Pirate Expert Rates Scenes From Hollywood Movies About Piracy

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I don't know if she kills him but she's on a live this is not accurate if you actually stabbed a pirate like that uh he probably would feel it and I do like the way he's over exaggerating the sort of Madness that's the thing that lots of pirates did there we have the most beautiful woman on the planet who is also a pig hello I'm Izzy Lawrence I'm a history presenter and I also have written Blackbeard's treasure which is an historically accurate book about pirates in the Caribbean in the early 18th century and I'm here to review some pirate films thank you here we go uh there she is she's drowned in the water and she's going to release the corsets which you know again we've got corsets depicted as being very Talent um in history and there are a lot of fashion historians who will sort of say actually they're really comfortable and they're not put on that top that tightly but you know uh why not for the sake of this where did you get that here we go point of a sword there you have it now this is obviously mid um 18th century because the men um you know the records in red that's fine uh I like the fact those guys aren't wearing Perry rigs all the other guys in Red Coats wearing Perry wigs which suggests that they're all officers which seems a bit weird that they're doing this that you've got a huge little admiralty meeting going on why they're in these wigs they're really expensive those wigs they cost like 30 quid even at the beginning of the century nobody was branded a pirate but you know whatever people were branded um if you're clergy and you got you know arrested for something you could be branded but then you couldn't plead clergy again I doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of but you have heard of me and this line here but you have heard of me is uh is wonderful that's what you wanted as a pirate you wanted your name to proceed you so people would give up before fighting it a lifetime of wickedness so it seems enough to condemn him indeed and they're oh my God my goodness a lady walking around in her underwear I mean even now it's slightly rude I'm not looking but it is slightly rude uh you know and then for whatever reason the Cuffs that they put on him are obviously leg irons because they've got enough ribbon to move his hands which is a weird thing to put but never mind she sticks inside his love I'll save your life using this you know why not he would have been very smelly as well remember but then she would have probably been a bit smelly as well I think we're both thankful they've been in sea water Jack Sparrow fifth Adventure everybody stops because everybody forgets they've got a gun and off he goes off he goes massive Cannon crashing down that's pretty I mean I wouldn't jump in straight after it but fair enough uh here we have the Black Pearl which is a nice figurehead at the front those cannons not rocking the ship at all those cannons it would be terrifying to be that close to a cannon you know the sails which are down why the sales down if the ship's still you'd have you know tied them up a bit busy deck but not busy enough you you'd have it probably at least six men to each gun and what are they firing at is not clear what are they doing it would have been organized I mean basically you don't want all the Cannons to go off at once as well you've got to organize that you need a rolling shot because otherwise you could tear the ship apart the protection now this thing about the pirate code and parlay is pretty much nonsense yes there is pirate codes there are many pirate coats every pirate ship has its own code which is an agreement that everybody agrees they selling even they make a mark and they say we agree to these rules and really that could be yes if somebody says I wish to talk before being punished parlay that could be in one of the rules but it'd been only specific to that crew not even that crew all the time because every single Mission they go on they might change the rules pirate code is real um this sort of universal Brethren of pirates where they all follow the same rules not real I'll drop it this also is just really bad storytelling because we remember later on in this film they can walk along the seabed just let her drop it what are you doing I'm gonna drop it in the ocean okay we can go and get it we've proven that later in the film well I suppose if it is worthless and there's no point in me keeping it let's go um he's got a monkey there which um the French I believe introduced a lot of monkeys into the Caribbean because they used to be very fashionable pets um and I don't think there's a lot of monkeys on Ireland's light sink kits which were actually not native until Europeans got there and uh yeah but they did make good pets once again their monkeys need a lot of water and so keeping them on board [ __ ] not a good idea you're much better off with a parrot I didn't steal it if that's what you mean everybody you hand it over and we'll put your town to our rudder I mean you've got a slight movement of the ship here but I mean even in Port you're going to be up and down a bit more it feels very still it doesn't feel like you're a you know that's a very loose piece of rigging what's that doing why isn't everything taught he's giving the orders which is good it's good that you see some African representation on here because a lot of pirates were maroon slaves