Pipeline: World's Deadliest Wave | Storm Surfers

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[Music] the NorthShore of aahu the ultimate Proving Ground for the world's best and bravest Surfers it's here that both Ross and Tom cut their teeth as professionals this is a centerpiece of professional surfing and the place where we really sort of put ourselves up for the test there's something really cool about this place there's nowhere like that the giant swir the team is tracking is set to hit ao's WEA Bay tomorrow so today is about warming up just up the coast is a break that's perfect for that pipeline this is the most famous wave in the world everyone from Tokyo to to Tel Aviv knows about surfing anything they've heard about the pipeline this is a special place for Tom it's where he carved his name into the history books by winning the Pipeline Masters and unprecedented three times but pipeline is lethal an intense wave that breaks in only a few feet of water sending wbe Surfers head first into Jagged volcanic rock more Surfers have died here than any other wave in the world and despite Tom's experience that has the old vet rattled hey up and he's thinking twice about whether to Surf with five time pipe Master Kelly Slater I haven't Ser pipe with you in I honestly don't know how long yeah over 10 years my opinion is Tom's I think Tom's the best ever at pipeline oh well and uh for for me it's a pleasure just to to see Tom geta W when I'm in the water with him out there you know it I when I got your message I thought well I'm going to have to go out you know it scared me even the thought you know I I can't imagine you being scared of pipe that kind of didn't didn't register in my brain the slightest mistake at pipeline can have fatal consequences despite this Tom just can't pass up the rare chance to Surf with Kelly at the wave that made them both champions for anyone who's surfing pipeline got to be willing to either you know get the best wave of their life or just it all could go air shaped right on the right on the drop Tom panels into his first pipe wave in8 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] years [Music] like diving straight into the reef like into the to drop yeah and it's like letting go of everything you [Music] got you know when you get a good wave at pipeline it's the it's really the ultimate wave in surfing I think [Music] I'd say uh there were moments in my life where it that's it meant [Music] everything
Channel: OutsideWatch
Views: 253,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3479381764001, water, Storm Surfers, world's deadliest wave, pipeline, youtube, uss, surf, Kelly Slater, hawaii
Id: 7uaiESrafSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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