Pit Boss Pro Series Combo BurnIn

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[Music] everybody's killed welcome to the second video in the series about the pit-boss Pro Series combo grill pellet smoker and gas grill in the last video I went ahead and showed how to assemble this and today we're gonna work on doing the burn in I hope you find this video useful let me get this thing pulled out here and we'll get it set up so far I've only assembled it and then nothing else yet so this units pretty heavy and I want to make sure I'm a good 3 feet away from the house in any direction and I'm just going to go ahead and lock the caster which is nice just a little foot lock and keeps it from rolling around so it'll be good and secure right here so before I go and hook this up to the electricity and test the pellet side I just want to validate everything's good on the propane side and it starts with doing a quick leak test pretty simple to do you just need it about a 50/50 mix of water and soap mix it around and use a little you know kids paintbrush or craft brush I'm using a q-tip but basically you're gonna rub that around any of the joints for the propane connections and make sure nothing's leak and just to avoid any possible issues or errors so you can see here I just have a small dish with a 50/50 mix of soapy water and you see it bubbles up so if there were any propane leaks we would see bubbles where we put that on so we're gonna go ahead and just get this applied [Music] [Music] now we're gonna go ahead and turn on the grill and see if we see any bubbles in those spots you're not seeing me they're not see any up here well paint a little bit more to make sure no no all right easy peasy I'm gonna go ahead and open this up make sure we don't have any gas leaking down in there and I'm gonna start with the burner on the side just to see how well that that's working so I've got my propane tank open we're gonna go ahead and press and hold my igniter and turn on my fuel source there we go and it lit up real nice over here the side burner is on I'm gonna turn that off and we'll do the same thing down below now I can see the igniters on both of these can't quite see it at that angle so I'm gonna start with the one over here press the igniter all right that one's on middle ones on and the right ones on that looks good we can see the flames doing just fine in there I'm a little hard time focusing on the flame versus the grate there we go and if we wanted to do this one again real simple I'm doing this one hand as I'm going to turn the gas on first then hit the igniter and you can see we've got we've got a Flay in there as well so I can see from my temperature gauge on the front of the gas side we're up around 225 250 degrees already that's good what we're gonna do is we want to get this up to 350 degrees for a good 30 minutes or so and the purpose behind that is just to burn off any foreign matter that's inside the barrel itself I'm gonna do the same thing with the wood pellet side but I'm going to start with this side just cuz I want to check and make sure there's no leaks on the propane grill so there we go we'll just let this burn in for a little while and yeah that temperature jumps up nice and fast we're already at 325 so I'm gonna turn these down nice and low alright so it's been about 35 or 40 minutes now and this is actually up at about 600 degrees so way above the 350 I needed I'm just gonna go ahead and open this up oh it's blazing and I'm going to turn off all these burners let that start to cool down before we now start to do the same thing and do the burn in on the pellet side but yeah good news so let me leave this open for a few minutes I'm gonna go ahead and plug in the unit alright it's now just a matter of plugging the electric side in of the feed hopper and we'll go ahead and turn on the unit I'll show you what it looks like just through heat transfer this sides a little bit warm from that being on what I'm gonna go ahead and take out these grates so that I can see inside of here when I first start to do this I've taken all of the grates out mainly so I can see the fire pot in here when you first start this up there's a couple of steps are gonna go through we're gonna power it up we're gonna put it on smoke setting we're gonna validate that we can feel air and heat coming out of it that tells us that the heating element is working and the fan is blowing once we know that we'll power it back off will load the hopper we'll prime it basically fill in the auger feed line with pellets when they start drop it in the fire pot then we'll go ahead and validate that everything starts up so those are the steps were about to go through let me show you those one by one alright now that we have it plugged in the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna press the power button when we do the power button begins to glow blue that's how we know that it's that it's on and we're gonna go ahead and turn the dial now from the off position to the smoke setting and I can hear the fan coming on now so in just a second we'll see if we feel heat inside of there I feel air blowing out so I definitely feel that hate the fan I don't yet feel heating so we're gonna wait just a moment and see if we start to feel that there's a little heating rod down inside of there I don't feel it yeah so as I hold my hand here I feel that air blowing I also now feel it to be a bit warm so I believe that heating element is now heating up so we'll go ahead and turn this back off turn it's the off position and turn the power off so you can still hear the fan running this is sort of a shutdown mode that it goes through I'm going to go ahead and put the pellets in and again this is the first time I'm doing it I'm following the instructions exactly as they suggest again you power it on you remove all the grates and whatnot so you can feel and see it down there you want to feel the heat feel the air blowing that way you know that the heating elements work and the fans working I'm using just whatever I happen to be able to pick up at at Lowe's for the first one as I start doing this more I'll probably decide that use different kinds here but this is what they're calling their competition blend chips I'm now going to go ahead and just open this up and start pouring some into the hopper and this really is as simple as opening up the hopper and got a 40 pound bag it's a little big here there is a lot of dust that comes out of this as it was flowing out I used to have rabbits when I was a kid this reminds me of rabbit food the little pellets but yeah this is it set set the hoppers just I filled it just maybe an inch below the great that's in there the protective great more than enough for what I got to do now again I just want to burn it in try it out here and then I'll probably end up putting this on the back patio but since I got to roll it around the house I'll keep it as light as possible so let's go ahead and move this aside and then we'll test it out all right I'm just going to go