Pimpin’ Ken on the Passport Bros. Movement

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foreign [Music] but going to other countries and they're going over uh to get the women yeah yeah it's been lately been like a movement on social media and they've been talking about it a lot lately but we look at Tyler Perry you look at you know how black women are being uh parade as uh lovers of white men you know what I'm saying you see the disconnect in the black community you know everything has been you know attacked you know on on our on our community and a lot of brothers it's like you know because the sisters act so crazy it's like after sisters you know I'm saying I'm going over Thailand I'm going to the Philippines and some beautiful women you know women as dope man said they'll wash your feet clean your house everything for ten dollars because you go there you know with a thousand dollars and and you get treated like a king so it's just the women have lost their way and they don't have the respect and they'll have the uh the submission that they used to have you know because women got all the jobs they don't have to submit you know what I'm saying they don't the men is no longer The Breadwinner so him not being a breadwinner the woman I had to submit to him you know a lot of these brothers are saying you know forget this I'm gonna go over there give me a passport I'm gonna go yeah I'm gonna give me a beautiful young uh Thailand or a Filipino woman you know and white men are doing it as well you know what I'm saying me so you know that to me you're upsetting me if you can get you a young fine uh beautiful young lady that's that's down with you you know what I'm saying you had to go overseas and get it hey man do what you got to do right I agree and I feel like in this country like you said like the women a lot of time they feel like being submissive is like a bad word or something or they try to attribute it to like I'm not your dog or you know stuff like that like that's not what they mean but you know when you look at the Liberation movement in 1920 which is the same time around Susan biante at the same time yeah prohibition you know white women just wanted to get free they wanted to go and you know do their thing and you know send me and get out the house and they just want to be Housewives but when black women tuck it in the 1970s a lot of them took it as you know like hey I can do my own thing you know they're getting the best jobs you know uh affirmative action all these things was in their favor so now you're simply able to do all these things that they were able to do before at the expense of not you know respecting and not submitting to the black man you know what I'm saying you know that's why I went back in the 70s welfare was really big but but the the way to get welfare you couldn't have the black man in the household that the children even though he produced the children he couldn't be around the children if he did you lose your welfare right all these things are social engineering tactics in order to marginalize the community you know to to to to destroy a community and you know you can see you know the community being destroyed they have a lot to do with gentrification you know you look at the gentrification in our communities and the things that's happening you know all that is by Design you know once you deplete the community and you use intimate domain and you use Walmart and uh Walgreens that was there to come in to actually strip the community then you replace the dilapidated homes with luxury homes you know what I'm saying you know you get a situation where you know you're destroying the community and the men are going to jail and the women out here by themselves that's why you see a lot of interracial relationships because you know Society here being black men that's unfit them send me and so if you don't fit who gonna submit but that's deep yeah
Channel: TurtleMane
Views: 12,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PassportBros, Passport, Pimpin Ken, TurtleMane, Interview, Passport Bros, Ken Ivy, Travel, Women, Relationships, Romance, Pimp
Id: UpRMRDium_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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