PJ Masks Full Episodes | GEKKO SAVES CHRISTMAS ❄️PJ Masks Christmas Special ❄️ PJ Masks Official

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Geko saves Christmas O'Connor it's Christmas tomorrow and it still hasn't snowed snow would be amazing but we'll still have a good time I can't do this what's wrong Greg it's the day before Christmas aren't you excited not about ice skating I've never done it before and I'm not any good at it we'll help you come on just try it's all part of Christmas like the tree yeah with all its lights and decorations what lights and decorations where are all the ornaments and the tinsel even the star has disappeared they were so beautiful and there were so many they can't just be gone someone must have taken them last night but how did that someone get up there it's so high we're going to find out and we won't need ice skates to do it PJ masks night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] whoever took those decorations went really high and we need to get up high to come on to the owl-glider [Music] [Music] what it's Luna girl it's Christmas day tomorrow no one will have anything to open get her Luna ward she won't be able to reach the chimneys good idea Gekko let's go [Music] I'll get her down to the ground Halloween [Music] away from Luna girl but I've never written a Luna board before [Music] [Music] gaku are you okay yes I knew I wouldn't be able to fly the Luna board sorry it's okay let's just go after her the al-qaida is too big to chase it out there I'll let you fly after her and we'll follow you from the ground let's go let's go why don't you just give those presents back because I don't want to come and get him if you think you can I need some extra weight to bring her down [Music] [Music] I'm gecko pop on the lunar board and get it out of here get on it again so long gecko I'd like you will be if you just give it a try [Music] are you okay I'm no good at new things okay don't worry I'll let me I'll take care of it let's catch up with Luna girl that's it Luna girl time to stop time to stop [Music] I'm too dizzy to do anything right now never mind fly straight enough to help you need to jump on the Luna board again - ho cat boy you don't know if you're any good at it because you keep jumping off you need to really try you can do it carefully you're right I would I've got to at least try to save him it's time to [Music] disappear to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] careful way to go I knew you'd get the hang of it see you just had to give it a try yeah let me go you PJ pests it's over Luna girl yeah we've got your Luna board so you can't steal any more presents I'm just here by myself what do you mean you're all alone at Christmas that's really sad hey why don't you spend the rest of Christmas Eve with us with you yeah we've got to put all these presents and decorations back any way you can help then we'll all have Christmas together what do you say okay I guess we're going to Christmas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the last one excellent and you're getting so good at writing the Luna board Gekko Thanks now that I have the hang of it I love it you really helped us out Luna girls so you can have your board magnet back okay but I guess you have to go now so Christmas is over for me don't worry we're not leaving yet there's one more stuff to make first [Music] whoa isn't it beautiful Luna girl I guess but now Christmas really is over and I didn't get any presents oh yeah I've never skated before that's okay neither have I but we'll get the hang of it come on let's just try PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] [Laughter] Gekkos nice ice plan huh what's this ice what is the middle of summer icicles [Music] there's ice all over the place sliding but only to the end of the street then it just stops what's going on night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] wrinkly Thomas [Music] the gekko-mobile can stick to anything he'd be perfect for the ice what about the gate let's take the owl-glider we can check everything out from above through thinking out what but I thought the gekko-mobile could no they're probably right Shh come on Gekko let's go save the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's even worse now almost half the city's frozen even the cats and dogs have made friends to stay warm look over there this is so much fun I know Romeo was behind this that looks like an ice machine go after about less how long it would be before yes I'm making the city into an icy meal I can use my super Gekko muscles to push your lap around on its wheels it's not just about having fun even though it is fun well you daytime Dodos are all slip-sliding around I'll be taking over Romeo's taking over the whole world [Music] we'll have to land we've gotta stop before Isis anything else up yeah thanks gecko whoa hey maybe I could chase Romeo [Music] well I suppose I could wait I'll let we need your allies to find Romeo then your flying skills to make sure he doesn't see me and Gekko [Music] okay jet go I'm going to sneak onto the live room