Planting Corn and Soybeans at the same time

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning so we are going to get both planners going today BJ's doing some tilling we've decided to unhook our Rolling Harrow for the day cuz we got rain coming in that thing these a really nice finish but we kind of want that ground to be a little open that way when it rains it dries out a little faster so we're going to drop it for the day and BJ's going to run over some ground that he's been spreading for beans and hopefully some corn ground we got 331 acres of corn left to plant I don't think I'll get it all planted today cuz it's in about 15 fields and some of it is still needs worked down so this morning I'm going to get Dad going in this he's never ran the Avatar so got to do a little trink don't worry about that that's wheat that's not beans but I got to back it out calibrate the meters which doesn't take long need to put that br1 mini in the floorboard in the machine and then he will be set this unfolded and we're going to adjust our depths we're a little deep right now at almost guaranteed because the last thing I planned with this was well I guess it would have been wheat so they were not not deep we'll still check also I'm having a little bit of issues getting my satellites to load up come on hurry up so I need that to be green then we're good to go right now we will not steer that's a good sign we're getting there calibration is complete looking at our depth here we might be good this would make it shallower if we moved this down looks like we have ran right there before I have to check it in the field so I'm going to run down here make sure dad's good to go and then we're going to go plant some corn little bit change little bit of a change of plans I am going to eventually start planting uh beans today so we're going to plant a few fields of corn and then we're going to come back and plant beans it's only got two sections at the end of the end Yep this sc's still a little wet so we're coming out here to check our depth this is straight noil this is really sandy ground and just in the line said of saving some time we're just straight no tilling her but that one right there is not very deep I that one's only that far half inch maybe dad really likes horch first time he's actually ever used it though feel a lot better now we got beans going in the ground wish we had a couple hundred more Acres than we have done or six but at least after the day we'll have two 300 done well assuming everything goes good might be a little too early to say stuff like that hey Brian give me a camera here and started planting beans first time I've planted beans for years used to plant years ago me brother Farm together we planted corn and we planted beans then we got later on Farm more started planting the beans and corn both those anyway we're planting just got started afterno first beans in the ground he had some corn he was going to plant up around the chop that was all he was going to get to do rest of kind of wet where had been worked BJ's run accelerator had to help dry some of this ground out before we run that staford Tool uh he's going over it and that's uh he run over this ground here it's really settled down smoing it out I wanted to come over here and plant this 60 acre field because my planner is empty I have 25 bags of a certain hybrid that will go well in this field so I'd like to just come straight here but this field has a I think it's a wheat stubble field it's never been worked usually that wheat stove will hold moisture in so we need to we need to check it it might be too wet pretty surprised how wet the field dad's running in is and that's kind of got me curious this one will be too wet just like my daddy shot taught me I'm going to drive out here going spin my wheel and that's how we know if it's too wet probably blow the rear end out of this [Music] thing it's a little damp little bit not bad but a little bit that's really not what that is how I've seen dad check Fields but that's that wasn't the what I was planning on doing it's it's we might plant another field first oh man there definitely definitely some moisture there that is not going to plant today definitely not that sucks so that is one of the disadvantages in my my opinion the straight no tail if this had been vted the sun would have been hitting it a little sooner and would have got some of that moisture out but this wheat stubble is really holding in some moisture which can be good and it can be bad depending on you know I guess where you live and what you need looks like one of the neighbors been planting the that's their corn planter too now they probably planted on the other side of these trees yesterday but I do know that they had worked their ground that is a 20-in corn planter folks now here is a good example of what I was talking about this corn field or this this will be a beanfield this year just on the other side of the ditch from that filler just in I could definitely plant this today definitely plantable so I almost forgot we have to go across the road and the loader and move that tree out of the way we found last night so I'm taking the JCB over there I think this will be enough I'm probably just going to scoot it straight into the woods would be a good firewood tree but well there plenty of good firewood trees and I ain't got time to cut it up right now so we are driving across Planet rose right here don't like that but it is what it is now in the middle here we have not planted we're going to go through there we're going to come back out on the same path bet the downforce map really shows our tracks cuz this thing these tires pack down a little bit more so than a tractor tire thing's covered in great find itself and we are Tangled Up in a wonderful absolutely fantastic so last night I just skipped this spot the field do in the end so just have to remember to come back and fill this in otherwise I'm feel like a real big dum dum hey we