Plant Shopping, Breakfast & Laughs With Janey ✨|| Visit Our Garden

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good morning you guys it is going to be such a good day today I've been up since about six o'clock okay that's a lie I was up at 3 a.m. had a migraine but I got up and started being productive at 6:00 a.m. so um I just finished making some kiche cut up some strawberries I made some mini like bite-sized kiches I love kiche it's one of my favorite things to make um I had to buy eggs so there's that but Janie is coming up today and we're going to hang out today going to film a couple videos for her Channel and we're just going to like hang out we're going to go do a little bit of plant shopping and I think I'm just going to show you guys like behind the scenes of everything things that are happening today little like tidbits of everything um so it's going to be a very very busy day she has a long day she left her house at 6:00 a.m. oh there's a [Music] hummingbird isn't that awesome that's so cool anyways Janie will be here I probably about 30 minutes so it's going to be a good day it's going to be a really nice morning she lives about 2 hours south of me um hour 45 and so she had a long drive this morning and then she has a long drive home but we're going to go to the plant Barn we're going to hang out to film a garden tour here we're going to do her coffee chat video and we're going to have some kich and then I think we're also going to go out to lunch I'm going to take her to a restaurant in Chico not my rooster so anyways Janie will be here soon and it's gonna be a good day I think we're g to go get lunch and I'm just GNA like pop in clips of little things that we did throughout the day um I think I'm going to try to get her to film some things for Instagram for me and it should be a really good time I actually have some food in the oven right now that I got to pull those out I think that they're probably about done so I'm going to run inside and pull those out and then we'll just wait [Laughter] she totally missed did you miss did you miss the road are you filming yeah look who's here did you get camera absolutely absolutely I knew you wouldn't have done anything embarrassing if you thought that I was filming she made it barely drove past the house jump past the house a bug just flew in my mouth we're doing really good today he we are on it today we have so many bugs here just like you have I mean you have way more than we do but I know it's really bad we've been Jason and I have been getting eaten alive it's insane ours are just they're Leaf Hoppers we don't have mosquitoes oh I don't even know what Leaf Hoppers are they're like baby little Grasshoppers and they're so annoying what happened to your pot I'm doing really good at gardening right now he's got this poor tree what I don't even know what that tree is it's a thriving lemon tree Jesus what did you do to it I cut it grip irrigation and it uh it's dead forgot to get water yeah anyway what are we doing today we we just got done filming a q& a having some breakfast I made some kich it was delicious I was up at 3:00 a.m. I didn't start making kich until 600 but um he had a migraine I was having a migraine s yeah but we're we just got done F your Q&A okay now I'm filming a garden tour and because it's wonderful to film garden tours of other people's house like I know you're filming your own garden tour but I look at all the different things that you just walk past you you like don't even pay attention well that's the thing is like I just kind of like I mean there's there's so many plants in the garden that we just kind of like walk past some things yeah and there's some things that I like talking about and then some things that I like don't even pay attention to and then you show up at my house you're like look at that beautiful day and I'm like oh that's nothing don't worry about that yeah so film another Garden Tour here my channel is going to be a lot of garden tours over the next over this last like that's okay everybody likes garden tours they really do I like your Gard I like G yeah um and then we're going to the plant Barn the plant bar we're also going to lunch which I'm excited about yeah that you just I love lunch I'm just full from your eggs that you made me I'm already ready for lunch yeah but then we're going to go to the plant Barn pick up a few things I need to fill a container that's empty we professionals um so it'll be a really good day you have a gardening Channel let's get to it hey guys we are on the way to the plant store we're very very excited about it it's going to be a good day uh we're on the way to the plant Barn in Chico which is the cutest Garden Center so cute and we have gift certificates for it it's going to be a good time got to be a good day so what are you looking for um I want to find like maybe a couple pieces of or not a couple pieces like a piece of Statuary oh okay um and then something Evergreen Evergreen I'm just going to copy Robbie we made it we made it we made it to the plant Barn we're going to find some good stuff today I'm going to spend some money they just got a plant loaded we pulled up and they were unloading a semi Tru yeah full plants we got very excited about that it's going to be a good day and we are both double miked up so you'll be able to hear us on my video and on her video we're doing it for you we're doing it for you guys we sat in the car for like 10 minutes getting the mics figured out and said what's what happened to our lives yeah isn't that beautiful it's really pretty shape right there I want that one I'm looking for pots to go around my new hot tub etty pretty I like these grasses love it love it love it you want to move on to Terra Cotta terra cotta like you want a Terra Cotta Fountain yeah I do so