below you sneak on from above and then we'll take control of the love before Romeo ever knows were there [Music] [Applause] [Music] cat-boy leaves like a panther onto the icy pipe and climbs up with his super Wow with a super nothing beats cat boy what took you so long [Music] pussycat now get away from my leblanc here [Music] dear Romeo I will let I think I might be able to stop Romeo look not now get no come back here captain Lee what can we do don't worry about me let me use getting away quick stop [Music] we may be superheroes right now Cowboys a super ice block Oh so the two of us need a plan to go and fast that's what I was trying to tell you I hey I know what we could do then I'll need your help what was my plan I could okay what do I do [Music] that's better okay I'll tie this to the lab then you use your super strength to stop it move it yeah but then we take control of the ice machine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] slithering serpents if only I'd stuck up for my own plant and use my own superpower it's time for my plan you can help by smashing as much of Romeo's icy ride as you can ready for some ice pinball oh hey maybe you geckos playing could work come on let's smash some ice [Music] now I'm going to show Romeo how to move on the ice [Music] [Music] with my super lizard grip I'm better on the ice than you the bargain was made by a genius me so there's no way one of you mini minded mutton heads [Music] [Music] [Music] time to get you D iced PJ masks gekko best when was the cat's whiskers yeah we're really sorry we didn't listen to you before no it's my fault when I have a good idea I need to stick up for it where are you looks like Romeo is really frozen on the spot there's still a lot of ice but if anyone can melt it by morning we can no ice today how about we go to the park I think we should ride our bikes it'd be much better actually I've got a plan let's go to the waterpark great idea let's go I musta missed a bit of ice Geko super Gekko says so the rules for this capture the flag game are simple there are two teams and they each have a base and a flag first to capture the other teams flag and spreadeth at their base wins any questions yeah how come you're so good at drawing and I'm so bad not everyone can draw but we all have other stuff that we're good at like this [Music] chameleons let me try I can't do any cool stuff there's a whole bunch of things you can do that we can't like I'm sure you'll be to set capture the flag yeah maybe I will let's go to the park and play guys why is there a night ninja flag on top of HQ our games gonna have to wait night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Music] we need to find out what night ninja is up to - the dagger will do [Music] cat ears i hear ninjalinos giggling I will ice your right cowboy I can see them ants night ninja there on our school nice word from cat ears and allies sure your powers are cool but maybe I have an extra cool power like that too my my super Gekko sense you've never mentioned it before what does it do senses when dangers near it's like a tingle I get at the tip of my tail so with your super Gekko sense you can sense magnetize he's around totally in fact I knew he was at the school all along and I bet my gecko sense can help us catch him - hey night ninja watch you put a flag on our HQ because that's your base and now this is my base I'll show the world that I'm the best ever attract to the flag should play with you you are PJ masks or I'm turning your school into my very own well what happens if we win like you could but if you did win I leave your school if you lose though I stay here and get your H cute no way forget it you're on first capture the others flag and get it back to their base wins with my Gekko sense we're totally going to win this it'll be easy-peasy lizard squeezy are you sure about this Gekko sense you have lots of other really cool powers but they're not good for capture-the-flag not like super Gekko sense that's perfect ready to play capture the flag PJ loo then that the gaming is one of us had better stay here to keep watching our flag with your amazing allies you'd be perfect for the job so who goes to the school you cat boy you're incredible cat ears can listen for night ninja which means your allies and my cat ears there's no way he can sneak pasta you're forgetting my super Gekko sense it'll tell me where night ninja is he's inside the school planning how to get our flag but that means he isn't watching his so now's our time to grab I thought your super Gekko sense only told you when danger was near a mere farm whatever it can sense pretty much anything okay come on let's get his flag you'd better stay here and guard our flag just in case we have a ninjalino school patrol to get past but no night ninja my super deco sense was right I was inside time to grab that flag his religion grin [Music] [Music] looks like your super sense was wrong gecko up super sense oh please it wasn't wrong my ninja was at the school just not inside you and you come with me we have a flag to capture the rest of you guard that flag well now