Planting Gorgeous Climbers โ€ฆ Star Jasmine & Chilean Potato Tree ๐Ÿ’š

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good morning and welcome back to my garden in Essex in England Richard how so quick hello we haven't seen you for a while I'm still here he's still here still in one piece okay let's it you can go now let see I can go anyway see you later see you later see you later welcome back to my garden in Essex England today is a beautiful spring day it's quite early a Saturday morning about 9:00 it's 12ยฐ C which I think is about 51 F but today it's supposed to warm up a lot yesterday was lovely and it's supposed to get to 20 Celsius which I think is round about 70 F and uh so I wanted to get these jobs done now I have um spent about an hour this morning in my dressing gown as you do mentally moving plants around it's a great time to move plants anyway the reason being is because around the back of my shed that there was a lot of obelisks and containers and everything which have now been moved into Woodland Courtyard and by the way thank you for your lovely comments about Woodland Courtyard and I must just also report that the fairy lights on the fake panel at the front of the potting bench they do come on every night so that's been a delight uh I found two more oisss which I wanted to use so I've been dotting them around the garden and I thought I had the perfect solution so here are the two obelisks and this is where I decided they would go one as you can see is here and then one the taller one which actually when you push it into the ground it will go lower than that was going to go there decision was made Al I thought cuz then I went out to get some plants come back with some beautiful plants after researching last night on YouTube they are going to get huge and massive so this idea is not going to work let me show you the plants so this one is beautiful it's a star jasmine and I thought that I could put that in the taller Obelisk and keep it contained and uh keep chopping it off to make it a able size but when I've looked at photos and videos it can cover a whole wall it can look spectacular and I have to bear in mind that I have that Vander Wars Pine there is going to get huge so I don't think that's a very good option so it likes to be in the sunshine on a southern facing wall ideally this is my Southern facing wall That's the South up there but in 10 years I know that's a long time but as soon goes it can grow 20 M tall which is 70 ft by 2 and 1/2 M wide which is 8 ft so that is not going to do very well there and it can't reach it spectacular it's an evergreen but also it turns a beautiful automnal folage all through the Autumn and the winter so I think that will be lovely so that's not going in that obelis and then this one that I bought it's very beautiful it's called a solanum a Crispen glas nein that's a climber as well and it's also called the Chilean potato tree it has beautiful Rich purple blue flowers with orange centers and it goes from Midsummer all the way to mid- Autumn so that sounds beautiful but it's a vigorous Scrambler this is also suitable for a south facing wall or west facing and the height and spread in 10 years for this one is 6 M by 6 M 20t by 20t so this I think I'm going to contain it in the larger Obelisk put some wires around it make sure it can't escape too much so it's quite contained so I think we'll give that one a go yes lty it's not as straightforward as that because in order to put these plants where I now think they are going to to look the best it means a little bit of moving around now you can see my Olive Tree which is in a bottomless pot and it's kind of leaning a bit anyway so I've been thinking before all this happened that I think the Olive Tree would look really nice here I'm going to have the taller Obelisk here with the selinum and as I say we'll keep it contained and I will put the smaller Obelisk just to one side of it because I've put the smaller Obelisk all over the place in the garden and I just don't like it anywhere and then the star jasmine I think will look beautiful if I plant it kind of there let it TR it can go all over the place it can go up the wall it can grow to its heart's content it will be Evergreen and there'll be beautiful flowers and apparently they smell absolutely Divine so I think I'll put the star Jasmine there so we'll have a green wall there and then we'll have this beautiful one day green wall there and it could go up there I have to make sure it doesn't there my neighbor's garage is to make sure that it doesn't go in their gutters or anything like that so that is the plan B which has taken me about an hour of thinking and drinking coffee in my dressing okay the hole is dug here there was no way of digging that hole without having my backside facing the camera so I saving you from that uh view so now it's a case of getting the olive tree out of the pot no idea hopefully it will be easy it's as I say it's a bottomless pot I don't know if the roots will have grown down into the ground no idea anyway let's give that a go see what happens wish me luck these are my little things that I painted last year when I had my painting spree Proby heavy he in there solidly I think yeah don't think I'm going to get back now I'm going to sink it in yeah sink it in that'll be all right yes I'm just going to sink the whole thing in yeah be fine that's all right isn't it so as I say it's actually worked out very well because by just putting the pot down it's in no worse position than it was and I haven't Disturbed the root ball so Serendipity one of my favorite words let's just tackle this side now so I'm going to plant the new solum over there then I'll put the big tall Obelisk around it okay I had forgotten there's conrete under here and uh it seems to be quite it's all there it's concrete there's concrete there concrete there concrete concrete concrete concrete so the whole thing has concrete about that far down let me think for a moment okay we've hit a snag because I've