I really want to put a mirror in my garden stop I've literally been looking on um you copied me no you copied me I've been no no no you are copying I literally have a mirror to go in my garden you already have it yeah I've been looking online for like I'm hanging it up tonight I hate you I've been looking on Facebook Marketplace for like probably four or 5 months now to find a mirror I told him four or five months ago that I was hanging a mirror in my no she didn't it's really cute I'll show you my Pinterest page from like a year ago cute it's super cute like it's really cute what kind of mirror is it are you doing an arched mirror or round mirror it's an arched mirror I hate her that's exactly what I want with window pains is it black actually I think a mirror would be good in your garden I want to put it where my birch trees are no that's too deep that's what I want then it cuz then it looks like a door leading out to somewhere mine will be cooler that's fine I'm not I'm not worried I do like these o look at these those will look good at my house no they look good at my house they look good at my house they look good at my house 175 this would be perfect for me no Janie no literally my house they match my rolled Rim better no they match my house actually I only have like one style of rolled Rim they do match your uh office really nicely I think I think I'm going to go with this instead of the other one for by the hot tub M you're going to go with one of these no three of these three of those no one of these and then two more of that clay color oh she's so fun to shop with me soive I Chang my mind I Chang my mind I like this one I love that one will the grass live in that no I'll put something else in there okay it's kind of awkward to just be filming each other welcome to plant shopping with us this is their trial garden over here though it's so pretty so I definitely want that ver verbina banerian yeah you need to leave me at least one though m not M I don't know oh this is so pretty they did they just cleared all of this out too they must be starting new crops sh and FL another one I you have to do it in threes or fives this is Danny on a mission okay which one did you go with the one that you already put back twice one that I put back first and then took back out out and then put back that's a good Trio I like that that's a nice Trio I know I really like it yeah move move that one back so we can see it all like a proper Trio they're coming through like decimating everything so when I see them I just like that's a really nice Trio I like it too okay Jamie what do you have three pots three pots three ver Banis that I said I would never grow but I'm doing it wait why won't you them because they Reed everywhere I know I agree I also said I wasn't going to grow honeysuckle in my garden anymore and I'm going to so you have to we all say thanks means it is what it is I'm very excited wait wait wait what just happened she has money left on her gift certificate has money left on her gift certificate so she has to go find something she needs more plants look at her she's in mode so off she off she goes what is she look at the hand is up that's how you know she's looking hard come on Miss Thing no hold on pressure what do you want smoke bush there was one right behind you oh no that's lur pedum that table on the left or the big one back there oh There She Goes smoke bush Bailey smoke bush smoke bush Bailey she got it I can't believe I didn't go she had $1 left so she's buying a $60 plant plant M plant M you money I no stop stop stop stop stop we're to knock this over leave it on mine okay you guys need help think we got it I think we could do it two of us just take us a while that's all Ser of us don't drop them they're so pretty go why are you filming that I'm sorry but I won today at the Garden Center yeah you did byana have fun thanks enjoy your thanks you did didn't press record I didn't press record what did you get Jamie oh my God I'm eting grilled cheese tomato soup grilled cheese tomato soup ped pork we're home Janie has two hours to get home now yeah go I need my like fifth cup of coffee today literally five cups but it was good we got um we got plants and we barely spent any money cuz we had gift card to the plant bar that was super cool I know it's like free we have like a credit we made money today we made money we should go plant shopping we should go plant shopping but it was good um you got some really cool containers you got this smoke bush right here that was beautiful we got we got verbina bananis which I know I told you all I was never going to grow again in my garden but uh Leslie had it in her garden and in the gardens that I went to film and I I'm obsessed with it we got jealous yeah so we to get them we had Foo definitely Foo um and then we had good lunch the four house and it was just it was a good day thanks for coming all the way up here it was a good day it was really good very fun uh follow Robbie on Instagram because we did some funny reels I made Jamie do some reals do some really funny reals yeah so if you're not following over there uh there's a lot of laughs that happen over on Instagram you can also see the reals live on my website um it updates live oh did you know that no I didn't yeah so if you go to my website if you don't have Instagram um there's a there's a little tab that says from Instagram and you can watch the videos directly there what do you know yeah all right guys that is going to be it for this video we're going to go get her some coffee so she can make her 2our ride home hours home bye guys [Music]
Channel: Visit Our Garden
Views: 12,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vx_BC0egvuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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