Pink - Staying True | Full Documentary

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[Music] for over a decade pink has forged an exceptional career the controversial star has been a regular fixture on the worlds chart since 2000 after selling 40 million albums and 70 million singles globally she is indisputably one of the best-selling musical artists of all time a girl from Pennsylvania who got the party started recorded her first album at 15 and is now recognized as one of the most daring and complex performers of the modern era I've been taking what you want and changing it if it's not right 9 for her tough girl image in a world of bland performers pink is one of a kind so fast business are you lesbian do you want me to be a lesbian [Music] [Applause] I don't like anything that's not dangerous I got hogtied in the air at about 30 feet night number two it's fun especially when you can scare the crap out of everyone that's working on the tour every night thank you [Music] I hope I never got I feel like I've actually redressed [Music] the outspoken star is refreshingly open and honest in a sterile industry that is usually anything but I never learned working with pink is not just working with an artist it's like one of the biggest artists in the industry I remember the rehearsal for the Brit Awards having some deep words about choreography pink in backwards I hear I don't like this and we were like oh okay like freaking out of it the Brit Awards I fight a day away and we were like well we've just had these Murray's rehearsal it's cool cuz we have to get it done she had an idea of what she wanted her please naturally to look like the Trog refer and the rs.15 had to kind of conform to that idea which meant we changed a lot of the phone she's done some really strong stuff she's challenged the president she's been quite radical in that way well my dad served in Vietnam my brothers in the Air Force as we speak I don't agree with either one of them and the only thing I'll say about that is that Michael Moore is my year he has got an outspoken attitude and I greatly admire her for that the wild side of pig Pink's image is what I think people like about her what people are interested isn't about her I mean if you speak your mind it's just telling the truth and real and if people don't like it and no offense to you know well ok offense whatever I don't really care I'm making fun of it cuz that's what I do no one asked her so I should know Alicia bath mall better known as pink grew up in Doylestown Pennsylvania her mother was a nurse and her father a Vietnam veteran Alicia's interest in music began at an early age she was born in Philadelphia did gymnastics for eight years or so when she was younger and the classroom was to be a Olympic gymnast obviously something to stay with [Music] she does huge gymnastics did eight years of training as a gymnast to fling herself around stage there is no denying the devastating impact of Alicia's parents divorce which occurred when she was nine years old we had a very tempestuous relationship from divorce when she was young she's always had a battle with that it could be reasonably argued that pink made her mark by exploring examining and then making records based around memories of her childhood pain all artists they dig deep to find whatever it is that gives them honesty and integrity and if they can do that it's going to bring with a higher truth she's genuinely just trying to work some stuff through and make art out of it which is a little artistic trying to do when people say you're soulful like your soul it's hard to explain like you have to have been experience you have to have experienced things you have to have been through something to be able to pull that from deep inside [Music] she did a song with her father few years ago she still described it as quite a healing process for her she has challenged herself in her songwriting to do something original it was something I told him we do when I was a little girl and I like doing what I say I'm gonna do I like to be able to complete thoughts and also my dad is a badass and he's this tough know-it-all and for once we were able to reverse roles and I was able to give him something and show him something he'd never done before and would have not been able to do had it not been for me so it was creepy kind of because it was total role reversal and but beautiful at the same time because I got to see the humble sort of nervous side of a man that I've looked up to my whole life she brought her daddy a Rolex as soon as she got her first platinum record because he'd had to sell his Rolex to look after her as a child oh yeah so she's sweet [Music] Alysha earned her nickname at an early age when I was like eight I went to the YMCA for camp and this kid I had a crush on he pulled my pants down in front of everybody and I can auditorium and I had no underwear on and I tried blushed and he turned pink and it basically followed me throughout my life Alysia Beth Moore's stage name is red herring because she's not very thing that's not very fluffy she does took Cody and sugar but don't be fooled by the color she's always got the exclamation mark and happening has actually no one really calls me Alicia I feel like I'm in trouble when people call me Alicia but I mean I have several different nicknames I have like 20 different nicknames Ally Alex leach Leisha what am i other nicknames Betty [Music] [ __ ] head [ __ ] after her parents separation pink moved in with her mother who struggled to manage her increasingly unruly daughter she had a lot of trouble when she was younger it's very rebellious she was in life like dark teenage really rebellious involving drugs in those sorts of swearing and storming out of the house Thanks relationship with her mother's then it all put as well over the years give me some the childhood she had they arguing all the time and she went into this huge rebellious stage and started taking a lot of drugs and going out party I'm no better at discipline than my mom was so my dogs walk all over me the same way I walked off looking for my mom it's good it's really reassuring [Music] by her mid-teens the burgeoning rebel had gone into self-destruct mode thing that makes me unique is that she's pretty war and I'm cheated for a pop girl she doesn't come schooled he didn't go to an academy didn't have any special privilege and I think that shows through there's something refreshingly unvarnished about that she's got that kind of background but she's a bit of a drug kid doesn't she bit of a club kid she was often not in nightclubs but because she's got that kind