Plants For Terrariums || Terrarium Tuesday

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hey what's up gardening friends Jeff here a tropical plant party how's everybody doin I hope you're good I am great happy terrarium - today I thought before going on with this series too much further it would be a pretty good idea to actually just talk about some plants that are nice for terrariums I don't have like a list like a top 10 or anything like that I'm mostly going off of what's easier to come by and what I have on hand when it comes to terrarium plants what makes something a terrarium plant it's kind of the first thing to think about it does largely depend on your terrarium is it a closed system that means you're gonna want some things that likes a lot of humidity typically if it's something very large and open then you could go with much bigger plant I prefer to arian plants that stays smaller because they're less maintenance and unfortunately no matter what pretty much anything's gonna require some kind of pruning which isn't necessarily a bad thing right that just means that they're growing well I like to watch plants grow so sometimes if something is a super dwarf or something like that you don't see much out of it sometimes that's not as exciting right oh that's my take on it anyway so to start things off ficus pumila is two different plants here they're the same plant though just ones variegated one is not and very unstable variegation and this growth right here that happens they revert sometimes and that's an easy enough thing to fix if you get one of these and it starts to revert me that it starts to lose that variegation I would just go ahead and cut this probably I'd say right around here I'd want to cut it where that variation still really strong I don't have my snippers with me so we're just gonna just use my fingers that works fine to know when we here ficus we think big trees for plants something you see in an office space maybe but you know the ficus family is very very very large and these are a type that is a crawler a creeper they'll crawl along the surface and make a ground cover so if you have a trim that's like an aquarium type with a wall in it if you plant this near where the wall meets the ground this will even start to creep up along the top and that looks really cool to go up along that backside and sort of fill in the space it looks really neat it's a very full very lush plant they are vigorous growers once they start to settle in and get go and so they'll require pruning from time to time and that's okay that's easy enough to do started with my fingers just pops right off if you don't have snippers though it is always best to use clippers you get nice clean cuts that way they're like bright indirect light moderate to high humidity inside of a terrarium they'll do just fine and you can actually grow these in somewhat drier conditions as long as you make sure that they don't dry out in the soil for very long like very long at all but in a terrarium setting they'll do well because they're versatile it's a versatile plant and these are extremely easy to propagate to so you can always take these little bits and pieces that you cut off the plant or snap off the plant to pop off some of those lower leaves and stick this into some moist soil and it will take off you can also just use do a water culture stick it into a glass with some water it'll take off that way and in general if the soil is nice and moist and I mean in a terrarium setting that should be the case if it's a closed one if this is even just in contact with the soil you can see the little roots there where those nodes are where the leaf meets the stem those will start to root out and take off like I said a very vigorous plant grows like crazy and like it there will be a higher maintenance plant when it comes to pruning and making sure that it doesn't absolutely take over which i think is worth it given how easy they are to grow the lush appearance that you get from them and overall they're just fantastic plants ok and then the next plan I don't actually have on me the pilot oh wait no no I have a Pylea there we go this is Pylea guaca guaca describing the more silvery tone to the foliage really pretty plants another one that's going to be more of a ground cover they have really dense compact tiny little foliage this one's gonna be fairly similar to the ficus boom what just in the sense that it is going to spread very vigorously it is a little bit more fragile like just kind of handling it a little bit too roughly can make the foliage and the stems fall apart so it's gonna be a little bit more delicate with you do appreciate that higher humidity though that they would have in a terrarium oyster air moist soil bright and direct light they'll do well easy plants that's another thing I really like about these is in a terrarium setting these are pretty simple to grow it's not always the easiest for people outside of a terrarium these are fairly easy to overwater and underwater sometimes it can be difficult kind of finding a happy place with them I generally have found that this is one of those plants where I have to just kind of like step back and give it some space and water it like I would a standard house plant and it will be okay but if I don't over these too much then that's when things become problematic for me the tiny compact growth makes this an excellent foreground plant in a terrarium so it will make a nice carpet that sort of cover sings goes around rocks and stones and twigs and everything you have behind it will stand up and pop a little bit more because of the silver eagle akka stone to the foliage see if what I'm talking about things that Pylea they can be a little bit delicate and that one got a little bit on the dry side because I'm doing a de treatment that's de powder throughout the entire gross space and when I do that I water heavily and then let the plants sit for a day then I truth.the de powder and then I