Pink Floyd - Mother / Reaction

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yo guys what's going on it's ago here welcome back to a brand new video guys and in today's video guys i'm going to be reacting to some pink floyd and i'm going to be reacting to mother trying to get through all the wall pit all the wall album first before i move on to any more for pink floyd so if you are enjoying the pink floyd reactions please drop a like guys because every single like helps and please if you're not already hit that subscribe button because every subscriber helps as well guys okay [Music] mother do you think they'll like this song [Music] okay mother do you think they'll try to break my balls possibly i really like this it's so chill [Music] i mean like this [Music] mother should i run for president [Music] mother should i trust the government [Music] ignore this please brother will they put me in the fire [Music] isn't just a waste of time don't you cry [Music] mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true mama's gonna put all [Music] [Music] mama's gonna keep baby cozy [Music] mama's gonna help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] mother do you think she's good enough mother do you think she thinks [Music] [Music] now [Music] baby don't you cry [Music] mama's gonna check out all [Music] mama will always find out where you've [Music] been [Music] [Music] guys not gonna lie i felt so emotional in that song i don't know why i really really don't know why but for some reason i could imagine my dad's singing this to my nan and i don't know why but it just made me feel really emotional i really like that song the who the lyrics of the song the tune of the song is outstanding guys the tune of the song i got drifted away into it it's just outstanding i love the beat and the tune and everything in that song but the actual lyrics if you listen to the lyrics they they're amazing the way he's wrote them he's asking questions he's telling the story you you make he makes you feel like you're in his shoes and you're looking at through his eyes at his mom and he's asking all these questions it's like i don't know it's a really really nice song i i really like it i'm really glad i've listened to it and i'm really glad i felt something from that song that's all i'm going to say guys if you did enjoy the song and if you did enjoy my reaction to this song please go ahead and drop a like guys i because i promise you there's more to come with pink floyd i am not finished yet guys pink floyd and me are literally we are nowhere near done yet guys i've got a lot of pink floyd to get through and if you just want to be here for my reactions in general because you're just like me then go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys because there's plenty more where this came from i love every single one of you you're all beautiful you're all amazing i'll see you all in the next video stay beautiful just be yourself i love you peace bye
Channel: It's Your Girl
Views: 56,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: randymoo, poo, Pink Floyd, Pink floyd mother reaction, Pink floyd mother, Pink floyd, Pink floyd reaction, reacting to pink floyd, music reaction, reaction, rock and roll, stoner music reaction, stoner reacts to, stoner reacting to pink floyd, girl reaction, mother pink floyd reaction, rock reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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