he's heading for our flag we have to help out let only bird brain to get past what's that whole desert boys headed for these woods well we better make him think is silly super senses right then why are we in the woods maintenance is going to be at HQ my super Gekko sense tells me he's nearby somewhere in fact here [Music] gotcha sorry gecko but no one's here maybe you don't have super Gekko sense I was right that's what those sticky splats prove it and now my super Gekko sense says that night ninja went that way come on that loopy lizard thinks some made-up power will win this game he's got another thing coming my super Gekko sense wasn't wrong I'm sure night ninja went that way huh where's the key spot stuck we won't get anywhere till we unspotted gekko-mobile that'll take ages just follow me my super Gekko sense says night ninjas going to sneak up on HQ from behind on the other side of the lake but your super sense was wrong twice now we can't risk it being off again then I'll go on my own and prove to you that I'm right wait we need to help outlet or night ninja could get our play off all alone what if night ninja gets him let's go and find him but then no one will be guarding HQ I'll show cowboy and I will let I do have super Gekko sense [Music] I'm stuck but hey sticky splat that means night ninja which means my super Gekko sense worked it's real it's really real oh please you didn't sense where I was I knew where you were going I was wrong the whole time the only reason you came here was to set up a trap for me yes and when your friends leave HQ to come and find you oh I'm going to capture your face I'm sorry you had to come help me now no one's guarding HQ hey night and I'm just gonna win I don't even have super Gekko sense you already have super cool powers like camouflage and super lizard grip and they're just as amazing as you are you're right thanks guys wriggling reptiles he's got her flag but he hasn't won yet he still needs to get it back to his face they kick homo real stuck but if we take another vehicle we can still beat him to the school and I can stop him not with some made-up super sense but with my own powers time to be arrow once I plant this flag the school and PJ masks HQ will be mine forever you're too late PJ masks come ninjalinos [Music] looks like he's just too fast cat boy there's no way to stop him from winning two bagger little lizardy friends not here to bow down to the mighty Thank You Witter but my ninjalinos can what's going on [Music] that's impossible you were trapped till my friends call me out and dropped me here on the roof and super Gekko camouflage then I just grab these two flags easy-peasy lizard squeezy no excuse me we have some flags to plant back at our base and a game to win this is your fault ninjalinos you don't deserve my night nigga night school bad students you didn't kick Oh PJ masks we played it cool I don't see anything can you hear him no it's not that easy with that our eyes are cat ears is it maybe I don't have a super Gekko sense but I still we knew you'd be the best at capture the flag yeah and you proved it twice thanks guys but you're still the best the best friends ever [Music] gecko special rock why are we going back to the museum we saw the magnetic rock exhibit yesterday I know but I left my special rock there somewhere I don't like not having it don't worry Greg I took pictures remember me people see it there it is I put it down when you took this picture but I forgot to pick it up what's so special about your special rock anyway was it a present or something yeah my uncle just gave it to me it's just super rare rock from the loom it's so cool I've carried it everywhere with me ever since let's go get it whoa how did all this get here everything's huge and really heavy now how am I supposed to get in at schools anyway cuz all the magnetic rocks and the exhibit got stolen last night oh no that means my special rock must have been stolen with all the others who would want to steal a bunch of magnetic rocks anyway maybe someone who already has a magnet a Luna magnet like Luna girl of course night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on the sooner we find Luna girl the sooner I get my special rock back to the owl-glider [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening outlet looks like a magnetic fields running major interference I'd better fly out of the way No if the Loon magnets doing this it could lead us to my special rock we need to find all the rocks gecko do your best outlet I will but grab on this is going to ruffle some feathers a train into Luna beep she's never lifted anything so heavy before let's see how Luna girls doing that's it Luna girls use the magnetic rocks to make her magnet turbo powerful but does she have my rock I think so I'm going to grab the Luna magnet whirring wait don't do that what if they of course my special rock [Music] get back in I'm safe with my super lizard grip I'll grab the Luna magnet as we fly past okay gecko but let's at least fly in in silent mode [Music] you have something that belongs to me looks like we've got company why'd