PJ Masks Full Episodes ⭐️Catboy vs Robocat and More! | 1 Hour | Superhero Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] day [Music] is the right [Music] cat-boy versus Robo cat great job team now all together whoa you really threw that one Greg straight into my garden there it is guys why are you hiding it's not funny Greg and Amaya wouldn't have just left these what's this a circuit board it must be Romeo this is a mission for the Bee Gees well one of us anyway night in the city and a brave hero is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] okay PJ picture player what's this from a robot I knew it was Romeo don't worry dragon Amaya Cowboys coming to save you [Music] cat ears where is it I must have lost it somewhere Raju oh sure I had it in my pocket mommio why are you done with my friends there hear me now what get away from me o- we will only obey Romeo now something weirds going on oh yeah let's shine some light on this mystery outside it was easy without their superpowers but if you're in those cages who are they wait the picture player said robots that's all gecko an outlet at all no but you thought it was a circuit board it would have been one of them - a circuit board you mean this my circuit board don't be too confident [Music] boy yes so we can help you not without your powers don't worry I'll get your pajamas oh yes you pyjamas are mine oh I want you it took years to build a supercomputer to power them but now my unstoppable get him and bring me back the circuit board huh I can feel my tail again autopilot this is no time for games Jack are [Music] two against one TV pc for our hero like me [Music] hang in there Greg and Amaya the incredible Cowboys come back for you well I'm sure cat boy is on his way back here to free his friends so keep your eyes open look they took Cowboys cat car what have they done with him you should have let us help I know we can't even without our powers but not while we're locked up give me your hairpin so I can unscrew this bar let's take this apart hey what are you doing I've been screwing the bar so we can get out stop trying to escape without your powers you'll be safer up here but we're almost out one screw to go then we didn't need superpowers to do it no wait I'm going to get you four jammers back cat-boy damn Lobo out whoops cat-boy you got his car don't worry I'll leave the robots away from you oh I thought I'd lost this so nice of you to find just what I need cat-boy now that I have the missing piece I can activate my Volvo cat now nothing can stop me the PJ masks are finished great work cat boy now let us out to help you'll need your powers I'll get your pajamas [Music] [Music] PJ masks get out it's amazing what you can do with the hairpin you guys really are amazing even without your powers Thanks no problem you were right I should have let you help before it's time to be a hero and let you guys help now [Music] helping me defeat Romeo will be more fun as superheroes Maya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] we need to get to Romeo supercomputer if we stop that it'll stop the robots let's do it [Music] which if you are the real gecko an outlet I am real gecko not what kitty litter boy you can't tell them apart your robots may have superpowers but they're not friends like we are I know who my friends are ready for our special move [Music] [Music] [Music] time to feel your bad copies back to sleep Romeo [Music] [Music] but it won't be for a while with the supercomputer destroyed nice of Romeo to build these statues of us PJ masks all shout hooray [Applause] [Music] they've gone again guys if you had your cats beating the day you wouldn't take so long looking for things yeah and you had his camouflage he wouldn't need to hide with or without our super powers for an amazing team PJ masks catboy in the butterfly brigade [Music] you don't have to push and beg and I want to see the butterflies first I'm gonna feed the news flowers butterflies no way they just walk around I want to see the big cats with their big teeth in claws come on Connor stop being so rough we want to see the butterflies we can all go see the lions and tigers later no see everyone's leaving because butterflies are boring oh they're leaving because they're upset the butterflies have gone really gone where [Music] so she must have taken the butterflies that night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] are we really looking for butterflies yes and they fly so we need a flying vehicle to the owl-glider [Music] [Applause] [Music] why would Luna girl take butterflies why not something cool and tough like a lion [Music] a butterfly it must have escaped from bloomer girl let's try and get it to follow us hey butterfly wanna fly with me come on welcome home huh great colors little butterfly what's your mind do you like this one or this one this is taking too long what we need is some super cat [Music] what you were really rough cat boy cut it out you're making them happy but this is the best way to get at home and there are more to catch look okay but let us try and help these ones come on I over here yeah come on do you like red what Tapley can't you be gentle you're making those butterflies really miserable but I'm helping them now where's Luna girl with the others Hey look aren't these your moss [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not going anywhere pretty butterflies not so fast Luna girl the PJ masks are here to take those butterflies back oh alright moths one last chance [Music] [Applause] your mom's a busy little girl above my nine lives you can't stop me now of course I can with my new sidekick not like you're setting lions and tigers on me cat for the butterfly catcher [Music] [Music] [Applause] what are you butterflies just pushed me onto my tail but I was trying to save them maybe they're angry at being put in a box no one likes being sucked around did teal you're right I was rough with them but when they were rough with me I didn't like it at all CPJ mess nice people brave flappers are staying here with me and they're going to do whatever I tell them [Music] they don't like Luna girl being rough with them either being rough and roots no good it's time to be a hero you get the butterflies to fly after you I'll let em gecko use your colors okay cat boy you think the butterflies want to come back to the day time by being nice and giving them something they