wait about four or five days till I rinse that off of everything so we're at the end of that right now so they're a little bit on the dry side ready for another watering that's why there's a handful of leaves of my hands right here you got to let that de powder sit for a minute in order for it to work oh sit for a few days philodendron there are lots and lots of different types of philodendron that you could use in a terrarium there's one called little fill which is what I thought this one was when I got it turns out it's a moon light which does get much much much larger so what not a permanent candidate for a terrarium unless it's a very very very very large terrarium but the little fill does have a slightly similar appearance to this philodendron the foliage is gonna be a little bit more of a deep green the moonlight has this sort of lime chartreuse color to it snore foliage smaller philodendron another great option and a terrarium you can put these like in pockets along the back walls you this will crowd out anything you have planted too close to it because like I said this one's going to get very big but if you can find the little fill which still gets fairly large but not a huge amount like a typical philodendron that would be a good option and there are tons of different types of philodendron statues from this one has a little piece of some sort of succulent in it I don't know it's a sedum of some sort that was not labeled and it's spread over into it but sedum 'he's also as long as it's a low grower they make an excellent option for terrarium because not all Seaton's need really dry conditions in various items that we grow here as a perennial like the pachysandra that's a sedum that can take the lots of precipitation and moisture and it would do well in our terrariums with good drainage of course but that's one that would do well in a terrarium and there are other types of C times that will fall soo with that not all sedum Sneed super dry conditions okay bust out my TRAI terrarium plants here not everything in here are things that aren't necessarily recommends but everything on this back wall fantastic these are singhania's they're all sports of the singhania moto phylum if you've been watching the terrarium Tuesday videos I'm a very very big fan of singh dhoni UM's i use them in pretty much everything i've been doing and that's partially because i did a play on order a few months ago and just went kind of crazy ordering listen go diems I almost ordered two more this morning and I stopped myself because I only have so much room for the Sango nians but they make excellent trim plants in it it is important to find the right variety though it's just your typical Singhania moto phylum those will get quite large but as I mentioned there are some that stay smaller these are all from a terrarium supply shop and they were listed as staying a brown eight inches I unfortunately don't remember the names on these they were shipped without labels which was something that really irritated me quite a bit but one of them is called Randy one of them is called candy one of them is called Mary and the other one is a neon robusta and I could get on the website and narrow it down and figure it out but that's not the point any single odium pota phylum if the description says it stays under certain size whatever size is appropriate for you and that you like they do great in terrariums the super dwarf pixie or mini pixie is what it's called that's my favorite for terrariums it is just tiny and adorable it only gets like I think 4 to 6 inches high at the absolute max it will require some trimming as it spreads you'll have to kind of dig up its offshoots and keep it in check that way but otherwise it is just it's just darling it horrible plants the ones that I received weren't looking great and like within 24 hours of putting them into a terrarium they already start to look better for me which is just them responding well to the humidity would be my guess but they really for me grow much more vigorously in a terrarium setting that's specifically with the mini Pixies the others are pretty easy like whether they're in our area are not the mini pixie for me just they thrive under glass they do so much better and one of the things that's so fantastic about them look at all the different variations in the foliage they can be dark they can be pink they can have just variegation there's even this kind of chocolatey brown color over here I could talk about Sango NIAMS all day so we're just gonna keep it at that find you some nice shorts and go NIAMS you won't regret it they are so pretty to have Natori I'm one of my favorites actually that but probably are my favorites oh and I don't have it in front of me but pepper Romeo's there are different varieties I really like the peperomia ripple I put one in a terrarium just like a week or so ago I've used materials before they have that smaller stature to them a really thick waxy foliage which is one of the things we you know love about peperomia is not all them throw a lot it protects my bromios thick foliage though that you get with the ripple I think just makes it stand apart from other plants it's really waxy all the way around you when you have moss growing around underneath it it makes that foliage stand out even more beautiful beautiful plants and next up are the ferns that is such a broad statement ferns there's hundreds thousands different types of ferns this is a bird's nest fern they'll do okay in a terrarium for a while Birds those ferns well of course outgrow terrarium but it will take home some time they're not the fastest growing plants and there's different varieties there's a crispy wave and the others there's a lot of crispy waves the first one that came to mind it has more rippled foliage and there's variegated bird's nest ferns like you can see I have back here they would do well in a terrarium as well the hearts ferns the tongue fern they do really well on trains also I stood