of undercurrent she's a bit more Street and genuine and a bit more honest than a lot of her contemporaries I think we've got a bit too much for her mum so I had my Master's alluvium with her dad because she can handle it she ended up prison for a few days or nights it was all crap I was mostly innocent well what was it for um just dumb stuff I mean I never got caught after I was 18 because I knew I'd have a record but disorderly conduct shoplift I'm I did steal showgirls I'll admit to that one but and then I took it back just dumb stuff you know I lived in a small town and honestly the police had nothing better to do than harass kids that they didn't think fit their picture of a wholesome young girl or boy the gifts that would turn Alicia more into an international star were apparent from a young age during her teenage years she wrote her own music I always wrote poetry when I was in school I always wrote a lot of poetry poetry was kind of like my medicine but I didn't really know how to write songs until I leave for three or four years ago and then I just started turning all my poetry into songs with music and just kind of happened it was of all the hugely successful commercial pop girls over the last 15 years pink is probably more involved in the songwriting process the most totally reclaim melodically [Music] not everyone can write stuff that appeals internationally like that so she's very cool operator Haile is a songwriter the things actually pushes out and what she portrays I see but it's very much from herself the records speak for themselves they're quite autobiographical everything she has to say it goes into the music and into the lyrics I've seen her work in a recording studio the things I saw her do and how both she was just not as in writing and singing I was like okay cool she knows what she's doing she does write her own stuff and music as well she plays a lot of instruments too much what she writes so that's a ton in itself a lot of the songs a deeply emotional and you can really feel that the pain [Music] she has an idea that there's something some sounds I'm including some fill is broken it around there and then she tries to find it the word play comes across with is a few things about you can really hear it in her world which for me is very coherent I'm inspired when I'm angry or I'm inspired when I'm really happy or confused or something like that has to be an extreme emotion for me to sit down and write a song there was nothing mellow about pinked teenage years she was unable to find focus until she made music her life pink had a pretty tumultuous late 90s was touch-and-go at one point there would be any future letter in a Musical future she was off her nut in a nightclub and she was asked to go and sing she just about got it together to sing but the DJ he said can you come back but be straight when you come back to stay off the drugs and then she did that and that was where she kind of realized that she was going to be successful credit to her for putting yourself up for bootstraps and getting herself together sufficiently and not dying instead being reborn as a very successful highly motivated woman who would take most of the control of the future direction of her career what do you think you'd be doing if you weren't making music hard to say but in reality I don't know that I'd be here this music means not much to even absolutely it's been my escape by the time she was barely in her teens pink was heavily into the philadelphia club scene at the age of 14 she had her first job singing backup in a friend's rap group pink was spotted by a record company executive from MCA who asked her to audition for a new R&B group called Basic Instinct pink got the job on the spot performing the group went nowhere nonetheless an R&B trio named choice snapped pink up as one of three female leads they made a demo and were immediately signed to her face by the producer and music industry infrasound la read she got into la faces office with choice who were an R&B act and I read was definitely really important to her career and he's got her signs in the first place and made her go solo it was either kind of she went saying they were or it was over something so she took the choice go sailing when she was under the tutelage of LA Reid I was the only example of her as the pop pop hit the manipulative girl and that was when it started with her first album [Applause] she felt empowered and decided to leave and do her own thing and she's been doing it very well ever since there's been no looking back [Music] by the age of 16 pink was transformed from a member of a prepackaged or girl R&B trio into a solo hit machine she has never looked back there are few more dropping pop spectacles than a live pink performance combining sophisticated aerobatics with slickly choreographed dance routines the star has developed one of the most spectacular shows in pop history as a former she's just one of the best and she's gone for so many years but so many differences to the table that's why she's so successful doddery by high up there if you've never been to a pink concert if you've never seen her live expect the unexpected you have no idea what may happen next if you go so go people go she pushes herself to the limit and wow the entire audience he knows what he's doing and how she wants there she's an artist she's growing who wants to try new things just stand here saying she's got such a presence on the stage that's why when we say the word artist in regards to music artists they are artists because it's not just about the music electric would just be the word electric but that's my job that's what I have to figure out whether light myself on fire and shoot myself out of a cannon that's what I have to do have to figure it out and that's the fun part for me in the big-budget high-concept touring game pink has become the female pop star to beat live on stage moonlighting as an aerialist and trapeze artist the star delivers an intoxicating blend of gymnasts trained athleticism and slickly choreographed breathtaking performances I don't know of any other artist has done that she is in harness with amazing Acrobat song on silks and he's food wise and spinning around he's being harnessed off and it was amazing she was on the stage and the seats way way at the back out the other side of the arena up in gaad's she said I'm consuming it and she literally flew through the entire arena right to the very back up high to those people up there and we're just waving at she has the head micron and she's colored many feet up in the air tumbling she we started from the top of the