Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservation

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all right you have kids who weekend's are wild at their house they get here in Monday morning they haven't had very much sleep probably not a very good diet over the weekend so we try to get teachers can you understand get a little bit of patience here it's Monday and then Friday afternoon they may not want to go back to the same place to the security Sh because my mom she lives in rosebud cuz she's trying to get money so we could buy a house in Sioux Falls but my brother there's too many people and all she hears is crying all night and she can't sleep how does they say this remember guys there's a huge number of really quality stable families out here the problem is you can get 20% of your population or temporary population and everything else looks funny because what I should care they all get one don't get it don't give any of them - we all get one okay the thing we got here we got a heck of a staff incredibly motivated staff they really do a lot for the kids who are motivated some really positive things this will be done as I do now you guys have do nails in your other classrooms okay that's something that's something that you start to do as you enter the room so if you get your instrument set up and then start working on this panic math right away that's what we want to do but today since its new we're going to kind of go through these instructions together should not be here in those learners right now all right so step one to this ladies and gentlemen is to just write down the problem on your sheet of paper so writing down this bubbly quarter dealt first quarter note equals blank on your sheet of paper can we get everyone writing that down you're like a million chips head on stone I'll have to Facebook on that little RC paper all of that music math more staff resources yellow problem yeah we do yeah we do get a raise of hands strong hands I'm going to eat that note is or you know this try this off there how many balls I have already sent out my SWAT all right I'm seeing that too it should be it's three rare it's not cool to have good grades it's just isn't a cool thing it's it's different than the Anglo culture our culture is based on the individual their culture is based on the group the original culture the problem I see with the kids now is the kids are losing both cultures maybe the kids are their main influence on them is video games TV same problems they have in any other area in the country kids who are still with solid families they get it you'll see them apollo's dancing you get the kids involved the traditional stuff more really involved in very very good form but the sweats the EVPs you know the Sun dances the kind of stuff if you can get them really interested it helps them greatly we get a lot of TFA's out here does it not Teach for America kids all really good kids top-notch people every one of you would like to know they're really good people but they don't I would add here what they're walking into that first year is just a nightmare form it's just a nightmare and the good one was figured out get a handle on it stay in two or three years but then they're going somewhere else after the two or three years so we have it turnover it kind of tell us you have to have here you gotta figure out a way to get all those people stay for 20 years you can't say what about Justin Bieber no welna Kasim that in my ride you only suggest me here yeah just in my room yeah yeah that long but she's my friend oh good no I'm not gonna tell you my wish cuz I already did wish yeah okay well if you had to pick a different voice than that one I would wish I could pop money in my hobby and hat off superpowers in the other what about you uh my wish would be to meet Justin Bieber no this is my very first time working with kids I knew that whenever I got my tea degree that possibility for me to get a job would might be in a school or some facility like that and this is a smaller part of it but I like interacting with the kids is like hi Jesse are you coming in today and stuff like that so I intend to make it because one time I didn't go in and I seen a kid at the gas station he said how come you two come in today Jesse and I said uh because I wasn't feeling well and he said well I didn't come in because he didn't come in so that day I ended up just coming from a gas station and coming into work when I first started here some of the kids I want to say didn't like me but they were kind of area um resented not to serve me and after a while they got to know me and know that we only had three computers going out of with like ten computers and now we got all the computers going so all the kids are happy about that and notice that I was doing things so a lot of them ended up taking like the good in me and like kind of siding with my side and knowing that if I came over it would be okay and we do things then that when when it comes to an activity our program a lot of the kids tend to get together and like a dance my mom oh this is Yahoo look that's a green balloon this is great that's okay oh thank you yeah I give you a tree down on your head yeah okay oh stop just excited how do you how do you feel I know well getting home I feel like a honestly no hey hey that's what's happened this is get a free little bitty pumpkin oh yeah Hey Oh I got a 11 year old daughter you know so the main reason why I really had to make a change within myself is because of my grandma's words you kids are gonna grow up to be what they see you know so what are they gonna see just in stirrers dealing drugs their whole lives answers not you know talking it but not walking it I got a walk you have to you have to have to have to live by an example that's the only way they're gonna know it's the only way the the future generation is going to know to keep resisting they gotta see it they have to see it so just to the youth that are in the alcoholic combs you know just uh you know it doesn't have to be that way I'm gonna have to fight I'm just gonna have to fight for themselves and keep themselves safe and tell they're old enough to be able to have a say in their own home my message is use of any nation is to put it away it's got no place in our lives at all at all I have an aunt who calls it the white man's piss what you're gonna do is spend the rest of your life drinking the white man's piss it's not what you're gonna do you know she'd be really just no hi daughter I grew up in an alcoholic home and my mother she went to extremes to protect us from predators you know so she knew that they would be coming in and out of our house so she used to set up just like noise traps you know that were warehouse girls were so if someone were trying to come near us a bunch of cans would go off you know or if she would just do things like that you know for she was a victim too she was a survivor she is a survivor herself you know because I remember I grew up hearing beauties just a curse someone tells you you're pretty you better you know watch out for them when you're a little girl and a grown man tells you you're pretty you better turn around and walk away you know I grew up with messages like that you know so I worry about my daughter so every summer we deal with the Sunday schools they come and pray over our kids and take them to Sunday school and we've had to chase some actually out of here you know because my god I never my mom used to say don't you ever let him go but you know I it's something to do and you know I have faith in my kids that they won't ever be brainwashed by it you know cuz I'll never expose them to church it's not our way you know so for them to go over there it's okay for all that stuff but you know when they come home we always have a tough next year our soul is started traditionally placing the Predators in our communities publicly whipping them publicly dragging them out in front of the community calling everybody out this one's known for it he's been caught in the act you know that kind of public shaming and whipping at someone we used to a long time ago to read the reason why I'm dressed like this is because well look at the you know but surrounds is the surrounding area I hear you never you never know what you're gonna run into because that here is kind of like still like frontiers you know stop we're trying to fix the future for our children it's time to just get it right yeah just get rid in why I'm Kampala foresight and why I'm is a different variety but you know it's how it serves the same purpose and that's where our military training comes in you can kala that's whenever our spirituality comes in you know so we combine them together just like how we braid our hair braid all together so we have to stand up and be the example and just just live it the reality because that's what we're we're in reality well we're trying to fix the circle we're trying to fix our circle and when I say by a circle I mean our our government our Police Department or know everything everything we're trying to fix it all all the way down to this and spirituality way later on in time we'll probably have problems with gangs out there but that's fine because they don't understand and if they're gonna get in the way well then you know they're gonna get stepped on her like meaning the upside it means that it's under stress conscience Jax so you know that's what it means it's basic to if you're counseling under stress or something why is it feeling of anger towards the government yeah for some here we have and it doesn't say waste year it's washday uh who come in good Oh you Oh
Channel: Evan Bunkers
Views: 95,221
Rating: 4.7992072 out of 5
Keywords: native, america
Id: A3H2a7EwaCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2012
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