realized there's concrete down there about that deep and it's a big I've forgotten So my poor Olive just as well I moved it yeah it's about that deep you could plant anals there there so I'm not going to be happy to have that there with a nice plant that's going to be very healthy oh what to do ly come up here you need to think the thought I had was maybe I could move this seat we could read Design This little area with the seat over there let's have a think I need to stand back and look at it sorry lty [Music] oh that's cool that's do you got to be flexing off your obisk okay good so good that's right this next street that bottom towards you B the other way no too much that's it okay oh my goodness well me to plant one plant and uh yeah they escalated it looks I think that looks far better oh wonderful good good good good right Famous Last Words let's do a quick bit of gardening all there's left is for me to plant this beautiful star jasmine behind me so I'm going to plant that there and then I'll take you a tour of the new ramped Fountain Garden and container garden area and so 2 hours later it was supposed to be a quick job planting two quick new climbers which escalated into far more than I had considered but it's always fun anyway so this is the bed here the star jasmine you can see I've put it here and there were three kind of tendrils so as you can see I've train train in or clipped one to the left one straight up and one to the right so we'll see what happens with those that's my tracky carpus fortun eye we have a lot of beautiful color hookas we have lavender around the base of the pot and then we have blue star junipers which are beginning to turn Bluer because of the sun shining so that's good we have um what's that called aous now what's that called oh I forgot I'll put the name on the screen with some Ivy that is my little Miss Ruby badlier that [Music] actually yes that's a weed so need to go and along here that that's my Chinese plumbago we have a few campanulas in the back a lot of weeds yes look at the size of these weeds I will do it beautiful Apple Blossom first time ever Apple Blossom on this tree and I moved this to this spot last year sometime it was only 8T to the left it's that's all it's moved and then we have a u here that's a u that's my vanderwolf's Pine which will get big a shne and Rose lots of buds on that that's a climber and FY Japonica with lots of beautiful new leaves emerging one of my all-time favorites these two down here are eex Stokes which were around the green container they were the only two survivors this is my Forum brown sugar and then of course we've moved the olive which I think looks nice there we have the new chili and potato tree which should have beautiful purple flowers and the chair is in the Middle come on so I have a slightly different vantage point now from this chair come and see the difference lty ready yes oh my goodness yeah I'm at a rather JY Angle now and the ironic thing of the whole process of the moving of everything was because I didn't know where to put this obelis and I think it's going to stay well this is what goes on while I'm gardening Richard playing in his man cave and we're going to show you cuz he just showed me one and I found it very interesting of what you're doing Rich well I'm regripping my golf clubs or putting new grips on M and Janette Lo the procedure so first thing is put the gripper on there and put in the vice Square the head put that in the voice and what uh what number iron is this one oh five five is that a good one is that an often used yeah yeah I'm just making sure it's Square that's it now what I'm going to do now doesn't look Square to me okay right now I've got to cut off the old grip and how do you need to do this Richard well you should obiously every season well depend depending on how how often One playes MH probably every 6 months oh my goodness first time I done this with me other when I first regripped the clubs yeah it took me days days why oh it's just having the neck now you have experience you get the new grip put that in the end what is it that's she just a tea okay you you see why it's pluged off lot's crying she does she finds it's very dull now just going to Mark the length so I know how far to push it on okay you always know how far to push it don't you I do push your L I always push it too far okay yeah now this is a double-sided sticky tape okay right so place this overlap The End by about qu of an inch okayy stop complaining you stick it on the club yeah noty it won't be long see up you sticking it around got all shoot all the way around it's just all lips right just get that bit off and then you just push that around now the end you just put into the club stops water getting in that's sticky okay what you do then this is a like a white spit it's a solvent mm pour some in the grip what does that do that obviously when you're pushing the grip on it slides it helps it slide over the sticky bit so you just line it like that then you pour it on this scky bit that just so you pour it all out again could you just pour oh no I see you it slides SL dream with a slight bit of PE that was a Oh Rich L okay perfect that's it and thank you for your patience lty and that's it I just got another one two three four five another seven to go I should have a cup of tea before then shouldn't I anyway this just Richard the enthusiastic golfer anyway thank you for watching I'm Janette I'm the enthusiastic Gardener today is just gorgeous so I hope it's nice where you are that's it have fun in your Gardens take care everyone bye [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: The Enthusiastic Gardener
Views: 3,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Enthusiastic Gardener, Garden, Gardening, Spring Garden, English Garden, Star Jasmine, Chilean Potato Tree, Tracelospermum Jasminoides, Solanum Crispum โ€˜Glasnevinโ€™, Vines, Climbers, Ramblers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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