or black African merchants not all speaking English either a lot from speaking Spanish and obviously African languages which is where we get Patois from foreign this is not accurate if you actually stabbed a pirate like that uh he probably would feel it but uh this is obviously fantasy we can forgive a bit of fantasy obviously they are um they are heaving the anchor they've got the cats and they're walking around it heaving it up um that takes forever and you need a lot more men on board ship doing that than is depicted here I think HMS Victory it was 300 men needed to raise the anchor total so it would have been the entire crew involved doing that and it took them five and a half hours and that's a similar sized vessel to the Black Pearl depicted here maybe slightly larger [Music] [Applause] also that that that wheelbar that's connected to the rudder you can't just spin it like it's a top two men usually to move the um let's move the rubber and the sales once again nothing's going to sell with that many holes in you would get holes in the cells quite regularly because that's what other ships are attacking so Port Royal is a real place and back in the 17th century it was a very important place for Buccaneers because the British allowed people to trade there and to get their boats out of water to scrape the sea worm off it because otherwise your boat wouldn't last very long at all you need to get your boats you needed to have repairs places like Port Royal places um later on like NASA would be places where people would go who were pirates who could actually make some money and trade so it's a guaranteed place as a part you could go without getting arrested Johnny Depp's portrayal of Captain Jack sparrows the sort of cool rock star is bang on because Pirates were seen by the general populace as incredibly cool and sexy I mean seriously the the Golden Age of piracy was really in my opinion sort of like 17 15 to 1722 something like that the general history of pirates came out late like in 1724 so everybody was talking about Pirates they were seen as so-called they were Breaking All the Rules these were men without like blood right acting like Lords they were incredibly cool like word had got out that loads of people wanted to be Pirates they were living a life which nobody dared to live they would literally seizing their freedom and just going for it you know they weren't Servants of like a government anymore or of companies who wanted to make money and of the sort of General grind of like being a commoner when you were a pirate you were basically going okay I'm not gonna live long I'm gonna have a short bloody life and it will be a very good one lock down the bridge yeah listen up we have been boarded by four armed Pirates what I love about this film though is look at that background look at everything it is so real and I think for this show in particular I mean look at it they're actually on a boat and I think this is an exact copy it's a sister ship of the boat that was attacked by Pirates no one comes out until you hear the non-darress password from me which is supper time historically this is the third attack that this ship had undergone by Pirates and they pretty much knew they were on their own they don't have weapons on board because you're not allowed to basically bring weapons into port at this time and so they're basically these Somali uh Pirates are just going to come on and do what they like because once they're on board I mean that's your issue and the reason they didn't think they were going to get attacked is because it's such a large ship and they didn't think that Smileys would have ladders I was also really nice about this film is those men they didn't get a Hollywood actor those men are local Somali actors and they look it you know they're they look as though they are real now I saw an interview with Captain Phillips it shares that he's not he says he's not brave and he wasn't as Brave as he's depicted in this film there are moments where he sort of says no take me not them and I don't think the real Captain Phillips did that but uh obviously this is Hollywood relax nobody get hurt here and obviously they're speaking English which is what they would have done broken English was not first language but you know that communication is really important and from what I understand the way the Somali pirates would attack initially they were just trying to ward off fishermen from their Coastline then they worked out they could actually make more money um by capturing passing ships than they could fishing in the first place after their fishing grants have been decimated so these people have been forced into this but at the same time greedy we just got the Dallas uh we do Kenny Kenny what do we have in the safe we've got like what Thirty Thirty thirty thousand dollars in the sale yeah like we got like we have the dialogue is real I mean this is taken from Captain Phillips book I mean they have elaborated a bit by saying that you know he's saying don't point the gun at him putting the gun at me but they really did offer um thirty thousand dollars so you know that's quite a substantial amount of money you would think but no Smiley Pirates especially on hearing that they're American definitely wanted more that means the computer is Now offline Captain the ship's broken captain no one get hurt if you don't play no game uh it's the ship's broken that's not the truth and it's dangerous to lie to a man with a gun however you