpeggios now the other factor is this a i m p pattern that we use in Cross string trills is a different pattern than our fingers generally C or are used to in Scales or arpeggios so by exposing our fingers to this different pattern and this different sequence of movements I believe this helps balance out the strength and coordination of our fingers and builds up any fingers or finger combinations that might be weak links that have been holding us back in the past so download the tabs and sheet music for that little cross string Trill study I compose for free down below and use it to incorporate cross-string trills in your practice in a fun and musical context focus on sequential planting and reap the rewards of a stronger more efficient and faster plucking hand if you're still here you must have liked the video so do me a favor hit that like button it helps out a ton and leave me a comment let me know if you plan on incorporating cross-string trills into your practice now and as always here's to making the music you love and making it on your own terms alright we'll see in the next one thank you
Channel: Beyond The Guitar Academy
Views: 18,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rmDg9MfVBWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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