Pkers Think I have the New Vesta Armour

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the new PVP armas which were released with Bounty Hunter are the best install for PK but they take an extremely long time to obtain so there's not many people out there who have the armors and not everyone knows exactly what they look like especially statius nobody is buying status because Vesta is literally better so I'm gonna be wearing the legitimate studies full hell but I'm gonna be wearing a fake plate body and plate legs with 270k total [Music] come on stupid if you kill someone with a new armors you get five more cash per piece I am literally risking under 500k watch this I'm gonna get sick venge combos because I'm in mummy which literally has zero defense VLS no [Music] I should be dead who'd have known mummy was Donkey that's why I brought the DFS I don't get destroyed too much 5.5 mil ah 200 Scholars I mean he's never gonna score Lizzy both skull yeah sure oh no oh my how much do I risk if I skull not even that much still oh I've got prims I'll change them for D boots nine mil meanwhile he's risking a lot more mate he's got an elder more nah [Music] oh my what that was beautiful I feel so bad I was only risking 9 mil and I just Peak at 50 mil I felt that bad I met up with him in game and I gave him a link to download raid Shadow Legends for free and I'm feeling that generous that you can do the same by clicking the link in the description of the QR code on screen remember the days of playing snake on your Nokia imagine someone telling you about then that you could be defeating bosses that look like they're out of a movie on a mobile phone the graphics are mental and there's over 700 Champions down to collect my favorites being ursine Ironhide and Brack as the shifter right now forget about stranger things money Heist raid have come out with their own limited edition series called Call of the albatar which is available on their YouTube channel and there's some new characters from the series which you can play with as champions in game the first one is attack Mighty old warlord and you can get for free all you have to do is log into raid for seven days between now and July and the 24th so to help you get started use my link in the description or QR code on screen to get start pack and a free champion from the banner Lodge faction at night Aaron it takes a few seconds and I would massively appreciate it thank you to Red for sponsoring the video [Music] Jesus 1.8 this is actually genius I can die 100 times in a row without getting a kill and I will still be in a profit 600 no chance he attacks me [Music] I thought I thought I thought he caught on but no [Music] I mean yeah we died oh no just just wait until he opens his key oh no there he is oh no I'm risking it now oh how long it take you to get status did you boost about um 50 hours of course he needs the whole game on strings it ABI dagger yeah the Abbey dagger got a buff so this should be interesting I mean no hesitation no I just these simspect him that is the first time I've been called out so far honestly this is actually exceeded expectations so much I knew it was gonna work my wood nobody is saying anything and everyone's attacking me [Music] beautiful Avengers time and I knew he was going to spell that what the f no wonder he knew it was Mommy and stuff for me man I can just take stupid risks in this gear because it doesn't even matter 600. I wonder why is that corrupt stand yes yes profit give me give me give me give me give me give me give me you oh no no oh no 5.8 mil I'll say the profit [Music] 61 and he's dead thing is I'm risking 500k but I'm still in insane strength bonus gear 600k [Music] beautiful that's what the VLS is good for it doesn't hit like massively high but but you can get some sick combos 1.8 mil [Music] 63 I could have easily killed him if he hit my bench 61 oh my word Bounty Hunter crate what the [ __ ] I did not know that was a thing I'll be honest prayer drops from that 600k [Music] nice quick kill that 580. [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a 1.3 mil 66 to the Dome getting UK [Music] 65 beautiful 2.3 my target is in a fight what a shame it would be if I was just specular [Music] so lucky I'm so sorry I'm actually just not I'll be honest tier five oh 300K from the cray 530k yeah so we're bringing up the void Waker will the darkest skull you will wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why on Earth is this guy attacking me we'll take it is that legit house looks like [Music] foreign [Music] on the bridge now I might not make this I'm not gonna lie oh no please [Music] what an absolutely stupid way to die complacency is the biggest killer this guy is wearing Rune gloves Rune boots and a rune Defender this is truly just not worth my time he needs to die ASAP tell you what I'm just for you I'm gonna do a dear first takeoff hopefully it never returns um yes Maybe profit yeah that's actually more than I thought sir five mil nice [Music] it's all about the event oh you [ __ ] got tier seven crate it'd be cool if those rares in there I don't know if there is but 450k that's a nice added bonus 2.1 mil on the key void Waker is Derek's worst enemy look at that look at that he tried eating well no chance 3.8 mil Beirut he's already wasted and now watch this I'm literally just going to destroy him yep he's at the worst day of his life 650. [Music] lovely 4.3 mil [Music] I'm doing that more 680. [Music] no I missed clicked I got my mummy back as well sick 1.4 mil that's profit this guy tried attacking me whilst I was looting I want an absolute scumbag I would never ever do such a thing 90s aren't again 550 you know what I'm just gonna go for it I'm trying to go for the Smite maybe yeah you have to drink a prayer pot there 69 4.3 mil give me a money mate [Music] 450. no [ __ ] yeah um there's just nothing you can do you just have to accept unless you want to eat above 82 HP and the thing is it can still hit higher than that 73. what the f oh my word 57 smack Give Me Your Money mate 580 [Music] 77 that's so sick my gear is still that's crazy 650. [Music] may like [ __ ] my weapon oh [ __ ] done mate do I just seriously just need to start eating more the guy was a pleb as well another hobby dagger here we go [Music] yes 7.3 million we actually got the Abbey dog is sick how many [Music] times yes yes let's go big investor beautiful 14 mil let's go nice I guess he wants the rematch oh my God that was so nice that was clean 24.6 mils sick I have never thought someone in morrigan's yet please call please yes yes statius versus morrigans well not really but you know oh my yeah the debug got above by the way and now both hits appear at the same time and it's like just better [Music] oh my word there's no way I just ate that 45 47 what the [ __ ] there's nowhere just tanked a 44 44 in case you're wondering yes there will be a video with the Abbey dagger in completely max strength don't you worry [Music] yes 7.5 mil got a whip in there as well with an extremely experienced pk4 for it let's find out right I have been told that in World 506 there is someone in full status and a VLS at dragon [Music] and it wasn't a lie [Music] perfect that was perfect I got the Smite as well I I don't know all right like I I would he have lost his style yes then um nine on never mind well I I got told that it was full status all right man yes it's gonna be in a video I know it's gonna be in a video lovely I can't believe how well this worked I paid 171 mil and remember if you're a new player to raid you will get bonuses and a free champion by using my link in the description or QR code on screen
Channel: TorvestaRS
Views: 265,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xUJEq8sbchc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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