know capturing people is a pirate's way of also making money and that's since Roman times I mean Julius Caesar was famously captured by Pirates uh and he would sort of joke with them and say when I get out of here I'm going to come back and kill you all and they didn't believe him and then he did so you have to imagine how stuffy it is inside one of those life you know boats you're not meant to be there I mean in reality he was in there for five days with these people so you know you can imagine the horror of living in there I mean in this film he asked to urinate to go out and that's how he makes his Escape I don't think I think that's a bit of elaboration by the filmmakers there but he does jump into the sea as is depicted now obviously the Pirates of this point they want him back he's really important to them and without you know that hostage on board they're basically Sitting Ducks because nothing you know there's no reason not to shoot them out of water there we go two guys in the water what about Phillips one of them Phillips we don't know we can't tell now I believe as well all of these scenes on of the Americans the people in the background are real naval officers uh they just they just use them they didn't bother with extras so it's we've got a real authenticity this film [Music] and just this the darkness I mean because if you can imagine being in the water when it's dark that sort of Inky Blackness it feels like death it's just absolutely terrifying we've got one more in the water now this is obviously a fight scene of the two men you know fighting each other however you know drowning people will do this if you go into the water and rescue somebody who's drowning they will just climb on top of you and push you under trying to get up above the water I know for a fact that the crew lots of the crew were not happy with the way that Captain Phillips handled the whole situation he they said that he put them in danger of the Pirates mainly because the the way that he took them through Somali pirate water he wanted to take the fastest route he thought that was the best option whereas they wanted to take a more evasive route which they thought would have left them out of trouble but again I mean this is before you had mercenaries on board a lot of this international shipping and also it was a case that you know avoiding them is really hard and most people thought that ships the size couldn't be taken I mean it's remarkable that a small pirate crew managed to climb on board the ship I mean when you've got the you know the the deck sort of 13 meters above sea level it's not going to um they just didn't think it would be possible so the way the Somali pirates are attacking here using small boats go after a big one is historically how a lot of pirates do overtake larger vessels it's called a cutting out action and it's basically you put your crew in the smaller vessels they can you know overwhelm a larger Ship by coming in at multiple sides and also they're far more Nimble than a great big ship which takes a long time to turn you you know innovate them so it's a really common tactic that's been used throughout history [Music] I didn't waste my time pouring over his credentials because I needed was a taste of his ham and his butted eggs I love this set this set is so good the accuracy that's gone into this is beautiful I'm just going to say that the clothing's pretty spot on as well for mids 18th century the way they've tied their hair is pretty good I mean the reason he's freaking out here isn't just because uh you know it's the 1950s and you're appalled by disabilities that is because he's been told to not trust a man with a with uh one leg it comes natural to Carly by name the chairs the chairs are 18th century chairs I get very excited by comeback chairs and uh that is beautiful the glassware as well I'm looking at that and that looks genuine the silver though I mean how rich is this cook I mean he keeps a good table I'll say look at it from the South Park pulls aboard for the mint that you want and no Candlelight and it would have been much dingier and darker than obviously they can depict of the film and I don't know what fish that's from I can't remember its name now but that is a that is a a real thing that people would have displayed the conch shells in the back showing that he's already been to the Caribbean what do you do sir I noticed it afar it wouldn't surprise me nand will you say Eve at the anchor and also it shows you this is not a poor man and yet why does he want even more treasure is this mad-eyed world that's this want for adventure he's got danger written all over him even though he's so presentable and so trustworthy surely these you know aristocratic idiots will trust him wouldn't they them not die will be the lucky ones I find the find the situation here really bizarre with this Stockade which is exactly how it is depicted in the books but I'm not sure why there would be a stockade on this particular Island that's pretty much uninhabited other than maybe it was a Lookout Point but it's not on high land so I just I don't really understand what it's doing [Music] [Applause] uh the Pirates attacking and there's a pistol going off successfully killing a man and another pistol going on for another pistol going off obviously uh you know Long John Silver are unable to join in the attack because he's only got one leg [Music] very surprised right that all of these guns are working so well and so smoothly