Pizza Delivery Drivers Share Their "No Delivery" List - r/AskReddit Stories

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our slash asked readied by reticle pizza guys girls does your shop have a no delivery list what houses are on it and why we had a guy in two girls order separately then grab the pizzas and run the girls had picked the food up and left while the guy was paying after 30 seconds the guy bolted it was a 100 dollar order my manager who is a frequent gym goer left the counter and gave chase the two girls had gotten into a car with the food but when the saw my manager they drove off leaving the guy my manager chased him three blocks and was gaining on the guy when the girls pulled up and the guy got into the car unfortunately all three of them went to school with a kitchen hand at the store so we had names jobs addresses and Facebook accounts we contacted them all on Facebook and got them to pay for the pizzas the next morning under threat of contacting police we also put them on the no delivery list I'm imaging Arnold Schwarzenegger chasing Jonah Hill around and I'm laughing time haha Arnold yelling come back to the counter I'm sure I'm too late for this to really be seen but here's my positive story I delivered for a while in college and there was two we don't deliver their neighborhoods the manager actually allowed it to be drivers choice but pretty much everyone said number I actually had a friend who grew up in one of these neighborhoods and I knew it wasn't just drug-dealing murdering psychopath running rampant so I said yes and I delivered to these neighborhoods one time I was delivering to an apartment that was part of a tree Plex or quad Plex and some kid outside probably like five or six years old stuck his finger at me and said this is a robbery give me your money I just chuckled and kept walking while I was giving the person their pizza I heard from behind me the hell do you think you're doing boy don't you know he the only one who deliver here then as I was walking back to my car he was standing on the sidewalk mom several feet behind him and he said I'm sorry okay we had a really nasty apartment complex in one area of Sacramento totally a number one night and new guy took an order and actually accepted one from there I was about to call back and say no I was assistant manager at the time but running pizzas that day when income two cops to pick up their pizza they listen in and offer to tag along I was dumb and crazy then so we made the pizza and I loaded into my little truck and drove out there as soon as we pull into the parking lot the cop turns off all his lights and coasts into the spot next to mine I woke up start the spiel and start listening to their story of this guy or that guy ordered it I started to walk away and one of the shady dude steps out of the bushes next to me when he'd been hiding instantly every light came on on the cop car flashes both spotlights pointing right at me the cops getting out of the car fast dude steps way way way back I walk back to my car and a couple cops got an extra free pizza that night and I got a great story I had something like that happen to me mom-and-pop pizza place I had already delivered part of their order and realized I had forgotten something on it till then I'd be right back out with it the store was only like two miles away so as I turn on their Street I get stuck behind this old ratty van that pulls into the driveway of the house I was going back to my first thought was these duct blocked the driveway I need well about one second later the ducking SWAT team jumps out and raids the house I take off and go back to my store to tell them what happened a few days later I'm at my firehouse and one of the cops that was on the radar what I was doing at the house I told him and he said a couple of the cops wanted to stop me that he recognized my car and told then I was cool the occupants probably concluded in retrospect that you were working with the cops when I worked at a pizza place we just had one person that we wouldn't deliver to because he would always refuse to pay and hassle the delivery guy are saying the pizza was cold took too long wasn't the right order whatever he probably got a couple free pizzas at least before we stopped bothering sending him anymore we used to have people try to claim the pizza was cold even after we got bags with ceramic stones in them a pizza could be a lot of things but cold wasn't one of them you could have a pizza in one of those bags for two hours and the bottom of the box would be so hot you could barely touch it it was a pain having to keep those bags plugged in and rotate them so you were always using a hot one though eight years or so ago the place I worked at had a power strip and three stackable rows when you got back you plugged your bag in and put it on the shortest stack then pull the bag from the bottom of the tallest stack to your next delivery really easy to rotate at our shop we banned an older man who tried to molest one of our larger male employees another guy just happened to be masturbating facing the window so the drivers could see him this happened a couple times so the cops were told all turned out he had a record of doing this but also doing it in front of school buses WTF I used to deliver sandwiches for a shop we had to blacklist this one lady who would call up last minute and demand 50-100 sandwiches for her meetings and she wanted them delivered in 15 minutes we explained things to her over and over again that this was not how it worked but she still demanded her order so when it showed up 45 minutes later than expected she became a monster causing a see not tipping sending in complaints to the district manager etc this happened so many times and finally one