Pixy2 Introduction

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[Music] in 2013 a little vision sensor named pixie made its debut on Kickstarter since then pixie has found a home in lots of projects and applications introducing pixie to its smaller faster and smarter than the original pixie pixie to can do everything pixie what you can do you can teach it several objects and it will detect them lots of them including color codes and just like the original pixie pixie to feels right at home riding in a robot like this little tank like robot and yeah you can do that too tixi to has a custom pan tilt mechanism so it can look around while it does things it is faster than before processing images at 60 frames per second it's faster so your robot can be faster too it is not recommended that you use pixie with heavy machinery pixie tube has also learned some new skills it has new algorithms that can locate and track lines and a built-in light helps it see better when the lighting needs a boost new algorithms can identify intersections in your robots path and report them your program can decide which path to take pixie to can also identify little signs and report them to your program the signs can tell your robot what it should [Music] the signs are simple barcodes you can print them out and choose what each sign means depending on what you want your robot to do up to 16 different signs can be identified [Music] pixee to him can do all this and here's the best part this is not a crowdfunding campaign pixie 2 is available now just click on the link to find out more [Music]
Channel: Pixy camera
Views: 92,418
Rating: 4.9294534 out of 5
Id: EcCbEWiyiQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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