Plant Parts and Functions | First and Second Grade Science Lesson For Kids

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[Music] Oh [Music] [Music] here we go today we are going to learn about the plane parts and their functions but before we begin we've got some brand-new kids comments this first kids comment is from a Dania who says yes cool and this comment was with our Roman numerals video we've gotten a lot of feedback a lot of comments on that specific video we're so glad you like the video thanks for commenting and sharing we're so glad that you enjoyed it Matt it was cool our our next kids comment is from Liam who's 8 years old and he put his age in Roman numerals you know how much we love that and he's from this and he says the Atlantic Ocean is my favorite ocean he also said the weathering video is cool I love it PS have you seen a BC Mouse calm it is a cool game we have we love an EVC Mouse calm we've got a lot of great stuff on there and we're so glad the Atlantic Ocean is your favorite and you thought that the weathering video was cool thank you so much we love your comment and we appreciate how you watch our videos thanks Liam be sure and watch this video to see how you two can be featured on one of our videos just like Liam and Agana and again Liam Agana thank you so much not just for commenting on our videos but letting us share these with everyone else we appreciate it very much all right so as we mentioned today we are going to learn about the play parts and their functions okay so plants have six parts alright so how many play parts are there yeah six there are six plant parts the first three help plants get water make food and grow they are roots stems and leaves [Music] the second three help plants grow new plans they are flowers fruit and seeds so let's learn the plant parts one by one first the parts that help the plant get water make food and grow okay so the first plate part we're gonna look at today are the roots roots have a special job you see roots hold the plant in the soil the soil is the dirt in the ground then roots bring water and nutrients from the soil to the plant routes are usually underground but can be above ground too have you ever seen a tree that looks like this where the roots are above ground remember the roots hold the plant to the soil okay so now we're gonna look at the second part of a plan which are the stem now the stems hold the plant up above ground the stems carry water and food through the plant stems are the delivery system of the plant roots get water in nutrients from the soil and the stems carry the water and nutrients throughout the plant remember the stem holds the plant above ground the next part of the plant we're going to learn today are leaves the leaves are on the end of the steps of plans and this is interesting leaves are where plants make most of their food leaves take in air and they use air water and sunlight to make food remember leaves are on the end of the stems okay so next the parts that help the plant make new plans next part we're gonna look at our flowers flowers like leaves grow on the end of the stems [Music] flowers are often the most colorful part of the plant okay now this is awesome the rich colors of flowers help attract pollinators that's why they're beautiful the beauty has a purpose after getting pollinated flowers can make seeds and fruit do you love fruit yeah the fruit is awesome you have flowers to thank for that flowers make fruit so the next time you're eating an amazing piece of fruit just think to yourself ah thank you flowers thank you flowers remember flowers are the colorful growths on the stems the next part of the plant we're going to learn about is the fruit [Music] all right now we're on the plant is the fruit fruit hangs on the end of stems now you might be wondering what's the fruits job what does the fruit do well the fruits job is to hold the seeds the fruit is just a delicious seed holder now either one of two things happens to fruit fruit is either picked and eaten or it falls off the plant and rots remember fruit is the tasty stuff on the stems [Music] okay the last part of the plant that we're gonna learn today are the seeds so where are the seeds of the plant seeds hide inside of the fruit now the seeds have an incredible job you see seeds grow into new plants okay you might be wondering well how does that work well here's one way when animals eat fruit they eat the seeds later the seeds leave the animal through its waste wherever the animal is this is called dispersal [Music] or fruit falls from the tree and rots the word rots mean thighs the fruit dies it rots the seeds fall out and can make a new plant the first way called dispersal takes the seed to another place so it plants a new plant in a new place when a fruit falls and rots it plants a new plant nearby the original plan remember seeds live inside of the fruit [Music] Hey look like you're doing a good job paying attention learning about the plant parts and now we want to see how much work we're gonna play a game called name the plant part we're gonna show you a plant part and then you go ahead and tell us which plant part it is alright hope you're ready cause here we go look at this picture of a plan which plant part is coloured in aha the fruit the fruit of this great job [Music] here's next one what plant part is colored in [Music] yeah the leaves the leaves are colored a great job all right it's time for this one it's colored brown which plant part is this [Music] ah huh the roots awesome [Music] okay let's try this one what part of the plant is colored in you see it there on the bottom what is that yeah what part is that yes the seeds [Music] let's try this one look at the picture could you name the play apart which plant part is that you can see it's outlined in color yeah the flowers awesome job alright here's our last one which plant part is this [Music] yes it's the staff good job oh I am impressed I think you learned those plant parts so well and it was great having you I hope that it was helpful to you and we hope to see you next time well question to ask a really interesting question I hope you don't mind me asking this but would you like to be on one of our videos will now you can ask a parent or an adult to help you leave a comment right here under our YouTube video and what's fun is here a quick little story and quick joke you can say hello to friends or family you can say whatever you want and you may be featured on our next home school video ok we'll share your name and if you'll give your first name and where you're from so we can give you credit and you'll be on one of our videos forever which is really cool so be sure and comment below and also like our video because having well unless have you didn't like it which that's awkward you did it you did it you did it from all of us here at homeschool pop thank you so much for hanging out we had a great time we hope that you did too be sure and subscribe for more videos and fun with us here a homeschool table you can also see other videos on the side 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Views: 1,308,829
Rating: 4.3506541 out of 5
Keywords: Plant parts, plant parts and functions, plant parts and functions for kids, first grade science, first grade, plant parts lesson, second grade, second grade science, second grade science lesson, for kids, first grade science lesson, functions, plants, plants for kids, plants lesson, plants lesson for kids
Id: 18amLZ9vfG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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