crowd went away all the way from singing live the crowd was just constantly grabbing and left by incentive though she in case just goes right through and carried on singing she proceeded to spend an entire song singing flying around the entire arena it wasn't just about being a spectacle on stage there was still very much about the music of one thing I very much liked about pink how you can into 2015 it would be impossible to represent an entire show with one song as it would an entire album with one single there's too much it's too much what you won't see is the silks and the Maxima danger it's a lot of emotions few if any performance deliver better pop shows than pink her mesmerizing performances have allowed her to rise above the competition attracting critical acclaim from all quarters of the media pink would be big as I as I've worked for there was nothing that was intimidating apart from I didn't know if she'd be like if she be crowd if you come in in the high five everyone I didn't know what to expect and this was my biggest commercial job so I wanted to make sure that I was being professional and not kind of looking at her and staring to perform and to be accepted to work with a nice that big from the states as a very first type of big job for me was just through the roof I enjoyed every single second of it [Music] very surreal experience when I first got introduced there wasn't heaps of people surrounding her and people on the phones and agents or things like that it's gonna came in jeddah mica or Magento hoody on this Black Jack lees and I was gonna like she was like hi I was like okay I was nervous obviously like everybody else I'm thinking wow this is a big American star and I'm like from a small little town in cold leads so to wear those a little bit of self pressure but nothing delayed from her she brings a sense of relaxed vibe between you she will make you just feel as normal as this interviews going on right now I was thought so easy I didn't feel like a job in astrology let's go play on stage her personality is fun two words fun would cover just so many basis of what she is and makes real people feel comfortable specially you in the work type of environment as a person like the time they've been with her she's been very close the time that we did spend together I did get this kind of fuse very personal person I think it takes a lot to get into her or get to know her in that way she treats everyone the same I guess they're your typical type of thing to say but she really does and so yeah it was a breezy pink has become almost as well known for her campaigning activities as she has for her music in 2007 the compassionate singer teamed up with the animal welfare charity party for animals worldwide when I started party families worldwide right from the beginning pink was I knew that she was passionate about animal welfare so I felt that if I could reach her if she knew about what we were trying to do that she would support it I had absolute unwavering belief in that I had no contacts in the music industry I asked for a backstage meet greet at one of her concerts I thought that'd be a good opportunity to just try and engage with her get a sign a t-shirt and my disbelief and sheer excitement I received a positive response and was able to meet her very briefly back side she's such a fiery and strong character and when I met her backstage I was a little bit starstruck and probably didn't deal with it very well if I didn't get myself across entirely how I wanted to because she was an idol of mine I thought I'd really ruined my chance but luckily I had written down my request and a little bit more about the organization and I handed her a letter I didn't think she would read the letter I thought she would just give it to her assistant or put it to one side and that would be it however I was wrong she obviously did read it the next day I received an email saying she was interested in the organization you could imagine I was absolutely blown away it was like a dream come true you know I wanted someone to pinch me a few days later she came down and I showed her around the monkey sanctuary she had Carrie with her and it was very intimate we didn't tell the media or anything and we were closed at the time so there was no hassle for her and she was great [Music] when she very first arrived she's walking down the drive and one of the sanctuary dogs headed up the driveway yeah all right man I was immediately a little bit embarrassing like trying to call the dog back but she just simply out of the small crowd she was weird she was the best to just kneel down and kind of you know opener on that knew exactly how to handle a dog right now and the dog fell in love with her instantly she's obviously very used to animals she was brilliant I got to see a different side to her and her passion for animal welfare was very very evident it was very sincere [Music] she really grasped what it was all about straightaway and she really listened to the stories of some of the individuals [Music] I didn't tell her how much of a fan I was I felt I shouldn't that it was unprofessional or something but you know little did she know you know I'd had a poster in my bedroom or four years we had a cup of tea out in front of the house and she was lovely and their carers really nice as well [Music] tink agreed to headline a concert in Cardiff Wales to raise funds for thousands of animals in need [Music] she enabled one of my dreams to come true which was to host this concert and raise the money and hundreds of animals I hadn't been involved in the music industry so it was all very new for me so seeing everything being set up was amazing and I was in the seats in the arena and she's watching all the crews setting up the stage she came out and gave me a hug and she just said in my ear we did it you know made it happen and that was that was yeah that was really special we wish for someone any more wonderful than she is what they've done with this charity is brilliant it's absolutely amazing and it's a night where the whole country comes together and I just think it's great it wasn't until the start of the new century the Pink's career as a serious solo contender got underway her breakthrough album can't take me home was released in 2000 split personality which is number one is my favorite because it allowed me to sing the way I like to say that's me growing up listening to four Non Blondes and stuff like you'll recognize those influences in that song contact me home was her first album it's very own be driven when she first came out with she was a very very much R&B just after she