got one more round around in RS I say BJ run the accelerator over that had the crumber on the back under first roller or crumber or whatever they call Packer whatever they call it on the back of the ton accelerator and boy it really does a nice job it just kind of packs it down a little takes a little longer to dry out maybe it's nice and smooth nice seat bed to plant in I know that just getting used to this thing had trouble getting folded up there moved out there field I played about 120 Acres already moving out of their field and had trouble folding up finally couple sensors had to adjust finally got fold we got going now so maybe we get some beans pled well I hope you can see out there wind is Pretty Dirty tractor wasn't cleaned up very good nothing been ready Brian said he had it ready to go and everything but had to calibrate the drill this morning uh Tak some time getting calibrated just getting the field getting everything thing to figure it out how to work I say I've never run this before and everything set so it shuts off at the end I hope it it dribbles some out so I hope this is the map over here if you see it watch it shut off I all I do is hit this in button and that's all I had to do turn it I wait till the black gets out to the last pass there I'll hit the end button and start turning it and the tractor will'll slow down a little bit slow down to about 6 and 1 12 only thing I don't like that wheel like the way Scoops there I hit the go button and uh it should line itself up real sets down back online starts planting it shuts off half the planter Point roads black planter has done a good job for us so far both wheat and uh soybeans last year holds a lot of beans that's nice playing on several Acres I think Brian said 150 170 Acres depends on how much you're putting on so I'm just going to load that planter right there I've got a din gr variety over there by the combine and bags I need 13 bags to finish that field over there then we're going to switch varieties as much of a pain the but as bags are when you're switching hybrids all the time they are pretty handy because you're not locked into putting 120 acres in the ground before you can switch [Applause] hybrids now it'd be a whole lot cooler if we just had three hybrids though next year that might be the goal an early hybrid a middle hybrid and a late hybrid but this Dino grows 108 day corn and last night in that field well it's on the other side that wall I was planting 109 days consultant hybrids so that should make those Harvest roughly the same time it's probably a lot better than what I was going to do I was going to put 112 day Variety in the planner and that would have ran me kind of you know pretty large gap in [Music] maturities well safety third H well that was a little different must had more corn on that side so we do have a baby on board well a bag of seed actually got three on the back platform and one right here because I still had probably a unit and a half two units in my uh box that supplies seed to Rose one through 12 so I definitely misf filled it I guess but I didn't want to uh combine those seats so right now we've got a half and half planter half of it got this dining grow and half of it still has the 109 day SE Consultants I'm going to plan out the SE Consultants we'll have a couple little side by sides right through here and then we will get out and throw these bags in the uh the empty Hopper first time we've had that I guess we got to get out wonderful I suppose this last 30 Acres of this Field's going to take hours just a just a lde and we were good to go guess I need to put more tal in one thing kind of neat you can see the sprayer tracks in that compaction map well downforce map kind of interesting there's a sprayer track and there's sprayer track and then I think over there is a floater track that you can see on that map so we have 6 Acres left of this field not quite 6 Acres I just ran out and the Box had the sea consultants in it I'm just going to put one bag in it for now cuz we're switching hybrids out to this field we may have to come back and Shuffle some seil take that one got 4 Acres left I just split a bag put in there we should be good to go and we're basically going to be empty when we get done so that worked out well well one thing about working beside the shop didn't have the fold up so one thing we are going to do we are going to adjust our road cleaners cuz we are going to be in straight no tail now next one we need is a pro box so want to go grab an empty Pro box off the Tinder throw it on there and get back to it like I said we're going to do about 40 acres and then we're going to go relieve dad in The Bean planter and he's going to go smooth up some ground that we're going to plant for the first time this year it is uh a little rough it's a corn field it be the next corn field on plant but it is not ready just yet I don't think that it will be ready before this next rain either it's a wheat stubble field as well we really like to run the vertical tillage tool ahead on those wheat stubble Fields if we don't strip till them so I think Dad's going to run the disc over the new part of that field and then BJ's going to Vertical till the rest of that field all right we are loaded and ready to roll and one thing about these little fields and switching prid it takes forever I can plant realistically 50 acres in an hour in an open field I've planted 30 in 2 hours so goes that when you get to the small field though so this seed is a larger seed and it has been singula awesome 99 to 100% all the time very minimal skips and multiples doing really well seed size plays a lot into that but um this is a I'm guessing this is a large flat seed we got to go Dad cannot figure out how to get the horse folded up so I'm going to to go help him and probably hop in it yeah good news is Dad got folded up apparently one of the sensors got out of adjustment and with that sensor not being adjusted right is preventing the next sequence