- Hi, everyone, it's Zoe
from the Scratch Team, (upbeat music) also known as Zinnea. Today I wanted to show you three ways of making pixel art in Scratch. If you're wondering what pixel art is, it's this kind of art, it's
used all the time in games, and animations, and lots
of different art forms, and I think it's really fun
and really easy to try out. And there are three easy
ways of doing it in Scratch. So, method one, this is a
way of turning any sprite into pixel with just one code block. So, to show you, I will choose a sprite, I'll hover over the Choose a
Sprite button and click Choose, and I think I'll choose the chick. So, what you're gonna do is
go to the Looks category, scroll down to the Set Color Effect block. Let me make this a little bigger. But this block has lots of other effects, including pixelate, so
if I click the block now, nothing happens, set
Pixelate Effect to zero, just makes the sprite look
normal, but if I put in 60. Ah, it's so cute, yeah, so as you can see, it gets sort of blocky, and
if I put in something smaller, like 40, it becomes a bit more defined. And if you put in
something bigger like 80, it's super blocky, oh,
my god, that's so cute. So, yeah, this method doesn't
work that well on all sprites, it doesn't so well on
sprites that are photos, but sometimes it turns out great, so I really recommend trying it out. It's also a great way of making
pixel-art-style backdrops. So, I'll hover the
Choose a Backdrop button, and click Choose, I'll pick
something like the desert. And if I drag out the Set
Color Effect block again, and choose Pixelate, and set it to 60. Ah, there you go, now the backdrop is in that pixel-art style. So, that's method one, method two is a way of changing a sprite into pixel art by changing it's
appearance in a really way. So, I'll grab another sprite, this time I think I'll pick the dragon. So, for this, you're gonna want
to go into the Costumes tab. If this button says Convert to Bitmap, then you want to click Convert to Bitmap. There are two drawing modes
in Scratch, Vector and Bitmap. Vector mode is good for creating shapes, and then moving them
around, while Bitmap mode is good for drawing
directly on the canvas. So, for this, we want
it to be in Bitmap mode, so if it say Convert to Bitmap,
click Convert to Bitmap, drag to select everything,
and then drag it down to be pretty small,
I'll go maybe this small. Click away from it to
deselect it, that's important, and then drag to select
everything again, and enlarge it. And yeah, there you go, now the dragon is in this pixel-art style,
I think it looks great. So, that's method two, method
three is to draw pixel art from a blank canvas, and
I'll show you how to do that. So, again, we're gonna hover
over the Choose a Sprite button, but this time
we're gonna click Paint. And we want to click Convert to Bitmap, we want to be drawing in Bitmap mode. And then you want to
zoom in a lot of times, just keep zooming, and finally
when it's pretty small, click on the paintbrush. It starts out at size
10, which is this circle, but you want to set it to one, which is the smallest square possible. And then you can just
draw whatever you want. I will draw a blob, and give
it some eyes, and a mouth. Yeah, that's pretty cute, and I think I'll click the fill bucket and pick out a blue color, make
it a little less saturated. Yeah, that's a good blob,
so where is this sprite? It's tiny because we
zoomed in so many times to draw at this small scale, so what I usually do
is set the size to 800 or something like that,
yeah, that's pretty good. And so now, you can see it. So, yeah, that's basically
what I wanted to show you. I think pixel art is really fun to make, and really easy to get started with. I hope this video has given you some ideas of things to try, or things to draw. So, I'd love to see what you make. See you next time, and Scratch on! (blob beeps)