Plant 3 Fruit Trees In 1 Hole

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[Music] here's our next planning program we've chosen to do a three-in-one planning here which we'll explain in just a minute but what we've decided to do is a mounded planning so we're actually planning these routes right at soil level we know we have a drainage problem here so we're gonna mound the soil up around them as we plant them today we're demonstrating the option of multiple planning sky's the limit on this you can really do just about whatever you want we've chosen a three in one planning today three trees in one hole at about 18 inches apart 1824 or whatever works best for your situation there really aren't any rules the main thing is do what works for your particular landscape needs and have fun with it lots of reasons to consider multiple planning number one here today we want successive ripening we want to have more than one variety of fruit coming out of this area so we have an early season variety a mid season variety and a late season variety so we can harvest fruit over an extended period number two no cross-pollination issues we have plenty of varieties that are going to bloom simultaneously so we'll get a bigger better set of fruit on each and every one number three we want to make good use of our space we don't want one great big overbearing tree that's going to have too much fruit for our family to use so by planning three trees in this space we make much much better use of our fruit season so I have my trees in on their final spacing I'm happy with the way that they look now I'm going to backfill soil make sure that make sure that you're getting your trees the level that you want make sure that the spacing is the way you want it this is your final decision so you're going to do a right I'm going to come in now and make sure that they're nice and straight we're going to tamp a little bit to get the air pockets out we're gonna check our soil level the one in the front here still a little too too low so we'll add some soil and create a little bit of a well for irrigation the first two trees were already cut to their for their final heights so that they'll develop a good low branching structure on this third one here you can see the amount of nursery growth that we have but we don't really need that we're not going to rely on that this is already too big for our situation so we're gonna bring this tree also back down to knee-high and we're gonna allow the branching to start here down lower on the trunk this is gonna give us a nice low canopy so that we can keep the tree to mature height at about eight feet and everything is easily harvestable from the ground and all of our maintenance all of our pruning work anything we need to do to the tree can be done from ground level one of the things that makes multiple planning really fun is being able to select the varieties that you want you can choose anything that's compatible to grow together you could grow peach plum nectarine and apricot all together you know in a three and one or four and one planning like this you can choose the season that you want your fruit to ripen early season mid season late season so you can stagger your harvest from a multiple planning like this when choosing varieties for your combination take into consideration varieties that have similar requirements for pests and disease control when selecting plant material for your multiple planted combination it's always a good idea to try and find plants that are as uniform as possible all three of these trees have very similar caliper sizes that's not always possible to do in the retail nursery so if you have a plant that's weaker than the others you always want to make sure that you're giving that plant the consideration of the south or Southwest face you don't want that plant to be shaded out by larger growing material on the backside when it comes to maintaining your multiple planted combination the first couple of years are the most important you want to make sure that you're not letting any one variety dominate the combination so the most vigorous variety needs to be kept in check with the weakest variety in the combination summer pruning is very important after a couple of years of working the combination keeping vigor in check allowing the weak variety to catch up you'll have a nice balanced system and it's very very easy to maintain in the future to finish up this multiple planning will come in with a good wood product compost or much and we're going to lay that in so that we can spread it all around the combination so then we have it two or three inches thick mulching is gonna do several real important things for us number one it's going to keep the weeds from germinating number two it's going to keep the soil temperature an average of fifteen to twenty degrees cooler than unmold soil during the hot summer months it's going to make much better use of our irrigation water and it's also going to increase the bio activity in the soil it's going to bring back earthworms and micro raisa and beneficial insects and fungi that help the trees to feed in a more natural way water management is a very important issue when it comes to growing fruit trees successfully it's not how much water you use but how little water you can use to keep your fruit trees growing healthy you have to consider water management is your personal responsibility you should research your soil type and your climate and make sure that you're irrigating when necessary and not putting too much water on your trees the number one reason that people lose fruit trees is over watering it's your responsibility to consider the the needs of your fruit trees in your specific geographic area and your specific soil type so don't overwater mult right irrigate write and consider it your personal responsibility [Music]
Channel: Dave Wilson Nursery
Views: 219,931
Rating: 4.8822865 out of 5
Keywords: fruit, trees, high, density, planting, gardening, dave, wilson, nursery, successive, ripening, landscapes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 12 2009
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