out any fern you can think of as long as it'll stay small enough and fit no terrarium is probably going to do well well not just any there are of course some like special ferns out there and kinds that really do need a lot of airflow around them but what you can typically find available at garden shops and nurseries they will do well for you the Tonia's this little gem here's the Frankie fotona has absolutely beautiful foliage isn't that foliage so incredibly stunning I like the Ripley texture that it has on the sides it has that reddish pink color mixed in with the green veining so Tonia's are also called Nerf plants they will stay shorter on the shorter and the less light they get the more they'll reach out for more light and sort of stretch out like you can see this piece doing here but if they're getting some pretty bright light for a few hours a day then they should have a more compact growth that it's a larger leaf plant when they're not in a terrarium but typically when a photo Nia gets into a high moisture high light situation you'll start to see the foliage start to shrink down on them and there are lots of different types of photo Nia's the Alba Venus is what I'm referring to where they tend to get the smaller leaves the photo Neos will stay low they'll spread and make everything else really pop in the tree because they adds such an intense contrast to everything ever surrounding them is really going to stand out because nothing else really looks like a photo Nia except for I guess polkadot plants which also would do well no terrarium I don't have any here to talk about but that's a good option oh and definitely don't want to forget about air plants the tillandsia as they are excellent plants for terrariums you do kind of have to watch out with them because things can get to be too moist with the Italians yes typically you can see here how this air plant has sort of a silvery whitish hairy appearance to it typically an air plant that has that coverage on it doesn't like to be very moist at least not for too long but they'll do well in a high humidity environment that furry appearance usually lets you know that they don't need to be watered as often as one that has more of a shiny appearance to it which I don't even have any of right now pretty much all the time see as I have here even though I own atha and they all have that pretty same characteristic twelve mminton that doesn't mean they don't like to be watered I just mean in contrast to two Lanza's that will have more of a shiny appearance to them essentially a a Harri tillandsia is usually a little bit more forgiving of dryer conditions doesn't mean they like it but they can be a little bit more forgiving of it but if the ones you have have a really intense sort of Sheen to them those are the types of Chileans is that really are going to prefer to stay humid at all times and they if they get dried out for too long they don't bounce back anywhere near as well as the the hairy guys but they're great there's tons of different teensiest to choose from you can put them on sticks you can mount them to the back walls of a terrarium and if you put them on just like put them on a stick then week once a week take it out soak it in some water for a few minutes throw it back in the terrarium and that's it you don't have to pour the water directly onto them in fact I usually think it's best not to pour water directly onto these in a terrarium because a typical terrarium doesn't have much airflow and if water does settle and collect inside the Centers of these for too terribly long it can cause them to rot and by soaking them you then have the control to take it out and shake some of that water out of the middle it's a pretty decent way to avoid having to worry about them rotting from too much water sitting in the middle and it's easy to do it that way it's not a big deal you may still have to add water into your terrarium at times to keep things nice and moist and humid but you don't necessarily have to spray these directly if you do just make sure it's a fine mist and that not too much water is collecting in the center for too terribly long pretty much goes the same for the last plant here this is a crypt anthis are really just bromelia it's crypt amethyst are a type of bromeliad I have a whole care video on these guys on the channel and then just bromeliads in general so you can kind of see some differences here to have the Crypt anthis the foliage is a little bit more dull very beautiful and colorful whereas this neo juelio right here is more shiny so this one right here really wants that high humidity the Crypt anthis they can be grown among succulents they can take drier conditions they'll also do very well in a high humidity environment as long as same thing with the toys is you just don't want nasty water to settle in here for too long with the bromeliads they can have the water in the center they even sometimes need it in the center but without airflow in a crypt anthis that could be problematic you wouldn't want to sit in there for too terribly long if you do notice too much water pooling in there maybe the plants not looking great you can take a paper towel then just sort of want it up and debit down in there and it will work out some moisture from the center and that will help if that becomes an issue that's not something you would probably need to worry about with something like a neo Torelli ops decrypt anthis lots of different types but they typically stay smaller they'll make a good foreground plant you can put them on the back walls and that's really the same thing with the Neo joelly is I don't remember what variety this is but there are several different varieties I want to say that this is a Tigre cross with a rubra I think is what that was labeled I can't say for sure but even looking at this one you can see it's kind of thirsty I need to get this one into glass because it's just an offshoot that was sent to me with those singhania's that I