you get us spotted I'm sorry I was just so mad about Luna girl taking my rock gecko your rocks just a thing the missions more important we have to get all the rocks back remember [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you alright yeah you have to give those magnetic rocks back at least give me back my rock the white one over there and give up the power to get anything I want no way it's really special special what's so special about it it just is please came all the way from the moon the moon hmm there's idea what what do you mean simple kitty-litter boy why would I want these other things what I can pull the moon out of the sky and have it all to myself thanks lizard legs no wait you can't that's silly and really dangerous I don't care I want my moon [Music] I'm sorry you guys I didn't mean to give her that idea it just slipped out it's okay gecko but now we have to stop her buying Annie Howell gliders too risky she could grab it with her turbo magnet again don't worry I've got a PJ plan but I need you to do your part Gekko and not go after your special rock I'm on it cat-boy okay there are three of us and three things to take care of known a girl for magnet and herb moss here's what we're gonna do the best thing ever for myself you're going to be mine oh not at the PG map can help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Looby lizard sure loves his silly rock but it's just the tip of the moon I want the whole thing you've actually helped me and all for one wriggling reptiles it's true I've messed up the whole mission just for a thing trying to be a hero so shoo shoo whoa thanks Gekko but what do we do now I know how to stop Luna girl all I have to do is throw away my special rock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get those other magnetic rocks back [Music] [Music] we have all the rocks your magnet isn't strong enough to steal the moon anymore Luna girl but I'm strong enough to do this super Gekko there the moon's back where it should be and without these rocks her Luna magnet won't be strong enough to move it again it was really brave of you to give up your special Rock echo are you okay yeah but we've still got a lot of big things to clean up there's a whole train and rocket ship in front of the museum we'll do it together PJ masks all shout hooray why are we back at the museum we came so Maya and I can get you a new one from the gift shop it won't be as special as your moon rock thanks but I'm okay not having a special rock it's just a thing and things aren't that important though I guess my rock was kind of special it did help us save the day maybe I should get a new one or maybe not or maybe yes or maybe not it's a good thing making up your mind isn't one of your special powers yeah or we'd never get anything done [Music] yeah go in the rock of all power come foo yeah I found it on a table it's filled with cool stories about kung-fu masters check out my book it's about the strongest athletes in the world Wow it's not the best part look at all the stuff he's won trophies cups medals hey maybe I'll win a medal one day I'm not sure there is one for super Gekko strength come on let's go read in the park only I could win something to prove I really am strong what happened to those lampposts they're totally thing Wow whoever did this was strong maybe Gekko but they don't get a trophy for it bending lampposts is wrong who did it let's head to HQ for answers PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Music] by my cat's whiskers a giant rock loose in the city lazy I've got a rock to break into night ninja what's he up to [Music] it has to break nothing can survive my mega triple punch not even close you PJ pests don't have a clue what I have here do you owe a great big rock not just an e rock mine and Elena's gold is here from an ancient temple high on a mountain thousands of miles away in Seoul a rock of all power I find about that in my kungfu book there's a legend about it even inside it's a precious medallion like this that's like a medallion not a medal only the strongest hero can break the rock and claim it and by strongest hero I mean the strongest hero but you're not even a hero just wait till you see that medallion around my neck try laughing at a medallion for someone super strong huh if I had that everyone would know I was the strongest gecko what are you talking about what if I smashed the rock then nitrogen won't get the medallion I will I'll wear it I'll be just like those athletes my book use your kung fu' training ninjalinos you need to chop harder like this oh you're not strong enough night ninja but I bet I am Sekou stop but if I break the rock and get the medallion night ninja won't keep trying and smashing stuff Oh game your daydreams lizard legs ninjalinos roll that it's bound to fret if he keeps whacking that rock around he's going to flatten the whole city we've got to stop it come on I've got a rock to break no one gets past that rock gecko we just have to stop it but the medallion would prove I'm super strong I could hang it on my wall you are super strong so if you hit that rock it'll