Pinas Sarap: Nakatikim ka na ba ng ubod ng saging?
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Views: 416,362
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Keywords: GMA, GMA Public Affairs, Pinas Sarap, Kara David, Pinas Sarap GMA, Pinas Sarap GMA News TV, Pinas Sarap 2018, Pinas Sarap June 7 2018, Pinas Sarap June 7, Pinas Sarap full episode, Pinas Sarap Kara David, Pinas Sarap Batanes, Pinas Sarap Batanes Part 2, Batanes food, Batanes food trip, Kara David food trip, Batanes, Ivatan, Ivatan food, Uvud, sinabawang uvud balls
Id: T7GljkxTY0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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