plant care with julien

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when you water the plants can you throw a turtle oh yeah don't worry about that i'll he'll get his all right let's water some plants [Music] welcome to the welcome to the vlog take my headphones off can you see bun [Music] um [Music] i just spilled water can you rip off that dead yellow leaf for me papa no papa your plants are taller than you what the hell look at the drawer pretty fun right it's like a little drawer it's got plants in it here's my alocasia all right so a few a few of you were talking about the um uh moisture meter this is how it works so like take this guy so he's wet i don't need to water him so that's what it's for [Music] that's a big boy yeah he's a happy fiddle leaf so the reason i'm not using the the reason i'm not using the um moisture meter every time is because i have a pretty good idea of which of my plants a need water and be like to be more wet than the others so like the moisture meter is really good to like get to learn your plants and to play it safe but after a while you start to know what needs what and like i i would say the the majority of my plants i water like every 10 days [Music] [Music] oh this is my speeder plant you don't get to see him a lot because he's in the bathroom he's doing well may i please have some water please so thirsty please all right so this is my obama uh and he recently has caught mealy bugs so i've been like having to pick them off of his leaves but i'm gonna give him a little hit him with a little of the systemic because uh it's something that you you put in their soil and then give it a good water and it helps get rid of bugs this is weird because the mics over there so i'm trying to like i should have thought this out better there's a towel on the ground here's my collection that's dying why is it dying i think it's um it likes humidity and this room isn't very humid but i just gave him a good drink he should maybe open up a little bit after that um i think he also like in addition to humidity i think he likes being moist and he's not moist here this is my first calathea so i was expecting it to die if you have a calathea just get a humidifier and you should be okay in good light but i don't have a humidifier so whatever oh my god this is my crinkle eight i'm gonna hit him with a little systemic two because he's he's got the mealybugs as well hit him with a little drink all you need is a towel chat just a little towel it's fine everything's fine and this was my pet project this was the totem totem guy he's doing really well he's easy to water because you just pour water on the totem and it like goes directly down it's kind of nice see how tall the tetra sperma is goes way up there shooting star i'm gonna bring him into the bathroom i'm glad you can't see the floor there's definitely not a wet spot but i'm just glad you can't see it for like you know there are other reasons everything's fine though all right so now i'm gonna water the tall guy that's the scheflera he's like a tree at this point this is my little dracena trying its best i don't know he he's in a really small pot though he could get repotted all right so this is my uh my rex begonia he doesn't look amazing but you should have seen him yesterday dude he was like drooping like full all of his leaves were just hanging by the side it was really sad i thought it was curtains but um i gave him a nice big drink of water i'm gonna water him again today because he likes being like staying wet i should probably repot him at some point but yeah his name is rex then the plants that watered in the corner that's ficus altissima and and my uh dracaena massagina those are the two in the far corner on the back those are the ones that's just water you only have a couple left we have um hoya pupa calyx which is right here this guy check this out though i added a snake plant didn't even know about that guy did you then i have snake plants up top on the wall but i wanted those like once a year i think that's everything did everyone get something [Music] maybe we'll finish with a little little misting action so i think we're done i think we're done do you drink the rest of this don't do that don't do that no no did i miss anything i don't think i missed any of them oh i did miss one chat how are you gonna look you're gonna let me miss the carry eye oh my god it's like my favorite plant yeah yeah oh holy dude he's got look how tall this boy is yeah yeah it's my carry-on i need to repot him yeah this guy needs to be repot oh damn he's thirsty he needs to be repotted yeah you can tell he's thirsty he's like his leaves are a little droopy i think this pot is like just getting to be too small for him he's grown so fast do it now oh my gosh should i all right let me put him alright i don't know if this is i don't know if this is big enough of an upgrade it's a it's like it's more deep than anything but there's not i mean maybe he would do well with this two more inches i think the reason why it's not big enough is because [Music] he needs to uh like he needs more space on the surface but the problem is i have a mounted on the wall like over there [Music] all right we'll do this all right i'm gonna go get the soil and take off my rings stand by all right we need we need re-pot camera repot cam okay so getting a little bit of perlite you should probably put on the gloves before you touch the soil or after we need a little bit of uh bark oh no the other kind of bar a little bit of charcoal and then last but not least a little bit of potting soil and i'm just going to mix them up he's gonna need more he's gonna need more but we'll fill that with potting soil at the end all right are we ready for this what's the charcoal for so this mix of bark charcoal perlite and um potting soil it's like a good mix that i use because it's like light enough for the soil to breathe but there's um different textures that work better for different plants and i just kind of found this to be the best uh like overall version or whatever all right here we go [Music] [Music] hopefully he doesn't die you know [Music] i'm sweating i think this is better i think this is looking good it's a little bit kind of iffy but i think it should i think he should be okay i need to uh secure him i think i need a taller um steak yeah let's do that brb okay what are we thinking [Music] whoa who put the camera like this how are we vibing what about bathroom plants i already showed the uh spider plant which is oh can i here check this out [Music] [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: julien 2
Views: 77,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien, julien solomita, jennajulien, julien games, twitch, jenna julien games, lets play, gaming
Id: EHpeQc1QK6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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