really go flying let's try something else I'll run circles around night ninja and as ninjalinos yes and I'll fly gecko in so he can touch the rock no take it to HQ okay let's go nice to carrying it back to HQ just one try won't hurt [Applause] cat go he messed up your plan and his teeny lizard legs didn't make a dent now watch the ninja master use all his strength [Music] [Music] get oh thanks I have just one more try huh but I'll be really careful I know I can get that metal especially with my super cat home triple punch lizard doesn't pack a punch oh yeah I'll get it next time you'll see ninjalinos battering ram I'm totally still didn't break one more try huh there's a point when this gets silly and you mean it wasn't when night ninja did is swinging off a lamppost kicks but I [Music] found it Oh break it you'll see even if I have to smash it against the toughest building in the city yes what that is not our headquarters what if it breaks we can't be PJ masks without HQ you can't do that night ninja I'd have thought you'd understand lizard legs you've been trying to break this rock too [Music] now don't just stand there staring you fluttering feathers that was close 9 inches out of control and it's all my fault sorry guys I should have put the rock in HQ like you said but I did it and the rock ended up nearly getting you it's okay we got away and HQ is fixed but you were in danger everyone's in danger as long as that rocks around you might be right about that prepare for shock and awe if we use this the rock will hit even harder no way it's time to be a hero we've had enough trouble with that rock there's no stopping me lizard boy the medallion will be much [Music] Wow that was a really super strong move yeah I don't know what got into me suddenly I felt stronger than ever that's because he wanted to save us from danger Gekko and it brought every bit of super strength out of you you're right do you have Italian back it's mine no way is that yours night ninja but I broke the rock I threw it at your HQ you through it but Gekko was the one who broke it with his super strength whoa what that makes no sense I'm gonna lizard be stronger than I am it's cuz true strength comes from caring and helping your friends where's the fun in that fine you peewee masks can keep it but I'll be back when you least expect me I'm sending you back to that ancient mountain temple for more training enjoy those you definitely deserve that medallion Gekko thanks but it's from far away and there's a legend all about it who knows the medallion anyways I'm giving it to the museum so everyone can see it cool and maybe there's another way you can prove your strength before we're done PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] whoever broke that Ross must be super strong but who was it it's a mystery super-sized Gekko where's my talk ego Oh gross you mean Greg oh there it is thanks Lionel hey Carter oh wait I mean coffee that Connor over hey Greg what are you doing cleaning my room it's a little messy and my mom won't let me go to the parade tomorrow if I don't clean it up the parade's gonna be awesome I bet you can't wait for the lizard float yeah it's my favorite you better get cleaning then I'm going to HQ with Amaya in case any Knights have villains trying to ruin the parade go to each cue without me no way but what about your room don't worry I'll tidy up this mess later and I want to grab my camera for the parade it must be at HQ I can't seem to find it here okay [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jenko it does messy here is in your bedroom you said you were going to clean this up right I was going to do it later here's Romeo sniffle it and here's the snow sizer you were supposed to put them away somewhere safe yeah I know but it's okay we'll keep an eye out for parade trouble while you clean up no playing with Romeo's gadgets okay but it's not playing if I use the small size that you clean up I'm Romeo and once I've tidied my room I'm going to take over the world hmm I wonder what this button nose now it's a super sizer awesome I might have kinda hit myself with Romeo small sizer but in Reverse so now I'm clean don't worry we'll get you back to normal no it's really cool being giant gecko oh stop anyone messing with the parade I'm huge Oh trouble at the playground Luna girl to the cat-car [Music] [Music] if parade will be mine moths we're going to steal these floats and make me to parade Queen I'll get you to the parade ground superfast [Music] nice entrance do-gooders its giant gecko here to stop you taking the floats especially the lizard one it's my favorite no way once I've got them all I'm taking my afraid and waking everyone up we can't let her wake everyone up and see her but don't worry I've got a plan wait so do i and mines big gecko what are you doing super sizing this bin if I make it just a bit bigger it'll be perfect to hold Luna girl and her Monaco shrink it don't worry I'll fix that later I just need to make the VIN even bigger [Music] [Music] and one more thing what are we gonna do now get the super sizer and make me big again no gecko