day she called in an order for two hundred sandwiches wanted it in 15 minutes I delivered it myself and she took the sandwiches from me for her meeting I sat where and waited for her to sign the receipt and waited and waited turns out she took the sandwiches into her meeting and book the hell out of there not signing the receipt she then called her bank to cancel the charge on her card and called us in for fraud she had the nerve to call up our district manager and said that we owed this to her since all of her orders were late she was blacklisted after that and my district manager finally apologized for not believing me on this story drug reps are the worst I probably would have followed her inside for that signature in front of the crowd but I'm going to have to insist that you pay your bill I worked at a little Caesars when I was a teenager on a really snowy night one of our drivers got into a car accident and sadly lost his life on his way to deliver the pizza the customer called in a little while after we learned about the accident and absolutely lost his [ __ ] at his Pizza hadn't been delivered when the manager explained the situation he stated he did not give a duck and wanted his pizza delivered for free needless to say he got an earful from my manager and then was put onto a no serve list similar I was bartending at a popular chain restaurant years ago and on a busy night we had an elderly woman almost died in the dining room I'm not sure if she started choking or had a seizure or an allergic reaction or what but medics were called and CPR was performed on her on the floor of the restaurant she lived for the record but more than one table had the audacity to complain that their meal was being interrupted during the chaos and were demanding free stuff like one set off people had to get up from their seats and move so that she could be wheeled out on a stretcher and somehow they're the ones who had their dinner ruined by ducking hate people sometimes counterpoint when I was a Deadpool someone had a seizure and everyone in the theater stopped watching to see what they could do to help we got movie passes out of it but not a single person asked to them everyone even asked how the guy was doing as they left sometimes people don't suck apparently our entire complex is on the do not deliver after dark list at a local pizza place that was encouraging to find out a week after moving in that sounds like a good way to vet a new apartment complex call local delivery and see if they go to that address at night our delivery store has a woman who used to come in every so often or order delivery who did not want black people to interact with her or her food at all one of our drivers a really nice old black dude delivered to her and she simply slammed the door in his face another time she walked out on a black cashier because she swapped places with the white driver who was originally taking her carryout order finally the manager put his foot down and told her not to come back or order from us ever again I am on the no delivery list of two restaurants because my roommate is a ducking idiot and can't math to save his life he once sent a driver away after a heated conversation with a 25 cent tip unfortunately I was in the shower at the time it wasn't until afterwards that he was explaining the situation to me that I realized what a [ __ ] he was the bill came to twenty dollars and 25 cents he gave the guy $20 and thought it was a good tip because we ordered two sandwiches that were basically seven dollars a piece and a one dollar soda for a total of fifteen dollars so five dollars ten in actuality the sandwiches were $7.99 and the soda was one dollar and 99 cents at so eighteen dollars right there then there was a two dollar and 25 cents delivery fee so 20 dollars and 25 cents unfortunately the delivery guy spoke almost zero English so all he could say was not enough to my roommate and my roommate is a Nash at who wouldn't read the damned receipt he is no longer allowed to answer our door how do you get blacklisted from the other restaurant none of our drivers want to deliver to you because you don't hear former Domino's driver in a central FL hood that no service list were apartment complexes or streets where drivers have been robbed at gunpoint the downtown store had some it'll do in daylight but no service after dark duck lap job bonus be with the children I am good comlink edit gold dope I love how obvious he is in the picture the Domino's uniform really gives it away the only clue really long time ago for me but we had a huge delivery area and several entire apartment complexes blacklisted because they were hideously and safe or anyone thought to be carrying money there were also a couple dwell he would deliver to the front gate only not go into the complex itself greens Point area north side of Houston in the early 90s for those aware of the area yep when I was little my family lived in guns point during the summer of 92 while looking for a house my dad had just transferred to Houston from Dallas and we stayed in his corporate apartment for about 2-3 months while we found bought clothes on a house ended up moving to the Willowbrook area but I remember that summer I was 9 years old my brother was seven and we weren't even allowed to go to the apartment for in summer in Houston that site that is right about when I was delivering out there that area was crazy I used to be a delivery driver for Pizza Hut I used to work the Sunday afternoon shifts and would have the same man order a supreme pizza every week I was always the one to deliver his order because most of the time I was the only driver on duty at that time of day Alan was a nice quiet man who had a lovely front porch one day I didn't take his delivery for