first kind of hit the mainstream debri albums Australian auspicious it was R&B teams as a lot of music was that thing they started out was very kind of R&B at first and then it slowly transcended into very commercial and very pop it was a great album that since then her more recent albums have definitely gone more towards the rock genre she Dippold in so many different genres depending on what she feels is right at the time she bit like she was gonna be with SHINee RM be influenced by Timbaland and Pharrell Williams that kind of jokey R&B sound but she could very quickly left that behind and funky roots show through she hasn't really been able to hide them ever since the pop shock rockers career went from strength to strength in 2001 paint joined forces with Mya Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera covering a high-energy version of Lady Marmalade for the soundtrack of the hit movie Moulin Rouge girls Christina Aguilera pink and Maya we are nominated for a Grammy and we are also performing at the Grammys so it's going to be so much [Applause] Battle of the [ __ ] lady mama Lara topped the charts around the world in the US it became Pink's first number-one single and earned the star her first Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration [Music] initially viewed as just another face in the late 90s crowd of teen pop acts the multi-talented artist quickly transcended and outgrew that label the 2001 album release of misunderstood sealed Pink's reputation as an accomplished songwriter how was the perfect transformation it was the perfect I think it bridges the gap between the last album and this one he's understood that was the first album should be had a bit more creative control over she went in and told the guy in the record label a face to listen to it because he wasn't listening so she's always pushed things a bit harder paying pretty much came into her own when she maybe misunderstood them that pretty much cemented the public's perception of pink as the artist currently and forever will known as pink that's what made of the way she is today the misunderstood album featured some writing contribution from legendary four Non Blondes singer Linda Perry she hopes that with Linda Perry who used to be in phonon guns in the 90s was an unlikely pairing at the time because Linda Perry had had it's wasn't known as a preeminent multi-million selling this spokes songwriter this whole misunderstood thing which she did with 4 Non Blondes try it with Linda Perry really kind of pulled out that whole emotional thing with her and she got really cool it was actually Pink's inspired decision to collaborate with her she divined something in Perry that would provide the catalyst for her own transformation from R&B girl to Punk pop queen it's funny because the same week I was supposed to start thinking about my new album I was kind of being nosy and going through my makeup artist book cuz he left it out and I saw her number and I was like oh my god I love her and I just stole it quickly wrote it down on my hand and I called her and I left her a message I was like oh my god I love you I'm not this big diva you have to call me back I got arrested singing your crap out of my window you owe me if I can find out your number I can find out where you live and I was basically just her stalker and she called me back she's like you're nuts you should come over so I did and we wrote 15 songs month and a half and that was the start of the record it wasn't planned it just just was total freedom and it rocked and I had so much fun just kept going I didn't turn back the career-defining album proved to be a monumental success with sales exceeding 12 million copies I was so nervous before this album came out in the States and then I know what was gonna happen but I was so proud of it and so happy I guess that's why I was so nervous because if I was just like oh my god this means so much to me people don't like it I'm gonna be crushed I've had my dad on the phone for a week and he was getting pretty sick of me but it feels really good to know you took the chance and then it kind of worked and I kind of get to tell everybody I told you stuff and that's always good for me I like that kind of stuff after the staggering success of misunderstood pink had entered into the rarefied realms inhabited only by the world's biggest stars every single illusion that I had is now completely shattered nothing that you think it is not what it's cracked up to be it's you know when I was little and I was like okay I'm gonna be a singer I just figured that was all you do you just get on stage and sing and everybody loves you and throws flower petals at your feet I didn't know that singing was like five and a half percent of the whole thing I didn't know that there was business involved I didn't know that there was politics [Music] pink is recognized for her tough girl image but it's always been the music that mattered most the rocker takes no prisoners when it comes to writing lyrics and her tempestuous on-off relationship with professional motocross racer Carey Hart provides the material for many of her songs guys think I'm a man bachelor but that's not it it's like I'm a woman I happen to like men and if they didn't play games with me I wouldn't have anything to write about so a guy can easily take the song and sing it to a woman because that's his size but I'm on my side you know you can't expect a movie on your side penis raises haven't been as multifarious as other chart pop divas there has been a certain softening and mellowing over the years not least because she's got married and she's had a child the unconventional couple met in 2001 married in 2006 split up in 2008 and reunited in 2009 marriage really doesn't change much for us because we don't look at it in a conventional way we've been together for a long time so we're working fans were happy he's a motocross driver Nomad in 2001 one of the motocross events and they sort of dated for a couple of years and she proposed to him at one of his events for holding up a big card when he was going over one and a jump saying will you marry me and she flipped it over he said I'm serious on the other side the thing about Carey Hart he was a motocross guy as difficult than to see each other we've both been on tour the entire time we've been together which has been about four and a half five years so it's very much like being single with them with random hotel visits all over the world it's nice the pink heart relationship proved to be an unorthodox union I had at the short separation then got back together pinks marriage is kind of