because it's notorious for pistol the more you fire them the you know the worse the barrel gets and the less easy they are to aim because the dirt gets in the way musket wolves in particular they've got a flat side because of the way that they're made [Music] so they're deciding to move tactics to move out I personally find that open fire very close to the gunpowder slightly scary but you know not as scary as Pirates attacking or indeed the dead man holding holding a sword to his belly [Music] it seems to be run at each other with your body wide open with a sword not the best tactics for um uh fighting it's not very realistic fighting but it is Disney so you know and you know the set makes up for it the set is beautiful I was going to kill a child which is historically accurate from the time they did like to kill whoever they liked uh but there we go man rushes in saves him there we go with one Blow The Sword and then hits him on the nose I love that that is good fighting that is practical I don't think you know a broken nose might stop him but it certainly disables you and to use both bits of the sword is really good hello [Music] come back here you'll double eater oh Long John Silver very upset that his uh plan hasn't worked and I do like the way he's over exaggerating the sort of Madness that's the thing that lots of pirates did now this I mean come on if you're gonna get hit by a muscular that you notice it going in that would that would really explain it wouldn't just be a little bit of blood it would be a full-on but you're being hit with a mini cannon come on I think in ports like Bristol there certainly would have been you know Sailors possibly even ex privateers maybe even people who got away with piracy maybe as long as they were low enough rank I mean the captains of pirate ships are pretty much known I mean Charles Vane famously he ended up marooning on an island he tried to get on another boat to be rescued as a normal sailor and he was you know immediately recognized by one of the crew and said nope that's a pirate Captain that's how he got captured so I don't think a captain who'd actually held up a lot of people and been really successful would be able to negotiate a way out unless say Long John Silver was a captain in like the early 18th century and then in 1718 he took the king's pardon and then he would have been forgiven for everything and he could have traveled home had a nice life as a Tavern keeper and then 20 yeah 20 30 years later when he was an old man and his legs still hadn't grown back he could then you know take the advantage and go to sea but it's it's a bit dodgy I would say Long John Silver would have to have been low ranking crew and then why would that many people be following him it's difficult it is difficult as for his depiction in this film I mean I love the fact that he's so tanned this is a famous thing about Pirates is how tanned because there's no sunscreen and you're working in like the Caribbean the heat is incredible so you take all your clothes off and you go really um Brown there are stories um uh that I've read of freed slaves you know Muslim slaves who write these biographies and they sort of say you know I went aboard this ship and I wasn't sure who was black who was Spanish because they looked you know the same skin tone just through the tan so you get an idea of you know just how sort of burnt to a crisp they were um but yeah um I don't see anything entirely wrong other than his very white teeth in this film with the depiction of Long John Silver in the way they have she's from where the dead men hang high that way [Music] stinky [ __ ] man like we are in the Caribbean Treasure Island is set in the Caribbean and I would argue that what we're seeing here is a very Hawaiian depiction of I mean I might say depiction very dodgy um view of native peoples uh obviously pigs are not native to the Caribbean anyway so this is completely false and wrong for that reason alone are we lucky or what silent smelly sailor mans you have violated sacred Island uh excuse me I am captain Smollett we mean no harm to your culture we embrace all some of the Arts in the background so you've got things which look a bit like um uh the East Ireland heads in a bit and you've got big gong as well I mean these guys here they look like um you know Pat Rapa Nui um carvings and that sort of thing flaming torches it feels very Pacific Island um and I love the Pacific Islanders and this is an unfair amusing but unfair depictions foreign on the planet who is also a pig but you know you know and who wouldn't be impressed she writing an anteater interesting and was she not right he's fallen off but in the most beautiful way and Benjamin a gun marooni Tetris and queen of this app oh she's got coins around her pearl necklace as well and with a that appears to be Jaguar that she's wearing on the dress which is South America so that might be correct and here we have the Floridian I was maybe you know the rats watching the thing going on and the big gone which feels very yeah East Asian but never mind [Music] [Applause] a boy confused and being faced with Tim Curry and it's just a dream of delights isn't it who wouldn't want to be apparently him though he looks upset appreciate you into our enterprising um company so I love this over dramatic depiction of pirates and the fact that they're trying to be scary and they're trying to be dramatic and that's exactly how decent pirate Captain would be he'd want to instill