love to eat flowers don't you point that finger at me you're supposed to do what I say like get them okay PJ masks time to bring these butterflies home gently hello butterfly do you want to fly with me I'm trying it too I'm really sorry about before butterflies but I brought you as many flowers as I could find here please come with us that's it well done butterflies thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you coming to we'd really like that yeah I promise I'll be nice to you look I almost feel sorry for Luna girl [Music] sorry moths I will try and replace you again you will see with me won't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] almost time butterflies [Music] PJ masks all shout hooray watch if I'm really careful and not rough look at these silly butterflies hey watch it Oh was I too rough it's because you won't walk with them Cameron try being gentle now what do I do now you make some new Butterfly friends well I guess they are kind of cool [Music] speak up gecko okay Greg you're going to recite a poem for us right in the night I heard a noise it sounded really squeaky I thought it was so squawky birds peeping through their scree Peas wait I mean sweeping through their teepees calm down children Greg's doing just fine take your time Greg it sounded like some sporty go squawky birds sweeping through there Bee Gees no Saved by the Bell it's okay Greg you can try another poem tomorrow huh it was done with that silly poem but now I have to do another one don't worry you'll do great tomorrow yeah you'll nail it Greg easy it's not easy it's embarrassing [Music] oh I don't want to have to read another poem out loud again ever whoa what is that what are you doing your voice went into that box there's only one nighttime villain who can make a machine like that Romeo we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] grape becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's take the cat-car it's the facet we'll get your voice back soon Gekko [Music] [Music] years [Music] [Music] [Music] there's Romeo's lab and that's the machine that took your voice gecko let's sneak around back cool loomio has no idea we're here hey good-lookin now's our chance use your super lizard grip to scale down the wall and sneak onto the laughs this is our easiest mission yet grab a cat go [Music] get your boys you're okay but why didn't you grab the box it was right there never mind we'll get it next time I wonder why Romeo took your voice anyway you got your voice back Hey very nice hero romeo still has it and he's using it to choose a car [Music] [Music] [Music] sticky fingered stinger ooh I'm a genius at making up insults and when kitty cat and birdbrain comfort knitted boyzvoice once I have all those masks okay Gekko will deal with Romeo you take care of the machine [Music] please amazing genius Romeo mr. super genius giant brain largest of the smart we have geckos boys back it would mean so much dyin brain that does sound like me yes you're the brainiest evil genius ever yeah we never expect to beat you you can try another poem tomorrow my cat's whiskers Gekko coming unstuck isn't like you wait a minute are you trying to get out of doing your poem tomorrow come on let's just find Romeo [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] don't worry gecko will make him be quiet I've got a plan I'm heading up into the air you guys cover me in the cat-car this is even worse than having to read a poem at school isn't it [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry I'm okay hmm tired of only having one PJ masks voice time to get all three never be able to work together to defeat him boys back when we could [Music] think it's time to be a human do with these voices [Music] [Music] [Music] you could've broken it you can't win Romeo huh fluttering feathers you sound like me and I don't sound like me no you sound like me Oh cat's whiskers mind you actually [Music] which buttons do i press oh I sound like me again hey what was wrong with his voice [Music] stealing now Romeo PJ masks I thought that this was hard to do to recite a poem out loud to you I thought you'd laugh and I'll make fun but it was easy and now I'm done well done great just kidding I'll let in the flash flip trip I can't wait for storytime today which book are you going to read Amaya Amaya oh I have the new fluffy flash book Oh Maya sure loves the saucy flash story she's crazy about that karate kicking superhero of course she's the greatest superhero ever I wish I had powers like her how come you love her so much I know a superhero with who's this guy and what about story time now there's nothing to read well the stories have gone there are just pictures of Romeo whatever he's up to will stop them and I'll use the flash or you could use some of your own amazing super moose don't worry I'll get that one right soon PJ masks we're on our way into the night [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay time to find Romeo chameleons let's see yellow glider then we can look for him from the sky right outlet outlet uh-huh I think how that's too busy to fly echo let's take the cat car instead I can't wait to rock my boot [Music] [Music] you think you're pretty little unicorn don't you but I know something prettier [Music] will be everywhere starting with these books you look lovely master everyone will want to be ruled by you not that they'll have a choice now let's get some more books Romeo use your whole eyes to look for a vowel and no needs echo I can use my flossy flash power instead plus tea plants they combined flossy flash thinkin fine yeah she can tell when people are just by thinking really hard but doesn't that only work in comics it's Romeo laughing [Music] the PJ masks slithering serpents Romeo why are you spoiling all our books readings great no it isn't I don't like it at all I'd much rather look at pictures of me white you just need to read something fun like my flossy flash book no way bindis bozos robot [Music] Romeo took every single book I'll fix them with the fluffy flash it's a bit more crash than Flash outlet what's wrong with your own amazing moves you're okay but a flash flip will really surprise Romeo once they get it right okay let's figure out where Romeo will go next where are there lots of books huh wriggling reptiles it's got some of the most precious books in the world we have to stop him come on Romeo might steal all