some reason poor Marvin took the delivery instead on the day that Adam decides to open the door stark naked Alan wanted to show me a small redheaded girl the goods not big black Marvin never got another delivery haha that's awesome I used to deliver meals on wheels and it's amazing how many guys will try to pull [ __ ] like this I'm a man and I will never understand this thinking did he really expect you to be so enamored with his nakedness that you just drop down and start fat eating him what do you even say once you answer the door hey thanks for the pizza how bout some dog poor poor Alan I am assuming Marvin had little sense of humor about being at that answer door yes I worked for a pizza place in high school one of my friends was killed during a delivery apparently the husband had been in trouble before for domestic violence or something I heard stories about the wife answering the door with fresh blood on her face black eyes that sort of thing a couple other guys actually called the cops after delivering their pizza anyways my friend shows up to deliver the pizza and I guess the husband thought he had called the police a few nights before the husband shot and killed my friend dad that just made me think of my friend who was killed by his boss a Pizza Hut well he wasn't a Pizza Hut at the time he died but he met the guy who killed him there my friend was only like 13 at the time this guy his boss had this thing where he would show him he talks of the local girls private school and tell him that certain girls worked for him and would give oral sex but he had to be blindfolded and tied up at the time yep so you can figure out what it really was my friend found out in god mad at the guy his Pizza Hut boss hit him over the head with a baseball bat and killed him I still go look up when this a-hole comes up for parole every year and they always shoot him down he's been in prison now for about 30 years edit I found a link to the trial online if anyone wants to read about it TN Finn decays comlink so the boss would blindfold the kid below him and say it was a girl who did the suck job then the kid found out and the boss smashed killed the kid with a bat there was an older man who suffered from dementia that would order for fountain drinks and nothing else from my shop then would tip about $300 every time after hearing about it a couple times I told my manager and we all agreed to get in contact with his family let them know we wouldn't take orders from him and that they'd have to take some measures to keep him from doing the same with other establishments god only knows how much money that guy gave away edit and to think my next highest rated comment is about how North Milwaukee sucks thank you kindly for the gold that was kind of you a lot of other people would have kept taking advantage of that situation I had an old man tipped me 54 dollars and 32 cents once I assumed it was his pin code and he made a mistake so I drove back to his house to return it he took every penny back no tip don't work there anymore but we had a nasty 50-plus year old woman that would always answer the door naked who was blacklisted and a five-block area we wouldn't deliver to because it was the ghetto capital of our city and people had been robbed I delivered pizza in NJ I went on the porch to see a snarling Rottweiler behind the door not a big deal happens a lot I'm a stranger the dog is just being a dog the lady pushes him back we do the pizza transaction and as I'm turning to go the lady said oh my god he's out the back door was open and the dog was charging around the house about to come on the porch I quickly opened the door to run inside but the lady screamed no the really bad one is inside and I see a bigger rot he just inside the hall so I stick myself between the screen door and the real door and I'm trapped in an angry dog sandwich the outside dog bites my calf because I can only close the screen door so much not much damage but I'm bleeding the manager goes to talk with the lady it is like one stroke eight thought a mile from the store or that lazy bastard wouldn't have bothered and what ease up end up out back as soon as the lady starts talking to him another small and lost dog zips out the door and bites him on the hand and he made the call on no more pizza for them I shouldn't know but no the really bad one is inside is a brilliant line that line and her panics look really had me scared stuck between a dog and a hard place we marked off an entire section of town on the big map into the back of our store because there were too many shootings and murders in the area at some parts of that section we would go to if it was daylight but wouldn't deliver till after dark others we just didn't go to at all it was such an exciting way to make money during college our greedy ass owner refused to develop such a list even after two of our drivers were mugged at the same house they wouldn't let us avoid neighborhoods no matter how unsafe no matter what time of day thanks for watching this reticle video subscribe for the best reddit videos straight to your feed three times a day [Music]
Channel: Reddicle
Views: 403
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pizza delivery drivers share their no delivery list, reddit stories, pizza delivery horror stories, askreddit stories, people share their stories, pizza delivery, askreddit, pizza tier list, no delivery list, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, r/askreddit, best of reddit, reddit, houses tier list, pizza reddit, no delivery zone, askreddit funny, stories, scary stories, religious horror stories, funny reddit stories, reddit cringe
Id: QrJpQjDlqX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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