Pinki Ki Shaadi | Filmfare Best Short Film Nomination 22 | Mugdha Agarwal, Vikram | Natak Pictures

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Stop stop.. I'll take the back door Have you thought it through? Yes! I'll leave then? (Ladies singing wedding folk song) Okay now.. Let's take a selfie No.. no.. And now we all will kiss the groom No No.. I'll spill the drink over you Brother, please! Who is that? Why are you here? Wow! The bride is here!! I need to talk to you right now. It's URGENT! You could've called up No, I had to do this in person Hey, you could've waited for at least a day Keep shut, dude! You could've called me over, I would've come Now if I'm already here, may we proceed? Proceed? As in? Oh..Okay..yes we can talk Dude, make her a drink No need! Okay now, all of you will go downstairs Bro, can I take the whiskey bottle Yeah..the other one And listen, don't tell anyone about this; I'll be downstairs in just a few minutes Yes Pinki, what is it? There seem to be too many celebrations going on at your place Obviously, it's my wedding, everyone is happy. Are there no celebrations at your home? I wanted to say something, I've gathered a lot of courage to do this One second, you're not dumping me right? Hear me out first, and then jump onto conclusions You are scaring me now. No no, it's not that big a deal. Then? Tomorrow.. you..tomorrow it will be good if you don't come for our wedding. What do you mean? Okay, I won't attend the wedding. But then how will we get married? You're not understanding. I can't marry you.. And why do you think I'll agree to this? Because I'm asking you to. Why? What's happening? Did I do anything wrong? What have I done that you're ditching me on the eve of our wedding? I don't know what I'm doing and why. Also, Im in love with someone else. (Crushing of a plastic glass) I realise that I should've informed you earlier... But why are you telling this to me today? Did I misbehave with you? No! Did I force myself on you? No..what are you doing? You yourself agreed to this marriage, right? Yes..but now I'm disagreeing. And why are you shouting? I'll shout because it's my house. Look, I got too confused to figure things out. What could have I done? What will I do now? Sorry, please forgive me. How can I forgive you now? Anyway, who is this guy? Harsh He is from the Delhi; he's not a localite Yeah .. delhi boy !! What should I do now? You spilled it all so easily. But what should I do? There one more thing that I need to confess. What now? I need a small help from you. Should I not help myself right now? Look, I know it's tough for you but... Tough? I'm shattered! You know what, just tell everything to me in one go. I'll try digesting it all at once. Tell me? Actually, I've secretly managed to step out of my house but... But what? I've brought my luggage along..and.. Harsh is coming to pick me up. Well played! Could anyone have ever faced anything worse? Pinki, you've lost your mind. Is this a joke? Why always after spending a huge amount on the wedding, it so happens that a realisation strikes that the wedding needs to be called off? Had you told me two months ago, I would've still managed. But how do I deal with this now? And what help are you seeking from me? Should I call up your dad and inform him about all this? Can you please mind your tone? Why such foul words? Why are you silent now? There is one main thing that I haven't yet told you. I don't want to know! Just one last thing, I promise! I just don't want to listen. Please! What..what is happening? What have you done exactly? Look, I'm running away running away. Tomorrow when everybody at my home will wake up, they'll know that I'm missing. I've actually left a note on the table that says that we both have mutually decided to call off the wedding due to some personal reasons, and I'm in a shock. And that's why I'm going away to spend sometime alone and heal. This is what I've done. When did we decide mutually? Right now.. We are deciding right now, no? Who is deciding? I'm not agreeing to this! I'm coming tomorrow! I'm starting to feel dizzy now. Hey bro, we're out of booze. Listen you! I'm not a fool, okay. Have you been to Lord Shiva's temple? There is a lane right behind it. Can you drop me there, please? Harsh will pick me up from there. You're just not stopping! Do you ever think before speaking? What kind of a girl are you? You thought you'd elope with some random guy and I'll help you with that? My bride is going with someone else and asking for a lift from me, wow! Who dropped you here? Friend.. What? A friend had dropped... Why didn't you go with her directly? Why did you come here? You could've simply informed me over a call. Also, I don't have any convenience.. 'Conveyance' Yes whatever! I don't have it. And neither will you find a lift at this hour. Just call up your friend and call her here, and then go wherever you wish to. Go now! Why are you crying? Okay listen... let's go. Should I carry? I'm not that light weight. Bag! My uncle doesn't lend his scooter to anyone, and neither does it ever have fuel in it, so... Oh, that's okay! We just got some time to talk and know each other better. Thank God, I have alcohol right now! All this looks fancy in films. But I'm not a Bollywood star to stay unaffected with my wedding being called off. I'm not feeling normal. What do I say now.. Don't say anything now please! You've said enough. You're quite daring by the'll get full marks for this. There? Behind that temple? Yes! Here we are! Hello.. hello Harsh? I'm waiting For you Harsh, who else? Are you crazy? Okay! Should I wait here? Your call.. you may leave if you have to, I'll manage on my own. I so want to leave, but I'll stay to finally see the guy for whom you're ditching me Are you hurt? What will you do about it? You would still not marry me, right? Leave it! You know, I've known Harsh for the past four years. I could never fall for anyone else ever since I met him. I was so consumed in him. The reason why I agreed marry you was because we both had a bad breakup. What? We're back together now! May I say something? You are also not too keen to marry me, right? Why else would you help me elope? Isn't it weird? What can be weirder than me being here! Ask him when he is coming, it's too late now. And let me know if he changes