Planning Permission V Permitted Development Rights

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we're looking at planning permission for extensions now whether you're building a loft conversion or maybe you're building an orange Rican server tree or even converting a garage for living habitation or like me building an extension that I thought was so small that I'd be able to do it under what they call permitted development rather than applying for planning permission UK but it turns out I was wrong permitted development rights were introduced to make it easier to extend your home cut the red tape empower you and spread peace and harmony throughout the land now it was Parliament rather than your local council which introduced permitted development rights and you think Parliament will trump the local authority but that's not necessarily the case because your local authority can issue what it calls an article four which means you're permitted development rights are out the window if you live in an area which is considered to have charm and character then your local authority doesn't want you spoiling all that by building something like this or maybe even this now the kind of places that are considered have charm and character are places like national parks or conservation areas or maybe a site of historic interest so basically that's anywhere that posh people live so that lets me off the hook so why is my council decided not to grant my permitted development rights and make me apply for planning permission now because I extended this properly around 20 years ago it turns out that I've used up all my allocation under permitted development you can't extend an extension so I've got to apply for planning permission and fingers crossed I get it because I've already started digging so the upside of living in that charmless area that nobody really cares about is it you can get away with an awful lot more so if you're eligible for permitted development and I do urge you to check before you start building then you can extend your house like up to 50% of your curtilage which basically means you're gone unless of course your garden looks like this round the back of your house if it's detached you can build out 8 meters that's a big extension if it's semi-detached or it's Terrace then up to 6 meters there is a height restriction it's normally four meters from the ground level if you're within seven meters of the boundary of your curtilage getting on with your neighbors is in my opinion crucial to the whole thing and if you're having permitted development there is something called a neighbor consultation scheme if your extension is going to be unusually large then they like to have a chat with your neighbor to check whether there's any objections any loss of amenity so it's best if you can have a chat with your neighbor and find out what kind of things they will be up for so let's supposing that you want to do something that falls outside of those constraints of permitted development you want to be ambitious throw up two storeys and you're closer than seven meters to the boundary so then you have to apply for planning permission now planning permission is a bit of a strange process because it's done by the planning committee you apply the planning committee sits down and considers your application and of course the planning committee is made up of councillors and what's their qualification for the job well zilch absolutely nothing I know a few people on planning committees and they don't really know anything about building they're not architects they've got no specialist knowledge at all but luckily they are guy and to some extent advised by planning officers now your democratic rights allow you to attend a Planning Committee meeting so you can actually watch them deliberating over your planning application but you can't actually influence it by timely coughing or anything like that you've gotta let the process run its course and if it does happen to go against you don't storm out of a chamber having let off a stink bomb remember this is in France now let's say that the way to get your planning application through is what they call good design but what on earth is good design when it's her home it's this good design or this or does this fit in with the surrounding area it really is a very subjective process and it changes all the time now bear in mind that many of the buildings that we consider to be the finest in the land we're all built long before the advent of the Town and Country Planning Act now I'm not suggesting that we go back to that free-for-all that we remove all constraints but the present system that we have is subjective inconsistent and it is liable to change for example some years ago I built an extension and the planning requirements said that it had to be back from the frontage of the original house and it had to be lower so I had to be stepped down to make it subordinate to the original structure now two years down the line the house down the road which was almost identical I had an extension and they allowed them to build it right level with the front and the roof was all in line so subordinate it wasn't so what happened there well what happened was it was an election local election there was a change of regime on the Planning Committee and they allowed different things that happen if you're unlucky enough to have your planning application turned down take heart because you can appeal and in my personal experience appeals have a good chance of success so solar on be brave but be prepared to compromise but don't please under any circumstances build before you permission because watching your extension or your house be demolished before your very eyes is not a good thing I know you can apply retrospectively for planning permission but you're not guaranteed to get it and this fella that lives close to me certain mr. Fidler he built they bought you mounts to a castle behind some straw bales and kept it hidden for four years with the express intention of revealing it to the world and saying look it's been there for years you can't do anything about it but he was wrong and nine years later after protracted legal battles which ended up in I call all that stress and they demolished the house and of course the only people that one out there were the lawyers come back and see us soon because the next one we've got in this series is gonna be dealing with the minefield which is the building regulations and how you might navigate your way through them safely without getting blown to bits and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you didn't give it a thumbs down and please come over and see us on Facebook because there's a lot happening there that isn't happening on our YouTube channel different stuff basically
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 177,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Permitted development rights, permitted development, permitted development uk, planning permission uk, Planning Permission, permitted development detached, building without planning permission uk, how to get planning permission uk, planning permission explained, permitted development side extension, permitted development garage, permitted development outbuildings, permitted development rear extension, house extensions uk, commercial property, property investing
Id: l97KezwLWIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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