ahead and set this again I'm gonna go ahead and turn my power on and I'm gonna set this to smoke mode so that the element kicks on and I'm gonna show you down inside while I press this Prime button which will begin to move the auger so I'm not pressing the Prime button down and if you look right above that heating element right below my finger here you can see the actual auger turning around slowly and that's what's going to pull the pellets from the hopper all the way in here so I can see that this is going to take a few moments obviously given the length of that you can see a chip they're getting ready to push in so they don't feed in real quick here but they're starting to make their way in so I'm now hearing the chips falling down into the bin here as soon as they stack up a little bit and get over to the heating element I'll bring the camera in and shine right down so we can see if we can see them starting to smolder you get an idea what actually happens inside of the pellet stove all right so we're starting to see a little bit smolder down here you'll get a sense of what actually happens I'm probably not gonna let it get blazing high here because I'm going to need to put the cover on here in a second but clearly it's doing what we expected to do here and you can see that that glow plug if you will is heating element is heating up those little wood chips and they're beginning to glow so in a few moments they'll likely catch on fire so let me go ahead and stop this and put the grates back on so that I'm not reaching in there while the flames are going so you can really hear it kind of kick it on right now it's a variable speed fan so let me get the camera I'm going to show you through these grates here you'll see just what that flame looks like alright so the nice thing about this pit-boss is it has this little lever right here which lets me open up the slots and expose the fire to the food see if you can see that clearly there's open flames going down there and they're burning pretty good I'm gonna finish putting all these grates back in so it'll not handle them when they're hot that's kept quite a little flame going in there right now I'm gonna go ahead and close this down for a few minutes see what we start to see with on the temperature you don't hear it as much when it's closed the boy when is open you can really hear it it sounds a little bit like a like a jet engine I'm just sticking a couple of probes in here I want to see what the differences are in temperature we have these dials on the front we have the actual digital control which has a thermostat on the left-hand side or a thermometer on the left-hand side of it and then I went ahead and put a probe in the center of this one and also over in this box to see how much heat will transfer over with this damper open or closed so let's kind of take a look this is reading about a hundred and about a hundred and fifteen my thermostat is saying it's a hundred and forty in there the probe on this side is saying 134 right on the top rack so it's pretty close to that and then the one over here is saying 91 degrees so that'll be interesting let's take a look you can see my thermometer right here on the front is reading about a hundred and fifty degrees when I come down here on the control panel it's saying it's a hundred and sixty and probe number one is a hundred and forty-one degrees and I'll show you where I have that probe one there in a second so I have the probe right here in the upper right hand side of the grill and the actual built-in thermometer probe is right there on the left-hand side give you an idea on the difference in heat on each side but let me show you this if we open this up and you can really sort of hear that flame going to I definitely have some good flames going in there and again we're only on the medium smoke setting so to go ahead and get this one burned in we should need to run it for at least 30 to 45 minutes that 350 degrees or higher so I'm gonna pull these temperature probes out just so that they're not sitting above any kind of fire and then we'll just go ahead and get this heat cranked up and let it sit here for a while so let me start by disconnecting my two probes I'm gonna go ahead and close the little ports here keep any moisture out of those one probe and the other probe as I crank up the heat the auger will turn quicker that's basically how'd it what it does it feeds the wood inside of it what I don't yet know and I'll find out before this video is over is if this is what they call a PID controller which means it has a variable speed motor on the auger and it continually monitors the temperature and adjust the speed of the auger that's one method the other method that a lot of smokers use years ago was when you set the temperature it had a preset program like run the auger for 18 seconds don't run the auger for 15 seconds then 18 then not 15 etc and obviously the bigger the gap between the times you run the auger the more the temperature fluctuates there's a theory there that says that's a good way to get smoke you get heat first and then you wait a little while and as that as the wood piles in it begins to smoke some more and eventually it burns up it raises the heat up the smoke content goes down and you get this sort of smoke heat wave if you will let me go ahead and get this thing cranked up a little bit so I'm gonna go off the smoke setting and I'll put this at I'll just do 350 degrees for now actually you know what I'll do 400 degrees so we'll set that to 400 it's at 165 now let this sit this is now sitting at says 405 degrees up here up here it says 450 and my internal probe temperature says it's for hundreds or set to 400 so we're pretty close for a little bit hot and open this up so the burning period is complete I went ahead and turned it back down to smoke just let it go for a walk so I wanted to see how it smoked throughout here it was kind of interesting I definitely notice a pattern where it smokes a little bit more in the beginning and then it sort of fades down it's that pattern I was talking about before and I suspect it's the the period between feeding wood chips and not feeding wood chips I hope you enjoyed this second video in the series about the pit-boss Pro Series combo unit this was the initial burnin period hopefully you found this useful thanks everybody for watching [Music]
Channel: SVDreamChaser
Views: 130,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: www.SVDreamchaser.com, lifestyle, Pit Boss, pit boss pro series combo grill, pit boss pro series combo review, pit boss pro series combo lowes, Pellet smoker, gas grill, pellet smoker gas grill, combo gas pellet, combo pellet gas, exclusively for lowes, PB1100PSC1, Wood Pellet and Gas Combo, Wood Pellet & Gas Combo, combo pellet grill, Traeger combo, camp chef combo, waterfront living, grandparents raising grandkids, how to smoke, how to use a pellet grill smoker
Id: CMudFQniv3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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