got a few months ago and it's been a little bit hard keeping it hydrated so this one is one that particularly is going to do much better in a terrarium setting for me but since it's not potted up there's no moisture around it ever it's just sitting out in the open so that's one that would benefit greatly from being inside of a terrarium where is it crypt amethyst there in general just very easy to grow plants very forgiving I planted one up last year with a fern and that was just an absolutely stunning terrarium still have it I took the fern out because it outgrew it that's what you know happens when you put a bait in here fernand a small terrarium but the Crypt anthis is still going strong if they're really fantastic plants for the most part pretty much everything that I talked about all the plants in this video are ones that should be pretty easy to keep in a terrarium that's kind of the whole point of why I'm using them in the terrarium Tuesday videos and really everything I mentioned in this video should all be great interim I wanted to keep it 2 plants that are easier to grow fairly easy to find I've been having trouble finding the little fill philodendron I thought that's that's what this was when I got a bit turned out I was wrong it's a moonlight but that's ok still a pretty plant otherwise that most of these you can just find it even just like your general hardware stores I know I got this photo Neah from a local Lowe's home improvement same thing with the variegated ficus puma that's back here crypt anthis I see sometimes bird's nest ferns all the time the singhania pota fiims those I usually have to order but I do see there are the illusion ones that's a there's a few different types that are pretty easy to find them fairly common and I think that those do stay a little bit smaller than just your typical like white butterfly singh dhoni imported file and i do know there are people who have been doing terms for years and their music mentality is that if it fits it'll work can't argue if that people who are experienced with their plants they know when it's time to pull things and switch them out and swap them out and take something from being a terrarium just being a potted house plant that's all really just personal preference for me I usually like to stick with things that stay smaller or will be smaller for a longer period of time like I said the bird's nest fern will outgrow a terrarium no doubt about it but it'll take them a little while they don't always grow very quickly but they do grow faster in a terrarium environment with that high humidity that does get them moving a lot more quickly which is fun that's one of things is so great about bird's nest fern can take a drier environment even though they really prefer a nice moist and humid environment that's the just level of versatile plant I comment down below what are some of your favorite plants to use in terrariums tips tricks suggestions always appreciate it love talking everybody in hearing from everybody there will probably be a part two to this video because there are like just even as I'm sitting here more and more plants keep coming to mind that would work so well in a terrarium there are lots of different types of small orchid the neo finishes would be fantastic even some of the smaller Lady's Slipper Papio pendulum type orchids would do well the jewel orchids are fantastic and other plants that Cresci has straightest cancers there are tons and tons of options this is just it's just what I had here and plants that I usually would recommend for areum because they're easier to come by and they're easy to grow no terrarium built today as you can see getting moving with the terrarium builds again next week like I mentioned before I think I mentioned I'm gonna be running out to some terrarium type shops to grab just a few more little things it's not the kind of thing where you usually have all the supplies sitting around one time once you've been gathering for a while or maybe you have some really great shops around you I usually have to go to several different places to find everything I need so next week get back to building some terrariums if anybody else wants to do stir em Tuesday thing hop on board I'm gonna tag in Pam at Pam's planty things so Pam you go ahead do a terrarium Tuesday that would be fun just fun good times it's a nice way to get through the winter blues everybody we're stuck in the side I mean I don't know when you're watching this but this video goes up in January and it's it's it hasn't been fun I want to go outside and garden but since I can't terrariums it's a decent compromise do you get to do a little bit of gardening indoors it's rewarding they're fun to look yet and there's just so much diversity with the plants okay hope everybody's doing well having a great day great laughs and everything's just going and wonderfully for you all my social media is down in the description the video I'm gonna Instagram more than anything else and don't forget to do that whole YouTube thing you can like the video subscribe hit that notification valve that way you know new videos come out that all makes really big difference for the channel so thank you I appreciate it okay time for me to hop off I'm gonna go hit up some terrarium shops see what else I can find I hope everybody's doing well and of course as always and most importantly everybody keep on growing bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tropical Plant Party
Views: 39,868
Rating: 4.9102955 out of 5
Keywords: plants, houseplants, easy plants, terrariums plants, plants for terrariums, tropical plants, dwarf plants, beginner plants, terrarium, rare plants, variegated, pink leaves, garden, gardening, home and garden, educational, learning, fittonia, fern, ficus, tillandsia, sedum, philodendron, bromeliads, cryptanthus, syngonium, birds nest fern
Id: UFT5alg7zFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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