weird her relationship wounds on it was office on it was off they got married they start they had a baby they got married again that's life isn't it I had a lot left over from my last breakup my current husband baby daddy so it's just kind of all over the place it's kind of amazing that it's endured through all the different twists and turns and now he appears in every one of the videos and things going to be going better I'll say that look what this put up next week they're probably gonna be one of those couples they just have that kind of lucky relationship they're both quite fiery people so it's always gonna happen I don't think maturity has anything to do with marriage if anything marriage makes you more immature especially in the way that you fight childhood widows I think they seem to be pretty happy with themselves out it's a responsibility to yourself first who you want to be as a person before you can be a parent or as you're becoming a parent if it's a whoops then you're like oh [ __ ] I have a lot of work to do on myself before this child starts listening [Music] pink welcomed her first child in 2011 for a star who has made a career out of writing songs about angst and frustrations the arrival of her daughter has melted her edges I think the way that willow has inspired my music is that the easiest way I can explain it is I used to be very dramatic and I'm not at all anymore and I used to wake up and be like fine what to do today and I don't feel good maybe I have cancer I used to be really dark and now I'm like I wake up and check her pulse and make sure she's not having a temperature and then we dance and we dance and we dance we dance and we go on bike rides and we dance some more and everything's a song and it's just a lot more fun seeing her the other night there is a little subtle difference she is still kick-ass rock mama but there really the difference she was singing the perfect song which has a word in it and she was joking onstage was saying she was about to sing it and because when I wasn't around she was gonna really kick out but she said oh but the mother instinct to me she said she looked around the crowd and she could see those young kids in the audience and she was like I just can't bring myself to do it so and she wouldn't have done that a few years ago I don't believe being a mother has necessarily softened her I think being a parent has made her a bit more open mind of your goals ambitions ways of viewing life in change when you're a parent and I think that it's fair to say that had an influence on what work she kind of does and how she does it and other things like that motherhood softens her image a bit because she's got more feminine in her looks and she looks comfortable in her own skin which she wasn't starved with and that was part of her initial radical thing but now she's just a bit it's just about to her more so and I think it adds another edge to her but she still rocks out as well studio sessions used to be okay I'm gonna start my record let's get the whiskey and some cigarettes and let's do the same thing and now it's sort of Monday through Friday from one eternity she would be there every couple of hours and everybody I worked with is a friend or a parent the singer/songwriter admits having a rock star mum could be a little confusing for her daughter I can tell it's very confusing for her two things mommy's voice on the phone there's how we listen to my music and Skype with Grandma and Grandpa you imagine being five six months all of me singing a little talking head in computer there needs to be something we can only imagine now she's like she pulls down the computer and looks behind like right I know isn't that [ __ ] weird so it's it's fun too she likes the black-eyed peas she's hard at 7:00 a.m. sometimes 2003 saw the release of Pink's third studio album try this which continued with her reinvention and introduced fans to a new heavier rock direction the biggest challenge I think was nobody telling me what I couldn't do I've always had people telling me that I can't do something and then I've proven them wrong so it was a little uninspiring just to be completely free it was a challenge just to make another record in general for me because I felt like I poured out my entire 23 years of life and I misunderstood and I figured I'd have to live 20 more years if I had anything to talk about but it happened try this that was when she really started getting rocky she did try this which got her a Grammy which was kind of artist credibility her voice is unique because a lot of the female artists out there environment have got very poppy voices and they all can sound pretty much the same in 2004 three of the most powerful women in show business to enforces for a Pepsi commercial pink Britney Spears and Beyonce stood united during the premiere in London as hundreds of fans braved Britain's arctic weather to catch a glimpse of the global mega stars [Music] you know we're all so diverse and we're so different in when you put people like that together I think it's very interesting for people to see you know the diversity the characters basically you know and I think that's why they chose us like this and it worked out like our chemistry together when we were shooting this way Streep's up my sleeve I can barely work it out I can like really fight so they I think we all represent something different in we all can reach different but I think the combination of us three was just genius you know our voices are different but when you put it together it was you saw the rocking the pop it was just turned out great and everyone looks different just the variations of everything just kind of complemented each other I don't know I'm not sure that's not nice not me how about that [Music] 2006 so the release if I'm not dead a testament to Pink's enduring popularity and widespread appeal [Music] I've written every song I just I only play drums so can't really get much melodical inspiration from that although I've tried I'm not dead was pretty rad as well and she went with rancid didn't she for that one I worked with some incredible people which Walker Billy man Mike Elizondo Max Martin dr. Luke very very lucky girl [Applause] 2008 electrifying fun house album reached the coveted number one spot in six countries while the funhouse tour proved to be a sellout round the world we've never sold this many advance tickets for ever and it's really exciting and comforting that people want to come play with us it's a fun show it's a lot it's more than I've ever done before everybody's had a really good time putting it together and the band's