the flossy flash books from the library too [Music] every book in the city will be about me you're one of my best inventions yes thank you faster I love Romeo Romeo is a genius [Music] [Music] excellent the door still locked Romeo isn't here yet Gekko you'll climb up high once I tie up his feet you jump down and knock over the robot ok catboy owlette use your allies to warn us when they're near it's really important don't worry cat boy I'm on it ok I'll wait for your signal flossy flash scan the city there was no way she'd missing that villain and he was no match for her flesh no my flash will save you but that's not even a real superhero move it's just in a comic a flash of triphala let time to put you out with the recycling [Music] oh no that useless flash flip flow I will let are you okay yes but I'm sorry why was I trying to be flossy flash I'm a let down Romeo can get the most precious books in the city oh you catch up in the cat-car okay and this time I'm using my owl powers it's time to be a hero why does she need a flossy flash book oh okay little bird tells me you're hi great timing here now go behind those two trees and pull it tight low to the ground it's we're going to stab Romeo we're going to have to stop his robot first what now ah Willa now what the amazing how Allah uses her own amazing powers first super owl wings [Applause] Romeo you still don't have my favorite book what for one second [Music] you're flossy flash book did come in handy after all bozo thank you master I feel lucky howl 'it is a genius but my cat's whiskers seems like falling over has made this robot smarter romeo yeah nice one robot now grab that villain and follow us let's put these books back to normal cool chameleons it's my storybook hmm I suppose this flossy flash book isn't so bad from you you do like reading what No Laufey flash and crash [Music] oiled my plan this time PJ masks but I'll be back Romeo he's getting away I will catch him PJ masks good go for it robot now we better fix these books yes so everyone gets to read their favorite stories again PJ masks all shout hooray do you want to read that Amaya no I'm reading this book today it's all about owls cowboy in the pogo dozer Wow they've really fixed up the museum everything looks brand new it's been closed for so long I can't wait to see what's change look there's a science show I bet it's got lots of cool things with buttons and switches and levers come on well the first to see the exhibit that was quick my cherry huh that was a mistake I'm gonna play again okay time to let someone else have a turn maybe Greg will be a bit better at it what no way watch this [Music] I did that on purpose so it's all set up for X turn go ahead Greg whoa a jetpack [Music] hang on this wall shouldn't be cracked they've been fixing up the museum for months maybe somebody's trying to break in but who'd want to break into a science room night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] great becomes Connor becomes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] science shows behind ya let Romeo break through just in time to see me get my jet pack the jet pack wouldn't that fool do you think I'm just gonna walk around when I hold the world no way I'll be flying Oh ed pumps stinky smells down everyone's chimneys with my incredible [Music] that'll be a catastrophe PJ masks we need to stop those boxing gloves super and now stop Romeo from seeing what we're doing hey what are you doing out there you'll know soon enough Romeo [Music] and now I'll finish you off with a bit of a redesign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love this piece of Romeo's bulldozer makes a great pogo stick it's a pogo dozer I'll fix my bulldozer and show you you Pete [Music] he's fast but I can be fast too on the pogo dozer huh cap what are you doing I'm the one who can jump like a cat Kiko so I'll be the best on this let's but you just saw me do it here we go happily I gotta get off this silly lap [Music] I can catch up with you on the poser huh slithering serpents cowboy let me do you see how hard it is gecko you better leave it's lean you are the one who fell off I know and I don't want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] boy stop bouncing on the owl-glider it's okay thanks wow I've got to get off of here this time I'll stop Romeo in the Pogo no sir quick let me do it I'm getting the hang of it no you're not every time you what are you doing [Music] [Music] fine if you won't let me use a pogo dozer I'll use the jetpack instead be careful really is dangerous [Music] no really could get hurt I shouldn't let him use the pogo dozer oh don't worry outlet Oh [Music] at last super family [Music] Thanks okay should I start with my skies I'm squeegee or maybe the squash which one oh wait I plan to use this sniffle whip what are we going to do I've got an idea really cat boy you're going to have another go on the pogo dozer no I know I can't ride it as well as Gekko so it's time to be a hero and my fav happiest er cool chameleons pop on cowboy let's do this together let's go [Music] oh good yeah check out geckos no wait no you're good at it it's my it's working [Music] [Music] nice work PJ masks and nice pogoing Gekko you're the cat's whiskers fair I don't want to walk around when I rule the world well maybe you should try pogoing be careful though it's quite hard if you're not a highly skilled lizard of whatever PJ masks it's my Pogo dozer so anyway [Music] [Applause] okay this hole needs fixing before day time will help what should we do thanks but it's my fault the wall gone off down so I'll fix it myself [Music] we're so close have another try no I'll look Greg of a turn oh great thanks [Music] you
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 7,763,405
Rating: 3.9131482 out of 5
Keywords: pj masks, pj masks full episodes, pj mask, pj, tj maxx, pj max, pj masks english episodes, pjmask, catboy, pj masks toys, pj masks live, cartoons, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks full episodes Disney junior, pj masks full episodes in English, pj masks full episodes 2018, pj masks season 1 full episodes, pj masks catboy robocat, pj masks catboy and the robot cat, pj masks catboy and the butterfly brigade, pj masks owlette flash flip trip, pj masks speak up gekko
Id: O1mc11XJ8vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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