Pipilotti Rist Interview: Color is Dangerous

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there is no rule when and where I get the IDS some song there are survival tactics some are psychotic tics some are very well thought over it's extremely different every overall was came from a very weak moment when a guy chevre doctor of a newspaper - it's called - you gave me carte blanche to do all the pages what I did with friends of mine not about me about friends and their works and on the title I wanted to have an old lady a picture of a lady and he said you have to change the cover we will not sell it and I just had a picture that I will smash his car and I thought he's not worth it and from all that I this work came out to use aggression a destructive moment to change it and make a hopeful peace and how she makes it Silvana Chesky she makes it as she would do it every day as it would be very normal not aggressive and that was my catharsis and of course when you are asked how do I come to my ideas they are linked to my agenda and my one of my agenda is to question given things and in this case the car a symbol of given there is not long ago that we have the individual mobile mobility but for us it seems like has been like this forever how we get used to something very quickly and I just give a counter for it's taken with the four small consumer cameras with the tape glued together one with a close-up and the other with a totally and around the side I'm in a little wagon shopping car seat I'm sitting in a shopping car we only could do it one time for money reason and as you see we only do the side windows because I could not afford the big Franta so the bigger you go with the picture the faster the movement looks so if there would be a movement from one side to the other and the monitor is only 50 centimeters and then you do the same picture on five meters so the movement gets ten times faster so this is absolutely against our body or against the physical dimension so for me the speed is always linked with the size of the image some weeks before I did the shooting I shot the red hot poker penny for fear in letting in a garden and when I saw it they seemed to me like 300 meters high and I thought wow they are mighty and then that was already planted somewhere that they have a mighty structure that when the wind is coming they don't fall there must be started from the static must be extremely strong and it's just a question of relation the relation to a insect it's something higher than I Hotel in Dubai you so it's me video has a a very painterly quality especially the standard definition like this you see if you concentrate on the color noise looks like a corral it looks very unsure but on the other side it has more beauty in it and only showing the content that this lady is going down the street it has also the the color only the colors if you if you are able to distance yourself from what the colored moving light is showing and the bleeding out of the red that comes out of the form and of course I'd wish to to use the leg not only as a leg but as a an own quality so pain when I say painting video then I would say the Edit itself the written the movement in the picture and then of course color correction the screen for me is like back glass painting but it moves it has every second a different image of the points are on it's like party lysmer of Sarah but they move the permanently move and sometimes they say my things are colorful but my opinion is I'm not more colorful than life is we are just already used to it to see images that have less color in it because we are so fearful that the white skin looks tinted so if Africa would have developed salaried or video would look different when I read the book of the London using artists to david batchelor he has made a small book called homophobia and he brings it really to the point also historical sociological that in our society the written word and the line has much more value than formless color color something dangerous like music very seductive you don't know where it stops it's also linked with proletariat you and I see me in the tradition of one of these two to fight for color but we have a very hard stamp because color is so much used from advertisement because color picks you are at attraction subconsciously and they use a lot of color salt and intelligence er the the better educated people they distance themselves from color they call it superficial but actually it's dangerous you
Channel: Louisiana Channel
Views: 32,581
Rating: 4.9421687 out of 5
Keywords: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum, art, Pipilotti Rist, Colour, video artist, video art, Swiss artist
Id: NdLuwX2uRTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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