tight I'm just trying to remember the words at this point yes as you can see the the stage is not built yet or as you can hear though the bands really tight I'm ready I just have to remember the words which I haven't been basically but makes me laugh so long as we don't take ourselves too seriously I think we're okay it seemed the last rites on Pink's career would be administered by her record label Jive with the 2010 release of her greatest hits album but a curious thing happened pink survived and her label did not [Music] from the time she first came to prominence pink has refused to live up to the female pop singer stereotype and consistently breaks the conventional celebrity mold I think the ultimate goal for me was to win an award and to be able to tell every teacher that never believed in me the way they could stick it but then when you actually get there you don't feel that anger anymore cuz you've done the work and you feel really good about it and it becomes a much more positive thing so when you get up there and win that award it's the first thing on your mind is not and my fourth grade teacher I hated you I told you I'd be up here it just it goes away I don't know and it was nice to be able to you know put a certain finger in the air and say after that it's more like alright I'm here now now what what am I gonna do with all this am I gonna be a vacuous anorexic unhealthy waste of space filler or am I going to do what I was raised to do which is the freedom fighter just the world off the edgy pop icon is certainly happy to stir up controversy [Music] she's a rock chick thrown through I think that's how honesty that really appeals to people strong-minded lady she likes to surprise people she likes to step outside the box and she definitely doesn't like conforming she has got an outspoken attitude and I greatly admire her for that you get an example to pink the principal performer when you hear that Prince William invited her to perform at 21st birthday party which was the school narrowly flatted but she turned it down to why because she discovered the he shoots animals not on a regular basis and he does at least way to the shop shot yeah ping he invited me to his 21st birthday and I read the whole thing about how he was in Africa and ramming Spears through animals and that just hurts my heart and I wanted him to know and I figured if he wants me at his birthday party then he'll listen to what I have to say might not like it and that's too bad but I didn't like what I read either I'm not surprised that they would use that let his birthday party she doesn't think that animals should be killed for entertainment at the so called sport and I hope that that kind of action from celebrities like pink will encourage people to change their ways she stands by her morals and it doesn't matter what kind of temptation is is pointed towards her loyal member or you know someone off the street she she stands by she's pick house it's just about being very present and aware and changing I'm just feel very alive and feisty and you know I have a lot to say so I will not sit down and shut up she has this thing sometimes where it's just and you can't tell you like this I don't know I'm just gonna split personalities that kind of sums pink up she's the bouncy fun and bright top girl on the one hand mainstream kind of girl you want to take them to meet your parents the other hand if you do take it home with your parents she's liable to do something really embarrassing and outrageous and make a complete server so you just can't stop yourself I haven't been arrested in a long time very proud of myself it's just me I haven't gotten caught mm-hmm what kind I mean I get kicked out of places a lot because I'm very outspoken and I stick up for my friends but I don't like to have a good time so to see me I don't want to get in that much trouble people allow me to do it pretty much of that pink is a woman to be admired for many reasons over the course of her groundbreaking career the controversial singer has been a fierce animal rights supporter since I was in grade school just my two issues in life have always been animal rights animal cruelty in the legalization of marijuana I gave that up a long time ago that's never gonna happen it takes someone who's a bit gutsy and a bit bold to speak up for animal rights because it's not an issue which is in the mainstream pink is a pop star with the conscience she's very passionate about many campaigns she's a massive Peters supporter that's an organization close to her heart Peters been working with pink for nearly a decade she's been anti-fur her whole life unlike some pop stars that claim to be fashion icons and and innovative leaders pink is not afraid to speak out people like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez have been made aware of how cool fur trade is so if they choose to not take action and not to stop wearing fur then nothing I can do about that I can only choose not to oh boy she uses her power quite why is it quite sadly but she's not to underground to alienate people like this stop with the anti furlough be honest she uses her position to bring attention to some really sensitive issues and she does it in a really wonderful way because she's not shoving information down people's throats I would just say that the people that do wear fur in this day and age I can only hope that they become fur in their next life I think every mink coat or every fur coat should come with a video showing someone how it's made so if you can sit down and watch the video and then still purchase the coat and you can live with that then you deserve to wear that coat take it and then pass it down to your generation of people to the next generation in your bloodline because you're obviously capable of doing that but if you're just doing it you're not thinking about what you're doing that's the problem with most teenagers aren't bothered about what a spokesperson for PETA like me has to say but they can relate to pink she has a huge right across the spectrum and it's because of that appeal that she's able to put across the animal rights message to far corners of the world that sometimes we just we mere mortals just can't reach a hundred years ago PETA would have been lobbying to seek the favor of politicians who decades ago were the sort of moral leaders of our time now people are much more fascinated by rock stars they look to those people to see what they're eating what they're wearing and how they're living their lives and that's why we go after them we're very lucky that we're able to work with people like pink and who give