fear into people without having to hurt them in any way just threatening him with a tie look and that's enough that's enough to make him say Well you're all horrible Pirates and he's like Pirates and the Mad laugh and the unpredictability is great oh Jim if that's what you're thinking you're dead wrong when I was just a laugh now this is a weird sort of analysis of why you become a pirate so the idea is you know they're singing It's a vocation that people hear about being in pirate and want to be a pirate and certainly that is true Steve Bonnet was a plantation owner very well to do and decided he wanted to be a pirate because of the Soul tales that he heard about people like Henry Avery he built his own pirate ship and went to seams particularly bad at being a pirate but he did try two friendship and Adventure are what we can live without and Wayne you're a professional and here we have you know the representation of being a pirate is actually we're quite good and genuinely a lot of pirates were good because they had letters of Mark they were allowed to go after Crews and capture their stuff and keep the things um that they had aboard just because they were doing it in the name of Empire it's how you look at Buccaneers that makes them bad or good and it doesn't always have to be as violent certainly not as virus as it is on a merchant vessel I mean Merchant Seaman treated their staff the sailors on those vessels terribly I mean it was really quite horrible um you know corporal punishment was I could have been in politics you know going I could have been this I could have been that no if you were a working-class person in Britain you had a choice of basically staying a peasant on the land I mean maybe you could get a job as a fighter I don't I don't think they had that sort of entertainment that much as in terms of Sportsman's and boxing and that sort of thing at that point in the 17th century um sorry 18th century Miss Piggy in this film is uh benjamina Gunn uh replacing Benjamin Gunn from the original book which I love I mean because there's nothing more I mean if you can't fit Miss Piggy into a movie is it a movie so there's a real issue in 17th and 18th century Britain which was that there was you know there was a seizure of common lands by the upper classes which meant that it was almost impossible to survive anymore as a working-class person without a wage this is a brand new thing a wage it meant you needed a job so you had to make your own food using very little common land that was left and then also supplement be able to pay the rent which is a new thing as well by having a job and now this is before factories so the main way that you could make you know money was joining the military joining the Navy or becoming a joining the merchant Navy and so lots of young men were driven to the docks and loads of them didn't want to be you know nobody wanted to be a merchant navyman it was really horrific you know this corporal punishment there's very little food you're going to get sick guaranteed you're probably going to die from that sickness you were treated as totally Expendable often dumped in the Caribbean against your will you know there was there's nothing you can do you know sometimes you were sold into effective servitude and that was another option too you could you know sell yourself as an indentured servant and basically be a slave for 10 years and then get given a bit of land at the end but it was not what you wanted to do I mean the colonies were mainly seen like you know in in the 17th century that's where you sent prisoners you know that's where loads of Irish people ended up in the Caribbean because they were you know fighting against Oliver Cromwell so he said oh let's get rid of them put them in the Caribbean and use them as slaves there so it was really like the worst thing you'd want to do join the Navy because it was horrible you weren't paid very much and then suddenly what if you've got your own boat and you took your own stuff and then you could get paid like a captain and everybody got a fair share and you could vote on the rules and decide what you were doing with your life and suddenly you were free and you didn't have to do what anybody told you to do if you didn't want to be part of the crew you could just not sign up you could not agree to the pirate code you'd be left in Doc fine in the Caribbean you can survive on eating things like you know there's food everywhere there are conscious with you know shellfish there are like turtles you can eat the turtles you don't need to work thank you for watching this video all about the history of pirates I've been Izzy Lawrence this has been history here check out all the other videos that they're popping up all around me they are all excellent expand your mind learn about history it's fun
Channel: History Hit
Views: 448,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history hit, history hit youtube, pirate movie, how real is it, pirates of the caribbean, somali pirates movie, muppet treasure island, treasure island, golden age of piracy, pirate expert, historian reacts, historian reacts to movie, historian reacts to films, historian reacts to history movies, historian reacts to pirate movies, iszi lawrence, iszi lawrence historian, iszi lawrence comedian, history hit movies, history hit movie scenes, history hit movie review
Id: 9jnY0VfaipE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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