first we have to clean up the giant moth mess you made okay outlet get the mouse to chase you till we get the super sizer from Luna girl then fly them past gecko and he'll shrink them bet you can't catch me [Music] I'll take thanks remember gecko when a loaf flies by with the moss shrink them down got it cat-boy great I'm gonna check on Luna girl hey I just thought of a way to make cat boys plan even better [Music] [Music] [Music] are you okay gecko yeah gotta shrink those moths it's our only chance but I lost the super sizer again now what are we gonna do no this is all my fault I'm sorry I didn't clean up my messes when I made them huh wait here Oh be careful gecko don't do anything to get it excited oh that's exactly what I'm gonna do cat-boy let's catch up with Luna girl nice work don't clean up this mess too [Music] oh you think this is a game good it bird huh carefully now let me my help and you've given me an idea [Music] [Music] yes we've shrunk all the mods oh boy we've got you now Luna girl think if you cans can stop me I must have shrunk your brains too [Music] [Music] [Music] good job gecko but uh how are we going to get that giant bird back okay no more super sizer time to put it back in HQ and tidy up my other messes it looks great in here Greg it took forever but now everything's put away and I'm ready for the parade Oh at least Lionel from my camera slow gecko Greg the bell just rang huh to switch my ball Greg the teacher will be here any minute I'm not so sure Maya look is it just me or is he walking really slowly super slowly it'll be dark before he gets here look he's not the only one moving in slow motion night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya be Carlos [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] the city looks quiet too quiet check it out Romeo what's he up to whatever it is we won't let him get away with it [Music] this is the spot anyone see Romeo [Music] [Music] whew the cat is fine it's just moving in slow motion just like the teacher and the butterfly from this morning Romeo is using that clock on his lap to slow everything down not for long Gekko you sneak up behind Romeo and destroy that clock outlet and I will distract him you got super Gekko camouflage why are you slowing things down Romeo I told you so find my cat's whiskers I don't think so Romeo it's really cool nice he got away what happened gecko I was looking at the cat it was really cool but gecko you let Romeo escape you need to focus don't worry I've got a plan that's totally gonna stop him the Gecko bo I'll be able to drive right up to Romeo's lab without him even seeing us [Music] I have to now he sees us gecko tribe [Music] it's Romeo gets to the center of town you'll make the whole city super slow after him gecko it's no use the gecko will be stuck in slow motion looks like we're going after Romeo on foot [Music] [Applause] [Music] shouldn't we be heading to the center of town uh he's taking a little break okay here's the plan Romeo can slow is all down if we split up owlette and I will charge Romeo head-on and Gekko you stay hidden until I give you the signal you got it no distractions this time I gotta learn to not get so distracted are you okay I'm fine I'm just super slow this is all my fault if I hadn't kept letting myself be distracted we'd have caught Romeo by now you should go on without no way Gekko we're a team you ready cowboy I might be slow but if I focus I can still help let's do it it's time to see here I'm going to need someone to carry me I would like you distract Romeo while I use my super Gekko strength to take care of that clock cowboy if I will let get zapped then it's up to you to keep Romeo busy okay but you're still moving in slow motion how are you going to get to the clock don't worry nothing's gonna distract me this time [Music] no distractions this time and help me catch her [Applause] [Music] just a little faster [Music] the god helmet I have to distract Romeo until Gekko stops that clock complaining again the important thing is that we slow down bird brain catch me if you can Romeo [Music] [Music] [Music] what did a gecko how did you you're still slow I may be slow but by not getting distracted I was able to get here early [Music] No Go Go hey hey guys you brought your ball again wanna show us that trick you bet but later right now it's time for school you're right nice job not getting distracted Thanks super slow high five [Music] [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 13,788,566
Rating: 3.7100024 out of 5
Keywords: pj masks full episodes, pj masks, pj mask, tj maxx, pj max, pj, pj masks episode 1, djmax, dj max, pj max full episodes, pj's mask, dj mask, pjmax, p j masks, tj mask, pj m, the pj masks, pjmasks, pjmask, pj masks episodes, cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks cartoon, pj masks song, pj christmas, christmas cartoon, christmas cartoons for children, christmas songs for kids, pj masks christmas, gekko pj masks, pj masks christmas episode
Id: HLghyqA7R1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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