up not only that their time and often their money that they donate but to take the time out of the worldwide tour we're doing countless interviews you're songwriting that's just a wonderful gift that she gives to animals I think you got to choose your battles and I like to say I'm a work in progress when it comes to you know balancing out which causes to follow and and how to be as good as possible I wear leather boots I don't eat cow just have to be a work in progress as long as you're aware first step is denial not only an a a but in life it's just you kind of just got to choose your battles for me I'm a vegetarian I don't eat any meat I eat fish I'm working on that I got to watch Finding Nemo a couple more times and I'll be there you know I do wear leather boots I try not to use any and my touring so I'm not like going through parapa parapa parapa I suppose everyone in a certain sense has the ability to be outspoken but then there's those who say it and view it and a lot of people don't what she does which is cool when pink speaks people take notice and she has this megaphone at her disposal and she uses it thank goodness for the sake of animal Norah's rampant and it's increasing which is insane to me with all the alternatives and all the materials out there I find it repulsive it's my opinion I stand behind it I won't wear it I try not to converse with people to do because I get nauseous I'm always gonna side with the animals displaying the kind of honesty rarely exhibited by major stars the mega-talented singer has never been less than forthright about her views when she heard that someone who thrown a puppy off an overpass in Los Angeles she donated five thousand dollars so that the dog could have emergency surgery and this is the kind of compassionate woman that the pink is hopefully now the times are changing that people are starting to see that there's more to being a pop star than looking nice and selling our Big Show's [Music] Pink's also spoken out about horse-drawn carriages and they were I have been in New York a lot in the last couple years and every time I see it it just couldn't hurt to my heart every time I see a horse-drawn carriage I kind of stand in the real the street point and yell and I look closely at the top of my lungs so I figured there's got to be a more mature way of going about it the driver and passengers are shock to their anchors they're shouting animal cruelty up and because it's it's fair enough and these horses are fully abused by unwitting tourists who go on in New York City and what we can say about pink is that she gives her all four animals she is works tirelessly to speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves she's a wonderful asset to have onboard of team Peter [Music] in 2012 pink ubers always been an advocate of individualism announced that she would be the new face to represent beauty brand covergirl cosmetics [Music] I believe it or not have always been a makeup girl I have a picture of myself and my Smurfs onesie at five years old with my curls and just lips and Rouge the truth about makeup is it's necessary that and really good lighting everyone needs a fan as well I was quite surprised by that latest development her career and the approbation of the cosmetics industry because she seemed to be apart from all of that that seems to contradict some of the assumptions that we've had about pink over the year about not doing what's expected not being conventionally attractive but not playing up to stereotypical ideas of what constitutes perfect looking woman a good move by her because she was saying that you can have short hair you can have piercings you don't have to look like this to be attractive so is it usually surprised I wasn't good news for her it's just a contemporary way of working isn't it if you get cupboard girl to help you out you help them out and then stuff gets paid for so you get a bigger house in Beverly Hills in 2013 pink was named by vh1 as one of the sexiest artists alive a true advocate of individuality the star effortlessly mixes glamour and grit with unconventional tough girl style a style is very much individual very punk rock very slight gangster it's like it's very her she didn't really follow trends she kind of sets her own which is a good thing she never retro or looking back she is always very current she likes to be different with everything and you know her music her accent her Luca style I have a lot of different looks it depends on the mood it's absolutely it's it's an expression of your mood and it for tour my makeup is colorful and it's always got to be smokey and sexy and then there's just the no makeup makeup look which is actually harder than any of them just depends on your mood it's just like your outfit or the color of your tube socks 2013 proved to be a stellar year for the mega talented superstar the overwhelming success of the truth about love album and world tour was rebirth of a career at its finest I was having a lot of fun I think that's a new segment for me I was just having a lot more fun than I've ever had before and I think production wise it's a lot more interesting and the musicality I feel like I raised the bar for myself people heard that there was a new pink album coming and people see that many interviews will do in the press we know that dissipation the best days were behind her just about the first thing it was refreshing tonight okay cool this is this is good the truth about love is as successful as in her prime kind of albums on youtube she's got millions and millions and millions of hits I went to number one in the English countries and so very well she just doesn't seem to be slowing down at all there it seems to be no end see if her been on such a high caliber of popularity and amazing and then happy pink if you are listening and watching this world go when you're on a world tour is crazy the demand for any artist no matter how bid on this the company sees fit or unless it was MDR IP they don't give you a lot of time they want things done now to dance on a tour is very very grueling on a body takes a lot out you have to be dedicated all the countries you go to is matter how lovely are you don't really get time to spend in them your wife you go on the plane you arrive at the airport to the hotel practically in rehearsals probably that same day then you go back in your mask as if jet-lagged as well as being tied from rehearsals then you have to wake up and do that all over again and in majority panic Showtime that same day fitness level needs to be up here you're gonna be doing number after number after number like two hours