in the fold but he said he figured it out apparently we're out of government juice and Fuel and change of plans Dad decided he was having fun I guess he said he'd keep planting for a little while so I'm going to go put some more seed in this tender just to make sure we have enough for tonight if we get to that point it'll be a miracle but if it's late at night I'd hate to run out of seed before I ran out of Acres so go put some seed in this tender he is going to keep planting for a while I was kind of planning on going to emy's ball game my daughter I was daughter's last softball game for the season is tonight and they're playing well a team I want to watch them play so he's going to keep planting while I go to that basically I was going to plant for like an hour and a half and he was going to come back so he's like I'll just keep going well I got done over there back another field here this one uh had the sulfur run over it and uh then we run over there a few weeks ago was the two accelerator in the um first uh rowing basket behind it boy it really smoothed it Out Boy it's really did good job it's this field was really rough bouncy waving but really smoothed it out so it's uh it's rained on really nice seat bed just as smooth as it can be so at least we're getting them smooth out St equip done a good job Ryan's supposed to be coming after 's ball game tonight take over said probably be 9:00 or so so we'll run till he gets here see how much we get done tonight [Music] so when Dad gets done with this field he'll be at 192 acres for the day which for the first day of be on a machine he's never ran not bad I'm going to keep running it though I'd like to get another like get at least 60 70 acres in the ground this fi's in right now will be wheat this coming fall so we try to get the wheat Fields planted early that way we can Harvest them early that way we can plant wheat right around the fly free date which is usually first week October so this is a 32 acre field right across the driveway is a 52 acre field on the other side of that's a 24 acre field I'd like to get those all in the ground before this rain moves in tonight and then if we don't get any rain I want to get that Land roller out here and roll this I don't know how well you're going to be able to see it at night on this go this DJI camera but I'd like to roll it because this ground's pretty soft it's been worked and I want to roll it back flat and well I want to dry the Land roller feel like in this work ground it would really shine get these ridges out of here these ridges will still be here when we Harvest if we don't now the seat tender is hooked to Dad's pickup truck I am going to fill up before he leaves and based on the rate that I'm putting on that'll give us another 150 acres of seed before we're empty don't think I'm going to plant another 150 acres tonight but we have plenty of seed so I definitely got used to planting with 60 ft I feel like we should have a lot more Acres done but I don't run this planter near as fast or this drill near as fast as I run the corn planter uh the drill I'll run this is a very tilled field I mean 7 and 1 12 miles an hour probably could run eight here okay the corn planter though I'd be running 10 and and we're 60t wide this is 40t wide so quite a bit slower um I've planned with this machine for 3 years I feel lost without my 2020 now playing with a 2020 for a month I really like that monitor I don't think you could have one on an air seater though that really wouldn't benefit you any one thing about it though it's it's very simple yep we're spitting seed yep we're Main in rate now that is our blockage monitor if you notice there one of those rows is orange that row has been orange for a very long time and I think the sensor is just not good on it because uh it never noticed any difference in that row uh after emergence ever first 50 acres down moving on W be a late night had people ask why I'm been rebounding fields in my rock sore this uh spring this boundary is only 3 years old you can see how far off it is several feet like if I snapped onto that line for this boundary I'd be in that driveway over there I don't know why that's happened for some reason we're having issues with boundaries even some of the ones that I made this this year um what forever reason when I got to those fields we pulled in Old boundaries that I thought I had cleared out so I don't know but that's why I was redoing those I wish that these ones work because I can't really see back here very well for example I had no idea that I was dragging that up getting a few sprinkles on the windshield it does appear that we have some rain moving in but I was hoping it'd be a little bit yet it would have here that we're going to be getting rain in about an hour not looking good so I have uh 3 acres left in this field I'd say that's all we're going to get I was really going to go across the ditch and do at least another 30 that was my intention and see how I was feeling and possibly finish out this stretch of field but weather is not going to cooperate we have less than 5 minutes before this rain gets here I'd say it might be here now actually I hope not but as fluffy and powdery as this dirt is it will not take long for we will have to stop but either way once we get done we're going to quit I don't want to get this field beside us here opened up and then get another 10day rain delay cuz then those beans will be out of the ground well we made it we've succeeded this puts us at about 275 Acres of beans in today not a bad first day yep not a bad first day well we made it I'm going to close this thing up and head to bed thanks for watching Everybody if you would do me a favor thumbs up the video subscribe the channel if you haven't and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 43,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pi3XclNbfvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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