his mood. I'm available as an 'option' to you! Uncle? Bittu, what are you doing here at this hour? And who is this girl? And there is luggage as well! What's happening? Are you planning to run away? No uncle, it's not how it looks. You think I can't see it? Listen dear, it's his wedding tomorrow, you will have to forget him. Go back to your home. Uncle... one second..where are you coming from, at this hour? Where am I coming from! Now you will question me? One minute... Listen..who is this girl? Uncle, I am the bride. Is it? It is! Where are you guys planning to go? (fumbles) umm.. she called up..umm.. she said it is close by..umm.. she'll be delighted if I drop her home..umm.. so I just left from home.. You won't even find a stray dog at this hour. Bittu, what's wrong with you? Do one thing, take my scooter and drop her home, okay? Is she waiting for someone? Me? No no... I was just scrolling. Just scrolling? Is there anything that you guys are hiding? No.. you carry on please. I'll drop her home. You should leave for home now! I'll drop you. Okay! I'm leaving then. Just a minute. Bittu, I'd like to give an advice. I could be wrong. Hence, I won't ask you guys anything and neither will I judge your actions. But you know, I always check my vehicle's fuel meter every morning before I leave from home. What if take off and then run out of fuel mid-way? Who will drag this vehicle? You guys haven't taken off yet. Please give it a thought, whether you want a smooth journey or a painful vehicle drag. Is your scooter out of fuel again or what? Just be thoughtful of your actions. I don't understand what he is saying.. I'm not understanding anything. Can you please give me the keys? Yeah, giving! Give me a second And don't be late! Damn this phone!! Hello? Yes..yes one minute I'm getting your stuff.. I'm reaching..take the keys and reach home on time! Hello? Yes I'm reaching in two minutes. He took away all the stuff. Call up your boyfriend! When is he arriving? I'm trying his number. Better be quick at it, before someone else sees us here. It's switched off now... Damn! Now he has switched off the phone? Yeah.. I'm trying but it's switched off. You're sure he'll come to pick you, right? Look Pinki, we've been waiting for two hours now. And, I don't understand why I am here. I am a better option at least. What will you do now? (Pinki sobs) Okay, I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay with you. Can you drop me home? Now? What now? What will you do now? Don't know. I'm unable to figure things out What will you tell your family? That's what I'm unable to figure. Rest all is clear to me. What is clear? This mess was for whom? That guy didn't even show up, and instead I'm here Why would this not start! I'm being ditched by all today! My bride doesn't want to marry me, my uncle gave me a scooter with an empty tank. Why are you still here? Go back in! I'm going. Yes please! I could've lied to you or could've ran away without informing you. But I told you the entire truth instead.. It would've been so much better, had you left just like that, because your guy hasn't even shown up. I would've never known any of this and would've happily arrived at our wedding tomorrow, like a moron. You want to marry me or not? Are you still asking this question? How can you ask me, when you yourself have no feelings for me? Do you have? Listen, don't play games with me! Do you have feelings for me? I don't know about myself but I'm sure that you don't. Your love story didn't work out so now you're asking me to marry you. Even yours did not work out, and that's why you said 'yes' to marry me, right? What? What do you mean? Meaning, I too am just an option for you, right? Exactly how you felt today for yourself. You did not think once about me before agreeing to this marriage because you wanted to show her down. Her? Whom? What are you taking about? You think I don't know anything? Do you even know anything about me? I know. What is my name? Pinki Pinki is my pet name. What is my real name? And you say that you want to marry me. Do you even deserve it? You were conveniently getting mad at me a few minutes ago. And today I too would've fallen prey to your stupid decisions. I know guys like you who first breakup with a girl, and then keep looking for her in other girls. She had flipped in just 48 hours after saying yes to marrying me. I only received a message asking me to forget her. Is it really that easy? This is what happens with guys like me, Pinki. We just suppress our feelings and stay shut. I wasn't fooling you. Else, why would I be here today with you, dropping you home? I remained silent today as well, just like always. I would've cried a bit, maybe later. I didn't even know what wrong I'd done to her. I just saw her picture one day with a caption that read 'moved to London'. It was then that I realized what was happening. It's not that I don't like you. Sorry, I should've told you the truth. It's okay! What's okay? You are no less! I did not do anything wrong. Your boyfriend did not show up. Had he come, you would've eloped with him! Listen, I knew he would not come. He had also ditched me and moved abroad, just like your ex. And all of this? But who was the person you were calling up? It was a friend of mine You don't know me well, yet! I did get to know a lot about you today. Also, I know your name Pinki. This is your real name and you hate it to the core, Pinki! I'm not that bad Me too. Do you like me..even a bit? Why else would have I done all this drama, had I not liked you? Should I then go, get dressed and come back tomorrow? Sorry, today! Today! I'll come then
Channel: Natak Pictures
Views: 8,193,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Romantic hindi short film sotry, award winning short film, best short films, hindi short film, hindi short film romantic story, love story, mugdha agarwal latest, mugdha agarwal short film, mugdha agarwal video, romantic short film, romantic short films, short film, short film hindi, short film love story, short film wedding story, short films, short films hindi, short films in hindi, wedding hindi short film, wedding hindi short film story, wedding hindi short film story
Id: f6jiiSyCcPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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