physical conditioning that your body has to be in is crazy yep again used to being jet lag loss sleepless night you have to get used to being tired anyone getting involved I would definitely say go to the gym pink is recognized as one of the most daring and innovative performers of the modern era but until recently she has been curiously underrated adored by her fans but surprisingly ignored by the mainstream media I think that had to work harder to achieve the level of success enjoyed by her peers she's almost like hiding in plain sight think he's huge but no one seems to write about or talk about her think she's under 8 and not as an artist probably the same a fridge is on during it off she has been to a certain audience a huge artist for years but she has not received the recognition that she should have been receiving until very recently that's frustrated me because I admire her so much both as an artist as and as an individual so millions of record doesn't seem to register as big as Britney or Katy Perry or Lady Gaga or one of those she doesn't actively caught the medium she's not like Madonna who you know that what she's saying is gonna be talking around for perhaps a lot at the time she's very cool in that way she'll do that very interview she doesn't try and sort of conform to the sort of girly pop artist whose depth a bit sells her talent is really what has driven her career rather than the publicity and these stunts to her I don't think it matters she just heads what the people who support her feel if there's something popular I tend to not I try to not go anywhere near and that's funny being a pop star so I think it's helpful I well also everything's really techno me as well and that's like gives me bad flashbacks passed and got a glow stick so I try to steer clear she's getting bigger and bigger all the time and she is now starting to get the recognition that I think should have been getting years ago one measure of pings contemporary relevance is if you do a compare and contrast with one direction Justin Bieber who recently sought up five nights each at the o2 in London were pink than four that's pretty impressive when you think you know Bieber he's a lot newer one direction a hell of a lot newer Pink's been around for a decade and a half and in the world of pop to still be able to sell out four nights of a major venue in one of the capital cities of the world those seriously impressive media's not given her that type of shine I know that sucks maybe that's what she wanted but now she's back in there I mean it [Music] over the course of her groundbreaking career Pink's music has struck a chord not only with her legions of fans around the world but has also paved the path for many of today's most popular female artists things been a huge influence a lot of the more recent female artists she influenced Rihanna she's influenced with Miley Cyrus she's influenced all these different people who have come since you'll see that people like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift of taking a leaf out of Pink's book to go to how to outgrow that bit of your musical career and then embrace the next stage she influenced a lot of people on the way from like Liana to Adele Adele saw one of her performances at the Brixton Academy and says it was sort of a defining moment in her life I'm the biggest pink pony alive I've been listening to paint myself 11 again to be anywhere near her is just like amazing and cuz pills that I can operate an imposter I was waiting for someone's life and face go I'm some random random girl from South London in England and I'm not your typical kind of pop star nothing and people are making my dreams come things [Music] pink is an irrepressible performer synonymous with exuberance and high energy she continues to conquer in a team dominated industry a tremendous testament to her brilliant career she's an original despite so much competition she's one of the few not the only artist of her generation has the legs to endure for another decade pink is an amalgamation of someone that you really call an artist in every sense of the word she's getting new fans all the time she's obviously growing as an artist and growing in popularity seen her journey that she's kind of gone through we've got a sense that she's become more of the artist that she wants to be if she stays true to herself and follows her direction I think there'll always be a place for her within the heart I also see her venturing into more filmed or acting side she's done a few come here appearances Lee films at the Charlie's Angels film it's always good to branch out and to do different things she'd be great doing the X Factor thing I think she'd do that really well she'd be really good as a mouth a judge you never know you never know pink who has previously dismissed hosting American Idol still rejects the idea of signing up as a judge on a talent show it's not my deal it's not cute to be honest unless you have an accent I think the owner is having to swear this because it sounds cool I don't feel like we're creating songwriters or musicians or I mean it's a karaoke contest there's some great karaoke singers but not getting a lot out of it pink really is one of a kind an electrifying singer an accomplished songwriter and an iconic performer she has just got that natural talent she'll be able to carry on her career as long as she wants to she's definitely gonna be around in ten years time she's gonna still be working here I'm just gonna say she might not be as active on her tours and the shows that she puts on bad she I take that back knowing she probably will be she'll be just as amazing and just as hardcore and just throwing herself around stage and doing stuff that maybe drop your jaw with no harness I'm sure and oh yeah I think she'll be a popular artist for many many years to come this remarkable woman has carved an exceptional career through being a true artist and as for the future well with pink being pink anything is possible [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Music Documentaries & Concerts
Views: 178,050
Rating: 4.8454647 out of 5
Keywords: watch, music, band, documentaries, VH1, Classic, Albums, free, online, full, length, episodes, documentary, the, clash, queen, david, bowie, beatles, led, zeppelin, depeche, mode, concert, behind, mtv, Pink Singer, Pink Documentary, Pink Live Concert, Unauthorised, Unaurthorized, Full Free Music Documentaries
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Length: 68min 58sec (4138 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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